565 research outputs found

    Slisp: A Flexible Software Toolkit for Hybrid, Embedded and Distributed Applications

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    We describe Slisp (pronounced ‘Ess-Lisp’), a hybrid Lisp–C programming toolkit for the development of scriptable and distributed applications. Computationally expensive operations implemented as separate C-coded modules are selectively compiled into a small Xlisp interpreter, then called as Lisp functions in a Lisp-coded program. The resulting hybrid program may run in several modes: as a stand-alone executable, embedded in a different C program, as a networked server accessed from another Slisp client, or as a networked server accessed from a C-coded client. Five years of experience with Slisp, as well experience with other scripting languages such as Tcl and Perl, are summarized. These experiences suggest that Slisp will be most useful for mid-sized applications in which the kinds of scripting and embeddability features provided by Tcl and Perl can be extended in an efïŹcient manner to larger applications, while maintaining a well-deïŹned standard (Common Lisp) for these extensions. In addition, the generality of Lisp makes Lisp a good candidate for an application-level communication language in distributed environments

    Religiosity and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Latina Adolescents: Trends from 1995 to 2008

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine trends in the influence of religiosity on sexual activity of Latina adolescents in the United States from 1995 to 2008 and to determine if differences existed between the Mexican American and other Latina groups. Methods: The sample comprised the subset of unmarried, 15–21-year-old (mean 17 years) Latina female respondents in the 1995 (n=267), 2002 (n=306), and 2006–2008 (n=400) National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) datasets. Associations between religiosity (importance of religion and service attendance) and history of ever having sex, number of sex partners, and age of sexual debut were investigated. Results: Less than one half of Latinas in 1995 (44%) and in 2006–2008 (44%) reported that religion was very important to them, whereas in 2002, 50% reported it was important. Only in 1995 did Latinas who viewed religion as very important have a significantly lower level of sexual initiation. In 1995 and in 2006–2008, Latinas who held religion as very important had significantly fewer partners. In all three cohorts, the higher religious importance group had higher virgin survival rates. Across cohorts, approximately one third of respondents reported frequent religious attendance. In all cohorts, frequent attenders were less likely to have had sex, had fewer partners, and had older age at sexual debut. The survival rate as virgins for Mexican origin Latinas was higher in 1995 and 2002 compared to non-Mexican Latinas but was almost the same in 2006–2008. Conclusions: Religiosity had a protective association with sexual activity among Latina adolescents. The association of importance of religion with sexual activity has diminished from 1995 to 2008, however, whereas the importance of service attendance has remained stable. The influence of religion was more apparent among the Latinas of Mexican origin, but this greater influence also diminished by 2006–2008

    A study of neuromodulation using the isolated locust (Schistocerca gregaria) first basalar motoneurone as an 'in vitro' model

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    1. A technique has been developed to isolate the first basalar (BA1) motoneurone of the locust (Schistocerca gregaria) from its ganglionic environment. The isolated neurone soma remained viable (often for up to 9hrs), enabling its electrophysiological and pharmacological properties to be investigated. The findings of these studies were comparable with those from the BA1 motoneurone in situ, and with other insect neurones whether studied in vitro or in situ. 2. The application of selected agonists to the isolated BA1 motoneurone soma demonstrated the presence of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, GABA receptors and dopamine (DA) receptors. The membrane depolarization evoked by nicotine was blocked by BTX, while the GABA- induced membrane hyperpolarization response was sensitive to picrotoxin. Muscarinic receptor and DA receptor activation both induced membrane depolarization which was evoked without a detectable change in membrane conductance. The ionic dependency of these agonist-induced responses is discussed. 3. When applied between pressure applications of GABA, DA could induce either membrane depolarization or hyperpolarization, both of which were associated with an increase in membrane conductance. Furthermore, the amplitude and/or duration of the GABA response was potentiated by DA. Possible mechanisms underlying these observations are proposed. 4. Using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescence probe, fluo-3, and confocal laser scarming microscopy, the effects of the muscarinic agonist, McN A-343, and DA on [Ca2+]i in the isolated BA1 motoneurone were examined. McN evoked an increase in [Ca2+]i, whilst DA evoked a decrease in [Ca2+]i. Similar observations were made from isolated cockroach fast coxal depressor (Df) motoneurones. The cellular events underlying these observations are discussed. 5. A technique was established to maintain dissociated unidentified adult locust neurones in culture for up to two weeks; a similar protocol was used to maintain isolated BA1 motoneurones in culture. Electrophysiological recording techniques demonstrated that the neurones remained viable in culture

    Difference between how ambulance service personnel use paper and electronic patient care records when attending older people at home.

