318 research outputs found


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    Efeito da acupuntura na melhora da dor, sono e qualidade de vida em pacientes fibromiálgicos: estudo preliminar

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    Fibromyalgia is a syndrome defined by chronic widespread pain and sensitivity to pressure at at least 11 of 18 tender points. The aim of this random blind clinical trial was to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture on pain relief, on quality of sleep and life in fibromyalgia patients. From 20 female fibromyalgic patients (diagnosed according to the American College of Rheumatology), mean aged 44 years, 12 completed the study, randomly assigned into two groups: group A (GA, n=5) received acupuncture according to the traditional Chinese medicine; and group B (GB, n=7) received acupuncture at eight tender points: at the occiput, trapezius muscle, supraspinatus muscle, and lateral epicondyle. Pain was assessed by a visual analogue scale and by dolorimetry; quality of life, by the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ); and sleep, by the Post Sleep Inventory. Both groups received acupuncture once a week for eight weeks, with insertion of eight needles for 25 minutes. Data were statistically analysed and significance level set at ±=0.05. Results show significant sleep improvement in GA; and, in GB, lesser pain as detected by VAS, higher pain threshold on tender points, better sleep and improvement in FIQ items pain, morning tiredness, anxiety, and depression (pA fibromialgia é uma síndrome definida por dor crônica generalizada e em pelo menos 11 dos 18 tender points, pontos dolorosos específicos. Este ensaio clínico randômico visou verificar a eficácia da acupuntura na melhora da dor, sono e qualidade de vida de pacientes fibromiálgicas. Dentre 20 mulheres com média de idade 44 anos, com diagnóstico de fibromialgia segundo critérios do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia, finalizaram o estudo 12, distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: A (GA, n=5), que recebeu acupuntura segundo a medicina tradicional chinesa; e B (GB, n=7), que teve a inserção de agulhas nos tender points base do occipital, trapézio, supraespinhoso e epicôndilo lateral. A dor foi avaliada por escala visual analógica e dolorimetria; o sono, pelo Inventário do Sono; e a qualidade de vida, pelo Questionário de Impacto da Fibromialgia (QIF). Os grupos receberam acupuntura uma vez por semana, durante oito semanas, com inserção de oito agulhas por 25 minutos. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente, adotando-se o nível de significância ±=0,05. No GA, houve melhora estatisticamente significante do sono; e no GB, na dor, limiar de dor nos tender points, no sono e nos itens do QIF dor, cansaço matinal, ansiedade e depressão (

    Seroconversion in asymptomatic COVID-19 pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases of one tertiary referral hospital

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    Objectives: To evaluate seroconverted asymptomatic COVID-19 in pediatric Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases (ARDs) patients and to identify the risk factors related to contagion. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in March 2021, before vaccination of children and adolescents in Brazil, including 77 pediatric ARDs patients, followed at a tertiary hospital and 45 healthy controls, all of them without a previous diagnosis of COVID-19. Data was obtained by a questionnaire with demographic data, symptoms compatible with COVID-19 over the previous year, and contact with people with confirmed COVID-19. Patient's medical records were reviewed to access data regarding disease and current medications. A qualitative immunochromatographic SARS-CoV-2 test was performed on all participants. Results: Patients and controls were similar in terms of female gender (70.1% vs. 57.8%, p = 0.173), age (14 vs. 13 years, p = 0.269) and SARS-CoV-2 positive serology (22% vs. 15.5%, p = 0.481). 80.5% of rheumatic patients were in use of immunosuppressive drugs: 27.3% of them used corticosteroids (33.3% in high doses), and 7.8% on immunobiologicals. No statistical differences were found between positive (n = 17) and negative serology (n = 60) patients regarding demographic/socioeconomic data, contact with people with confirmed COVID-19, use and number of immunosuppressive drugs, use and dose of corticosteroids, use of hydroxychloroquine and immunobiological drugs (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Pediatric rheumatic disease patients were infected at the same rate as healthy ones. Neither the underlying pathology nor its immunosuppressive treatment seemed to interfere with contagion risk

    Preparation of robust polyamide microcapsules by interfacial polycondensation of p-phenylenediamine and sebacoyl chloride and plasticization with oleic acid

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    Microcapsules produced by interfacial polycondensation of p-phenylenediamine (PPD) and sebacoyl chloride (SC) were studied. The products were characterized in terms of morphology, mean diameter and effectiveness of dodecane encapsulation. The use of Tween 20 as dispersion stabilizer, in comparison with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), reduced considerably the mean diameter of the microcapsules and originated smoother wall surfaces. When compared to ethylenediamine (EDA), microcapsules produced with PPD monomer were more rigid and brittle, prone to fracture during processing and ineffective retention of the core liquid. The use of diethylenetriamine (DETA) cross-linker in combination with PPD did not decrease capsule fragility. On the other hand, addition of a small fraction of oleic acid to the organic phase remarkably improved wall toughness and lead to successful encapsulation of the core-oil. Oleic acid is believed to act as a plasticizer. Its incorporation in the polymeric wall was demonstrated by FTIR and (1)H-NMR.This work was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors (COMPETE), ON.2 – O Novo Norte – North Portugal Regional Operational Programme and National Funds through Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the projects: PEst-C/EQB/UI0511, NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000026 – RL1_ Energy and PTDC/CTM-NAN/119979/2010. The Bruker Avance III 400 spectrometer is part of the National NMR network and was purchased under the framework of the National Programme for Scientific Reequipment, REDE/1517/RMN/2005, with funds from POCI 2010 (FEDER) and (FCT). Joana R. Góis acknowledges FCT-MCTES for her PhD scholarship (SFRH/BD/69635/2010)

    O Papel do ensino do português como língua estrangeira na defesa do multicultarismo

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    As política actuais existentes a nível oficial para a implementação e defesa do ensino da Língua Portuguesa como Língua Estrangeira (L. E.) na Europa e no resto do mundo levam-nos a pensar que são, sobretudo, os casos isolados de leitores portugueses pioneiros, inspirados e marginais que na sua missão individual e afastada lutam pela implementação e defesa desta língua nos seus países de acolhimento. Segundo Volfgram, “cabe ensinar a alguns que o multiculturalismo não está apenas na teoria e sim ao nosso redor, nos elevando realmente à condição de seres humanos” (2005), e o mesmo é dizer que o multiculturalismo começa nas suas bases pela aprendizagem desinteressada e não interesseira das crianças na sua mais tenra idade. Não é impunemente que em países multiculturais como a Bélgica, a Língua Portuguesa ensinada como segunda língua ou como língua estrangeira desempenha um papel preponderante na defesa e na preservação do Português e, em simultâneo, pugna pela defesa incontestável da necessidade incontornável que o multiculturalismo é hoje. É indubitável que a luta contra a xenofobia, a luta pela tolerância e o respeito mútuo, bem como o diálogo profícuo biunívoco não podem sobreviver actualmente sem uma consciencialização da importância das línguas minoritárias, da crioulização, da relação com as línguas maioritárias e da conquista da defesa do multiculturalismo hic et nunc. Abordando algumas opiniões avisadas, esperamos trazer à discussão temas importantes, tais como, a necessidade de articulação de políticas de difusão da língua portuguesa na Europa e no Mundo concertadamente com o Brasil e outros Países Lusófonos, a necessidade de implementação de medidas concretas no terreno para defesa da Língua de Camões fora de Portugal, a sobrevivência do Português que embora sendo minoritária na Europa é uma das línguas mais faladas no mundo, a necessidade da consciencialização para a crescente importância geo-estratégica do Português paralelamente com o recrudescimento do multiculturalismo à escala global

    Caracterização e geocronologia SHRIMP U-Pb em zircão das rochas subvulcânicas do sistema pórfiro Yarumalito, Distrito de Marmato, Colômbia

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    The mining District of Marmato, located in the Central Cordillera, is considered one of the oldest gold districts in Colombia and its exploration dates back to the Inca’s times, being exploited regularly for more than a thousand years. Inserted in this context lies the Yarumalito porphyry system (YPS), characterized to concentrate ore in structure related veins and stockworks. The YPS is related to the Miocene magmatism of the Combia Formation. In this paper, the subvolcanic rocks directly associated with the mineralized zones were described in order to obtain U-Pb ages in zircon to the intrusions. Selected samples from two fertile intrusions, one andesitic (more abundant in the area) and other dioritic (more restricted), were carefully described and dated by SHRIMP. The results points to a very restricted interval for the ages, with weighted average 206Pb/238U varying from 7,00 ± 0,15 Ma for the andesitic porphyry and 6.95 ± 0.16 Ma for the dioritic porphyry. These results constrain the Yarumalito system to the final stages of the Combia magmatism and suggest a brief period for the crystallization of the mineralized subvolcanic rocks in the area and in the Marmato District.O Distrito Mineiro de Marmato, localizado na Cordilheira Central Andina, é considerado um dos mais antigos da Colômbia e as atividades de extração de ouro remontam à época dos Incas, tendo sido explorado de forma intermitente há mais de mil anos. Inserido neste contexto encontra-se o sistema pórfiro Yarumalito (SPY), caracterizado por concentrar minério em veios controlados por estruturas e stockworks. O sistema ígneo é relacionado ao magmatismo mioceno da Formação Combia. Neste trabalho foram descritas as rochas subvulcânicas diretamente relacionadas às zonas mineralizadas do SPY com o objetivo de caracterizar as intrusões e realizar datação através do método U-Pb em zircão. Amostras selecionadas de duas intrusões férteis, uma andesítica (mais abundante na área) e outra diorítica (de ocorrência mais restrita) com características intrusivas na primeira, foram criteriosamente descritas e datadas por SHRIMP na Universidade de São Paulo. Os resultados apontaram para um intervalo bastante restrito para as idades 206Pb/238U, com médias ponderadas variando de 7,00 ± 0,15 Ma para o andesito pórfiro a 6,95 ± 0,16 Ma para o diorito pórfiro. Estes resultados posicionam o sistema Yarumalito nas fases finais do magmatismo Combia e sugerem um intervalo de tempo restrito para a cristalização das intrusivas portadoras de mineralizações no Yarumalito e do Distrito de Marmato

