2,247 research outputs found

    Fine particulate capture device

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    To capture fine particulate matter in a gas such as air, a dielectric fluid is directed to the center of whichever face of a rotating disc is exposed to the air flow. The disc is comprised of two or more segments which bear opposite electrostatic potentials. As the dielectric fluid is centrifuged towards the periphery of the rotating disc, the fluid becomes charged to the same potential as the segment over which it is passing. Particulate matter is attracted to the charged segment and is captured by the fluid. The fluid then carries the captured particulate matter to a collection device such as a toroidal container disposed around the periphery of the disc. A grounded electrically-conductive ring may be disposed at the outer periphery of the disc to neutralize the captured particles and the fluid before they enter the container

    Verkalkung der Falx cerebri: Ein pathognomonisches Zeichen beim Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrom

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Das Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrom (syn. Basalzellnävussyndrom) ist ein autosomal-dominant vererbtes Krankheitsbild, das sich in charakteristischer Weise anhand von Keratozysten der Kiefer, multiplen Basaliomen, skelettalen Deformationen und intrakraniellen Kalzifizierungen manifestiert. Methode: In der vorliegenden Studie wurden 4787 Röntgenaufnahmen mit okzipitomentalem Strahlengang aus dem Archiv der Klinik für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel auf das Vorliegen von Kalzifikationen im Bereich der Falx cerebri geprüft. Ergebnisse: Dabei kristallisierten sich charakteristische Erscheinungsbilder dieser Abweichungen heraus, die 4 lamellaren Strukturgruppen zugeordnet werden konnten. Die Strukturen der Gruppe4 konnten nur bei Gorlin-Goltz-Syndrom-Patienten gefunden werden und unterschieden sich in Form und Ausmaß von den restlichen 3Gruppen. Schlussfolgerung: Das plurilamellare Erscheinungsbild dieser Gruppe konnte als pathognomonisches Zeichen für das Basalzellnävussyndrom gewertet werde

    Perforatationstrauma im Gesichtsschädel: Eine ungewöhnliche Verletzung beim Skifahren

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    Zusammenfassung: Pfählungsverletzungen am Kopf und im Gesicht sind selten. Wir berichten über den Fall eines 48-jährigen Patienten, der sich beim Skifahren eine Pfählungsverletzung des Gesichtschädels mit einem 11cm langen Ast zugezogen hatte. Der Patient präsentierte sich bei der Einlieferung in die Klinik neurologisch unauffällig und kreislaufstabil. In den CT-Untersuchungen des Kopfs konnten Frakturen im Gesichtschädel und ein 11cm langer Fremdkörper, ausgehend vom Sinus maxillaris durch den Gesichtschädel bis paravertebral reichend, ohne Verletzung von Gefäßen nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich zog sich der Patient Frakturen an der Hand und an den Rippen zu. Er wurde in ein Zentrum für Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie verlegt, mehrfach operiert und konnte 8Monate nach dem Unfall wieder in sein gewohntes privates und berufliches Leben zurückkehre

    Perforatationstrauma im Gesichtsschädel. Eine ungewöhnliche Verletzung beim Skifahren

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    Facial perforation injuries are very rare. We describe a case of a 48-year-old man who sustained a perforation trauma from an 11 cm long wooden tree branch in the middle of the face in a skiing accident. He suffered from additional injuries, such as fractures of the ribs and hand, but was neurologically without pathologic findings and was cardiopulmonary stable.The branch penetrated the head from the sinus maxillaris through the maxilla just missing the internal and external carotid arteries and ending just short of the cervical vertebra. The patient was transported to a center for oral and maxillofacial surgery and underwent several operations.He could return to his normal social and professional life 8 months after the accident

    A Robust and Universal Metaproteomics Workflow for Research Studies and Routine Diagnostics Within 24 h Using Phenol Extraction, FASP Digest, and the MetaProteomeAnalyzer

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    The investigation of microbial proteins by mass spectrometry (metaproteomics) is a key technology for simultaneously assessing the taxonomic composition and the functionality of microbial communities in medical, environmental, and biotechnological applications. We present an improved metaproteomics workflow using an updated sample preparation and a new version of the MetaProteomeAnalyzer software for data analysis. High resolution by multidimensional separation (GeLC, MudPIT) was sacrificed to aim at fast analysis of a broad range of different samples in less than 24 h. The improved workflow generated at least two times as many protein identifications than our previous workflow, and a drastic increase of taxonomic and functional annotations. Improvements of all aspects of the workflow, particularly the speed, are first steps toward potential routine clinical diagnostics (i.e., fecal samples) and analysis of technical and environmental samples. The MetaProteomeAnalyzer is provided to the scientific community as a central remote server solution at www.mpa.ovgu.de.Peer Reviewe

    Coherent tunneling by adiabatic passage in an optical waveguide system

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    We report on the first experimental demonstration of light transfer in an engineered triple-well optical waveguide structure which provides a classic analogue of Coherent Tunnelling by Adiabatic Passage (CTAP) recently proposed for coherent transport in space of neutral atoms or electrons among tunneling-coupled optical traps or quantum wells [A.D. Greentree et al., Phys. Rev. B 70, 235317 (2004); K. Eckert et al., Phys. Rev. A 70, 023606 (2004)]. The direct visualization of CTAP wavepacket dynamics enabled by our simple optical system clearly shows that in the counterintuitive passage scheme light waves tunnel between the two outer wells without appreciable excitation of the middle well.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Coherent oscillations in a Cooper-pair box

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    This paper is devoted to an analysis of the experiment by Nakamura {\it et al.} (Nature {\bf 398}, 786 (1999)) on the quantum state control in Josephson junctions devices. By considering the relevant processes involved in the detection of the charge state of the box and a realistic description of the gate pulse we are able to analyze some aspects of the experiment (like the amplitude of the measurement current) in a quantitative way

    Hole burning in a nanomechanical resonator coupled to a Cooper pair box

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    We propose a scheme to create holes in the statistical distribution of excitations of a nanomechanical resonator. It employs a controllable coupling between this system and a Cooper pair box. The success probability and the fidelity are calculated and compared with those obtained in the atom-field system via distinct schemes. As an application we show how to use the hole-burning scheme to prepare (low excited) Fock states.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    The Mallee Road catchment project

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    The Mallee Road Sump catchment is a 30,000 ha catchment located immediately south of a major drainage divide in the central southern agricultural region of Western Australia. The catchment has been largely developed for agriculture over the last 25 years and is now showing development of secondary land salinization. Agronomic trials have shown that it is possible to considerably increase plant production in the area and simultaneously reduce recharge to the groundwaters

    Accumulation of Four Electrons on a Terphenyl (Bis)disulfide

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    The activation of N2, CO2 or H2O to energy-rich products relies on multi-electron transfer reactions, and consequently it seems desirable to understand the basics of light-driven accumulation of multiple redox equivalents. Most of the previously reported molecular acceptors merely allow the storage of up to two electrons. We report on a terphenyl compound including two disulfide bridges, which undergoes four-electron reduction in two separate electrochemical steps, aided by a combination of potential compression and inversion. Under visible-light irradiation using the organic super-electron donor tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene, a cascade of light-induced reaction steps is observed, leading to the cleavage of both disulfide bonds. Whereas one of them undergoes extrusion of sulfur to result in a thiophene, the other disulfide is converted to a dithiolate. These insights seem relevant to enhance the current fundamental understanding of photochemical energy storage