14 research outputs found

    Silicon cycle in the tropical South Pacific: contribution to the global Si cycle and evidence for an active pico-sized siliceous plankton

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    This article presents data regarding the Si biogeochemical cycle during two oceanographic cruises conducted in the tropical South Pacific (BIOSOPE and OUTPACE cruises) in 2005 and 2015. It involves the first Si stock measurements in this understudied region, encompassing various oceanic systems from New Caledonia to the Chilean upwelling between 8 and 34°&thinsp;S. Some of the lowest levels of biogenic silica standing stocks ever measured were found in this area, notably in the southern Pacific gyre, where Chlorophyll a concentrations are the most depleted worldwide. Integrated biogenic silica stocks are as low as 1.08±0.95&thinsp;mmol&thinsp;m−2 and are the lowest stocks measured in the South Pacific. Size-fractionated biogenic silica concentrations revealed a non-negligible contribution of the pico-sized fraction (&lt;2–3&thinsp;”m) to biogenic silica standing stocks, representing 26% ± 12% of total biogenic silica during the OUTPACE cruise and 11% ± 9% during the BIOSOPE cruise. These results indicate significant accumulation in this size class, which was undocumented for 2005, but has since then been related to Si uptake by Synechococcus cells. Si uptake measurements carried out during BIOSOPE confirmed biological Si uptake by this size fraction. We further present diatoms community structure associated with the stock measurements for a global overview of the Si cycle in the tropical South Pacific.</p

    Pigments, elemental composition (C, N, P, and Si), and stoichiometry of particulate matter in the naturally iron fertilized region of Kerguelen in the Southern Ocean

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    International audienceThe particulate matter distribution and phyto-plankton community structure of the iron-fertilized Ker-guelen region were investigated in early austral spring (October–November 2011) during the KEOPS2 cruise. The iron-fertilized region was characterized by a complex mesoscale circulation resulting in a patchy distribution of particulate matter. Integrated concentrations over 200 m ranged from 72.2 to 317.7 mg m −2 for chlorophyll a 314 to 744 mmol m −2 for biogenic silica (BSi), 1106 to 2268 mmol m −2 for particulate organic carbon, 215 to 436 mmol m −2 for particulate organic nitrogen, and 29.3 to 39.0 mmol m −2 for particulate organic phosphorus. Three distinct high biomass areas were identified: the coastal waters of Kerguelen Islands, the easternmost part of the study area in the polar front zone, and the southeastern Kergue-len Plateau. As expected from previous artificial and natural iron-fertilization experiments, the iron-fertilized areas were characterized by the development of large diatoms revealed by BSi size–fractionation and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment signatures, whereas the iron-limited reference area was associated with a low biomass dominated by a mixed (nanoflagellates and diatoms) phy-toplankton assemblage. A major difference from most previous artificial iron fertilization studies was the observation of much higher Si : C, Si : N, and Si : P ratios (0.31 ± 0.16, 1.6 ± 0.7 and 20.5 ± 7.9, respectively) in the iron-fertilized areas compared to the iron-limited reference station (0.13, 1.1, and 5.8, respectively). A second difference is the patchy response of the elemental composition of phytoplankton communities to large scale natural iron fertilization. Comparison to the previous KEOPS1 cruise also allowed to address the seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton bloom over the southeastern plateau. From particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), and BSi evolu-tions, we showed that the elemental composition of the particulate matter also varies at the seasonal scale. This temporal evolution followed changes of the phytoplankton community structure as well as major changes in the nutrient stocks progressively leading to silicic acid exhaustion at the end of the productive season. Our observations suggest that the specific response of phy-toplankton communities under natural iron fertilization is much more diverse than what has been regularly observed in artificial iron fertilization experiments and that the elemental composition of the bulk particulate matter reflects phyto-plankton taxonomic structure rather than being a direct consequence of iron availability

    Atmospheric fluxes of soluble organic C, N, and P to the Mediterranean Sea: Potential biogeochemical implications in the surface layer

