325 research outputs found

    Structure of the Chiral Scalar Superfield in Ten Dimensions

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    We describe the tensors and spinor-tensors included in the θ\theta-expansion of the ten-dimensional chiral scalar superfield. The product decompositions of all the irreducible structures with θ\theta and the θ2\theta^2 tensor are provided as a first step towards the obtention of a full tensor calculus for the superfield.Comment: 50 pages, UCLA/94/TEP/

    Five-Brane Effective Field Theory on Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    We consider the compactification of the dual form of N=1N=1 D=10D=10 supergravity on a six-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold. An N=1N=1 off-shell supergravity effective Lagrangian in four dimensions can be constructed in a dual version of the gravitational sector (new-minimal supergravity form). Superspace duality has a simple interpretation in terms of Poincar\'{e} duality of two-form cohomology. The resulting 4D4D Lagrangian may describe the low-energy point-field limit of a five-brane theory, dual to string theory, provided Calabi-Yau spaces are consistent vacua of such dual theory.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, CERN-Th.6914/93 POLFIS-TH.04/93 UCLA/93/TEP/1

    Whales vs. gulls: Assessing trade-offs in wildlife and waste management in Patagonia, Argentina

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    © 2015 Elsevier B.V.In Península Valdés, (Patagonia) Argentina, the consequences of poor waste management and an overpopulation of kelp gulls has led to gulls feeding on living southern right whales, potentially causing losses to the tourism industry through loss in coastal quality and suboptimal right whale viewing experiences. Despite local progress in closing waste disposal sites and culling gulls, both waste and pest problems persist. While this problem could impact the long-term viability of the site as a whale watching destination and present conservation concerns, little research has been done concerning the socio-economic aspects of the problem. The present study interviewed 650 tourists about their willingness to pay to manage the gulls versus the waste in order to reduce the gull population and remove the risk to the whales. This research finds that tourists favor addressing the human-driven component of the problem, the waste, over culling the natural component of the problem, the kelp gulls. These findings present a remarkable insight to assessing trade-offs between two management strategies to a local problem associated with coastal development and tourism. The results could further be broadened to other destinations facing waste and pest management challenges in the face of growing tourism and urbanization

    Mitigating slipping-related mortality from purse seine fisheries for small pelagic fish: case studies from European Atlantic waters

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    The release of unwanted catches (UWC) from purse seines, while the catch is still in the water, is known as “slipping”. Once thought to be a benign process, compared to discarding UWC overboard from the fishing vessel, it is now recognised that “slipping” can lead to significant mortality in the released fish if done inappropriately. In this chapter, we examine purse seining and slipping operations, and discuss what drives slipping and potential mitigation measures to reduce slipping mortality. We use three examples of purse seine fisheries for small pelagic species in the North-east Atlantic; from Norway, Portugal and Spain. The ideal solution (identifying and avoiding UWC before the net is set) requires the development of tools to enable fishers to better characterise target schools in terms of key selection criteria, e.g., with respect to species, individual size and catch biomass. Such tools are being developed, based primarily on hydro-acoustic technology. However, some UWC in purse seine catches are inevitable, and operational improvements in slipping practices have been shown to significantly reduce stress and mortality in the released UWC. We conclude with a discussion on the challenges currently facing the implementation of the European Union (EU) Landing Obligation with regards to minimising slipping related mortality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The structure of an endogenous Drosophila centromere reveals the prevalence of tandemly repeated sequences able to form i-motifs

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    Centromeres are the chromosomal loci at which spindle microtubules attach to mediate chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis. In most eukaryotes, centromeres are made up of highly repetitive DNA sequences (satellite DNA) interspersed with middle repetitive DNA sequences (transposable elements). Despite the efforts to establish complete genomic sequences of eukaryotic organisms, the so-called 'finished' genomes are not actually complete because the centromeres have not been assembled due to the intrinsic difficulties in constructing both physical maps and complete sequence assemblies of long stretches of tandemly repetitive DNA. Here we show the first molecular structure of an endogenous Drosophila centromere and the ability of the C-rich dodeca satellite strand to form dimeric i-motifs. The finding of i-motif structures in simple and complex centromeric satellite DNAs leads us to suggest that these centromeric sequences may have been selected not by their primary sequence but by their ability to form noncanonical secondary structures.Peer Reviewe

    Single-Stranded Condensation Stochastically Blocks G-Quadruplex Assembly in Human Telomeric RNA

