955 research outputs found

    Mechanical behavior of a continuous fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite subjected to transverse and thermal loading

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    The transverse properties of an aluminum alloy metal matrix composite reinforced by continuous alumina fibers were investigated. The composite is subjected to both mechanical and cyclic thermal loading. The results of an experimental program indicate that the shakedown concept of structural mechanics provides a means of describing the material behavior. When the loading conditions are within the shakedown region, the material finally responds in an elastic manner after initial plastic response, and for loading conditions outside the shakedown region, the material exhibits a rapid incremental plastic strain accumulation. The failure strain varies by an order of magnitude according to the operating conditions. Hence, for high mechanical and low thermal loading, the failure strains is small; for low mechanical and high thermal loading, the failure strain is large

    Reduction of thermal stresses in continuous fiber reinforced metal matrix composites with interface layers

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    The potential of using an interface layer to reduce thermal stresses in the matrix of composites with a mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion of fiber and matrix was investigated. It was found that compliant layers, with properties of readily available materials, do not have the potential to reduce thermal stresses significantly. However, interface layers with high coefficient of thermal expansion can compensate for the mismatch and reduce thermal stresses in the matrix significantly

    Active, Small-Scale, Periglacial Features on the South Coast of Newfoundland

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    Small-scale, patterned ground is currently forming on the south coast of Newfoundland. Small, sorted circles and stripes form in the vicinity of the coast under the influence of marine climate with numerous, short duration, freeze-thaw cycles, high humidity, abundant rainfall and a thin snow cover throughout the winter, inland, no more than 15 to 25 km from the coast, the marine influence has decreased sufficiently that the patterned ground is no longer forming.On trouve présentement des sols structurés à petite échelle en formation sur la côte sud de Terre-Neuve. De petits cercles et des traînées minérales se développent près de la côte sous l'influence du climat maritime, caractérisé par plusieurs cycles de gel-dégel, une humidité relative élevée, des pluies abondantes et une mince couverture de neige, pendant l'hiver. À l'intérieur des terres, à 15-25 km de la côte tout au plus, l'influence maritime est suffisamment amoindrie pour qu'il n'y ait plus formation de sols structurés

    Raised Shoreline Phenomena and Postglacial Emergence in South-Central Newfoundland

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    Two types of raised marine shoreline features occur in the Burin-Hermitage area of southern Newfoundland marine benches cut in bedrock, and terraces and beaches developed in unconsolidated materials. Most of the benches are older than Late Wisconsinan, and a horizontal rock shoreline at 4.5 ± 1.5 m, which occurs throughout the region, was probably formed in the last interglacial period. Raised deltas and coastal outwash deposits graded to former sea level positions, which define the Late Wisconsinan marine limit across the northern part of the study area, are correlated with terraces and raised beaches further south on the Burin Peninsula. The elevations of these features are used to define the regional pattern of postglacial emergence. More than 30 m of emergence has occurred in the northwest, but the extreme southern part of the region is undergoing submergence.Dans la région de Burin-Hermitage, au sud de Terre-Neuve, on retrouve deux types de lignes de rivage marines soulevées: des plates-formes marines entaillées dans la roche en place ainsi que des terrasses et des plages développées dans des matériaux meubles. La plupart des plates-formes datent d'avant le Wisconsinien inférieur. Une ligne de rivage rocheuse horizontale située à 4,5 ± 1,5 m, qu'on retrouve à travers la région, fut probablement formée au cours du dernier interglaciaire. Des deltas soulevés et des épandages fluvioglaciaires côtiers, associés à des plans d'eau marins qui marquent la limite marine du Wisconsinien inférieur dans la partie nord de la zone d'étude, sont mis en relation avec des terrasses et des plages soulevées existant plus au sud dans la péninsule de Burin. L'altitude de ces formes sert à établir le mode régional d'émersion post-glaciaire. Il s'est produit une emersion de plus de 30 m dans le nord-ouest, alors que l'extrême-sud de la région est en phase de submersion

    Optimization of interface layers in the design of ceramic fiber reinforced metal matrix composites

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    The potential of using an interface layer to reduce thermal stresses in the matrix of composites with a mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of fiber and matrix was investigated. It was found that the performance of the layer can be defined by the product of the CTE and the thickness, and that a compensating layer with a sufficiently high CTE can reduce the thermal stresses in the matrix significantly. A practical procedure offering a window of candidate layer materials is proposed

    Intersectional inequalities and the U.S. opioid crisis:Challenging dominant narratives and revealing heterogeneities

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    Dominant narratives of prescription opioid misuse (POM) in the U.S. have portrayed it as an issue primarily affecting White communities. In this study we explore POM as reported in data from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, using an intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA). We map the risk of POM through a series of multilevel models with individuals (N = 43,409) nested within strata formed by the intersections of gender, race/ethnicity, income, and age. We find meaningful heterogeneity between and within strata. The ten strata with the greatest risk for POM were comprised of individuals identifying as White, African American, and non-White Hispanic, and included individuals of low, medium, and high income. We uncover intersections of social position with high risk for POM that are often excluded from dominant narratives, including young high-income African American women. Intersectional approaches are essential for advancing our understanding of health inequalities and unfolding epidemics such as that of POM in the U.S

    Materials with periodic internal structure: Computation based on homogenization and comparison with experiment

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    The combination of thermal and mechanical loading expected in practice means that constitutive equations of metal matrix composites must be developed which deal with time-independent and time-dependent irreversible deformation. Also, the internal state of composites is extremely complicated which underlines the need to formulate macroscopic constitutive equations with a limited number of state variables which represent the internal state at the micro level. One available method for calculating the macro properties of composites in terms of the distribution and properties of the constituent materials is the method of homogenization whose formulation is based on the periodicity of the substructure of the composite. A homogenization procedure was developed which lends itself to the use of the finite element procedure. The efficiency of these procedures, to determine the macroscopic properties of a composite system from its constituent properties, was demonstrated utilizing an aluminum plate perforated by directionally oriented slits. The selection of this problem is based on the fact that, extensive experimental results exist, the macroscopic response is highly anisotropic, and that the slits provide very high stress gradients which severely test the effectiveness of the computational procedures. Furthermore, both elastic and plastic properties were investigated so that the application to practical systems with inelastic deformation should be able to proceed without difficulty. The effectiveness of the procedures was rigorously checked against experimental results and with the predictions of approximate calculations. Using the computational results it is illustrated how macroscopic constitutive equations can be expressed in forms of the elastic and limit load behavior

    Managing housing needs in post conflict housing reconstruction in Sri Lanka: gaps versus recommendations

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    Addressing housing needs in post conflict housing reconstruction leads to successful housing reconstruction. As part of a study of investigating how the housing needs can be effectively addressed in post conflict housing reconstruction, this paper identifies the gaps in managing housing needs in post conflict housing reconstruction within the context of Sri Lanka and presents the recommendations to minimise such gaps. Data was collected through un-structured interviews conducted with 37 participants, comprising policy makers, practitioners, academics and beneficiaries who engaged in post conflict housing reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Gaps were mainly found in conflict sensitivity, measures related to physical housing, performance of implementing agencies, policy and practice issues. On the job training, application of ‘do no harm’ principles, enhanced beneficiary participation, enhanced accountability, effective monitoring, enhanced knowledge sharing, adequate drinking water facilities, irrigation development and initiatives for material manufacturing were suggested as recommendations to minimise these gaps. Identification of gaps in managing housing needs in post conflict housing reconstruction and recommendations to minimise them inform policy makers to address the housing needs effectively through incorporating these aspects into the related policies. This in turn enhances the sustainability in housing development after conflicts