92 research outputs found

    Mathematical simulation of package delivery optimization using a combination of carriers

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    A variety of goods and services in the contemporary world requires permanent improvement of services e-commerce platform performance. Modern society is so deeply integrated with mail deliveries, purchasing of goods and services online, that makes competition between service and good providers a key selection factor. As long as logistic, timely, and cost-effective delivery plays important part authors decided to analyze possible ways of improvements in the current field, especially for regions distantly located from popular distribution centers. Considering both: fast and lazy delivery the factor of costs is playing an important role for each end-user. Given work proposes a simulation that analyses the current cost of delivery for e-commerce orders in the context of delivery by the Supplier Fleet, World-Wide delivery service fleet, and possible vendor drop-ship and checks of the alternative ways can be used to minimize the costs. The main object of investigation is focused around mid and small businesses living far from big distribution centers (except edge cases like lighthouses, edge rocks with very limited accessibility) but actively using e-commerce solutions for daily activities fulfillment. Authors analyzed and proposed a solution for the problem of cost optimization for packages delivery for long-distance deliveries using a combination of paths delivered by supplier fleets, worldwide and local carriers. Data models and Add-ons of contemporary Enterprise Resource Planning systems were used, and additional development is proposed in the perspective of the flow selection change. The experiment is based on data sources of the United States companies using a wide range of carriers for delivery services and uses the data sources of the real companies; however, it applies repetitive simulations to analyze variances in obtained solutions


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    Today, more than 11.2 million young people live in Ukraine, which is 27% of the country’s population. However, in search of work and a better life, a large number of young and qualified professionals often leave communities. That is why it is important that local communities, at the stage of unification, identify a system of incentives that would help stop the migration of young people from small settlements. Decentralization of power is already significantly changing our country, the transfer of new powers and financial resources to the field has increased the capacity of communities and they are becoming stronger and more successful. However, such development is not characterized by the stability of processes. As a result, some of the united territorial communities barely make ends meet, while others receive large incomes. And many communities have never decided to volunteer.According to the results of the analysis of the availability of suchdocuments on the websites of RTC of Rivne region, most territorialcommunities do not have approved development strategies, socio-economic development programs and youth development programs. Of the total number of OTGs in Rivne region, only 20% have development strategies and only 18% of strategies have strategic and operational goals related to youth policy.The implementation of an effective youth policy in the context ofdecentralization is possible only if the efforts of the executive authorities,local governments and youth representation are combined. According to the results of the analysis, there are only 4 youth centers (Bugaivska RTC, Krychylska RTC, Malynska RTC, Shpanivska RTC) and 12 registered public organizations in the rural communities of Rivne region. These data indicate a low level of development of youth infrastructure, which negatively affects the creation of a favorable environment in communities for informal development of young people, including leisure, communication, communication platforms, and youth exchange programs. To better understand the development of youth policy, we conducted a survey of young people aged 18 to 21 living in rural communities. The sample is formed by a random method of selection, so that the selection of respondents from the general population was carried out at random. This made it possible to adhere to the principle of equal opportunity to be included in the sample for all units of the general population. The sample size is 92 people.The development of an effective youth policy in the context of decentralization is possible only if the efforts of the executive, localgovernments and youth are combined and coordinated. However, according to the interviewed young people, the local authorities do not always take their opinion into account when making decisions related to the development of RTC. Of the total number of respondents, only 8% say that young people participate in the socio-economic development of the community.В статье исследовано развитие молодежной политики в сельских общинах Ровенской области. Проанализировано наличие стратегических документов на официальных сайтах сельских ОТО Ровенской области.Выявлено, что только 18% ОТО имеют программы развития молодежи. На основе опроса установлено, что во многих общинах отсутствуютмероприятия для развития молодежи и не учитывается мнениемолодежи в социально-экономическом развитии общины.У статті досліджено розвиток молодіжної політики у сільських громадах Рівненської області. Проаналізовано наявність стратегічних документів на офіційних сайтах сільських ОТГ Рівненської області.Виявлено, що тільки 18% ОТГ мають програми розвитку молоді. На основі опитування встановлено, що в багатьох громадах відсутні заходи для розвитку молоді та не враховується думка молоді у соціально-економічному розвитку громади