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    International audienceLinking atmospheric deposition to marine carbon and nutrient cycle is hampered by the lack of data on atmospheric fluxes of organic matter. To fill this gap, this study reports the first quantification of atmospheric fluxes of soluble organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen (SON) and phosphate (SOP) to the NW Mediterranean Sea. Simultaneous measurements of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphate (DOP) in the surface mixed layer (SML) allowed estimating the potential contribution of atmospheric fluxes to marine DOC, DON and DOP inventories. We found an annual atmospheric flux of 59 mmol C m−2 year−1 for SOC, 16.4 mmol N m−2 year−1 for SON and 23.6 ”mol P m−2 year−1 for SOP, with proportions of SON and SOP to total soluble nitrogen and phosphate of 40% and 25%, respectively. Assuming these annual fluxes valid for the entire western Mediterranean basin, atmospheric fluxes would be higher than DOC, DON and DOP fluxes from the RhĂŽne River by a factor of 6, 17 and 2, for C, N and P, respectively. Inventories of DOC, DON and DOP in the surface mixed layer displayed similar trends over the study period with maximum values at the end of the stratification period. DOP contributed by 85 ± 11% to total dissolved phosphate (TDP) pool and exhibited a labile fraction (LDOP) of 27 ± 19%. The contribution of atmospheric deposition to the DOC, DON and DOP pools in the SML, estimated for the stratification period, was low for C (3%) and P (4.5%) and moderate for N (12%). The labile fraction of atmospheric SOP (LSOP) was quantified throughout the sampling period and showed a high variability ranging from 0 to 97%. Atmospheric fluxes of LSOP contributed by 7% to marine LDOP pool and could sustain up to 8% of the heterotrophic prokaryotic phosphate demand in the SML of the NW Mediterranean Sea during the stratification period. The results obtained in this study stress the need to include atmospheric fluxes of organic matter in marine biogeochemical models to achieve a more complete picture of carbon and nutrient cycle in the Mediterranean Sea

    In-depth characterization of diazotroph activity across the western tropical South Pacific hotspot of N-2 fixation (OUTPACE cruise)

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    Here we report N-2 fixation rates from a similar to 4000 km transect in the western and central tropical South Pacific, a particularly undersampled region in the world ocean. Water samples were collected in the euphotic layer along a west to east transect from 160 degrees E to 160 degrees W that covered contrasting trophic regimes, from oligotrophy in the Melanesian archipelago (MA) waters to ultraoligotrophy in the South Pacific Gyre (GY) waters. N-2 fixation was detected at all 17 sampled stations with an average depth-integrated rate of 631 +/- 286 mu mol Nm(-2) d(-1) (range 196-1153 mu mol Nm(-2) d(-1)) in MA waters and of 85 +/- 79 mu mol Nm(-2) d(-1) (range 18-172 mu mol Nm(-2) d(-1)) in GY waters. Two cyanobacteria, the larger colonial filamentous Trichodesmium and the smaller UCYN-B, dominated the enumerated diazotroph community (>80 %) and gene expression of the nifH gene (cDNA > 10(5) nifH copies L-1) in MA waters. Single-cell isotopic analyses performed by nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS) at selected stations revealed that Trichodesmium was always the major contributor to N-2 fixation in MA waters, accounting for 47.1-83.8% of bulk N-2 fixation. The most plausible environmental factors explaining such exceptionally high rates of N-2 fixation in MA waters are discussed in detail, emphasizing the role of macro- and micro-nutrient (e.g., iron) availability, seawater temperature and currents

    Aphotic N<sub>2</sub> fixation along an oligotrophic to ultraoligotrophic transect in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean

