81 research outputs found


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    TGFβ is involved in many pathological conditions, including autoimmune disorders, cancer, and cardiovascular and allergic diseases. We have previously found that TGFβ can suppress IgE-mediated mast cell activation in human and mouse mast cells in vitro. IL-33 is a recently discovered member of the IL-1 family capable of inducing mast cell responses and enhancing IgE-mediated activation. In this study, we investigated the effects of TGFβ on IL-33-mediated mast cell activation. Bone marrow-derived mast cells cultured in TGFβ -1, -2, or -3 showed reduced IL-33-mediated production of TNF, IL-6, IL-13 and MCP-1, in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, TGFβ also reduced expression of the T1/ST2 receptor as well as IL-33-mediated TAK1 and ERK phosphorylation. TGF-ß1 injection suppressed IL-33-mediated production of systemic inflammatory cytokines in vivo. The role of IL-33 in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases is incompletely understood. These findings, consistent with our previously reported effects of TGFβ on IgE-mediated activation, demonstrate that TGFβ can provide broad and substantial inhibitory signals to activated mast cells

    Potential health risk of endocrine disruptors in construction sector and plastics industry: a new paradigm in occupational health

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    Endocrine disruptors (EDs) belong to large and diverse groups of agents that may cause multiple biological effects associated with, for example, hormone imbalance and infertility, chronic diseases such as diabetes, genome damage and cancer. The health risks related with the exposure to EDs are typically underestimated, less well characterized, and not regulated to the same extent as, for example, carcinogens. The increased production and utilization of identified or suspected EDs in many different technological processes raises new challenges with respect to occupational exposure settings and associated health risks. Due to the specific profile of health risk, occupational exposure to EDs demands a new paradigm in health risk assessment, redefinition of exposure assessment, new effects biomarkers for occupational health surveillance and definition of limit values. The construction and plastics industries are among the strongest economic sectors, employing millions of workers globally. They also use large quantities of chemicals that are known or suspected EDs. Focusing on these two industries, this short communication discusses: (a) why occupational exposure to EDs needs a more specific approach to occupational health risk assessments, (b) identifies the current knowledge gaps, and (c) identifies and gives a rationale for a future occupational health paradigm, which will include ED biomarkers as a relevant parameter in occupational health risk assessment, surveillance and exposure preventioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Boron carbide amorphous solid with tunable band gap

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    Boron carbide BxC (x = 1/6 − 10) powders were synthesized through a microwave-assisted carbothermic reduction reaction as a potential clean energy material. Their crystallographic structures and optical properties were characterized. X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction indicated that the synthesized BxC powders were amorphous. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy demonstrated that the composition of boron and carbon was in amorphous materials, and their chemical bonding were disclosed from Raman scattering spectroscopy. UV–vis absorption spectroscopy indicated that the bandgap of the bulks varied from 2.30eV to 3.90eV, tuned by the boron/carbon element ratio. The synthesized powders were potential photovoltaic materials. A short-range ordering model was established to explain the optical properties

    HBM4EU chromates study - Usefulness of measurement of blood chromium levels in the assessment of occupational Cr(VI) exposure

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    Occupational exposures to hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI)) can occur in welding, hot working stainless steel processing, chrome plating, spray painting and coating activities. Recently, within the human biomonitoring for Europe initiative (HBM4EU), a study was performed to assess the suitability of different biomarkers to assess the exposure to Cr(VI) in various job tasks. Blood-based biomarkers may prove useful when more specific information on systemic and intracellular bioavailability is necessary. To this aim, concentrations of Cr in red blood cells (RBC-Cr) and in plasma (P–Cr) were analyzed in 345 Cr(VI) exposed workers and 175 controls to understand how these biomarkers may be affected by variable levels of exposure and job procedures. Compared to controls, significantly higher RBC-Cr levels were observed in bath plating and paint application workers, but not in welders, while all the 3 groups had significantly greater P–Cr concentrations. RBC-Cr and P–Cr in chrome platers showed a high correlation with Cr(VI) in inhalable dust, outside respiratory protective equipment (RPE), while such correlation could not be determined in welders. In platers, the use of RPE had a significant impact on the relationship between blood biomarkers and Cr(VI) in inhalable and respirable dust. Low correlations between P–Cr and RBC-Cr may reflect a difference in kinetics. This study showed that Cr-blood-based biomarkers can provide information on how workplace exposure translates into systemic availability of Cr(III) (extracellular, P–Cr) and Cr(VI) (intracellular, RBC-Cr). Further studies are needed to fully appreciate their use in an occupational health and safety context

    HBM4EU chromates study - the measurement of hexavalent and trivalent chromium in exhaled breath condensate samples from occupationally exposed workers across Europe

