90 research outputs found

    Effekt av driftsmåte og engalder på kvalitet av kumelk

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    2007-2008 ble det gjennomført et feltstudie med målsetningen å finne sammenheng mellom engdriftsystem, produksjonssystem og melkekvalitet. Ni gårder med økologisk melkeproduksjon basert på kortvarig eng (KØ) ble paret med 9 gårder med konvensjonell melkeproduksjon basert på kortvarig eng (KK) og 7 gårder med økologisk melkeproduksjon basert på langvarig eng (LØ) ble paret med 7 gårder med konvensjonell melkeproduksjon basert på langvarig eng (LK). Fôrprøver og melkeprøver ble samlet inn annenhver måned. Botanisk sammensetning ble estimert før første slått i 2007. I tillegg ble data fra kukontrollen analysert. Melkeprøvene ble blant annet analysert for fettsyresammensetning, innhold av vitaminer, innhold av selen og innhold av fytoøstrogener. På de konvensjonelle gårdene var det grasarter som dominerte. På de økologiske gårdene var det i tillegg til grasarter en betydelig andel belgvekster (KØ) og urter (LØ). Kvalitetsegenskapene hos melk ble i større grad påvirket av produksjonssystem (økologisk eller konvensjonelt) enn av engdyrkingssystem (kortvarig eller langvarig eng). Det antas at hovedfaktorene var kraftfôrmengde, kraftfôrets innhold av lipider og botanisk sammensetning av grovfôre

    Efficacy and safety of 4 weeks' treatment with combined fluticasone furoate/vilanterol in a single inhaler given once daily in COPD: a placebo-controlled randomised trial

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    Background: Fluticasone furoate/vilanterol (FF/VI) is a novel once-daily (OD) inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting beta(2) agonist combination in development for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Trial design: A multicentre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study. Methods: Participants were patients with moderate-to-severe COPD treated with placebo or FF/VI 400/25 mu g OD for 4 weeks. Study objectives were to assess the safety and efficacy of FF/VI 400/25 mg OD administered for 4 weeks via a novel dry powder inhaler. Co-primary end points were change from baseline in weighted mean (wm) heart rate 0-4 h postdose at day 28 and the incidence of adverse events (AEs). Secondary end points included change from baseline in trough forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) (23-24 h postdose; day 29) and wm FEV1 (0-4 h postdose; day 28). Patients were randomised to receive FF/VI 400/25 mg or placebo in a 2: 1 ratio; all patients and investigators were blinded to active or placebo treatment. Results: 60 patients (mean age 64 years) were randomised (FF/VI: n=40; placebo: n=20), and all contributed data to the analysis. Mean screening post-bronchodilator FEV1 per cent predicted was comparable between groups (FF/VI: 58.5%; placebo: 60.1%). The wm heart rate 0-4 h postdose was similar between groups (difference: 0.6 beats per minute; 95% CI -3.9 to 5.1). More on-treatment AEs were reported in the FF/VI group (68%) compared with the placebo group (50%). The most common drug-related AEs in the FF/VI group were oral candidiasis (8%) and dysphonia (5%). There were no clinically relevant effects on laboratory values, including glucose and potassium, or on vital signs or ECGs/Holters. The FF/VI group had statistically greater improvements compared with placebo in trough FEV1 (mean difference 183 ml) and 0-4 h postdose wm FEV1 (mean difference 236 ml). Conclusion: FF/VI has a good safety and tolerability profile and improves lung function compared with placebo in patients with COPD. Trial registration number: clinical trials. gov-NCT00731822

    Efficacy and safety of 4 weeks' treatment with combined fluticasone furoate/vilanterol in a single inhaler given once daily in COPD: a placebo-controlled randomised trial

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    Background. Fluticasone furoate/vilanterol (FF/VI) is a novel once-daily (OD) inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2 agonist combination in development for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Trial design. A multicentre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study. Methods. Participants were patients with moderate-to-severe COPD treated with placebo or FF/VI 400/25 μg OD for 4 weeks. Study objectives were to assess the safety and efficacy of FF/VI 400/25 μg OD administered for 4 weeks via a novel dry powder inhaler. Co-primary end points were change from baseline in weighted mean (wm) heart rate 0–4 h postdose at day 28 and the incidence of adverse events (AEs). Secondary end points included change from baseline in trough forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) (23–24 h postdose; day 29) and wm FEV1 (0–4 h postdose; day 28). Patients were randomised to receive FF/VI 400/25 μg or placebo in a 2:1 ratio; all patients and investigators were blinded to active or placebo treatment. Results. 60 patients (mean age 64 years) were randomised (FF/VI: n=40; placebo: n=20), and all contributed data to the analysis. Mean screening post-bronchodilator FEV1 per cent predicted was comparable between groups (FF/VI: 58.5%; placebo: 60.1%). The wm heart rate 0–4 h postdose was similar between groups (difference: 0.6 beats per minute; 95% CI −3.9 to 5.1). More on-treatment AEs were reported in the FF/VI group (68%) compared with the placebo group (50%). The most common drug-related AEs in the FF/VI group were oral candidiasis (8%) and dysphonia (5%). There were no clinically relevant effects on laboratory values, including glucose and potassium, or on vital signs or ECGs/Holters. The FF/VI group had statistically greater improvements compared with placebo in trough FEV1 (mean difference 183 ml) and 0–4 h postdose wm FEV1 (mean difference 236 ml). Conclusion. FF/VI has a good safety and tolerability profile and improves lung function compared with placebo in patients with COPD.publishedVersio