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    The research was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care East of England at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.This is the accepted manuscript. This is a non-final version of an article published in final form in European Journal of Emergency Medicine. The final version is available from Wolters Kluwer at http://journals.lww.com/euro-emergencymed/Citation/publishahead/Difference_between_how_ambulance_service_personnel.99454.aspx

    Introduction : Setting the stage

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    Religion has become a pressing matter in different fields of multicultural European society, which raises the question as to how best to govern religious diversity. What we argue in this book is that a successful governance of religious diversity necessitates the development of religious literacy. As such, religious literacy can be understood in a variety of ways depending on the particular context. This book draws on different empirical case studies concerning Finland, covering traditional Finnish religious movements and issues pertaining to immigration and the growing ethnic and religious diversity of Finnish society. In doing so, it delves, among other matters, into the field of school education and state policies against radicalization and violence.Peer reviewe

    Introduction : Setting the stage

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    Religion has become a pressing matter in different fields of multicultural European society, which raises the question as to how best to govern religious diversity. What we argue in this book is that a successful governance of religious diversity necessitates the development of religious literacy. As such, religious literacy can be understood in a variety of ways depending on the particular context. This book draws on different empirical case studies concerning Finland, covering traditional Finnish religious movements and issues pertaining to immigration and the growing ethnic and religious diversity of Finnish society. In doing so, it delves, among other matters, into the field of school education and state policies against radicalization and violence.Peer reviewe

    Introduction : Setting the stage

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    Religion has become a pressing matter in different fields of multicultural European society, which raises the question as to how best to govern religious diversity. What we argue in this book is that a successful governance of religious diversity necessitates the development of religious literacy. As such, religious literacy can be understood in a variety of ways depending on the particular context. This book draws on different empirical case studies concerning Finland, covering traditional Finnish religious movements and issues pertaining to immigration and the growing ethnic and religious diversity of Finnish society. In doing so, it delves, among other matters, into the field of school education and state policies against radicalization and violence.Peer reviewe

    The role of religion in the longer-range future, April 6, 7, and 8, 2006

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This conference that took place during April 6, 7, and 8, 2006. Co-organized by David Fromkin, Director, Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, and Ray L. Hart, Dean ad interim Boston University School of TheologyThe conference brought together some 40 experts from various disciplines to ponder upon the “great dilemma” of how science, religion, and the human future interact. In particular, different panels looked at trends in what is happening to religion around the world, questions about how religion is impacting the current political and economic order, and how the social dynamics unleashed by science and by religion can be reconciled.Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affair

    Protocol for the development of an evidence-based ‘Best Practice Model’ for Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia

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    Background: Teams working in the community to manage crisis in dementia are available, but with widely varying models of practice it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of such teams. The aim of this study is to develop a model of best practice for dementia services managing crisis, as well as a set of resources to help teams implement this model: these will be (respectively) the Best Practice Tool and Toolkit, to improve the effectiveness of crisis teams working with older people with dementia and their carers. Objective: To detail a protocol describing the development a ‘Best Practice Model,’ to include a Best Practice Tool and Toolkit intended to measure and improve practice delivery. Methods: This paper describes the protocol for a prospective study which will use qualitative methods to establish an understanding of current practice to develop a ‘Best Practice Model,’ to include a Best Practice Tool and Toolkit intended to measure and improve practice delivery. Participants (people with dementia, carers, staff members and stakeholders) from a variety of geographical areas, with a broad experience of crisis and non-crisis working, will be purposively selected to participate in qualitative methodology including interviews, focus groups, a consensus workshop, and development and field testing of both the Best Practice Tool and Toolkit. Results: Not applicable as protocol is describing a prospective study for development of a 'Best Practice Model' for Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia. Conclusions: This is the first study to systematically explore the requirements needed to fulfil effective and appropriate home management for people with dementia and their carers at a time of mental health crisis, as delivered by Teams Managing Crisis in Dementia (TMCDs). This systematic approach to development will support greater acceptability and validity of the Best Practice Tool and Toolkit and lay the foundation for a large scale trial with TMCDs across England to investigate effects on practice and impact on service provision, and associated experiences of people with dementia and their carers. Clinical Trial: Not applicabl
