154 research outputs found

    Enhancement of insulin-mediated rat muscle glucose uptake and microvascular perfusion by 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-ribofuranoside

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    BACKGROUND: Insulin-induced microvascular recruitment is important for optimal muscle glucose uptake. 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR, an activator of AMP-activated protein kinase), can also induce microvascular recruitment, at doses that do not acutely activate glucose transport in rat muscle. Whether low doses of AICAR can augment physiologic insulin action is unknown. In the present study we used the euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp to assess whether insulin action is augmented by low dose AICAR. METHODS: Anesthetized rats were studied during saline infusion or euglycemic insulin (3 mU/kg/min) clamp for 2 h in the absence or presence of AICAR for the last hour (5 mg bolus followed by 3.75 mg/kg/min). Muscle glucose uptake (R\u27g) was determined radioisotopically with (14)C-2-deoxyglucose and muscle microvascular perfusion by contrast-enhanced ultrasound with microbubbles. RESULTS: AICAR did not affect blood glucose, or lower leg R\u27g, although it significantly (p < 0.05) increased blood lactate levels and augmented muscle microvascular blood volume via a nitric oxide synthase dependent pathway. Insulin increased femoral blood flow, whole body glucose infusion rate (GIR), R\u27g, hindleg glucose uptake, and microvascular blood volume. Addition of AICAR during insulin infusion increased lactate production, further increased R\u27g in Type IIA (fast twitch oxidative) and IIB (fast twitch glycolytic) fiber containing muscles, and hindleg glucose uptake, but decreased R\u27g in the Type I (slow twitch oxidative) fiber muscle. AICAR also decreased GIR due to inhibition of insulin-mediated suppression of hepatic glucose output. AICAR augmented insulin-mediated microvascular perfusion. CONCLUSIONS: AICAR, at levels that have no direct effect on muscle glucose uptake, augments insulin-mediated microvascular blood flow and glucose uptake in white fiber type muscles. Agents targeted to endothelial AMPK activation are promising insulin sensitizers, however, the decrease in GIR and the propensity to increase blood lactate cautions against AICAR as an acute insulin sensitizer


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    O Alto Vale do Itajaí apresenta características climáticas propícias para a produção comercial de frutíferas temperadas como o pessegueiro, sendo porém necessário a procura de cultivares adaptadas as condições da região. Este trabalho visou obter novas cultivares de pessegueiro, avaliar a efetividade de hibridação entre as cultivares e verificar o percentual de germinação das sementes obtidas.O experimento foi realizado em pomar experimental, na sede doInstituto Federal Catarinense – Campus Rio do Sul. Foram utilizados para cruzamento as cultivares de pessegueiro Douradão, Aurora e Fascínio, DellaNona e BRS Citrino. Foram realizados cerca de 100 cruzamentos para cada dupla de cultivares.Pólen colhido de flores recém-abertas dos parentais masculinos foi utilizado na polinização de flores dos parentais femininos; estas últimas foram emasculadas antes da antese. A emasculação foi realizada em botões florais próximo da abertura (estádio de balão), eliminando-se cuidadosamente as pétalas e anteras com auxílio de pinça e bisturi, e evitando-se o contato com o estigma. Em todos os casos a polinização foi imediatamente após a emasculação, estando o estigma receptivo(úmido). As flores polinizadas foram deixadas abertas e os frutos que vingaram foram fechados com saco de papel manteiga cristal, permanecendo fechadas até a colheita. Os frutos foram colhidos após quatro a cinco meses e as sementes serão cuidadosamente separadas, retirando-se as mal formadas. Após foi realizada a quebra de dormência das amêndoas, sendo colocadas envoltas em papel toalha, umedecidas e depositadas em Câmara fria a 50 C por 40 dias. Após foram semeadas em vasos contendo substrato comercial para verificar o percentual de germinação. Estas plantas serão avaliadas posteriormente. Foram acompanhados o vingamento da polinização e posterior percentual número de frutos resultantes. Tivemos o vingamento de 29 frutos polinizados, resultando no final em apenas sete frutos devido a perdas por animais silvestres. Estão sendo aguardados a germinação das sementes e repetido as hibridações em novo ciclo da cultura

    Capabilities of infrared weld monitor

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    A non-obtrusive pre-aligned, solid-state device has been developed to monitor the primary infrared emissions during laser welding. The weld monitor output is a 100-1000 mV signal that depends on the beam power and weld characteristics. The DC level of this signal is related to weld penetration, while AC portions of the output can be correlated with surface irregularities and part misalignment or contamination. Changes in DC behavior are also noted for both full and deep penetration welds. Full penetration welds are signified by an abrupt reduction in the weld monitor output. Bead on plate welds were made on steel, aluminum, and magnesium with both a CW CO{sub 2} laser and a pulsed Nd:YAG laser to explore the relationships between the weld characteristics and the weld monitor output