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    "This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00722."[EN] TERRA is an RNA molecule transcribed from human subtelomeric regions toward chromosome ends potentially involved in regulation of heterochromatin stability, semiconservative replication, and telomerase inhibition, among others. TERRA contains tandem repeats of the sequence GGGUUA, with a strong tendency to fold into a four-stranded arrangement known as a parallel G-quadruplex. Here, we demonstrate by using single-molecule force spectroscopy that this potential is limited by the inherent capacity of RNA to self-associate randomly and further condense into entropically more favorable structures. We stretched RNA constructions with more than four and less than eight hexanucleotide repeats, thus unable to form several G-quadruplexes in tandem, flanked by non-G-rich overhangs of random sequence by optical tweezers on a one by one basis. We found that condensed RNA stochastically blocks G-quadruplex folding pathways with a near 20% probability, a behavior that is not found in DNA analogous molecules.Dedicated to the memory of Alfredo Villasante. The authors thank E. Poyatos-Racionero for auxiliary experiments. I.G. is supported by Fundacion IMDEA Nanociencia and M.G. by a Juan de la Cierva contract (FJCI-2016-28474). This research received grants from the MINECO (MAT2015-71806-R and BFU2017-89707-P). IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the "Severo Ochoa" Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686).Gutiérrez, I.; Garavís, M.; De Lorenzo, S.; Villasante, A.; González, C.; Arias-Gonzalez, JR. (2018). Single-Stranded Condensation Stochastically Blocks G-Quadruplex Assembly in Human Telomeric RNA. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9(10):2498-2503. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b00722S2498250391

    Real Special Geometry

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    We give a coordinate-free description of real manifolds occurring in certain four dimensional supergravity theories with antisymmetric tensor fields. The relevance of the linear multiplets in the compactification of string and five-brane theories is also discussed.Comment: 10 pgs (TeX with Harvmac), CERN-TH.7211/94, UCLA/94/TEP/14, POLFIS-TH.01/9

    Editorial: Recent insights into the double role of hydrogen peroxide in plants

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) of varied types can be yielded in plants at several primary sites (such as the chloroplast, mitochondria, and peroxisomes) under normal aerobic metabolism via processes including photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains. However, impaired oxidant-antioxidant balance and extreme growth conditions in plants are bound to cause increases in the cellular concentrations of radical and non-radical ROS such as superoxide anions (O2•−), hydroxyl radical (OH•), singlet oxygen (1O2), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). On the one hand, H2O2 has no unpaired electrons and is moderately reactive. Owing to its relative stability compared to other ROS and its capacity for diffusing through aquaporins in the membranes and over more considerable distances within the cell (Bienert et al., 2007), H2O2 acts as a stress signal transducer and contributes to numerous physiological functions in plants. On the other hand, H2O2 is a relatively long-lived molecule with a half-life of 1 ms, readily crosses biological membranes, and consequently can bring oxidative consequences far from the site of its formation (Neill et al., 2002; Sharma et al., 2012; Sehar et al., 2021). The Frontiers Research Topic “Recent Insights into the Double Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Plants” highlighted the major mechanisms underlying the dual role of H2O2 in response to different abiotic stresses in plants. This Research Topic incorporated 19 publications, including 10 original research articles, 8 reviews, and one perspective article


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    This study describes fisheries, stock status, ICES advice and management measures for the Northern and Southern sardine stocks in EU Atlantic waters. Information on sardine biology and ecology is provided for a better understanding of stock development. Social and economic dimensions are addressed for sardine fisheries in France, Spain and Portugal. The study provides recommendations to improve knowledge on the species and indicates management measures which might be considered for the sustainability of the fisheries.Versión del edito

    Effect of β-Glucans in Diets on Growth, Survival, Digestive Enzyme Activity, and Immune System and Intestinal Barrier Gene Expression for Tropical Gar (Atractosteus tropicus) Juveniles

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    The application of β-1,3/1,6-glucan derived from yeast at five concentrations (0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0%) in formulated diets was evaluated in juveniles for its effects on the growth, survival, digestive enzymatic activity, and expression of genes associated with the immune system (interlukin-10 (IL-10), transforming growth factor (TGF), occludin (OCC), mucin2 (MUC2), lysozyme (LYS), and nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2)) in tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus). For the experiment, three replicates of 30 fish per experimental unit (70 L) were cultivated for 62 days. The growth results showed no statistically significant differences in relation to weight and total length between treatments. The activity of digestive enzymes (alkaline proteases, trypsin, leucine aminopeptidase, and amylase) did not show significant differences between treatments, except for chymotrypsin activity, where fish fed 1.0% and 1.5% of β-glucans showed higher activities compared with the rest of the treatments. On the other hand, the analysis of gene expression did not show significant differences between treatments, although a tendency of increase in the expression of IL-10, TGF, MUC2, and OCC was observed with an addition of 1.5% of the prebiotic, but there was a decrease in the fish fed with 2% of the prebiotic. It is possible to include concentrations of between 0.5% and 1.5% of β-glucans in the diets for A. tropicus, with no detectable adverse effects on growth, survival, digestive enzyme activity, or specific gene expression. β-glucan 1,3/1,6 added at 1.0% and 1.5% in the diet significantly increases chymotrypsin activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio