1,447 research outputs found

    Paranoid Thinking, Suspicion, and Risk for Aggression: A Neurodevelopmental Perspective

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    This article represents an effort to extend our understanding of paranoia or suspicion and its development by integrating findings across clinical, developmental, and neuroscience literatures. We first define “paranoia” or paranoid thought and examine its prevalence across typically and atypically developing individuals and theoretical perspectives regarding its development and maintenance.We then briefly summarize current ideas regarding the neural correlates of adaptive, appropriately trusting interpersonal perception, social cognition, and behavior across development. Our focus shifts subsequently to examining in normative and atypical developmental contexts the neural correlates of several component cognitive processes thought to contribute to paranoid thinking: (a) attention bias for threat, (b) jumping to conclusions biases, and (c) hostile intent attribution biases. Where possible, we also present data regarding independent links between these cognitive processes and aggressive behavior. By examining data regarding the behavioral and neural correlates of varied cognitive processes that are likely components of a paranoid thinking style, we hope to advance both theoretical and empirical research in this domain

    Uji Efek Analgesik Ekstrak Daun Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) Pada Mencit (Mus Musculus)

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    The plant of Mahkota Dewa is a traditional plant which is used as a medicinal plant whose benefits are located in almost parts where it contains flavonoid and saponin compounds that have a variety of effects and one of them is analgesic effect. This research aims to determine the analgesic effect of the extract of Mahkota Dewa leaf (Phaleria macrocarpa) in mices (Mus musculus). This research uses an experimental method using nine male and female mices which are divided into three groups: the positive control group that was given aspirin and the negative control that was given aquades and the treatment group that was given the extract of the Mahkota Dewa leaf. The research is done by giving the stimulus of pain in the form of heat 55o.C and then observes the response of the tested animal such as jumping or licking its legs and at the minute of 0 before treatment, and at the minutes of 30, 60, 90, 120 after the treatment. The average value of the number of respons of mices which were given the extract of the Mahkota Dewa leaf decreases from the 30th minute until the 90th minute. Conclusion. The extract of Mahkota Dewa leaf has an analgesic effect in Mouse

    Mock samples resolve biases in diversity estimates and quantitative interpretation of zooplankton metabarcoding data

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    Metabarcoding is a rapidly developing tool in marine zooplankton ecology, although most zooplankton surveys continue to rely on visual identification for monitoring purposes. We attempted to resolve some of the biases associated with metabarcoding by sequencing a 313-b.p. fragment of the COI gene in 34 “mock” samples from the North Sea which were pre-sorted to species level, with biomass and abundance estimates obtained for each species and taxonomic group. The samples were preserved either in 97% ethanol or dehydrated for 24 h in a drying oven at 65 °C (the routine way of preserving samples for dry weight measurements). The visual identification yielded a total of 59 unique holoplanktonic and 16 meroplanktonic species/taxa. Metabarcoding identified 86 holoplanktonic and 124 meroplanktonic species/taxa, which included all but 3 of the species identified visually as well as numerous species of hard-to-identify crustaceans, hydrozoan jellyfish, and larvae of benthic animals. On a sample-to-sample basis, typically 90–95% of visually registered species were recovered, but the number of false positives was also high. We demonstrate robust correlations of relative sequence abundances to relative biomass for most taxonomic groups and develop conversion factors for different taxa to account for sequencing biases. We then combine the adjusted sequencing data with a single bulk biomass measurement for the entire sample to produce a quantitative parameter akin to species biomass. When examined with multivariate statistics, this parameter, which we call BWSR (biomass-weighed sequence reads) showed very similar trends to species biomass and comparable patterns to species abundance, highlighting the potential of metabarcoding not only for biodiversity estimation and mapping of presence/absence of species but also for quantitative assessment of zooplankton communities.publishedVersio

    Eating self-efficacy as predictor of long-term weight loss and obesity-specific quality of life after sleeve gastrectomy: A prospective cohort study

