347 research outputs found

    Contributing Factors in Increasing Health Care Associated Infection (Hai's) in Phlebitis Cases

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    Backgrounds: One significant problem in hospital is Health Care Associated Infection (HAI's) and it gives many effects on patients health status.Purpose: This study was aimed to examine the incidence rate of phlebitis, the procedures of IV insertion and the factors that influence the phlebitis case in-patient department at the hospital.Methods: The main method used in this study is descriptive explorative. Started by giving training education for 15 nursing staff , medical doctor and pharmacists. Then they were obseved in doing the procedures of IV incertion, care and documentation by Using Visual Infusion Phlebitis ( VIP) scale then followed by case studies to have clear results in describing the contribution factors which influence the phlebitis incidents.Result: 35 subjects in the experimental group and 35 subjects in the control group completed The result represents that 7 from 72 patients (9,7%) were suffer from phlebitis, 25 patients (34,7%) with IV insertion were not monitored well, 5% nurses did not do the hand washing, 78% did not use the skin perlak for preventing blood to the bed linen. The mode of desinfection direction were 44% circular, 55 % from distal to proximal part, and 11% did not do the desinfectant. 100% the nurses did not documentate the IV monitoring such as the swelling, redness, the size of IV canule and any other skin symptoms of phlebitis. Some medication, insertion side of IV canule on the metacarpal area and flushing procedures were also determinant factor that lead to phlebitis cases.Conclusion: This study conclude that the treatment, care and monitoring IV insertion is a significant and important procedures to prevent phlebitis and automatically becomes an important aspect in preventing Health Care Associated Infection (HAI's) rate in hospital

    Stress, Nutritional Status and Blood Glucose Levels Among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

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    Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was increased significantly. Stress increased cortisol could increase blood glucose levels while obesity could increase insulin resistance. Objective of this study was to examine correlation of stress and nutritional status with blood glucose levels in patients with DM type 2. Design study was cross sectional using 120 samples from patients with DM type 2 at Polyclinic of Internal Disease Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta during April-May 2018. Variables in this study were stress with perceived stress scale 10 items (PSS-10), nutritional status with body mass index (BMI) and blood glucose levels with fasting blood glucose (FBG) and post-prandial blood glucose (PPBG) examination. The results showed that mean of FBG was 152.9±63.66 mg/dL and PPBG was 213.96±70.17 mg/dL. There was no significant correlation between stress and blood glucose levels, by FBG (p=0.389) and PPBG (p=0.202). However, there was significant correlation between nutritional status and PPBG (p=0.016), but FBG was not significant (p=0.209). In conclusion, there was significant correlation between nutritional status and PPBG in patients with DM type 2, but FBG was not significant. However, there was no significant correlation between stress and blood glucose levels in patients with DM type 2

    Guidebook of Basic Analytical Chemistry Lecture using Laboratory Inquiry-Based Activity to Develop Multiple Intelligence

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    This study aims to generate a guidebook of basic analytical chemistry lecture (Kimia AnalitikDasar (KAD))using laboratory inquiry-based activity that can increase the Multiple Intelligence of chemistry teacher candidates. Multiple Intelligence which should be developedrelating to the lecture of basic analytical chemistry laboratory improve logical mathematical intelligence, and  interpersonal, intrapersonal intelligences. This study uses the design of the 4D model development (define, design, develop, and disseminate), of Thiagarajan et al, (1974). The basic analytical chemistry lecture guidance book applies laboratory inquiry-based activity that was developed and validated by three experts, with the valid result. After obtaining a validated model by experts, it then wasused by 12 students of the 6th semester, with the result that there was little revision on the work instructions, while the contents are understandable enough. After that, the gudance book was brought into the next level of implementation. The result is quite satisfying with the record of reaching 84% -96% of usage. In addition, the usage of the guidebook also contributes toward the development of intrapersonal intelligence rates at the highest of 92% on metacognition indicator, 100% on the indicator of listening to other, and 56% on Logical Mathematic of mathematic operations indicator

    Error Analysis On Descriptive Paragraph Made By First Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 4 Malang