    Grazing season and forage type influence goat milk composition and rennet coagulation properties

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    Two different types of pasture (cultivated and rangeland) and 2 different hay qualities (high and low quality) were examined for their effects on goat milk composition and rennet coagulation properties. Furthermore, the effect of dietary treatments in both the early and late grazing season was studied. As lactation stage is known to influence milk composition, the goats in the early and late grazing season were in the same lactation stage at the start of the experiment. The milk composition was influenced both by dietary treatment and season. Milk from goats on pasture was superior to those on hay by containing a higher content of protein and casein, and the goats on cultivated pasture had the highest milk yield. Casein composition was significantly influenced by forage treatment. Goats grazing on cultivated pasture had higher contents of αs1-casein and also of κ-casein compared with the other treatments, whereas goats grazing on rangeland had the highest content of β-casein. Factors such as milk yield, casein micelle size, αs2-casein, and calcium content were reduced in late compared with early season. More favorable rennet coagulation properties were achieved in milk from the early grazing season, with shorter firming time and higher curd firmness compared with milk from the late grazing season, but the firming time and curd firmness were not prominently influenced by forage treatment. The content of αs2-casein and calcium in the milk affected the firming time and the curd firmness positively. The influence of season and forage treatment on especially milk yield, casein content, and rennet coagulation properties is of economic importance for both the dairy industry and goat milk farmers

    Effekten av fôrtilskudd fra sjø og land på bakteriebalansen i tarmen hos søyer og deres avkom

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    E vitamin er nødvendig for drøvtyggere for å opprettholde et velfungerende immunsystem, høyt reproduksjonsnivå, og god melk- og kjøttkvalitet. Innholdet av antioksidanter i råmelken påvirker absorpsjonen av antistoffer hos nyfødte kalver. Selen-innholdet i jord kan være lavt, og dermed kan hjemmedyrket grovfôr være fattig på selen. Hvis grovfôret også er fattig på E-vitamin, som samhandler med selen i sine biologiske effekter, kan underforsyning lett oppstå. Derfor blir rasjonene til drøvtyggere supplert med syntetisk produsert E-vitamin for å sikre tilstrekkelig inntak. Det er imidlertid kjent at syntetisk E-vitamin består av 87,5 % molekyler med ikke-naturlig konfigurasjon og som biologiske ikke er like effektiv (Jensen & Lauridsen, 2007). Av denne grunn er det viktig å finne alternative naturlige vitamin- og antioksidantkilder som er billige, bærekraftig å utvinne og enkle å håndtere, spesielt med tanke på økologisk husdyrproduksjon, men også for tradisjonell husdyrproduksjon. Det ble derfor gjennomført et forsøk med drektige søyer for å teste tang og naturlig E-vitamin som mulige kilder for E-vitamintilskudd og deres effekt på dyrehelsen hos søyene og avkommene

    Identification of exercise‐regulated genes in mice exposed to cigarette smoke

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    Cigarette smoke (CS) is the major risk factor for COPD and is linked to cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Exercise training as part of pulmonary rehabilitation is recommended for all COPD patients. It has several physiological benefits, but the mechanisms involved remain poorly defined. Here, we employed transcriptomic profiling and examined lung endothelium to investigate novel interactions between exercise and CS on cardiopulmonary alterations. Mice were exposed to 20 weeks of CS, CS + 6 weeks of high-intensity interval training on a treadmill, or control. Lung and cardiac (left and right ventricle) tissue were harvested and RNA-sequencing was performed and validated with RT-qPCR. Immunohistochemistry assessed pulmonary arteriolar changes. Transcriptome analysis between groups revealed 37 significantly regulated genes in the lung, 21 genes in the left ventricle, and 43 genes in the right ventricle (likelihood-ratio test). Validated genes that showed interaction between exercise and CS included angiotensinogen (p = 0.002) and resistin-like alpha (p = 0.019) in left ventricle, with prostacyclin synthetase different in pulmonary arterioles (p = 0.004). Transcriptomic profiling revealed changes in pulmonary and cardiac tissue following exposure to CS, with exercise training exerting rescue effects. Exercise-regulated genes included angiotensinogen and resistin-like alpha, however, it remains unclear if these represent potential candidate genes or biomarkers that could play a role during pulmonary rehabilitation

    Effect of pasture botanical composition on milk composition in organic production

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    Milk samples from sixteen Norwegian Red dairy cows grazing mixed swards of either grass-red clover (GR) or mixed swards of sown and unsown species of grass, clover and other herbs (GCH) were collected during four periods. Both pastures were organically managed. Pasture botanical composition had no effect on milk fat, protein or vitamin concentration and only minor effects on fatty acid composition. Milk from GR had higher concentrations of the phytoestrogens equol, genistein and biochanin A than the milk from GCH. Concentrations of equol in milk from GR were higher than concentrations reported from experiments with red clover silage. The oxidative stability of the milk lipids was not affected by pasture type