31 research outputs found

    Oulun yliopiston tutkijoiden näkemyksiä suomesta tieteen kielenä

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    Tiivistelmä. Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tutkin Oulun yliopiston tutkijoiden näkemyksiä suomesta tieteen kielenä. Selvitän, millaisia näkemyksiä tutkijoilla on suomen kielestä tieteellisen koulutuksen kielenä, tieteellisten julkaisujen kielenä ja tieteen kielenä yleensä. Lisäksi otan selvää, onko näkemyksissä eroja vastaajien edustamien tieteenalojen, sukupuolten ja ikäryhmien välillä. Teoreettiselta taustaltaan tutkielma on sosiolingvistiikan ja kielipolitiikan tutkimusalaa. Tutkielmani on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jossa käytän analyysimenetelmänä sisällönanalyysiä. Analysoitavan aineiston olen kerännyt Oulun yliopiston tutkijoilta verkkokyselyn avulla. Aineisto koostuu 148 Oulun yliopistossa työskentelevän äidinkieleltään suomenkielisen tohtorin vastauksista. Aineistossa on edustettuna kaikki Oulun yliopiston tiedekunnat. Vertailen tutkielmassani luonnontieteiden, teknillisten tieteiden, lääke- ja terveystieteiden, yhteiskuntatieteiden ja humanististen tieteiden tutkijoiden vastauksia. Tutkimustulos on, että Oulun yliopiston tutkijoilla on suomen kielestä tieteen kielenä useita näkemyksiä, mutta ennen kaikkea kieleen suhtaudutaan tiedon siirron välineenä. Tämän lisäksi kuitenkin myös identiteettimerkitykseen kiinnitetään huomiota. Erot näkemyksissä eivät ole yksiselitteisesti selitettävissä vastaajan tieteenalalla, sukupuolella tai iällä. Tieteellisen koulutuksen osalta suomen kieli koetaan tyypillisesti tärkeänä perusopinnoissa. Vastauksissa toistuu näkemys, jonka mukaan suomen kieli ei ole enää yhtä merkityksellinen koulutuksen kieli kuin aikaisemmin. Kokonaan suomen kielestä koulutuksessa ei kuitenkaan pääsääntöisesti olla valmiita luopumaan. Useat vastaajat kannattavat rinnakkaiskielisyyttä. Tieteellisten julkaisujen kielenä suomen kieltä pidetään marginaalisena. Vaikka itse tieteelliset julkaisut kirjoitetaan englanniksi, osa vastaajista huomauttaa myös kielen ja ajattelun yhteydestä ja toteaa, että suomenkielisellä tutkimustyöllä on merkitystä myös tutkijalle itselleen. Erityisesti suomenkielisen julkaisemisen koetaan olevan tärkeää tutkimustulosten viemisessä kentälle. Tiedeviestinnässä suomen kielellä nähdään siis selkeä ja yhteiskunnallisesti merkittävä rooli

    Lasten kotisairaala:parempaa elämänlaatua pitkäaikaisesti sairaille lapsille ja heidän perheilleen

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla lasten kotisairaalatoiminnan etuja pitkäaikaisesti sairaiden lasten hoidossa. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli koota tutkimustietoa kotisairaalatoiminnasta pitkäaikaisesti sairaiden lasten hoidossa hyödynnettäväksi lasten kotisairaalatoiminnan suunnitteluprosessissa. Tutkimuskysymyksenä oli: Minkälaisia etuja kotisairaalassa toteutettu hoito tuo pitkäaikaisesti sairaille lapsille ja heidän perheilleen? Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena keväällä 2019. Kirjallisuushaku tehtiin CINAHL-, Scopus-, Medline- ja Medic- tietokannoista. Tutkielmaan valikoitui kuusi alkuperäistä, englanninkielistä, vertaisarvioitua tutkimusta, jotka oli julkaistu vuosina 2013–2018. Tässä tutkielmassa esiin nousseet tulokset kotisairaalahoidon tuomista eduista pitkäaikaisesti sairaille lapsille ja heidän perheilleen jaoteltiin teemoittain seuraavasti: Fyysisen terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen, sosiaalisten suhteiden ja perheyhteyden vahvistaminen ja elämänlaadun parantaminen. Keskeisenä tutkimustuloksena nousi esille lasten kotisairaalahoidon elämänlaatua lisäävä vaikutus niin lapselle kuin koko perheelle. Elämänlaatu on erityisen merkittävä asia silloin, kun on kyseessä joko pitkäaikaisen sairauden hoito tai elämän loppuvaiheen hoito. Elämänlaadun kokeminen kotona paremmaksi pitää yllä virkeämpää mieltä ja luo toivoa vaikeassakin tilanteessa. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulos tukee lasten kotisairaalatoiminnan hyödyllisyyttä erityisesti pitkäaikaisesti sairaiden ja palliatiivista hoitoa tarvitsevien lasten hoidossa. Tulevaisuudessa niin suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa kuin kansainvälisestikin on perusteltua kehittää edelleen lasten ja nuorten palveluja niin, että Maailman terveysjärjestön suositusten mukaisesti (WHO 2017) perheitä voitaisiin auttaa lähellä heidän luonnollista toimintaympäristöään, kotia, myös erikoissairaanhoidon osalta

