6,168 research outputs found

    Topical Issues in Environmental Finance

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    The purposes of this paper are to illustrate some practical examples of environmental finance situations; demonstrate that all of these situations could benefit from environmental economics and its insights; and, suggest some specific topics in environmental finance that might be of interest to researchers.Environmental finance

    New iterative method for three-dimensional eddy-current problems

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    Author name used in this publication: Eric Ka-Wai Cheng2001-2002 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Coordinate Bethe Ansatz for Spin s XXX Model

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    We compute the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the periodic integrable spin s XXX model using the coordinate Bethe ansatz. To do so, we compute explicitly the Hamiltonian of the model. These results generalize what has been obtained for spin 1/2 and spin 1 chains

    Molecular Profiling and Antibiotic Resistance of Salmonella Enterica Subsp. Enterica Isolated from Indigenous Ulam and Poultry Meat

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    Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica formed the major group that represents nearly 60% of the salmonellae. Salmonella organisms emerged as a public health problem in many countries as salmonellosis has become the most prevalent foodborne disease worldwide. It has been estimated that approximately 1.4 million cases were reported annually in the developed nations such as USA. In Malaysia, of 8,640 cases of food poisoning reported by the Ministry of Health for the year 1999, 811 (9.4%) were due to Salmonella. The purpose of this study was to characterize and study Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (S. enterica) using multiple antimicrobial resistance and several molecular typing methods including plasmid profiling, PCR-RFLP, RAPD, ERIC-PCR and Multiplex PCR on antibiotic resistant gene. The isolate were recovered from poultry meat (55), four types of indigenous vegetables namely ‘selom’ (Oenanthe stolonifera) (59), ‘pegaga’ (Centella asiatica) (20), ‘kesum’ (Polygonum minus) (41), ‘kangkong’ (Ipomoea aquatica) (14) and processed food (11).Genomic DNA of the 200 S. enterica isolates belonging to 43 different serovars were recovered from poultry meat, various indigenous vegetables and processed food was confirmed by specific and duplex PCR targeting the iroB gene that yielded 443 bp and 606 bp amplicons. The PCR amplification of iroB gene is a rapid and reliable method for distinguishing between S. enterica and other bacterial species. Plasmids of S. enterica varied in sizes from 2 to more than 200 kb. Despite limited knowledge on their function, their presence is frequently used for strain differentiation in epidemiological studies. Plasmid profiling on the 200 S. enterica isolates demonstrated high discriminatory capability for serovars differentiation in this study that was clustered into 70 groups based on the number and pattern of the bands. One of the amplification based techniques used in this study for molecular characterization was PCR-RFLP that incorporated PCR of iroB1, iroB2 and restriction digest with BglII and AluI to determine the relatedness of bacterial strains. Results obtained showed that PCR-RFLP has excellent typeablity but low discriminatory power due to its inability to produce different banding patterns. ERIC sequences are short, highly conserved 126 bp non-coding regions found in the Enterobacteriaceae. Its location in bacterial genomes allows discrimination at the genus, species and serovars levels. RAPD is an amplification-based technique using arbitrary primers to detect changes in the DNA sequence at the sites in the genome and enable the discrimination of samples according to sources and serovars. Dendrogram of RAPD and ERIC-PCR were analyzed and comparisons made using BioNumerics gel analysis software (Applied Maths, Kortrijk, Belgium). Among the 200 isolates of S. enterica, RAPD with arbitrary primers OPAR02, OPAR17 and OPAR19 generated 47 clusters and 13 single isolates whereas ERIC-PCR with primers ERIC-1 and ERIC-2 produced 46 clusters and 12 single isolates at 60% similarity level with discriminatory index (D) of 0.9726 and 0.9606 respectively. Composite analysis of RAPD and ERIC-PCR profiling simultaneously produced 50 clusters and 18 single isolates at 60% similarity level with highest discriminatory index of 0.9824. These results demonstrated that composite analysis of RAPD (OPAR02, OPAR17 and OPAR19) together with ERIC-PCR are a better tool for differentiation and characterization of S. enterica as compared to a single method approach. The multiplex PCR targeted three different antibiotic resistance genes that was used to detect TEM, PSE-1 and cmlA/tetR genes segment encoding resistance towards ampicillin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline, respectively which could reduce labour and cost in analysis of a large number of isolates. Subsequently antimicrobial resistance was performed using disc diffusion method with a selection of 13 different antimicrobial agents. Total of 66 profiles were generated and multiple antimicrobial resistance (MAR) analysis indicated poultry meat still remains as the main reservoir for multi drug resistant Salmonella. In contrast, six isolates from the indigenous vegetables showed the highest MAR index (0.69). This might be due to animal waste fertilizer, irrigation water, contaminated container and improper handling of food by human that contributed to be the sources of Salmonella contamination of vegetables. Further investigations need to be conducted to determine if Salmonella isolates in recovered from indigenous vegetables were gaining more antimicrobial resistance. The characterization of MAR enabled the determination of antimicrobial patterns and trends in Salmonella from poultry meat and indigenous vegetables in Malaysia. As a conclusion, the results from this study could provide valuable information on the epidemiology and drug resistance trends of S. enterica, and hence contribute towards better surveillance and infection control measures as well as improved public health policy

