65 research outputs found

    Fetishizing Food in Digital Age: #foodporn Around the World

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    International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2016International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2016What food is so good as to be considered pornographic? Worldwide, the popular #foodporn hashtag has been used to share appetizing pictures of peoples' favorite culinary experiences. But social scientists ask whether #foodporn promotes an unhealthy relationship with food, as pornography would contribute to an unrealistic view of sexuality. In this study, we examine nearly 10 million Instagram posts by 1.7 million users worldwide. An overwhelming (and uniform across the nations) obsession with chocolate and cake shows the domination of sugary dessert over local cuisines. Yet, we find encouraging traits in the association of emotion and health-related topics with #foodporn, suggesting food can serve as motivation for a healthy lifestyle. Social approval also favors the healthy posts, with users posting with healthy hashtags having an average of 1,000 more followers than those with unhealthy ones. Finally, we perform a demographic analysis which shows nation-wide trends of behavior, such as a strong relationship (r=0.51) between the GDP per capita and the attention to healthiness of their favorite food. Our results expose a new facet of food "pornography", revealing potential avenues for utilizing this precarious notion for promoting healthy lifestyles

    Synchronous Primary Tumors of the Kidney and Pancreas: Case Report

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    The simultaneous presence of primary carcinomas in the same patient is uncommon and synchronous primary tumors involving the kidney and pancreas are extremely rare. There are a few reports in the English literature of synchronous primary malignancies of the kidney and pancreas. We present a 62-year-old man who had weight loss of 9 kg and epigastric pain. Findings showed a Furhman grade II renal papillary carcinoma confined to the kidney and a synchronous well differentiated pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.Key Words: Synchronous double cancer, renal cell carcinoma, pancreatic carcinom

    Processing Spatial Keyword Query as a Top-k Aggregation Query

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    We examine the spatial keyword search problem to retrieve objects of interest that are ranked based on both their spatial proximity to the query location as well as the textual relevance of the object’s keywords. Existing solutions for the problem are based on either using a combination of textual and spatial indexes or using specialized hybrid indexes that integrate the indexing of both textual and spatial attribute values. In this paper, we propose a new approach that is based on modeling the problem as a top-k aggregation problem which enables the design of a scalable and efficient solution that is based on the ubiquitous inverted list index. Our performance study demonstrates that our approach outperforms the state-of-theart hybrid methods by a wide margin

    Performance of Coffea arabica F1 hybrids in agroforestry and full-sun cropping systems in comparison with American pure line cultivars

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    Coffea arabica F1 hybrids derived from crosses between wild Sudan-Ethiopian and American cultivars and propagated by somatic embryogenesis have been obtained in Central America. These new hybrids considerably enhanced the genetic diversity of coffee in the region. We conducted 15 trials to assess whether using hybrids represents substantial genetic progress in terms of productivity in agroforestry and full-sun cropping systems. The new germplasm was grown in the same conditions as the best American cultivar (homozygous pure lines). The results showed that yields of hybrids were earlier and superior to those of American cultivars. The hybrids were also more stable than the American cultivars in all environments. In the agroforestry system, the mean yield of hybrids was 58% higher than that of the American cultivars, while the mean yield of hybrids in the full-sun system was 34% higher. Coffee-based agroforestry systems (AS) are considered effective in protecting the environment in the volcanic cordilleras of Central America. We found that introducing hybrids in coffee-based AS can considerably increase productivity. This finding could be a convincing argument to encourage coffee growers who have adopted the full-sun cropping system to return to agroforestry cropping systems. Finally, the conditions for large-scale dissemination of those new hybrids—which represent a major innovation for C. arabica cropping—was analysed

    Fast neutrino flavor conversions in one-dimensional core-collapse supernova models with and without muon creation

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    In very dense environments, neutrinos can undergo fast flavor conversions on scales as short as a few centimeters provided that the angular distribution of the neutrino lepton number crosses zero. This work presents the first attempt to establish whether the non-negligible creation of muons in the core of supernovae can affect the occurrence of such crossings. For this purpose we employ state-of-the-art one-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulations, both in the presence and absence of muons creation. Although muon creation does not seem to modify significantly the conditions for the occurrence of fast modes, it allows for the existence of an interesting phenomenon, namely fast instabilities in the μ−τ\mu-\tau sector. We also show that crossings below the supernova shock are a relatively generic feature of one-dimensional simulations, which contrasts with the previous reports in the literature. Our results highlight the importance of multi-dimensional simulations with muon creation, where our results must be tested in the future

    On the characteristics of fast neutrino flavor instabilities in three-dimensional core-collapse supernova models

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    We assess the occurrence of fast neutrino flavor instabilities in two three-dimensional state-of-the-art core-collapse supernova simulations performed using a two-moment three-species neutrino transport scheme: one with an exploding 9M⊙\mathrm{M_{\odot}} and one with a non-exploding 20M⊙\mathrm{M_{\odot}} model. Apart from confirming the presence of fast instabilities occurring within the neutrino decoupling and the supernova pre-shock regions, we detect flavor instabilities in the post-shock region for the exploding model. These instabilities are likely to be scattering-induced. In addition, the failure in achieving a successful explosion in the heavier supernova model seems to seriously hinder the occurrence of fast instabilities in the post-shock region. This is a consequence of the large matter densities behind the stalled or retreating shock, which implies high neutrino scattering rates and thus more isotropic distributions of neutrinos and antineutrinos. Our findings suggest that the supernova model properties and the fate of the explosion can remarkably affect the occurrence of fast instabilities. Hence, a larger set of realistic hydrodynamical simulations of the stellar collapse is needed in order to make reliable predictions on the flavor conversion physics

    Flavor instabilities in the multiangle neutrino line model

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    Recommandations Formalisées d’Experts de l’Association Française de Psychiatrie Biologique et Neuropsychopharmacologie sur le dépistage et prise en charge du trouble bipolaire : mise à jour 2014

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    International audienceAs part of a process to improve the quality of care, the French Society for Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology developed in 2010 formal consensus guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder. The evolution of therapeutic options available in France for the treatment of bipolar disorder has justified the update of this guideline. The purpose of this work was to provide an updated and ergonomic document to promote its use by clinicians. This update focuses on two of the six thematic previously published (acute treatment and long-term treatment). Aspects of the treatment of bipolar patients sparking debate and questions of clinicians (use of antidepressant, place of the bitherapy, interest of long-acting antipsychotics…) were also covered. Finally, we proposed graded recommendations taking into account specifically the risk-benefit balance of each molecule

    Ferromagnetism in CdOX (X = Mn and N) with and without intrinsic point defects : A density functional theory

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    The purpose of this study is to further understanding of the structural, electronic, magnetic properties of CdO doped with transition metal (Mn) and non metal element (N). The calculations are performed by the developed full-potential augmented plane wave plus local orbitals method within the spin density functional theory. As exchange-correlation potential we used the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) form. Moreover, the electronic structure study for our compounds was performed with and without oxygen deficiency. We treated the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic states and we found that all compounds are stable in the ferromagnetic structure, and all doped materials CdO:Mn and CdO: N adopt the half metallic character. In addition, we notice that the oxygen vacancy destroyed the ferromagnetism in N doped CdO, while Mn doped CdO becomes semiconductor
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