    Population-based data at ages 31 and 46 show decreased HRQoL and life satisfaction in women with PCOS symptoms.

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    CONTEXT: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with decreased health-related quality of life (HRQoL), but longitudinal data beyond the reproductive years are lacking, and the impact of isolated PCOS symptoms is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To study generic HRQoL using 15D, life satisfaction, and self-reported health status in women with PCOS symptoms at ages 31 and 46yr. DESIGN: A longitudinal assessment using the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. SETTING: General community. PARTICIPANTS: The 15D data were available for women reporting isolated oligomenorrhea (OA;at age 31yr:214 and 46yr: 211), isolated hirsutism (H; 31yr:211 and 46yr:216), OA+H (PCOS; 31yr:74 and 46yr:75), or no PCOS symptoms (controls; 31yr:1382 and 46yr:1412). Data for life satisfaction and current health status were available for OA (31yr:329 and 46yr:247), H (31yr:323 and 46yr:238), PCOS (31yr:125 and 46yr:86), control (31yr:2182 and 46yr:1613) groups. INTERVENTION(S): None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): 15D HRQoL, questionnaires on life satisfaction, and self-reported health status. RESULTS: HRQoL was lower at ages 31 and 46 in women with PCOS or H compared with the controls. PCOS was an independent risk factor for low HRQoL, and the decrease in HRQoL in PCOS was comparable to that of women with other chronic conditions, like asthma, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression. The risk for low HRQoL in PCOS remained significant after adjusting for BMI, hyperandrogenism, and socioeconomic status. Mental distress was the strongest contributing factor to HRQoL. PCOS was also associated with a risk for low life satisfaction and a 4-fold risk for reporting a poor health status. CONCLUSIONS: Women with PCOS present with low HRQoL, decreased life satisfaction, and a poorer self-reported health status up to their late reproductive years. Assessments and interventions aiming to improve HRQoL in PCOS should be targeted beyond fertile age

    A population-based follow-up study shows high psychosis risk in women with PCOS

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting up to 18% of women. Besides metabolic and fertility aspects, attention has lately been directed towards the detrimental effect of PCOS on psychological health. The objective of the study was to investigate whether women with PCOS are at higher risk for psychotic disorders. The study population derives from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (N = 5889 women). The women with PCOS were identified by two simple questions on oligo-amenorrhea and hirsutism at age 31. Women reporting both symptoms were considered PCOS (N = 124) and asymptomatic women as controls (N = 2145). The diagnosis of psychosis was traced using multiple national registers up to the year 2016. Symptoms of psychopathology were identified using validated questionnaires at age 31. Women with PCOS showed an increased risk for any psychosis by age 50 (HR [95% CI] 2.99, [1.52-5.82]). Also, the risk for psychosis after age 31 was increased (HR 2.68 [1.21-5.92]). The results did not change after adjusting for parental history of psychosis, nor were they explained by body mass index or hyperandrogenism at adulthood. The scales of psychopathology differed between women with PCOS and non-PCOS controls showing more psychopathologies among the affected women. PCOS cases were found to be at a three-fold risk for psychosis, and they had increased psychopathological symptoms. PCOS should be taken into consideration when treating women in psychiatric care. More studies are required to further assess the relationship between PCOS and psychotic diseases.Peer reviewe

    The Long-Term Footprint of Endometriosis : Population-Based Cohort Analysis Reveals Increased Pain Symptoms and Decreased Pain Tolerance at Age 46 Years