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    Acquiring second language is not easy for the learners because they have to learn more about the rules of sentence structure in second language. Makingerror in acquiring second language is inevitable because the learners still use therules in their first language to transfer second language. Therefore, errors wereconsidered as being the result of the persistence of existing mother tongue habitsin the new language.This study is to investigate the students' errors in descriptiveparagraph made by the first grade students of SMA N 4 Malang. The studentsoften make errors when they write a descriptive paragraph. The problems of thisstudy are what types of error found and what sources of error found in descriptiveparagraph. Meanwhile, the objectives of this study are to identify and classify thetypes of error found and to investigate the sources of error found. The method of this study is qualitative approach. This study was carriedout at SMA N 4 Malang. The populations of this study were the first gradestudents of SMA N 4 Malang in academic year of 2012/2013. The classes thatwere used as the sample were three classes in the first grade that were taught bythe same teacher.The technique used to analyze the data of this study is using thetheory of error analysis proposed by Dulay et al (1982). The steps of analyzingdata are collecting the data, identifying the error, describing the error, explainingthe error, and drawing the conclusion. The result of the study showed that based on surface strategy taxonomy,there were (37%) omissions errors,(21%) additions, (38%) misformations, and(4%) misorderings. Misformations error is the highest error occurred. The resultfor the sources of errors were interlingual transfer (18%), intralingual transferdivided in to four parts source of error, there were (9%) for overgeneralization, 1error for ignorance of rule restrictions, (22%) for incomplete application of rules,(40%) for false concept hypothesized, and (11%) for communication strategies. This study is useful for the students and the teacher; it helps the teacher toknow the problems of the students in their writing. It is suggested that the firstgrade students of SMA N 4 Malang should be given intensive exercises on thecorrect structure in their writing and improve their writing to learn secondlanguage to know their mistake. It is necessary for the first year students and theteacher of SMA N 4 Malang to improve their teaching and learning process

    Pengelolaan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi Kewirausahaan melalui Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw

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    This study aims to determine management the problem solving and enterpreneurship communication students. Popolation in this study were all students of class XII of TP SMK N 2 Bengkulu City. This research is experimental and instrument used is the type of the test (about problem solving and communication) and non-test (student attitude scale). Collecting data using test instruments. The results showed that an increase in problem-solving and communication abilities of students receiving enterpreneurship cooperative learning jigsaw better than students who received conventional learning

    Implementasi Pakem melalui Model Pembelajaran Aktif dalam Perkuliahan Konsep Dasar IPS SD Berbasis Pendidikan Kecakapan Hidup

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara mengimplementasikan Pakem melalui model pembelajaran aktif dalam perkuliahan Konsep Dasar IPS SD berbasis pendidikan kecakapan hidup pada mahasiswa S1 PGSD FKIP UKSW pada Semester 1 Tahun 2014-2015'. Hasil implementasi pakem dalam model pembelajaran IK, jigsaw dan TPS dengan mengembangkan pendidikan kecakapan hidup menunjukkan hasil capaian mahasiswa dengan skor tertinggi yang dicapai mahasiswa 90 dan skor terendah 70. Kompetensi dosen Konsep Dasar IPS dalam menerapkan pakem cukup memadai. Cara penerapan pakem nampak dalam silabus dan RPP, yakni dengan langkah yang berbeda untuk model pembelajaran IK, jigsaw dan TPS. Langkah-langkah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe investigasi kelompok (IK) yakni pemilihan topik; perencanaan kooperatif; implementasi; analisis dan sintesis; presentasi hasil final; dan evaluasi. Langkah-langkah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw adalah mahasiswa dikelompokkan ke dalam 4 anggota tim, tiap orang dalam tim diberi bagian materi yang berbeda, tiap orang dalam tim diberi bagian materi yang ditugaskan, anggota dari tim yang berbeda yang telah mempelajari bagian/sub bab yang sama bertemu dalam kelompok baru (kelompok ahli) untuk mendiskusikan sub bab mereka, setelah selesai diskusi sebagai tim ahli tiap anggota kembali ke kelompok asal dan bergantian mengajar teman satu tim mereka tentang sub bab yang mereka kuasai dan tiap anggota lainnya mendengarkan dengan sungguh-sungguh, tiap tim ahli mempresentasikan hasil diskusi, dosen memberi evaluasi dan penutup. Langkah-langkah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe pendekatan struktural (PS) yaitu Think-Pair-Share (TPS) adalah dosen menyampaikan inti materi dan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai, mahasiswa diminta untuk berfikir tentang materi/permasalahan yang disampaikan dosen, mahasiswa diminta berpasangan dengan teman sebelahnya (kelompok 2 orang) dan mengutarakan hasil pemikiran masing-masing, dosen memimpin pleno kecil diskusi, tiap kelompok mengemukakan hasil diskusinya, berawal dari kegiatan tersebutmengarahkan pembicaraan pada pokok permasalahan dan menambah materi yang belum diuangkapkan para mahasiswa, dosen memberi kesimpulan dan penutup