    Pengembangan Modul Berbasis Simas Eric pada Materi Sistem Reproduksi untuk SMA Kelas XI

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    One of the causes of the low learning motivation of students is the low level of adequate learning resources. The right solution to reduce this problem is by developing interactive teaching materials such as learning modules. Developing Simas eric based modules on reproductive system materials suitable for use in biology learning is the aim of this research. The method used in this study is a 3D model adapted from the 4D model consisting of define, design, development, and disseminate. The percentage of the feasibility of Simas eric-based biology modules is obtained from material experts by 90% and the feasibility percentage of Simas eric-based biology modules is obtained from media experts by 98% with very good assessment criteria and very valid categories or can be used without revision, and it is concluded that module-based development Simas eric on reproductive system material is seen from the level of validity, which is very feasible to be applied in the learning process

    Scaling Deep Learning on GPU and Knights Landing clusters

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    The speed of deep neural networks training has become a big bottleneck of deep learning research and development. For example, training GoogleNet by ImageNet dataset on one Nvidia K20 GPU needs 21 days. To speed up the training process, the current deep learning systems heavily rely on the hardware accelerators. However, these accelerators have limited on-chip memory compared with CPUs. To handle large datasets, they need to fetch data from either CPU memory or remote processors. We use both self-hosted Intel Knights Landing (KNL) clusters and multi-GPU clusters as our target platforms. From an algorithm aspect, current distributed machine learning systems are mainly designed for cloud systems. These methods are asynchronous because of the slow network and high fault-tolerance requirement on cloud systems. We focus on Elastic Averaging SGD (EASGD) to design algorithms for HPC clusters. Original EASGD used round-robin method for communication and updating. The communication is ordered by the machine rank ID, which is inefficient on HPC clusters. First, we redesign four efficient algorithms for HPC systems to improve EASGD's poor scaling on clusters. Async EASGD, Async MEASGD, and Hogwild EASGD are faster \textcolor{black}{than} their existing counterparts (Async SGD, Async MSGD, and Hogwild SGD, resp.) in all the comparisons. Finally, we design Sync EASGD, which ties for the best performance among all the methods while being deterministic. In addition to the algorithmic improvements, we use some system-algorithm codesign techniques to scale up the algorithms. By reducing the percentage of communication from 87% to 14%, our Sync EASGD achieves 5.3x speedup over original EASGD on the same platform. We get 91.5% weak scaling efficiency on 4253 KNL cores, which is higher than the state-of-the-art implementation


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    AbstrackMeningkatnya anggaran militer China lebih dari satu dekade terakhir ini menyebabkanterjadinya instabilitas di kawasan Asia Timur. Hal ini terutama disebabkan karena Jepangmerasa terancam dengan strategi China dan karenanya Jepang melakukan perubahanterhadap kebijakan pertahanannya. Jepang yang memiliki masalah perbatasan denganChina di sekitar Laut Timur, beranggapan bahwa modernisasi persenjataan China,terutama yang dilakukan terhadap armada lautnya, bukan ditujukan utk menciptakanstabilitas keamanan kawasan namun sebaliknya, menimbulkan ancaman bagi Jepang dannegara tetangga lainnya. Sebagai reaksi terhadap kebijakan pertahanan China tersebut,Jepang, di samping tetap menikmati kerjasama pertahanan dengan Amerika Serikat, telahmemutuskan untuk merubah postur pertahanannya dan meningkatkan anggaran belanjamiliternya. Meskipun terlalu dini untuk menyatakan akan terjadi perang antara Jepangdan China, namun dinamika yang terjadi pada keduanya menimbulkan persepsi yangberagam bagi negara-negara di kawasan Asia Timur, namun yang paling mencolok adalahmeningkatnya perasaan terancam yang akan mengarah pada security dilemma (dilemakeamanan).Kata kunci: Modernisasi pertahanan, Instabilitas, Dilema keamana