97 research outputs found

    The NIDDK Central Repository at 8 years—Ambition, Revision, Use and Impact

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    The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Central Repository makes data and biospecimens from NIDDK-funded research available to the broader scientific community. It thereby facilitates: the testing of new hypotheses without new data or biospecimen collection; pooling data across several studies to increase statistical power; and informative genetic analyses using the Repository’s well-curated phenotypic data. This article describes the initial database plan for the Repository and its revision using a simpler model. Among the lessons learned were the trade-offs between the complexity of a database design and the costs in time and money of implementation; the importance of integrating consent documents into the basic design; the crucial need for linkage files that associate biospecimen IDs with the masked subject IDs used in deposited data sets; and the importance of standardized procedures to test the integrity data sets prior to distribution. The Repository is currently tracking 111 ongoing NIDDK-funded studies many of which include genotype data, and it houses over 5 million biospecimens of more than 25 types including serum, plasma, stool, urine, DNA, red blood cells, buffy coat and tissue. Repository resources have supported a range of biochemical, clinical, statistical and genetic research (188 external requests for clinical data and 31 for biospecimens have been approved or are pending). Genetic research has included GWAS, validation studies, development of methods to improve statistical power of GWAS and testing of new statistical methods for genetic research. We anticipate that the future impact of the Repository’s resources on biomedical research will be enhanced by (i) cross-listing of Repository biospecimens in additional searchable databases and biobank catalogs; (ii) ongoing deployment of new applications for querying the contents of the Repository; and (iii) increased harmonization of procedures, data collection strategies, questionnaires etc. across both research studies and within the vocabularies used by different repositories

    Genetic Fine-Mapping and Identification of Candidate Genes and Variants for Adiposity Traits in Outbred Rats

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    OBJECTIVE: Obesity is a major risk factor for multiple diseases and is in part heritable, yet the majority of causative genetic variants that drive excessive adiposity remain unknown. Here, outbred heterogeneous stock (HS) rats were used in controlled environmental conditions to fine‐map novel genetic modifiers of adiposity. METHODS: Body weight and visceral fat pad weights were measured in male HS rats that were also genotyped genome‐wide. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified by genome‐wide association of imputed single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes using a linear mixed effect model that accounts for unequal relatedness between the HS rats. Candidate genes were assessed by protein modeling and mediation analysis of expression for coding and noncoding variants, respectively. RESULTS: HS rats exhibited large variation in adiposity traits, which were highly heritable and correlated with metabolic health. Fine‐mapping of fat pad weight and body weight revealed three QTL and prioritized five candidate genes. Fat pad weight was associated with missense SNPs in Adcy3 and Prlhr and altered expression of Krtcap3 and Slc30a3, whereas Grid2 was identified as a candidate within the body weight locus. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate the power of HS rats for identification of known and novel heritable mediators of obesity traits

    Mirc11 Disrupts Inflammatory but Not Cytotoxic Responses of NK Cells

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    Natural killer (NK) cells generate proinflammatory cytokines that are required to contain infections and tumor growth. However, the posttranscriptional mechanisms that regulate NK cell functions are not fully understood. Here, we define the role of the microRNA cluster known as Mirc11 (which includes miRNA-23a, miRNA-24a, and miRNA-27a) in NK cell–mediated proinflammatory responses. Absence of Mirc11 did not alter the development or the antitumor cytotoxicity of NK cells. However, loss of Mirc11 reduced generation of proinflammatory factors in vitro and interferon-γ–dependent clearance of Listeria monocytogenes or B16F10 melanoma in vivo by NK cells. These functional changes resulted from Mirc11 silencing ubiquitin modifiers A20, Cbl-b, and Itch, allowing TRAF6-dependent activation of NF-κB and AP-1. Lack of Mirc11 caused increased translation of A20, Cbl-b, and Itch proteins, resulting in deubiquitylation of scaffolding K63 and addition of degradative K48 moieties on TRAF6. Collectively, our results describe a function of Mirc11 that regulates generation of proinflammatory cytokines from effector lymphocytes

    A Critical Review of Biomarkers Used for Monitoring Human Exposure to Lead: Advantages, Limitations, and Future Needs

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    Lead concentration in whole blood (BPb) is the primary biomarker used to monitor exposure to this metallic element. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization define a BPb of 10 μg/dL (0.48 μmol/L) as the threshold of concern in young children. However, recent studies have reported the possibility of adverse health effects, including intellectual impairment in young children, at BPb levels < 10 μg/dL, suggesting that there is no safe level of exposure. It appears impossible to differentiate between low-level chronic Pb exposure and a high-level short Pb exposure based on a single BPb measurement; therefore, serial BPb measurements offer a better estimation of possible health outcomes. The difficulty in assessing the exact nature of Pb exposure is dependent not so much on problems with current analytical methodologies, but rather on the complex toxicokinetics of Pb within various body compartments (i.e., cycling of Pb between bone, blood, and soft tissues). If we are to differentiate more effectively between Pb stored in the body for years and Pb from recent exposure, information on other biomarkers of exposure may be needed. None of the current biomarkers of internal Pb dose have yet been accepted by the scientific community as a reliable substitute for a BPb measurement. This review focuses on the limitations of biomarkers of Pb exposure and the need to improve the accuracy of their measurement. We present here only the traditional analytical protocols in current use, and we attempt to assess the influence of confounding variables on BPb levels. Finally, we discuss the interpretation of BPb data with respect to both external and endogenous Pb exposure, past or recent exposure, as well as the significance of Pb determinations in human specimens including hair, nails, saliva, bone, blood (plasma, whole blood), urine, feces, and exfoliated teeth

    Haplotype association mapping in mice.

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    Haplotype Association Mapping (HAM) is a novel phenotype-driven approach to identify genetic loci and was originally developed for mice. This method, which is similar to Genome-Wide Association (GWA) studies in humans, looks for associations between the phenotype and the haplotypes of mouse inbred strains, treating inbred strains as individuals. Although this approach is still in development, we review the current literature, present the different methods and applications that are in use, and provide a glimpse of what is to come in the near future

    Reasoning Neural Networks

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