    Застосування CDIO-підходу в технічних університетах

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    The article considers the issue of modern engineering training with the use of CDIO-approach (Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operation) aimed to balance the training goals with the practice of teaching at higher technical institutions. Modern pedagogical technologies and innovative teaching methods enable to create such an education medium where the students will obtain profound knowledge, manage the process of designing and exploiting new items and systems, understand the impact of the scientific-technological process on the society. The article also considers various approaches to developing new practice-targeted programs and methods of creating a special education medium. The abilities of students' engineering thinking are a link between university training and professional activity. Future specialists must not only be able to develop and produce engineering systems, but also combine the knowledge of natural and technical sciences to come up with innovative ideas, have a command of professional ethics and understand the principles of business.У статті розглядається питання сучасної інженерної підготовки із застосуванням CDIO-підходу (задумування, проектування, впровадження та функціонування), спрямованого на збалансування навчальних цілей з практикою викладання у вищих технічних закладах. Сучасні педагогічні технології та інноваційні методи навчання дозволяють створити такий навчальний засіб, де студенти отримають глибокі знання, керуватимуть процесом проектування та використання нових предметів та систем, розумітимуть вплив науково-технологічного процесу на суспільство. У статті також розглядаються різні підходи до розробки нових цільових програм та методи створення спеціального середовища освіти. Здібності інженерного мислення студентів є сполучною ланкою між навчанням в університеті та професійною діяльністю. Майбутні спеціалісти повинні не тільки вміти розробляти та виробляти інженерні системи, а й поєднувати знання природничих та технічних наук, щоб придумувати інноваційні ідеї, володіти професійною етикою та розуміти принципи бізнесу

    Superoutburst of a New Sub-Period-Minimum Dwarf Nova CSS130418 in Hercules

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    Multicolour photometry of a new dwarf nova CSS130418 in Hercules, which underwent superoutburst on April 18, 2013, allow to classified it as a WZ Sge-type dwarf nova. The phase light curves for different stages of superoutburst are presented. The early superhumps were used to determine the orbital period Porb = 64.84(1) minutes, which is shorter than the period minimum ~78 minutes for normal hydrogen-rich cataclysmic variables. We found the mean period of ordinary superhumps Psh = 65.559(1) minutes. The quiescent spectrum is rich in helium, showing double peaked emissionlines of H I and He I from accretion disk, so the dwarf nova is in a late stage of stellar evolution

    Autoantibody Response to ZRF1 and KRR1 SEREX Antigens in Patients with Breast Tumors of Different Histological Types and Grades

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    © 2016 Lada Dyachenko et al.Purpose. To investigate a frequency of antibody response to SEREX-identified medullary breast carcinoma autoantigens ZRF1 and KRR1 in sera of breast cancer patients taking into account clinical and molecular characteristics of tumors for opening of new perspectives in creation of minimally invasive immunological tests for cancer diagnostics. Methods. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and bioinformatics analysis. Results. Increased frequency of antibody response was found in sera of breast cancer patients to ZRF and KRR1 antigens. The antibody response to these antigens was higher in sera of patients with invasive ductal carcinoma than in sera of patients with other histological types of breast tumors. Moreover, more frequent antibody response to ZRF antigen was found in sera of patients with less aggressive tumors. The sequence analysis of ZRF1 antigen SEREX clones obtained from cDNA libraries of different tumors demonstrates that they encode different protein isoforms. Conclusion. Tumor-associated antigens KRR1 and ZRF1 and their cognate autoantibodies could be considered as potential molecular markers of breast cancer which need to be further investigated

    Sticky bubbles

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    We discuss the physical forces that are required to remove an air bubble immersed in a liquid from a corner. This is relevant for inkjet printing technology, as the presence of air bubbles in the channels of a printhead perturbs the jetting of droplets. A simple strategy to remove the bubble is to ush the ink past the bubble by providing a high pressure pulse. In this report we rst compute the viscous drag forces that such a ow exerts on the bubble. Then, we compare this to the \sticking forces" on the bubble, due to the capillary interaction with the wall. From this we can estimate the required ow velocities for bubble removal, as a function of channel geometry, contact angle and ink properties. Finally, we investigate other ways to exert a force on a trapped bubble. In particular we focus on forces induced by electric elds which can alter the contact angle of the drop, or by locally applying thermal gradients. Once again, these forces are compared to the sticking forces to identify the parameters where the bubble can be removed

    Исследование влияния вакуум-плазмовых покрытий на логарифмический декремент колебаний

