999 research outputs found


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    The present study comprised of 602 disposal records of adult Murrah buffaloes , spread over a period of 16 years from 1985 to 2000 at NDRI, Karnal, Haryana. Analysed data showed that the reproductive problems (38.62), low milk production (24.01) and udder problems (22.76) were the three major reasons of culling in adult Murrah buffaloes . The culling of cows due to involuntary reason (reproductive problems, udder problems and locomotive disorders) accounted for nearly 63.68 percent of total culling in Murrah buffaloes in the NDRI herd. The data revealed that maximum mortality occurred due to digestive problems accounting for 30.89 percent followed by cardio-vascular problems (26.02 percent), respiratory problems (21.14 percent), parasitic problems (8.13 percent) and uro-genital problems (5.69 percent). The results showed that there is a scope for further improvement in production and reproductive efficiency through better monitoring of reproduction and udder health status of the buffaloes. The high involuntary culling rate not only makes the dairy enterprises economically less profitable but also reduces the genetic improvement by lowering the selection differential for milk production

    Qualitative behavior of three species food chain around inner equilibrium point: spectral analysis

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    This work deals with analytical investigation of local qualitative temporal behavior around inner equilibrium point of a model for three species food chain, studied earlier by Hastings and Powel and others. As an initial step towards the spectral analysis of the model, the governing equations have been split into linear and nonlinear parts around arbitrary equilibrium point. The explicit parameter dependence of eigenvalues of Jacobi matrix associated to the linear part have been derived. Analyzing these expressions in conjunction with some pedagogical analysis, a lot of predictions on stable, unstable or chaotic change of species have been highlighted. Agreement of predictions of this work with available numerical or semi-analytical studies suggest the utility of analytical results derived here for further investigation/analysis of the model as desired by earlier works

    Monomer dynamics of a wormlike chain

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    We derive the stochastic equations of motion for a tracer that is tightly attached to a semiflexible polymer and confined or agitated by an externally controlled potential. The generalised Langevin equation, the power spectrum, and the mean-square displacement for the tracer dynamics are explicitly constructed from the microscopic equations of motion for a weakly bending wormlike chain by a systematic coarse-graining procedure. Our accurate analytical expressions should provide a convenient starting point for further theoretical developments and for the analysis of various single-molecule experiments and of protein shape fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Near-infrared photoabsorption by C(60) dianions in a storage ring

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    We present a detailed study of the electronic structure and the stability of C(60) dianions in the gas phase. Monoanions were extracted from a plasma source and converted to dianions by electron transfer in a Na vapor cell. The dianions were then stored in an electrostatic ring, and their near-infrared absorption spectrum was measured by observation of laser induced electron detachment. From the time dependence of the detachment after photon absorption, we conclude that the reaction has contributions from both direct electron tunneling to the continuum and vibrationally assisted tunneling after internal conversion. This implies that the height of the Coulomb barrier confining the attached electrons is at least similar to 1.5 eV. For C(60)(2-) ions in solution electron spin resonance measurements have indicated a singlet ground state, and from the similarity of the absorption spectra we conclude that also the ground state of isolated C(60)(2-) ions is singlet. The observed spectrum corresponds to an electronic transition from a t(1u) lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of C(60) to the t(1g) LUMO+1 level. The electronic levels of the dianion are split due to Jahn-Teller coupling to quadrupole deformations of the molecule, and a main absorption band at 10723 cm(-1) corresponds to a transition between the Jahn-Teller ground states. Also transitions from pseudorotational states with 200 cm(-1) and (probably) 420 cm(-1) excitation are observed. We argue that a very broad absorption band from about 11 500 cm(-1) to 13 500 cm(-1) consists of transitions to so-called cone states, which are Jahn-Teller states on a higher potential-energy surface, stabilized by a pseudorotational angular momentum barrier. A previously observed, high-lying absorption band for C(60)(-) may also be a transition to a cone state

    Anomalous zipping dynamics and forced polymer translocation

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    We investigate by Monte Carlo simulations the zipping and unzipping dynamics of two polymers connected by one end and subject to an attractive interaction between complementary monomers. In zipping, the polymers are quenched from a high temperature equilibrium configuration to a low temperature state, so that the two strands zip up by closing up a "Y"-fork. In unzipping, the polymers are brought from a low temperature double stranded configuration to high temperatures, so that the two strands separate. Simulations show that the unzipping time, τu\tau_u, scales as a function of the polymer length as τuL\tau_u \sim L, while the zipping is characterized by anomalous dynamics τzLα\tau_z \sim L^\alpha with α=1.37(2)\alpha = 1.37(2). This exponent is in good agreement with simulation results and theoretical predictions for the scaling of the translocation time of a forced polymer passing through a narrow pore. We find that the exponent α\alpha is robust against variations of parameters and temperature, whereas the scaling of τz\tau_z as a function of the driving force shows the existence of two different regimes: the weak forcing (τz1/F\tau_z \sim 1/F) and strong forcing (τz\tau_z independent of FF) regimes. The crossover region is possibly characterized by a non-trivial scaling in FF, matching the prediction of recent theories of polymer translocation. Although the geometrical setup is different, zipping and translocation share thus the same type of anomalous dynamics. Systems where this dynamics could be experimentally investigated are DNA (or RNA) hairpins: our results imply an anomalous dynamics for the hairpins closing times, but not for the opening times.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Last passage percolation and traveling fronts

