14 research outputs found

    Cognitive decline in Parkinson disease

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    Traumatic brain injury as a trigger of neurodegeneration

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    Although millions of individuals suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) worldwide each year, it is only recently that TBI has been recognized as a major public health problem. Beyond the acute clinical manifestations, there is growing recognition that a single severe TBI (sTBI) or repeated mild TBIs (rTBI) can also induce insidious neurodegenerative processes, which may be associated with early dementia, in particular chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Identified at autopsy examination in individuals with histories of exposure to sTBI or rTBI, CTE is recognized as a complex pathology featuring both macroscopic and microscopic abnormalities. These include cavum septum pellucidum, brain atrophy and ventricular dilation, together with pathologies in tau, TDP-43, and amyloid-β. However, the establishment and characterization of CTE as a distinct disease entity is in its infancy. Moreover, the relative "dose" of TBI, such as the frequency and severity of injury, associated with risk of CTE remains unknown. As such, there is a clear and pressing need to improve the recognition and diagnosis of CTE and to identify mechanistic links between TBI and chronic neurodegeneration

    Novel drug delivery systems for glaucoma

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    Reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) by pharmaceutical or surgical means has long been the standard treatment for glaucoma. A number of excellent drugs are available that are effective in reducing IOP. These drugs are typically applied as eye drops. However, patient adherence can be poor, thus reducing the clinical efficacy of the drugs. Several novel delivery systems designed to address the issue of adherence and to ensure consistent reduction of IOP are currently under development. These delivery systems include contact lenses-releasing glaucoma medications, injectables such as biodegradable micro- and nanoparticles, and surgically implanted systems. These new technologies are aimed at increasing clinical efficacy by offering multiple delivery options and are capable of managing IOP for several months. There is also a desire to have complementary neuroprotective approaches for those who continue to show progression, despite IOP reduction. Many potential neuroprotective agents are not suitable for traditional oral or drop formulations. Their potential is dependent on developing suitable delivery systems that can provide the drugs in a sustained, local manner to the retina and optic nerve. Drug delivery systems have the potential to improve patient adherence, reduce side effects, increase efficacy, and ultimately, preserve sight for glaucoma patients. In this review, we discuss benefits and limitations of the current systems of delivery and application, as well as those on the horizon