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    The western tropical South Pacific (WTSP) Ocean has been recognized as a global hot spot of dinitrogen (N2) fixation. Here, as in other marine environments across the oceans, N2 fixation studies have focused on the sunlit layer. However, studies have confirmed the importance of aphotic N2 fixation activity, although until now only one had been performed in the WTSP. In order to increase our knowledge of aphotic N2 fixation in the WTSP, we measured N2 fixation rates and identified diazotrophic phylotypes in the mesopelagic layer along a transect spanning from New Caledonia to French Polynesia. Because non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs presumably need external dissolved organic matter (DOM) sources for their nutrition, we also identified DOM compounds using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICRMS) with the aim of searching for relationships between the composition of DOM and non-cyanobacterial N2 fixation in the aphotic ocean. N2 fixation rates were low (average 0.63 ± 0.07 nmol N L−1 d−1) but consistently detected across all depths and stations, representing ∌ 6–88 % of photic N2 fixation. N2 fixation rates were not significantly correlated with DOM compounds. The analysis of nifH gene amplicons revealed a wide diversity of non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs, mostly matching clusters 1 and 3. Interestingly, a distinct phylotype from the major nifH subcluster 1G dominated at 650 dbar, coinciding with the oxygenated Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW). This consistent pattern suggests that the distribution of aphotic diazotroph communities is to some extent controlled by water mass structure. While the data available are still too scarce to elucidate the distribution and controls of mesopelagic non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs in the WTSP, their prevalence in the mesopelagic layer and the consistent detection of active N2 fixation activity at all depths sampled during our study suggest that aphotic N2 fixation may contribute significantly to fixed nitrogen inputs in this area and/or areas downstream of water mass circulation

    Assessing the contribution of diazotrophs to microbial Fe uptake using a group specific approach in the Western Tropical South Pacific Ocean

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    Diazotrophs are often limited by iron (Fe) availability in the oligotrophic ocean. The Western Tropical South Pacific (WTSP) ocean has been suggested as an intense N2 fixation area due to Fe fertilizations through shallow hydrothermal activity. Yet, the Fe demand of diazotrophs in their natural habitat, where they cohabit with other microbial organisms also requiring Fe, remains unknown. Here we develop and apply a method consisting of coupling 55Fe uptake experiments with cell-sorting by flow cytometry, and provide group-specific rates of in situ Fe uptake by the microbial community in the WTSP, in addition to bulk and size fractionation rates. We reveal that the diazotrophs Crocosphaera watsonii and Trichodesmium contribute substantially to the bulk in situ Fe uptake (~33% on average over the studied area), despite being numerically less abundant compared to the rest of the planktonic community. Trichodesmium had the highest cell-specific Fe uptake rates, followed by C. watsonii, picoeukaryotes, Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and finally heterotrophic bacteria. Calculated Fe:C quotas were higher (by 2 to 52-fold) for both studied diazotrophs compared to those of the non-diazotrophic plankton, reflecting their high intrinsic Fe demand. This translates into a diazotroph biogeographical distribution that appears to be influenced by ambient dissolved Fe concentrations in the WTSP. Despite having low cell-specific uptake rates, Prochlorococcus and heterotrophic bacteria were largely the main contributors to the bulk Fe uptake (~23% and ~12%, respectively). Overall, this group-specific approach increases our ability to examine the ecophysiological role of functional groups, including those of less abundant and/or less active microbes

    Coupling physics and biogeochemistry thanks to high-resolution observations of the phytoplankton community structure in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