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    We consider a system of N particles with a stochastic dynamics introduced by Brunet and Derrida. The particles can be interpreted as last passage times in directed percolation on {1,...,N} of mean-field type. The particles remain grouped and move like a traveling wave, subject to discretization and driven by a random noise. As N increases, we obtain estimates for the speed of the front and its profile, for different laws of the driving noise. The Gumbel distribution plays a central role for the particle jumps, and we show that the scaling limit is a L\'evy process in this case. The case of bounded jumps yields a completely different behavior

    Phase fluctuations in the ABC model

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    We analyze the fluctuations of the steady state profiles in the modulated phase of the ABC model. For a system of LL sites, the steady state profiles move on a microscopic time scale of order L3L^3. The variance of their displacement is computed in terms of the macroscopic steady state profiles by using fluctuating hydrodynamics and large deviations. Our analytical prediction for this variance is confirmed by the results of numerical simulations

    Driven polymer translocation through a nanopore: a manifestation of anomalous diffusion

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    We study the translocation dynamics of a polymer chain threaded through a nanopore by an external force. By means of diverse methods (scaling arguments, fractional calculus and Monte Carlo simulation) we show that the relevant dynamic variable, the translocated number of segments s(t)s(t), displays an {\em anomalous} diffusive behavior even in the {\em presence} of an external force. The anomalous dynamics of the translocation process is governed by the same universal exponent α=2/(2ν+2γ1)\alpha = 2/(2\nu +2 - \gamma_1), where ν\nu is the Flory exponent and γ1\gamma_1 - the surface exponent, which was established recently for the case of non-driven polymer chain threading through a nanopore. A closed analytic expression for the probability distribution function W(s,t)W(s, t), which follows from the relevant {\em fractional} Fokker - Planck equation, is derived in terms of the polymer chain length NN and the applied drag force ff. It is found that the average translocation time scales as τf1N2α1\tau \propto f^{-1}N^{\frac{2}{\alpha} -1}. Also the corresponding time dependent statistical moments, tα \propto t^{\alpha} and t2α \propto t^{2\alpha} reveal unambiguously the anomalous nature of the translocation dynamics and permit direct measurement of α\alpha in experiments. These findings are tested and found to be in perfect agreement with extensive Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Europhys. Lett; some references were supplemented; typos were correcte

    Mean first-passage times of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement

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    The first-passage time (FPT), defined as the time a random walker takes to reach a target point in a confining domain, is a key quantity in the theory of stochastic processes. Its importance comes from its crucial role to quantify the efficiency of processes as varied as diffusion-limited reactions, target search processes or spreading of diseases. Most methods to determine the FPT properties in confined domains have been limited to Markovian (memoryless) processes. However, as soon as the random walker interacts with its environment, memory effects can not be neglected. Examples of non Markovian dynamics include single-file diffusion in narrow channels or the motion of a tracer particle either attached to a polymeric chain or diffusing in simple or complex fluids such as nematics \cite{turiv2013effect}, dense soft colloids or viscoelastic solution. Here, we introduce an analytical approach to calculate, in the limit of a large confining volume, the mean FPT of a Gaussian non-Markovian random walker to a target point. The non-Markovian features of the dynamics are encompassed by determining the statistical properties of the trajectory of the random walker in the future of the first-passage event, which are shown to govern the FPT kinetics.This analysis is applicable to a broad range of stochastic processes, possibly correlated at long-times. Our theoretical predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations for several examples of non-Markovian processes including the emblematic case of the Fractional Brownian Motion in one or higher dimensions. These results show, on the basis of Gaussian processes, the importance of memory effects in first-passage statistics of non-Markovian random walkers in confinement.Comment: Submitted version. Supplementary Information can be found on the Nature website : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v534/n7607/full/nature18272.htm

    Quasi-stationary regime of a branching random walk in presence of an absorbing wall

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    A branching random walk in presence of an absorbing wall moving at a constant velocity vv undergoes a phase transition as the velocity vv of the wall varies. Below the critical velocity vcv_c, the population has a non-zero survival probability and when the population survives its size grows exponentially. We investigate the histories of the population conditioned on having a single survivor at some final time TT. We study the quasi-stationary regime for v<vcv<v_c when TT is large. To do so, one can construct a modified stochastic process which is equivalent to the original process conditioned on having a single survivor at final time TT. We then use this construction to show that the properties of the quasi-stationary regime are universal when vvcv\to v_c. We also solve exactly a simple version of the problem, the exponential model, for which the study of the quasi-stationary regime can be reduced to the analysis of a single one-dimensional map.Comment: 2 figures, minor corrections, one reference adde