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    Under embargo until: 15.12.2019Background: A person's confidence to control eating, eating self-efficacy (ESE), has been identified as a target for long-term weight management in nonsurgical weight loss interventions, but has to a limited extent been studied after bariatric surgery. Objective: We investigated the association between ESE, weight loss, and obesity-specific quality of life (QOL) after sleeve gastrectomy (SG). Setting: A single-center longitudinal study. Methods: Data from adult patients were collected before SG, and at mean 16 months (±standard deviation 4 mo) and 55 (±4) months postoperatively. ESE was measured by the Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire Short-Form. Multiple regression analyses were performed with excess body mass index loss (%EBMIL) and obesity-specific QOL as dependent variables. Age, sex, and other preoperative values were covariates in all models. Results: Of 114 preoperative patients, 91 (80%) and 84 (74%) were available for follow-up 16 and 55 months after SG, respectively. Mean %EBMIL from baseline to 16 and 55 months was 76% (95% confidence interval: 71.9, 79.6) and 67% (95% confidence interval: 61.9, 72.2), respectively. Preoperative ESE scores improved significantly at both 16 and 55 months (P = .002) but did not predict postoperative %EBMIL or QOL at 55 months (ÎČ = −.08, P = .485). Greater change in ESE from 0 to 16 months predicted higher %EBMIL (ÎČ = .34, P = .013) at 55 months, and improvements in ESE from 0 to 55 months were significantly associated with higher %EBMIL (ÎČ = .46, P = .001) and obesity-specific QOL (ÎČ = .50, P < .001) 55 months after SG. Conclusion: Significant improvements in ESE were seen at 16 months, and remained high at 55 months after SG in this cohort. Patients who improved their ESE the most also experienced the highest weight loss and obesity-specific QOL 5 years postoperatively. Future research should address whether enhancement of ESE corresponds to sustained improvements in eating behavior after bariatric surgery.acceptedVersio

    Length Structure of Deep-Pelagic Fishes Sheds New Light to their Life Histories

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    Here we use a new technique to study life history variation in deep-pelagic fishes from a mid-ocean ridge system. Shape of length distribution in a population is to a significant extent determined by the degree to which an average individual approaches its asymptotic maximum size. Analysing the material from the pelagic trawl hauls taken during the 2004 Mar-Eco expedition along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, we show that length distributions in many deep-pelagic fish species are characterised by negative skew (the left tail of the distribution is longer). In other words, a large proportion of individuals had a size close to species-specific maximum size. Provided that our sampling can be considered representative, this finding suggests that deep-pelagic fishes have a low mortality rate relative to the rate at which they grow towards their asymptotic size

    Probing the Neural Correlates of Anticipated Peer Evaluation in Adolescence

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    Neural correlates of social cognition were assessed in 9-to-17-year-olds using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants appraised how unfamiliar peers they had previously identified as being of high or low interest would evaluate them for an anticipated online chat session. Differential age- and sex-related activation patterns emerged in several regions previously implicated in affective processing. These included the ventral striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and insula. In general, activation patterns shifted with age in older relative to younger females, but showed no association with age in males. Relating these neural response patterns to changes in adolescent social-cognition enriches theories of adolescent social development through enhanced neurobiological understanding of social behavior

    Better exam results : how students and school leadership learn when introducing new technology such as OneNote in school

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    This thesis describes the project Better exam results where the software OneNote was introduced into School X with the view to better students’ exam results. Through observations, a survey and interviews we investigate how students use and collaborate with the help of OneNote. The thesis questions are twofold. They have their basis in the project “better exam results” which we were a part of. We were interested in seeing how students interact and learn with technology and we wanted to see what reflections the leadership group had upon the process of introducing a new digital tool. Our thesis questions thus became: 1) How do students see their learning situation with the use of OneNote at School X? 2) How does the leadership group at School X reflect upon the process of introducing OneNote? We have used a socio-cultural approach when it comes to analysing student data, with Vygotsky’s term Zone of Proximal Development as a starting point. We have further used the terms mediated action and cultural tools when it comes to carrying out the analysis of the student data. When analysing the leadership group reflections we have used the theory of distributed leadership as presented by Spillane. We also use Hargreaves to understand the dynamics within the leadership group. OneNote is software which is used to take notes. It belongs to the MicroSoft family but has not had massive use. We saw the software as a good tool for our students. OneNote is searchable, easy to understand and use and has the possibility to be used by students in collaboration. Hence, it seemed a good idea to give our students the opportunity to use it. When it comes to method we have decided on a cross sectional study design where we have carried out four classroom observations, a survey among our 1st year students, two group interviews with students, all with the view of finding out how students reflect upon their own learning situation with the help of the tool OneNote. To understand the reflections the leadership group expresses we have studied a transcript of a leadership conversation evaluating the introduction of the project. Both analyses is carried out to see where the participants stand at one point in time. Our main findings are that the students find the tool useful and that well over 80% use the tool daily or several times a week, but that many students are mainly unaware of the level of their own cooperation. The leadership perspective shows that projects like this needs to be firmly based within the leadership group

