180 research outputs found

    Micrometer-sized Water Ice Particles for Planetary Science Experiments: Influence of Surface Structure on Collisional Properties

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    Models and observations suggest that ice-particle aggregation at and beyond the snowline dominates the earliest stages of planet formation, which therefore is subject to many laboratory studies. However, the pressure–temperature gradients in protoplanetary disks mean that the ices are constantly processed, undergoing phase changes between different solid phases and the gas phase. Open questions remain as to whether the properties of the icy particles themselves dictate collision outcomes and therefore how effectively collision experiments reproduce conditions in protoplanetary environments. Previous experiments often yielded apparently contradictory results on collision outcomes, only agreeing in a temperature dependence setting in above ≈210 K. By exploiting the unique capabilities of the NIMROD neutron scattering instrument, we characterized the bulk and surface structure of icy particles used in collision experiments, and studied how these structures alter as a function of temperature at a constant pressure of around 30 mbar. Our icy grains, formed under liquid nitrogen, undergo changes in the crystalline ice-phase, sublimation, sintering and surface pre-melting as they are heated from 103 to 247 K. An increase in the thickness of the diffuse surface layer from ≈10 to ≈30 Å (≈2.5 to 12 bilayers) proves increased molecular mobility at temperatures above ≈210 K. Because none of the other changes tie-in with the temperature trends in collisional outcomes, we conclude that the surface pre-melting phenomenon plays a key role in collision experiments at these temperatures. Consequently, the pressure–temperature environment, may have a larger influence on collision outcomes than previously thought

    Controlling silver nanoparticle exposure in algal toxicity testing - A matter of timing

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    The aquatic ecotoxicity testing of nanoparticles is complicated by unstable exposure conditions resulting from various transformation processes of nanoparticles in aqueous suspensions. In this study, we investigated the influence of exposure timing on the algal test response to silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), by reducing the incubation time and by aging the AgNPs in algal medium prior to testing. The freshwater green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were exposed to AgNO(3), NM-300 K (a representative AgNP) and citrate stabilized AgNPs from two different manufacturers (AgNP1 and AgNP2) in a standard algal growth inhibition test (ISO 8692:2004) for 48 h and a short-term (2 h) (14)C-assimilation test. For AgNO(3), similar responses were obtained in the two tests, whereas freshly prepared suspensions of citrate stabilized AgNPs were less toxic in the 2-h tests compared to the 48-h tests. The 2-h test was found applicable for dissolved silver, but yielded non-monotonous concentration–response relationships and poor reproducibility for freshly prepared AgNP suspensions. However, when aging AgNPs in algal medium 24 h prior to testing, clear concentration–response patterns emerged and reproducibility increased. Prolonged aging to 48 h increased toxicity in the 2-h tests whereas aging beyond 48 h reduced toxicity. Our results demonstrate that the outcome of algal toxicity testing of AgNPs is highly influenced not only by the test duration, but also by the time passed from the moment AgNPs are added to the test medium. This time-dependency should be considered when nanomaterial dispersion protocols for ecotoxicity testing are developed

    Identification of the A293 (AVE1231) Binding Site in the Cardiac Two-Pore-Domain Potassium Channel TASK-1: a Common Low Affinity Antiarrhythmic Drug Binding Site

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    Background/Aims: The two-pore-domain potassium channel TASK-1 regulates atrial action potential duration. Due to the atrium-specific expression of TASK-1 in the human heart and the functional upregulation of TASK-1 currents in atrial fibrillation (AF), TASK-1 represents a promising target for the treatment of AF. Therefore, detailed knowledge of the molecular determinants of TASK-1 inhibition may help to identify new drugs for the future therapy of AF. In the current study, the molecular determinants of TASK-1 inhibition by the potent and antiarrhythmic compound A293 (AVE1231) were studied in detail. Methods: Alanine-scanning mutagenesis together with two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings were combined with in silico docking experiments. Results: Here, we have identified Q126 located in the M2 segment together with L239 and N240 of the M4 segment as amino acids essential for the A293-mediated inhibition of TASK‑1. These data indicate a binding site which is different to that of A1899 for which also residues of the pore signature sequence and the late M4 segments are essential. Using in silico docking experiments, we propose a binding site at the lower end of the cytosolic pore, located at the entry to lateral side fenestrations of TASK-1. Strikingly, TASK-1 inhibition by the low affinity antiarrhythmic TASK‑1 blockers propafenone, amiodarone and carvedilol was also strongly diminished by mutations at this novel binding site. Conclusion: We have identified the A293 binding site in the central cavity of TASK-1 and propose that this site might represent a conserved site of action for many low affinity antiarrhythmic TASK-1 blockers

