11,252,450 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of the Conservation Reserve Program on Honey Bee Health

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    Insect pollinators are critically important for maintaining U.S. food production and ecosystem health. The upper Midwest is home to more than 40 percent of all U.S. honey bee colonies and is considered by many beekeepers to be America’s last beekeeping refuge. Beekeepers come to this region because their honey bees require high-quality grassland and bee-friendly agricultural crops to make honey and to improve bee health. Agricultural grassland, such as those enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), support flowers that provide bees with the pollen and nectar they need. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) formed a partnership to assess the impact of the CRP on honey bee health and determine how the costeffectiveness of the CRP could be improved to promote pollinator habitat. This USGS assessment has generated important findings that could improve USDA’s program delivery and demonstrates the importance of the CRP to honey bees, beekeepers, agricultural producers, and the public (Otto and others, 2017, 2018)

    2-aminophenols containing electron-withdrawing groups from N-aryl hydroxylamines

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    Reaction of substituted N-aryl hydroxylamines with methanesulfonyl chloride, p-toluenesulfonyl chloride, or trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride under basic conditions leads to the rearranged 2-aminophenols (45-94%). The overall reaction sequence can be performed using polymer-supported sulfonyl chloride resin allowing for the effective conversion of N-aryl hydroxylamines to the 2-aminophenols without the need for chromatography

    S-parabolic manifolds

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    A Stein manifold is called S-Parabolic in case there exits a special plurisubharmonic exhaustion function that is maximal outside a compact set. If a continuous special plurisubharmonic exits then we will call the manifold S*-Parabolic: In one dimensional case these notions are equivalent. However in several variables the question as to weather these notions coincide seems open. In this note we establish an interrelation between these two notions

    Real-time sweat pH monitoring based on a wearable chemical barcode micro-fluidic platform incorporating ionic liquids

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    This work presents the fabrication, characterisation and the performance of a wearable, robust, flexible and disposable chemical barcode device based on a micro-fluidic platform that incorporates ionic liquid polymer gels (ionogels). The device has been applied to the monitoring of the pH of sweat in real time during an exercise period. The device is an ideal wearable sensor for measuring the pH of sweat since it does not contents any electronic part for fluidic handle or pH detection and because it can be directly incorporated into clothing, head- or wristbands, which are in continuous contact with the skin. In addition, due to the micro-fluidic structure, fresh sweat is continuously passing through the sensing area providing the capability to perform continuous real time analysis. The approach presented here ensures immediate feedback regarding sweat composition. Sweat analysis is attractive for monitoring purposes as it can provide physiological information directly relevant to the health and performance of the wearer without the need for an invasive sampling approac

    Equilibrium Structures of Pyrazine, s-Triazine, and s-Tetrazine

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    In recent years, accurate equilibrium (re) structures have been determined for pyridine, pyridazine, and pyrimidine. Here, we report accurate re structures for the structurally related molecules pyrazine, s-triazine, and s-tetrazine, which were obtained using a composite approach based on explicitly correlated coupled-cluster theory (CCSD(T)-F12b) in conjunction with a large correlation-consistent basis set (cc-pCVQZ-F12) to take core–valence electron correlation into account. Additional terms were included to correct for the effects of iterative triple excitations (CCSDT), noniterative quadruple excitations (CCSDT(Q)), and scalar relativistic contributions (DKH2-CCSD(T)). The performance of this computational procedure was established through test calculations on selected small molecules. For s-triazine, accurate experimental ground-state rotational constants (B0) of the parent molecule and six D3h isotopologues from the literature were used to determine a semiexperimental re structure, which was found to be essentially identical with the best estimate from the current composite approach. The presently recommended equilibrium structural parameters of s-triazine are re(CH) = 108.17 pm, re(CN) = 133.19 pm, and θe(NCN) = 125.95°, with estimated uncertainties of ±0.10 pm and ±0.10°, respectively. The predicted equilibrium geometries for pyrazine and s-tetrazine are expected to be of the same accuracy. We recommend for pyrazine: re(CH) = 108.16 pm, re(CN) = 133.34 pm, re(CC) = 139.07 pm, θe(CNC) = 115.60°, and θe(HCC) = 120.75°; and for s-tetrazine: re(CH) = 107.95 pm, re(CN) = 133.39 pm, re(NN) = 132.01 pm, and θe(NCN) = 126.59°

    Cruise 2 of the N.B. Scofield for 1955. Cruise Report 55-S-2

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    Kidwell, Clara S.

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