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    Previous studies have shown increased pain sensitivity in fertile-aged women with endometriosis in response to mechanical stimuli. As yet, population-based studies on the association of endometriosis with pain sensation and pain symptoms in late fertile age are lacking. The main objective of this population-based cohort study was to investigate whether a history of endometriosis is associated with altered pain sensation and musculoskeletal pain symptoms at age 46 years. Our data are derived from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966, which contains postal questionnaire data (72% response rate) as well as clinical data assessing pressure-pain threshold and maximal pain tolerance. The study population consisted of 284 women with endometriosis and 3,390 controls. Our results showed that at age 46 women with a history of endometriosis had a 5.3% lower pressure-pain threshold and 5.1% lower maximal pain tolerance compared with controls. The most significant contributors besides endometriosis were anxiety, depression, and current smoking status. Women with endometriosis also reported an increased number of pain sites (0 pain sites, 9.6 vs 17.9%; 5-8 pain sites, 24.8 vs 19.1%, endometriosis vs controls respectively; P Perspective: This population-based cohort study showed decreased pain threshold and maximal pain tolerance in women with endometriosis in the late fertile age of 46 years. The pain was also found to be more bothersome and intense compared with controls. (C) 2018 by the American Pain SocietyPeer reviewe

    Psychological Distress Is More Prevalent in Fertile Age and Premenopausal Women With PCOS Symptoms : 15-Year Follow-Up

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    Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with increased psychological distress, obesity and hyperandrogenism being suggested as key promoters. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of anxiety/depression and their coexistence in women with PCOS/PCOS-related symptoms at ages 31 and 46. The roles of obesity, hyperandrogenism, and awareness of PCOS on psychological distress were also assessed. Design: Population-based follow-up. Setting: Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 with 15-year follow-up. Participants: At age 31, a questionnaire-based screening for oligoamenorrhea (OA) and hirsutism (H): 2188 asymptomatic (controls), 331 OA, 323 H, and 125 OA plus H (PCOS). Follow-up at age 46: 1576 controls, 239 OA, 231 H, and 85 PCOS. Interventions: Questionnaire-based screening for anxiety and depression symptoms (Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25) and previously diagnosed/treated depression at ages 31 and 46. Body mass index (BMI), serum testosterone/free androgen index, and awareness of polycystic ovaries/PCOS on psychological distress were also assessed. Main Outcomes: Population-based prevalence of anxiety and/or depression in women with PCOS/PCOS-related symptoms at ages 31 and 46. Results: Anxiety and/or depression symptoms, their coexistence, and rate of depression were increased at ages 31 and 46 in women with PCOS or isolated H compared with controls. High BMI or hyperandrogenism did not associate with increased anxiety or depression symptoms. The awareness of PCOS was associated with increased anxiety. Conclusions: Women with PCOS or isolated H present more often with anxiety and/or depression symptoms and their coexistence compared with controls. High BMI or hyperandrogenism did not provoke psychological distress in PCOS. The awareness of PCOS increased anxiety but did not associate with severe anxiety or depression.Peer reviewe

    Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are burdened with multimorbidity and medication use independent of body mass index at late fertile age : A population-based cohort study

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    Introduction This population-based follow-up study investigated the comorbidities, medication use, and healthcare services among women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) at age 46 years. Material and methods The study population derived from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 and consisted of women reporting oligo/amenorrhea and hirsutism at age 31 years and/or a PCOS diagnosis by age 46 years (n = 246) and controls without PCOS symptoms or diagnosis (n = 1573), referred to as non-PCOS women. The main outcome measures were self-reported data on symptoms, diagnosed diseases, and medication and healthcare service use at the age of 46 years. Results Overall morbidity risk was increased by 35% (risk ratio [RR] 1.35, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.16-1.57) and medication use by 27% [RR 1.27, 95% CI 1.08-1.50) compared with non-PCOS women, and the risk remained after adjusting for body mass index. Diagnoses with increased prevalence in women with PCOS were migraine, hypertension, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, fractures, and endometriosis. PCOS was also associated with autoimmune diseases and recurrent upper respiratory tract infections and symptoms. Interestingly, healthcare service use did not differ between the study groups after adjusting for body mass index. Conclusions Women with PCOS are burdened with multimorbidity and higher medication use, independent of body mass index.Peer reviewe

