562,840 research outputs found

    Il-qima ta' Ġunone u l-Knisja ta' Santa Maria della Porta

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    Ġunone kienet meqjuma f’dawn il-gżejjer sa minn żmien il-Feniċi. Il-kittieba jgħidu li kienu waqqfulha maqdes fuq il-għolja fejn illum jinsab Sant’Anġlu. L-awtur jgħid li meta saru t-tiswijiet fil-bini tal-Imdina, kellha tinħatt ukoll fuq il-Knisja ta’ Santa Maria della Porta. Fejn kienet din il-knisja saret biċċa mill-bitħa tal-Palazz Maisterjali li llum hu magħruf bħala Connaught Hospital. Din l-informazzjoni joħodha minn dak li sab fl-arkivji G. Darmanin-Demajo.N/

    Il-fjuretti ta' S. Franġisk

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    Il-Fjuretti ta’ San Franġisk jittrattaw dwar il-ħajja ta’ San Franġisk u tal-ewwel dixxiplu tiegħu. Dawn il-fjuretti huma traduzzjoni bit-Taljan u li l-oriġinal tagħhom inkitbu bil-Latin ftit wara l-1322.N/

    Three Li-rich K giants: IRAS 12327-6523, IRAS 13539-4153, and IRAS 17596-3952

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    We report on spectroscopic analyses of three K giants previously suggested to be Li-rich: IRAS 12327-6523, IRAS 13539-4153, and IRAS 17596-3952. High-resolution optical spectra and the LTE model atmospheres are used to derive the stellar parameters: (TeffT_{\rm eff}, log gg, [Fe/H]), elemental abundances, and the isotopic ratio 12^{12}C/13^{13}C. IRAS 13539-4153 shows an extremely high Li abundance of logϵ\log\epsilon(Li) \approx 4.2, a value ten times more than the present Li abundance in the local interstellar medium. This is the third highest Li abundance yet reported for a K giant. IRAS 12327-6523 shows a Li abundances of logϵ\log\epsilon(Li)\approx 1.4. IRAS 17596-3952 is a rapidly rotating (VsiniV{\sin i} \approx 35 km s1^{-1}) K giant with logϵ\log\epsilon(Li) \approx 2.2. Infrared photometry which shows the presence of an IR excess suggesting mass-loss. A comparison is made between these three stars and previously recognized Li-rich giants.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for A

    Boron-10 loaded inorganic shielding material

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    Shielding material containing Boron 10 and gadoliunium for neutron absorption has been developed to reduce interference from low energy neutrons in measurement of fission neutron spectrum using Li-6 fast neutron spectrometer

    O(s) meu(s) livro(s).

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    O título desta sub-secção, que decidimos abrir, começa por ser, para mim, problemático. Porque muitos foram os livros da minha vida. Particularmente, na minha adolescência e juventude, em que, autenticamente, me assumi como consumidora activa e "devoradora" de livros. Muito li nessa época, umas vezes por obrigação, (escola, a quanto obrigas!), a maior parte das vezes por prazer e fruição

    NMR and LDA evidence for spiral magnetic order in the chain cuprate LiCu2O2

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    We report on {6,7}Li nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the spin-chain compound LiCu2O2 in the paramagnetic and magnetically ordered states. Below T about 24 K the NMR lineshape presents a clear signature of incommensurate (IC) static modulation of the local magnetic field consistent with an IC spiral modulation of the magnetic moments. {7}Li NMR reveals strong phason-like dynamical fluctuations extending well below 24 K. We hypothesize that a series of phase transitions at 24.2, 22.5, and 9 K reflects a "Devil's staircase" type behavior generic for IC systems. LDA based calculations of exchange integrals reveal a large in-chain frustration leading to a magnetical spiral.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Two-species mixture of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases

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    We have produced a macroscopic quantum system in which a Li-6 Fermi sea coexists with a large and stable Na-23 Bose-Einstein condensate. This was accomplished using inter-species sympathetic cooling of fermionic Li-6 in a thermal bath of bosonic Na-23