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    Fine-scale physical structures and ocean dynamics strongly influence and regulate biogeochemical and ecological processes. These processes are particularly challenging to describe and understand because of their ephemeral nature. The OSCAHR (Observing Submesoscale Coupling At High Resolution) campaign was conducted in fall 2015 in which a fine-scale structure (1–10 km∕1–10 days) in the northwestern Mediterranean Ligurian subbasin was pre-identified using both satellite and numerical modeling data. Along the ship track, various variables were measured at the surface (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a and nutrient concentrations) with ADCP current velocity. We also deployed a new model of the CytoSense automated flow cytometer (AFCM) optimized for small and dim cells, for near real-time characterization of the surface phytoplankton community structure of surface waters with a spatial resolution of a few kilometers and an hourly temporal resolution. For the first time with this optimized version of the AFCM, we were able to fully resolve Prochlorococcus picocyanobacteria in addition to the easily distinguishable Synechococcus. The vertical physical dynamics and biogeochemical properties of the studied area were investigated by continuous high-resolution CTD profiles thanks to a moving vessel profiler (MVP) during the vessel underway associated with a high-resolution pumping system deployed during fixed stations allowing sampling of the water column at a fine resolution (below 1 m). The observed fine-scale feature presented a cyclonic structure with a relatively cold core surrounded by warmer waters. Surface waters were totally depleted in nitrate and phosphate. In addition to the doming of the isopycnals by the cyclonic circulation, an intense wind event induced Ekman pumping. The upwelled subsurface cold nutrient-rich water fertilized surface waters and was marked by an increase in Chl a concentration. Prochlorococcus and pico- and nano-eukaryotes were more abundant in cold core waters, while Synechococcus dominated in warm boundary waters. Nanoeukaryotes were the main contributors ( &gt; 50 %) in terms of pigment content (red fluorescence) and biomass. Biological observations based on the mean cell's red fluorescence recorded by AFCM combined with physical properties of surface waters suggest a distinct origin for two warm boundary waters. Finally, the application of a matrix growth population model based on high-frequency AFCM measurements in warm boundary surface waters provides estimates of in situ growth rate and apparent net primary production for Prochlorococcus (Ό = 0.21 d−1, NPP  = 0.11 mg C m−3 d−1) and Synechococcus (Ό = 0.72 d−1, NPP  = 2.68 mg C m−3 d−1), which corroborate their opposite surface distribution pattern. The innovative adaptive strategy applied during OSCAHR with a combination of several multidisciplinary and complementary approaches involving high-resolution in situ observations and sampling, remote-sensing and model simulations provided a deeper understanding of the marine biogeochemical dynamics through the first trophic levels

    Spatial patterns of ectoenzymatic kinetics in relation to biogeochemical properties in the Mediterranean Sea and the concentration of the fluorogenic substrate used

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    Ectoenzymatic activity, prokaryotic heterotrophic abundances and production were determined in the Mediterranean Sea. Sampling was carried out in the sub-surface, the deep chlorophyll maximum layer (DCM), the core of the Levantine intermediate waters and in the deeper part of the mesopelagic layers. Michaelis–Menten kinetics were assessed using a large range of concentrations of fluorogenic substrates (0.025 to 50 ”M). As a consequence, Km (Michaelis–Menten half-saturation constant) and Vm (maximum hydrolysis velocity) parameters were determined for both low- and high-affinity enzymes for alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase (LAP) and ÎČ-glucosidase (ÎČGLU). Based on the constant derived from the high-LAP-affinity enzyme (0.025–1 ”M substrate concentration range), in situ hydrolysis of N proteins contributed 48 % ± 30 % to the heterotrophic bacterial nitrogen demand within the epipelagic layers and 180 % ± 154 % in the Levantine intermediate waters and the upper part of the mesopelagic layers. The LAP hydrolysis rate was higher than bacterial N demand only within the deeper layer and only when considering the high-affinity enzyme. Based on a 10 % bacterial growth efficiency, the cumulative hydrolysis rates of C proteins and C polysaccharides contributed on average 2.5 % ± 1.3  % to the heterotrophic bacterial carbon demand in the epipelagic layers sampled (sub-surface and DCM). This study clearly reveals potential biases in current and past interpretations of the kinetic parameters for the three enzymes tested based on the fluorogenic-substrate concentration used. In particular, the LAP / ÎČGLU enzymatic ratios and some of the depth-related trends differed between the use of high and low concentrations of fluorogenic substrates

    N-2 fixation as a dominant new N source in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean (OUTPACE cruise)