    Psychological Distress Is More Prevalent in Fertile Age and Premenopausal Women With PCOS Symptoms : 15-Year Follow-Up

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    Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with increased psychological distress, obesity and hyperandrogenism being suggested as key promoters. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of anxiety/depression and their coexistence in women with PCOS/PCOS-related symptoms at ages 31 and 46. The roles of obesity, hyperandrogenism, and awareness of PCOS on psychological distress were also assessed. Design: Population-based follow-up. Setting: Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 with 15-year follow-up. Participants: At age 31, a questionnaire-based screening for oligoamenorrhea (OA) and hirsutism (H): 2188 asymptomatic (controls), 331 OA, 323 H, and 125 OA plus H (PCOS). Follow-up at age 46: 1576 controls, 239 OA, 231 H, and 85 PCOS. Interventions: Questionnaire-based screening for anxiety and depression symptoms (Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25) and previously diagnosed/treated depression at ages 31 and 46. Body mass index (BMI), serum testosterone/free androgen index, and awareness of polycystic ovaries/PCOS on psychological distress were also assessed. Main Outcomes: Population-based prevalence of anxiety and/or depression in women with PCOS/PCOS-related symptoms at ages 31 and 46. Results: Anxiety and/or depression symptoms, their coexistence, and rate of depression were increased at ages 31 and 46 in women with PCOS or isolated H compared with controls. High BMI or hyperandrogenism did not associate with increased anxiety or depression symptoms. The awareness of PCOS was associated with increased anxiety. Conclusions: Women with PCOS or isolated H present more often with anxiety and/or depression symptoms and their coexistence compared with controls. High BMI or hyperandrogenism did not provoke psychological distress in PCOS. The awareness of PCOS increased anxiety but did not associate with severe anxiety or depression.Peer reviewe

    Practice patterns in diagnostics, staging, and management strategies of gallbladder cancer among Nordic tertiary centers

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    Background and objective: Gallbladder cancer (GBC) is a rare malignancy in the Nordic countries and no common Nordic treatment guidelines exist. This study aimed to characterize the current diagnostic and treatment strategies in the Nordic countries and disclose differences in these strategies. Methods: This was a survey study with a cross-sectional questionnaire of all 19 university hospitals providing curative-intent surgery for GBC in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. Results: In all Nordic countries except Sweden, neoadjuvant/downstaging chemotherapy was used in GBC patients. In T1b and T2, majority of the centers (15–18/19) performed extended cholecystectomy. In T3, majority of the centers (13/19) performed cholecystectomy with resection of segments 4b and 5. In T4, majority of the centers (12–14/19) chose palliative/oncological care. The centers in Sweden extended lymphadenectomy beyond the hepatoduodenal ligament, whereas all other Nordic centers usually limited lymphadenectomy to the hepatoduodenal ligament. All Nordic centers except those in Norway used adjuvant chemotherapy routinely for GBC. There were no major differences between the Nordic centers in diagnostics and follow-up. Conclusions: The surgical and oncological treatment strategies of GBC vary considerably between the Nordic centers and countries.publishedVersio

    Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic duct disruption or disconnection: an international expert survey and case vignette study

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    Background: Pancreatic duct disruption or disconnection is a potentially severe complication of necrotizing pancreatitis. With no existing treatment guidelines, it is unclear whether there is any consensus among experts in clinical practice. We evaluated current expert opinion regarding the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic duct disruption and disconnection in an international case vignette study. Methods: An online case vignette survey was sent to 110 international expert pancreatologists. Expert selection was based on publications in the last 5 years and/or participation in development of IAP/APA and ESGE guidelines on acute pancreatitis. Consensus was defined as agreement by at least 75% of the experts. Results: The response rate was 51% (n = 56). Forty-four experts (79%) obtained a MRI/MRCP and 52 experts (93%) measured amylase levels in percutaneous drain fluid to evaluate pancreatic duct integrity. The majority of experts favored endoscopic transluminal drainage for infected (peri)pancreatic necrosis and pancreatic duct disruption (84%, n = 45) or disconnection (88%, n = 43). Consensus was lacking regarding the treatment of patients with persistent percutaneous drain production, and with persistent sterile necrosis. Conclusion: This international survey of experts demonstrates that there are many areas for which no consensus existed, providing clear focus for future investigation