669 research outputs found

    Voice breaking and its relation to body mass and testosterone level in the Siberian Crane (Leucogeranus leucogeranus)

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    Vocal development of cranes (Gruidae) has attracted scientifc interest due to its special stage, voice breaking. During voice breaking, chicks of diferent crane species produce calls with two fundamental frequencies that correspond to those in adult low-frequency and juvenile high-frequency vocalizations. However, triggers that afect voice breaking in cranes are mainly unknown. Here we studied the voice breaking in the Siberian Crane (Leucogeranus leucogeranus) and test its relation to the body mass and testosterone level. We analyzed 5846 calls, 39 body mass measurements and 60 blood samples from 11 Siberian Crane chicks in 8 ages from 2.5 to 18 months of life together with 90 body mass measurements and 61 blood samples from 24 Siberian Crane adults. The individual duration of voice breaking and dates of its onset, culmination and completion depended neither on the body mass nor on the testosterone level at various ages. But we found correlation between the testosterone level and mean deltas of percentages of the high and low frequency components in Siberian Crane calls between the closest recording sessions. We also observed some coincidence in time between the mean dates of voice breaking onset and the termination of body mass gain (at 7.5 months of age), and between the mean dates of voice breaking completion and the start of a new breeding season. Similar relations have been shown previously for some other crane species. We also showed for the frst time that the mean dates of voice breaking culmination correlated with the signifcant increase of the testosterone level (at 10.5 months of age). So, we suggest that voice breaking in cranes may be triggered by the end of chicks’ body growth, is stimulated by the increase of testosterone level and ends soon after adult cranes stop taking care of their chicks


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    Рассматриваются вопросы совершенствования эмоционального интеллекта студентов с помощью дисциплины «Артпедагогика»The issues of improving the emotional intelligence of students with the help of the discipline «Artpedagogy» are considere

    Some aspects of emotional sphere of student of engineering pedagogical faculty

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    The article deals with the emotional sphere of the student of the engineering and pedagogical faculty, which are significant for his further professional workРассматриваются показатели эмоциональной сферы студента инженерно-педагогического факультета, значимые для его дальнейшей профессиональной деятельност

    Complex therapy of chronic pancreatitis complicated by anxio-depressive disorders in railroad workers

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    The authors have found out negative impact of anxio-depressive disorders on the course of chronic pancreatitis with the development of stable pain syndrome, gastro-intestinal disorders, resistance to the performed pharmacotherapy, and decrease of reaction rate to presented stimul

    Kinematic instrumental analysis of the shoulder and elbow joint in normal conditions and with hypermobility of the joint in the gait cycle

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    Assess the functional state of the shoulder and elbow joints in normal conditions and with joint hypermobility syndrome (JHS) using the kinematic instrumental method of analyzing gai

    Distance Pedagogical Education in the Conditions of the Coronavirus

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    The relevance of the study is due to the problem of finding optimal solutions for organizing training sessions, the need to form the personality of a teacher in a difficult social and pedagogical situation. The leading research method is a pedagogical experiment on the organization of distance learning for students, the method of theoretical substantiation of the formation of the "Digital Educational Ecosystem" project, the method of practical implementation of the digital environment in work with educational organizations and schoolchildren. This article presents practical solutions for organizing training sessions, pedagogical practices, conducting state final certification through the use of interactive educational platforms, social networks, and instant messengers. An equally significant result of the study is the educational component of the formation of a future teacher in a difficult social situation

    Teacher Education in Higher Education Systems during Pandemic and the Synergy of Digital Technology

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    In the modern world of education, the level of digital technology development plays a decisive role in the competitiveness of educational institutions. The transition to digital education is considered a key driving force for the development of any university. In recent years, pedagogical universities have made tangible progress in many areas of digital development. However, the introduction of digital technologies (DT) in the educational process reached its peak during the pandemic. This study aims to identify the distinctive features in the work of a teacher at a pedagogical university during the pandemic. The study revealed the following: the doubts of the teachers with no e-learning experience; didactically effective digital technologies in the educational process, the combined use of which ensures the synergistic effectiveness of e-learning; students’ attitude towards the quality of the e-learning process during the pandemic. Given the identified problems and positive aspects, the results of the study can be used to further develop a strategy for the digitalization of teacher education. The study proved that effective digitalization of the educational process is possible under the condition of cooperative and systematic work of all participants