    Altered time structure of neuro-endocrine-immune system function in lung cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The onset and the development of neoplastic disease may be influenced by many physiological, biological and immunological factors. The nervous, endocrine and immune system might act as an integrated unit to mantain body defense against this pathological process and reciprocal influences have been evidenced among hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pineal gland and immune system. In this study we evaluated differences among healthy subjects and subjects suffering from lung cancer in the 24-hour secretory profile of melatonin, cortisol, TRH, TSH, FT4, GH, IGF-1 and IL-2 and circadian variations of lymphocyte subpopulations. </p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In ten healthy male volunteers (age range 45-66) and ten male patients with untreated non small cell lung cancer (age range 46-65) we measured melatonin, cortisol, TRH, TSH, FT4, GH, IGF-1 and IL-2 serum levels and percentages of lymphocyte subpopulations on blood samples collected every four hours for 24 hours. One-way ANOVA between the timepoints for each variable and each group was performed to look for a time-effect, the presence of circadian rhythmicity was evaluated, MESOR, amplitude and acrophase values, mean diurnal levels and mean nocturnal levels were compared.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A clear circadian rhythm was validated in the control group for hormone serum level and for lymphocyte subsets variation. Melatonin, TRH, TSH, GH, CD3, CD4, HLA-DR, CD20 and CD25 expressing cells presented circadian rhythmicity with acrophase during the night. Cortisol, CD8, CD8<sup>bright</sup>, CD8<sup>dim</sup>, CD16, TcRδ1 and δTcS1 presented circadian rhythmicity with acrophase in the morning/at noon. FT4, IGF-1 and IL-2 variation did not show circadian rhythmicity. In lung cancer patients cortisol, TRH, TSH and GH serum level and all the lymphocyte subsubsets variation (except for CD4) showed loss of circadian rhythmicity. MESOR of cortisol, TRH, GH, IL-2 and CD16 was increased, whereas MESOR of TSH, IGF-1, CD8, CD8<sup>bright</sup>, TcRδ1 and δTcS1 was decreased in cancer patients. The melatonin/cortisol mean nocturnal level ratio was decreased in cancer patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The altered secretion and loss of circadian rhythmicity of many studied factors observed in the subjects suffering from neoplastic disease may be expression of gradual alteration of the integrated function of the neuro-immune-endocrine system</p

    Intracellular chloride concentration influences the GABAA receptor subunit composition

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    GABAA receptors (GABAARs) exist as different subtype variants showing unique functional properties and defined spatio-temporal expression pattern. The molecular mechanisms underlying the developmental expression of different GABAAR are largely unknown. The intracellular concentration of chloride ([Cl−]i), the main ion permeating through GABAARs, also undergoes considerable changes during maturation, being higher at early neuronal stages with respect to adult neurons. Here we investigate the possibility that [Cl−]i could modulate the sequential expression of specific GABAARs subtypes in primary cerebellar neurons. We show that [Cl−]i regulates the expression of α3-1 and δ-containing GABAA receptors, responsible for phasic and tonic inhibition, respectively. Our findings highlight the role of [Cl−]i in tuning the strength of GABAergic responses by acting as an intracellular messenger

    Short-Lived Trace Gases in the Surface Ocean and the Atmosphere

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    The two-way exchange of trace gases between the ocean and the atmosphere is important for both the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere and the biogeochemistry of the oceans, including the global cycling of elements. Here we review these exchanges and their importance for a range of gases whose lifetimes are generally short compared to the main greenhouse gases and which are, in most cases, more reactive than them. Gases considered include sulphur and related compounds, organohalogens, non-methane hydrocarbons, ozone, ammonia and related compounds, hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Finally, we stress the interactivity of the system, the importance of process understanding for modeling, the need for more extensive field measurements and their better seasonal coverage, the importance of inter-calibration exercises and finally the need to show the importance of air-sea exchanges for global cycling and how the field fits into the broader context of Earth System Science

    Nanobio Silver: Its Interactions with Peptides and Bacteria, and Its Uses in Medicine

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    Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Medizinstudium aus Sicht der Studierenden

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