    The Factors Correlating to the Usage of Long-Term Contraception Method (MKJP) Especially IUD in the Domain of Society Health Center Simpang Baru Pekanbaru City

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    Looking at the development of Long Term Contraception Method (henceforth; MKJP) usage during some periods, apparently the usage of IUD continues to decrease. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between knowledge, couple agreement, culture, and the usage of MKJP especially IUD. The type of this research was quantitative research, with cross sectional design. The total population of MKJP users were 621 people. The samples taken were 243, the technique of taking the samples were through systematic random sampling. The result of chi-square test obtained that there is correlation between knowledge and the usage of MKJP especially IUD with the score of p-value = 0,00. There is correlation between the spouse support and theusage of MKJP especially IUD with the score of p-value = 0,013. The score of OR 5,15. There is correlation between the culture and the usage of MKJP especially IUD with the score of p-value = 0,019, the score of OR 5,41. The most dominant variable correlating to the usage of MKJP especially IUD is the spouse support. It means respondents who have negative support from their spouses have chance to not using MKJP especially IUD. It is expected to the policy maker to create programs as an effort to improve the knowledge of the society through socialization, leaflet, and other media, activating the agent in the field, synergy across sector, public figure, until giving understanding, mindset, trust, capability, and spouse support which results in creating the culture of using MKJP especially IUD. Keywords: MKJP, IUD, knowledge, spouse support, cultur

    Characterization of White Grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) at Salak Pondoh Agroecosystem in Mount Merapi Based on Isozymic Banding Patterns

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    Wardani S, Sugiyarto. 2009. Characterization of white grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) at salak pondoh agroecosystem inMount Merapi based on isozymic banding patterns. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 38-42. The aim of this research is to know thecharacteristics of white grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) based on isozyme banding patterns. This research was conducted at Sleman,Yogyakarta and Magelang-Central Java for the morphological purposes. The sample was taken from 5 places with different height inwich 5 samples were taken from each location. The method used in this research was polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) usingthe vertical type. The enzyme system used in this research were peroxidase and esterase to detect the isozyme banding patterns. Theresults showed that there was a variation in isozyme banding patterns of white grubs (Melolonthidae: Coleoptera) at salak pondohagroecosystem in Mount Merapi’s slope (peroxidase in station II and IV while esterase in station III and V). It’s mean that genetic variationon white grubs population at salak pondoh agroecosystem in Mount Merapi’s slope was found. The environmental condition alsocontributed to the influence of the appear of isozyme banding pattern’s variation because each location had a different condition

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran terhadap Senjangan Anggaran dengan Informasi Asimetri, Budaya Organisasi, Komitmen Organisasi,dan Ketidakpastian Lingkungan sebagai Variabel Moderating (Studi Empiris pada SKPD Kab. Pelalawan)

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    The purpose of the research was examined the effect of budgetary participation on budgetary slack using information asymetry, organizational participation on budgetary slack using information asymetry, organizational culture, organizational commitment, and environmental uncertainty as culture, organizational commitment, and environmental uncertainty as moderating variabels. Population is the Regional Working Units (SKPD) in Pelalawan. Data collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents.This research use multiple regression analysis model by (Statistical Product Service Solution) version 17.0. The results show that the first hypothesis budgetary participation and significant positive impact on budgetary slack. Furthermore, the second hypothesis, three and four information asymmetry, organizational culture, organizational commitment and the moderating effect significant relationship with the budgetary participation budgetary slack. The fifth hypothesis failed environmental uncertainty moderate the relationship between budgetary participation and budgetary slack. moderating variabels. Population is the Regional Working Units (SKPD) in Pelalawan. Data collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents.This research use multiple regression analysis model by (Statistical Product Service Solution) version 17.0. The results show that the first hypothesis budgetary participation and significant positive impact on budgetary slack. Furthermore, the second hypothesis, three and four information asymmetry, organizational culture, organizational commitment and the moderating effect significant relationship with the budgetary participation budgetary slack. The fifth hypothesis failed environmental uncertainty moderate the relationship between budgetary participation and budgetary slack. Keyword :budgetary Participation, information asymetry, organizational Keyword :budgetary Participation, information asymetry, organizational culture, organizational commitment, environmental uncertainty, budgetary slack. culture, organizational commitment, environmental uncertainty, budgetary slack
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