    Neural Correlates of Treatment in Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Preliminary Investigation

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    Objective: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a prevalent and debilitating psychiatric condition in adolescence. Two effective forms of treatment are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This pilot study examined changes in brain function following each type of treatment in GAD. Method: Subjects were 14 youth with GAD (7 had CBT, 7 received fluoxetine) and 10 age- and gender-matched healthy peers. FMRI scans were acquired before and after treatment for patients, and over two comparable time points for controls. During fMRI acquisition, a probe detection task with emotional (angry, happy) and neutral faces allowed for assessment of neural response to threat. Following previous research, region of interest analyses were performed in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC). Results: FMRI results showed increased VLPFC activation, relative to controls, in the medication (t(15) = 3.01, p \u3c 0.01) and CBT (t(15) = 3.22, p \u3c 0.01) groups following treatment. Conclusions: This study shows significant increase in VLPFC activation in response to angry faces following treatment with CBT or fluoxetine for GAD. This is consistent with previous research indicating that the VLPFC may facilitate effective responding to underlying neural correlates of anxiety in other brain regions, such as the amygdala

    Metabolic mapping by use of high-resolution magic angle spinning1H MR spectroscopy for assessment of apoptosis in cervical carcinomas

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    Background High-resolution magic angle proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (HR1H MAS MRS) provides a broad metabolic mapping of intact tumor samples and allows for microscopy investigations of the samples after spectra acquisition. Experimental studies have suggested that the method can be used for detection of apoptosis, but this has not been investigated in a clinical setting so far. We have explored this hypothesis in cervical cancers by searching for metabolites associated with apoptosis that were not influenced by other histopathological parameters like tumor load and tumor cell density. Methods Biopsies (n = 44) taken before and during radiotherapy in 23 patients were subjected to HR MAS MRS. A standard pulse-acquire spectrum provided information about lipids, and a spin-echo spectrum enabled detection of non-lipid metabolites in the lipid region of the spectra. Apoptotic cell density, tumor cell fraction, and tumor cell density were determined by histopathological analysis after spectra acquisition. Results The apoptotic cell density correlated with the standard pulse-acquire spectra (p < 0.001), but not with the spin-echo spectra, showing that the lipid metabolites were most important. The combined information of all lipids contributed to the correlation, with a major contribution from the ratio of fatty acid -CH2 to CH3 (p = 0.02). In contrast, the spin-echo spectra contained the main information on tumor cell fraction and tumor cell density (p < 0.001), for which cholines, creatine, taurine, glucose, and lactate were most important. Significant correlations were found between tumor cell fraction and glucose concentration (p = 0.001) and between tumor cell density and glycerophosphocholine (GPC) concentration (p = 0.024) and ratio of GPC to choline (p < 0.001). Conclusion Our findings indicate that the apoptotic activity of cervical cancers can be assessed from the lipid metabolites in HR MAS MR spectra and that the HR MAS data may reveal novel information on the metabolic changes characteristic of apoptosis. These changes differed from those associated with tumor load and tumor cell density, suggesting an application of the method to explore the role of apoptosis in the course of the disease

    Latent Factor Modeling of Four Schizotypy Dimensions with Theory of Mind and Empathy

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    Preliminary evidence suggests that theory of mind and empathy relate differentially to factors of schizotypy. The current study assessed 686 undergraduate students and used structural equation modeling to examine links between a four-factor model of schizotypy with performance on measures of theory of mind (Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test [MIE]) and empathy (Interpersonal Reactivity Index [IRI]). Schizotypy was assessed using three self-report measures which were simultaneously entered into the model. Results revealed that the Negative factor of schizotypy showed a negative relationship with the Empathy factor, which was primarily driven by the Empathic Concern subscale of the IRI and the No Close Friends and Constricted Affect subscales of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire. These findings are consistent with a growing body of literature suggesting a relatively specific relationship between negative schizotypy and empathy, and are consistent with several previous studies that found no relationship between MIE performance and schizotypy