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the practicability of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) as a biological matrix to detect and measure hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) and trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) in workers occupationally exposed to Cr(VI). EBC samples were collected from workers in France, Finland, Italy, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom from three different target activities: chrome platers, stainless steel welders and surface treatment workers. Pre and post working week EBC samples were collected from 177 exposed workers and 98 unexposed workers (control group). Hyphenated chromatography systems with inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) were for the analysis. The results showed that the occupationally exposed workers had significantly higher levels of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) than the control group. Chrome platers exhibited the highest Cr(VI) levels in their EBC samples, with a significant increase from their pre to post samples for both Cr(VI) and Cr(III). A significant difference was also found between pre and post EBC samples for Cr(III) in welders. This study has shown that EBC has the potential to be a valid, non-invasive biological matrix to assess occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and Cr(III) for biological monitoring assessment, with the ability to detect low level inhalation exposures.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032 and received co-funding from the author’s organizations and/or Ministries.S

    HBM4EU chromates study - Reflection and lessons learnt from designing and undertaking a collaborative European biomonitoring study on occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium

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    Multicenter StudyThe EU human biomonitoring initiative, HBM4EU, aims to co-ordinate and advance human biomonitoring (HBM) across Europe. As part of HBM4EU, we presented a protocol for a multicentre study to characterize occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in nine European countries (HBM4EU chromates study). This study intended to collect data on current occupational exposure and to test new indicators for chromium (Cr) biomonitoring (Cr(VI) in exhaled breath condensate and Cr in red blood cells), in addition to traditional urinary total Cr analyses. Also, data from occupational hygiene samples and biomarkers of early biological effects, including genetic and epigenetic effects, was obtained, complementing the biomonitoring information. Data collection and analysis was completed, with the project findings being made separately available. As HBM4EU prepares to embark on further European wide biomonitoring studies, we considered it important to reflect on the experiences gained through our harmonised approach. Several practical aspects are highlighted for improvement in future studies, e.g., more thorough/earlier training on the implementation of standard operating procedures for field researchers, training on the use of the data entry template, as well as improved company communications. The HBM4EU chromates study team considered that the study had successfully demonstrated the feasibility of conducting a harmonised multicentre investigation able to achieve the research aims and objectives. This was largely attributable to the engaged multidisciplinary network, committed to deliver clearly understood goals. Such networks take time and investment to develop, but are priceless in terms of their ability to deliver and facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.Highlights: Feasibility of conducting harmonised Pan-European biomonitoring study on occupational exposure demonstrated; Developing a successful network and implementation of systematic methodology takes significant dedication from all involved; Methodological improvements were identified which will benefit future large-scale occupational biomonitoring campaigns; Developed multicentre network allows and promotes further opportunities for future research, knowledge sharing and collaboration; Data produced supports science to policy interface in the scope of REACH and occupational safety and health regulations.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032 and received co-funding from the author’s organizations and/or Ministries.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    reflection and lessons learnt from designing and undertaking a collaborative European biomonitoring study on occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium

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    The EU human biomonitoring initiative, HBM4EU, aims to co-ordinate and advance human biomonitoring (HBM) across Europe. As part of HBM4EU, we presented a protocol for a multicentre study to characterize occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in nine European countries (HBM4EU chromates study). This study intended to collect data on current occupational exposure and to test new indicators for chromium (Cr) biomonitoring (Cr(VI) in exhaled breath condensate and Cr in red blood cells), in addition to traditional urinary total Cr analyses. Also, data from occupational hygiene samples and biomarkers of early biological effects, including genetic and epigenetic effects, was obtained, complementing the biomonitoring information. Data collection and analysis was completed, with the project findings being made separately available. As HBM4EU prepares to embark on further European wide biomonitoring studies, we considered it important to reflect on the experiences gained through our harmonised approach. Several practical aspects are highlighted for improvement in future studies, e.g., more thorough/earlier training on the implementation of standard operating procedures for field researchers, training on the use of the data entry template, as well as improved company communications. The HBM4EU chromates study team considered that the study had successfully demonstrated the feasibility of conducting a harmonised multicentre investigation able to achieve the research aims and objectives. This was largely attributable to the engaged multidisciplinary network, committed to deliver clearly understood goals. Such networks take time and investment to develop, but are priceless in terms of their ability to deliver and facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.publishersversionpublishe