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    We performed nitrogen (N) budgets in the photic layer of three contrasting stations representing different trophic conditions in the western tropical South Pacific (WTSP) Ocean during austral summer conditions (FebruaryMarch 2015). Using a Lagrangian strategy, we sampled the same water mass for the entire duration of each long-duration (5 days) station, allowing us to consider only vertical exchanges for the budgets. We quantified all major vertical N fluxes both entering (N-2 fixation, nitrate turbulent diffusion, atmospheric deposition) and leaving the photic layer (particulate N export). The three stations were characterized by a strong nitracline and contrasted deep chlorophyll maximum depths, which were lower in the oligotrophic Melanesian archipelago (MA, stations LD A and LD B) than in the ultra-oligotrophic waters of the South Pacific Gyre (SPG, station LD C). N-2 fixation rates were extremely high at both LD A (593 +/- 51 mu mol N m(-2) d(-1)) and LD B (706 +/- 302 mu mol N m(-2)d(-1)), and the diazotroph community was dominated by Trichodesmium. N-2 fixation rates were lower (59 +/- 16 mu mol N m(-2) d(-1)) at LD C, and the diazotroph community was dominated by unicellular N-2-fixing cyanobacteria (UCYN). At all stations, N-2 fixation was the major source of new N (> 90 %) before atmospheric deposition and upward nitrate fluxes induced by turbulence. N-2 fixation contributed circa 1318 % of primary production in the MA region and 3 in the SPG water and sustained nearly all new primary production at all stations. The e ratio (e ratio articulate carbon export / primary production) was maximum at LD A (9.7 ) and was higher than the e ratio in most studied oligotrophic regions (< 5), indicating a high efficiency of the WTSP to export carbon relative to primary production. The direct export of diazotrophs assessed by qPCR of the nifH gene in sediment traps represented up to 30.6 of the PC export at LD A, while their contribution was 5 and < 0.1 % at LD B and LD C, respectively. At the three studied stations, the sum of all N input to the photic layer exceeded the N output through organic matter export. This disequilibrium leading to N accumulation in the upper layer appears as a characteristic of the WTSP during the summer season

    Nutrient availability and the ultimate control of the biological carbon pump in the western tropical South Pacific Ocean

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    Surface waters (0–200 m) of the western tropical South Pacific (WTSP) were sampled along a longitudinal 4000 km transect (OUTPACE cruise, DOI: 10.17600/15000900) during the austral summer (stratified) period (18 February to 3 April 2015) between the Melanesian Archipelago (MA) and the western part of the SP gyre (WGY). Two distinct areas were considered for the MA, the western MA (WMA), and the eastern MA (EMA). The main carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) pools and fluxes provide a basis for the characterization of the expected trend from oligotrophy to ultra-oligotrophy, and the building of first-order budgets at the daily and seasonal timescales (using climatology). Sea surface chlorophyll a well reflected the expected oligotrophic gradient with higher values obtained at WMA, lower values at WGY, and intermediate values at EMA. As expected, the euphotic zone depth, the deep chlorophyll maximum, and nitracline depth deepen from west to east. Nevertheless, phosphaclines and nitraclines did not match. The decoupling between phosphacline and nitracline depths in the MA allows for excess P to be locally provided in the upper water by winter mixing. We found a significant biological "soft tissue" carbon pump in the MA sustained almost exclusively by dinitrogen (N2) fixation and essentially controlled by phosphate availability in this iron-rich environment. The MA appears to be a net sink for atmospheric CO2, while the WGY is in quasi-steady state. We suggest that the necessary excess P, allowing the success of nitrogen fixers and subsequent carbon production and export, is mainly brought to the upper surface by local deep winter convection at an annual timescale rather than by surface circulation. While the origin of the decoupling between phosphacline and nitracline remains uncertain, the direct link between local P upper water enrichment, N2 fixation, and organic carbon production and export, offers a possible shorter timescale than previously thought between N input by N2 fixation and carbon export. The low iron availability in the SP gyre and P availability in the MA during the stratified period may appear as the ultimate control of N input by N2 fixation. Because of the huge volume of water to consider, and because the SP Ocean is the place of intense denitrification in the east (N sink) and N2 fixation in the west (N source), precise seasonal C, N, P, and iron (Fe) budgets would be of prime interest to understand the efficiency, at the present time and in the future, of the oceanic biological carbon pump