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    В роботі наведенo результати експериментального дослідження впливу вакуум-плазмових покриттів на характеристики розсіювання енергії в матеріалі зразків, виконаних з інструментальної сталі Р6М5. Виявлено зниження декремента коливань зразків з модифікованою поверхнею.Отримані результати відповідають представленням про те, що логарифмічний декремент коливань є характеристикою, що залежить від стану поверхні зразків.The results of the experimental investigation of the PVD-films at the dissipation characteristics of stainless steel Р6М5. That surface coating leads to the decreasing of logarithmic decrement of the samples oscillation it is shown. The results agree with notion that logarithmic decrement oscillation depends on surface state of the samples is obtained.В работе приведены результаты экспериментального исследования влияния вакуум-плазменных покрытий на характеристики рассеяния энергии в материале образцов, выполненных из инструментальной стали Р6М5. Обнаружено снижение декремента колебаний образцов с модифицированной поверхностью. Полученные результаты соответствуют представлениям о том, что логарифмический декремент колебаний является характеристикой, зависящей от состояния поверхности образцов


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    A complex proposed by us: operative technique that “preserves stems of the saphenous veins”, miniphlebectomy by Muller, tumescent anesthesia for surgical treatment in outpatient setting of gerontological patients with lower extremity varicose veins of the functional class С5-6 Sep. As 2.3.4, p17.18 Pr according to СЕАР classification with lower extremity venous stasis ulcers of an area up to 10 cm2 in one stage that allowed to get a positive result in 6 months in all 78 postoperative patients: in 56 (71,8 %)  postoperative patients – good, and in 22 (28.8 %) – satisfactory.Предложен комплекс: оперативную технику, “консервирует стволы сафенових вен”, мини-флебэктомию за Мюллером, тумесцентну анестезию для хирургического лечения в амбулаторных условиях геронтологических пациентов с варикозной болезни нижних конечностей функционального класса С5-6 Sep. As 2.3.4, p17.18 Pr по классификации СЕАР с трофическими язвами нижних конечностей площадью до 10 см2 в один этап, что позволило получить через 6 месяцев во всех 78 оперированных пациентов положительный результат: у 56 (71,8 %) больных – хороший, а в 22 (28,8 %) – удовлетворительное.Запропоновано комплекс: оперативну техніку, що “консервує стовбури сафенових вен”, міні-флебектомію за Мюллером, тумесцентну анестезію для хірургічного лікування в амбулаторних умовах геронтологічних пацієнтів із варикозній хворобі нижніх кінцівок функціонального класу С5-6 Sep. As 2.3.4, p17.18 Pr  за класифікацією СЕАР з трофічними виразками нижніх кінцівок площею до 10 см2 в один етап, що дозволило отримати через 6 місяців у всіх 78 оперованих пацієнтів позитивний результат: у 56 (71,8 %) хворих – добрий, а в 22 (28,8 %) – задовільний

    A faint optical flash in dust-obscured GRB 080603A - implications for GRB prompt emission mechanisms

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    We report the detection of a faint optical flash by the 2-m Faulkes Telescope North simultaneously with the second of two prompt gamma-ray pulses in INTEGRAL gamma-ray burst (GRB) 080603A, beginning at t_rest = 37 s after the onset of the GRB. This optical flash appears to be distinct from the subsequent emerging afterglow emission, for which we present comprehensive broadband radio to X-ray light curves to 13 days post-burst and rigorously test the standard fireball model. The intrinsic extinction toward GRB 080603A is high (A_V,z = 0.8 mag), and the well-sampled X-ray-to-near-infrared spectral energy distribution is interesting in requiring an LMC2 extinction profile, in contrast to the majority of GRBs. Comparison of the gamma-ray and extinction-corrected optical flux densities of the flash rules out an inverse-Compton origin for the prompt gamma-rays; instead, we suggest that the optical flash could originate from the inhomogeneity of the relativistic flow. In this scenario, a large velocity irregularity in the flow produces the prompt gamma-rays, followed by a milder internal shock at a larger radius that would cause the optical flash. Flat gamma-ray spectra, roughly F propto nu^-0.1, are observed in many GRBs. If the flat spectrum extends down to the optical band in GRB 080603A, the optical flare could be explained as the low-energy tail of the gamma-ray emission. If this is indeed the case, it provides an important clue to understanding the nature of the emission process in the prompt phase of GRBs and highlights the importance of deep (R> 20 mag), rapid follow-up observations capable of detecting faint, prompt optical emission.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, accepted to MNRA