    HBM4EU Occupational Biomonitoring Study on e-Waste—Study Protocol

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    Funding Information: This work has received external funding from the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032 and received co-funding from the author?s organizations and/or Ministries. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Workers involved in the processing of electronic waste (e-waste) are potentially exposed to toxic chemicals. If exposure occurs, this may result in uptake and potential adverse health effects. Thus, exposure surveillance is an important requirement for health risk management and prevention of occupational disease. Human biomonitoring by measurement of specific biomarkers in body fluids is considered as an effective method of exposure surveillance. The aim of this study is to investigate the internal exposure of workers processing e-waste using a human biomonitoring approach, which will stimulate improved work practices and contribute to raising awareness of potential hazards. This exploratory study in occupational exposures in e-waste processing is part of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU). Here we present a study protocol using a cross sectional survey design to study worker’s exposures and compare these to the exposure of subjects preferably employed in the same company but with no known exposure to industrial recycling of e-waste. The present study protocol will be applied in six to eight European countries to ensure standardised data collection. The target population size is 300 exposed and 150 controls. Biomarkers of exposure for the following chemicals will be used: chromium, cadmium and lead in blood and urine; brominated flame retardants and polychlorobiphenyls in blood; mercury, organophosphate flame retardants and phthalates in urine, and chromium, cadmium, lead and mercury in hair. In addition, the following effect biomarkers will be studied: micronuclei, epigenetic, oxidative stress, inflammatory markers and telomere length in blood and metabolomics in urine. Occupational hygiene sampling methods (airborne and settled dust, silicon wristbands and handwipes) and contextual information will be collected to facilitate the interpretation of the biomarker results and discuss exposure mitigating interventions to further reduce exposures if needed. This study protocol can be adapted to future European-wide occupational studiespublishersversionPeer reviewe

    HBM4EU chromates study: determinants of exposure to hexavalent chromium in plating, welding and other occupational settings

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    Work-related exposures in industrial processing of chromate (chrome plating, surface treatment, and welding) raise concerns regarding the health risk of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). In this study, performed under the HBM4EU project, we focused on better understanding the determinants of exposure and recognising how risk management measures (RMMs) contribute to a reduction in exposure. HBM and occupational hygiene data were collected from 399 workers and 203 controls recruited in nine European countries. Urinary total chromium (U-Cr), personal inhalable and respirable dust of Cr and Cr(VI), and Cr from hand wipes were collected. Data on the RMMs were collected by questionnaires. We studied the association between different exposure parameters and the use of RMMs. The relationship between exposure by inhalation and U-Cr in different worker groups was analysed using regression analysis and found a strong association. Automatisation of Cr electroplating dipping explained lower exposure levels in platers. The use of personal protective equipment resulted in lower U-Cr levels in welding, bath plating, and painting. An effect of wearing gloves was observed in machining. An effect of local exhaust ventilation and training was observed in welding. Regression analyses showed that in platers, exposure to an air level of 5 µg/m3 corresponds to a U-Cr level of 7 µg/g of creatinine. In welders, the same inhalation exposure resulted in lower U-Cr levels reflecting toxicokinetic differences of different chromium species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    HBM4EU Occupational Biomonitoring Study on e-Waste—Study Protocol

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    Funding Information: This work has received external funding from the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032 and received co-funding from the author?s organizations and/or Ministries. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Workers involved in the processing of electronic waste (e-waste) are potentially exposed to toxic chemicals. If exposure occurs, this may result in uptake and potential adverse health effects. Thus, exposure surveillance is an important requirement for health risk management and prevention of occupational disease. Human biomonitoring by measurement of specific biomarkers in body fluids is considered as an effective method of exposure surveillance. The aim of this study is to investigate the internal exposure of workers processing e-waste using a human biomonitoring approach, which will stimulate improved work practices and contribute to raising awareness of potential hazards. This exploratory study in occupational exposures in e-waste processing is part of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU). Here we present a study protocol using a cross sectional survey design to study worker’s exposures and compare these to the exposure of subjects preferably employed in the same company but with no known exposure to industrial recycling of e-waste. The present study protocol will be applied in six to eight European countries to ensure standardised data collection. The target population size is 300 exposed and 150 controls. Biomarkers of exposure for the following chemicals will be used: chromium, cadmium and lead in blood and urine; brominated flame retardants and polychlorobiphenyls in blood; mercury, organophosphate flame retardants and phthalates in urine, and chromium, cadmium, lead and mercury in hair. In addition, the following effect biomarkers will be studied: micronuclei, epigenetic, oxidative stress, inflammatory markers and telomere length in blood and metabolomics in urine. Occupational hygiene sampling methods (airborne and settled dust, silicon wristbands and handwipes) and contextual information will be collected to facilitate the interpretation of the biomarker results and discuss exposure mitigating interventions to further reduce exposures if needed. This study protocol can be adapted to future European-wide occupational studiespublishersversionPeer reviewe