    Complex and sustained quantum beating patterns in a classic IVR system: the 3¹5¹ Level in S₁ p-difluorobenzene

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    Using picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging we have studied the intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) dynamics that occur following the excitation of the 3151 level which lies 2068 cm-1 above the S1 origin in p difluorobenzene. Our technique, which has superior time resolution to that of earlier studies but retains sufficient energy resolution to identify the behavior of individual vibrational states, enables us to determine six distinct beating periods in photoelectron intensity, only one of which has been observed previously. Analysis shows that the IVR dynamics are restricted among only a handful of vibrational levels, despite the relatively high excitation energy. This is deduced to be a consequence of the high symmetry and rigid structure of p-difluorobenzene

    Decreased Aerobic Exercise Capacity After Long-Term Remission From Cushing Syndrome: Exploration of Mechanisms.

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    BACKGROUND: Although major improvements are achieved after cure of Cushing syndrome (CS), fatigue and decreased quality of life persist. This is the first study to measure aerobic exercise capacity in patients in remission of CS for more than 4 years in comparison with matched controls, and to investigate whether the reduction in exercise capacity is related to alterations in muscle tissue. METHODS: Seventeen patients were included. A control individual, matched for sex, estrogen status, age, body mass index, smoking, ethnicity, and physical activity level was recruited for each patient. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2peak) was assessed during incremental bicycle exercise to exhaustion. In 8 individually matched patients and controls, a percutaneous muscle biopsy was obtained and measures were made of cross-sectional areas, capillarization, and oxphos complex IV (COXIV) protein content as an indicator of mitochondrial content. Furthermore, protein content of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and eNOS phosphorylated on serine1177 and of the NAD(P)H-oxidase subunits NOX2, p47phox, and p67phox were measured in the microvascular endothelial layer. FINDINGS: Patients showed a lower mean VO2peak (SD) (28.0 [7.0] vs 34.8 [7.9] ml O2/kg bw/min, P < .01), maximal workload (SD) (176 [49] vs 212 [67] watt, P = .01), and oxygen pulse (SD) (12.0 [3.7] vs 14.8 [4.2] ml/beat, P < .01) at VO2peak. No differences were seen in muscle fiber type-specific cross-sectional area, capillarization measures, mitochondrial content, and protein content of eNOS, eNOS-P-ser1177, NOX2, p47phox, and p67phox. INTERPRETATION: Because differences in muscle fiber and microvascular outcome measures are not statistically significant, we hypothesize that cardiac dysfunction, seen in active CS, persists during remission and limits blood supply to muscles

    Perivascular Fat and the Microcirculation: Relevance to Insulin Resistance, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease

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    Type 2 diabetes and its major risk factor, obesity, are a growing burden for public health. The mechanisms that connect obesity and its related disorders, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension, are still undefined. Microvascular dysfunction may be a pathophysiologic link between insulin resistance and hypertension in obesity. Many studies have shown that adipose tissue-derived substances (adipokines) interact with (micro)vascular function and influence insulin sensitivity. In the past, research focused on adipokines from perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT). In this review, we focus on the interactions between adipokines, predominantly from PVAT, and microvascular function in relation to the development of insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

    ‘Measuring’ Physical Literacy and Related Constructs: A Systematic Review of Empirical Findings

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    BACKGROUND:The concept of physical literacy has received increased research and international attention recently. Where intervention programs and empirical research are gaining momentum, their operationalizations differ significantly.OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to inform practice in the measure/assessment of physical literacy via a systematic review of research that has assessed physical literacy (up to 14 June, 2017).METHODS:Five databases were searched using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Protocols guidelines, with 32 published articles meeting the inclusion criteria. English-language, peer-reviewed published papers containing empirical studies of physical literacy were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis.RESULTS:Qualitative methods included: (1) interviews; (2) open-ended questionnaires; (3) reflective diaries; (4) focus groups; (5) participant observations; and (6) visual methods. Quantitative methods included: (1) monitoring devices (e.g., accelerometers); (2) observations (e.g., of physical activity or motor proficiency); (3) psychometrics (e.g., enjoyment, self-perceptions); (4) performance measures (e.g., exergaming, objective times/distances); (5) anthropometric measurements; and (6) one compound measure. Of the measures that made an explicit distinction: 22 (61%) examined the physical domain, eight (22%) the affective domain; five (14%) the cognitive domain; and one (3%) combined three domains (physical, affective, and cognitive) of physical literacy. Researchers tended to declare their philosophical standpoint significantly more in qualitative research compared with quantitative research.CONCLUSIONS:Current research adopts diverse often incompatible methodologies in measuring/assessing physical literacy. Our analysis revealed that by adopting simplistic and linear methods, physical literacy cannot be measured/assessed in a traditional/conventional sense. Therefore, we recommend that researchers are more creative in developing integrated philosophically aligned approaches to measuring/assessing physical literacy. Future research should consider the most recent developments in the field of physical literacy for policy formation