    CspC regulates the expression of the glyoxylate cycle genes at stationary phase in Caulobacter

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud The Cold Shock proteins are RNA binding proteins involved in various cellular processes, including adaptation to low temperature, nutritional stress, cell growth and stationary phase. They may have an impact on gene expression by interfering with RNA stability and acting as transcription antiterminators. Caulobacter crescentus cspC is an essential gene encoding a stationary phase-induced protein of the Cold Shock Protein family and this work had as goal investigating the basis for the requirement of this gene for survival at this phase. In this work we investigate the role of CspC in C. crescentus stationary phase and discuss the molecular mechanisms that could be involved.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The expression of cspC increased significantly at stationary phase in complex media and in glucose depletion, indicating a putative role in responding to carbon starvation. Global transcriptional profiling experiments comparing cspC and the wild type strain both at exponential and stationary phases as well as comparing exponential and stationary phase in wild type strain were carried out by DNA microarray analysis. The results showed that the absence of cspC affected the transcription of 11 genes at exponential phase and 60 genes at stationary phase. Among the differentially expressed genes it is worth noting those encoding respiratory enzymes and genes for sulfur metabolism, which were upregulated, and those encoding enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle, which were severely downregulated in the mutant at stationary phase. mRNA decay experiments showed that the aceA mRNA, encoding isocitrate lyase, was less stable in the cspC mutant, indicating that this effect was at least partially due to posttranscriptional regulation. These observations were supported by the observed arrested growth phenotype of the cspC strain when grown in acetate as the sole carbon source, and by the upregulation of genes for assimilatory sulfate reduction and methionine biosynthesis.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The stationary phase-induced RNA binding protein CspC has an important role in gene expression at this phase, and is necessary for maximal expression of the glyoxylate cycle genes. In the case of aceA, its downregulation may be attributed to the shorter half-life of the mRNA in the cspC mutant, indicating that one of the possible regulatory mechanisms is via altering RNA stabilization.FAPESPCNP

    Cell Therapy Attenuates Cardiac Dysfunction Post Myocardial Infarction: Effect of Timing, Routes of Injection and a Fibrin Scaffold

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    Background: Cell therapy approaches for biologic cardiac repair hold great promises, although basic fundamental issues remain poorly understood. In the present study we examined the effects of timing and routes of administration of bone marrow cells (BMC) post-myocardial infarction (MI) and the efficacy of an injectable biopolymer scaffold to improve cardiac cell retention and function. Methodology/Principal Findings: (99m)Tc-labeled BMC (6x10(6) cells) were injected by 4 different routes in adult rats: intravenous (IV), left ventricular cavity (LV), left ventricular cavity with temporal aorta occlusion (LV(+)) to mimic coronary injection, and intramyocardial (IM). The injections were performed 1, 2, 3, or 7 days post-MI and cell retention was estimated by gamma-emission counting of the organs excised 24 hs after cell injection. IM injection improved cell retention and attenuated cardiac dysfunction, whereas IV, LV or LV* routes were somewhat inefficient (< 1%). Cardiac BMC retention was not influenced by timing except for the IM injection that showed greater cell retention at 7 (16%) vs. 1, 2 or 3 (average of 7%) days post-MI. Cardiac cell retention was further improved by an injectable fibrin scaffold at day 3 post-MI (17 vs. 7%), even though morphometric and function parameters evaluated 4 weeks later displayed similar improvements. Conclusions/Significance: These results show that cells injected post-MI display comparable tissue distribution profile regardless of the route of injection and that there is no time effect for cardiac cell accumulation for injections performed 1 to 3 days post-MI. As expected the IM injection is the most efficient for cardiac cell retention, it can be further improved by co-injection with a fibrin scaffold and it significantly attenuates cardiac dysfunction evaluated 4 weeks post myocardial infarction. These pharmacokinetic data obtained under similar experimental conditions are essential for further development of these novel approaches