36 research outputs found

    Nitrogen balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs fed on raw or heat-treated field peas (Pisum sativum)

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    Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of heating field peas (Pisum sativum) on the N balance and urine, serum and plasma composition of growing pigs. In the first experiment, four diets containing raw field peas (cv. Wirrega) or field peas heated to 150° (cv. Wirrega), 165° (cv. Wirrega) or 150° (cv. Dundale) for 15 min respectively were formulated to contain 1.15 g ileal digestible N/MJ digestible energy (DE) and 0.36 g lieal digestible lysine/MJ DE in a sugar-based diet. Digestibility estimates were based on those for the Dundale cultivar of field peas used in previous experiments. Total urine and faeces collection from eight pigs was conducted over two 7 d collection periods with a 7 d diet change-over period. Serial blood sampling from the external jugular vein was conducted on the final day of each collection period. There was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in the N balance or apparent biological value of the field-pea treatments. Pigs fed on diets containing peas heated to 150° (cv. Wirrega) or 165° (cv. Wirrega) had a significantly lower (P < 0.01) daily output of urea and uric acid in the urine, and depressed serum protein and serum urea concentrations. Plasma lysine concentration and daily urine lysine output were not significantly different (P < 0.05) in pigs fed on heated peas. Protein excretion in the urine of pigs fed on diets containing peas heated to 165° increased 3–7 times (depending on estimation technique) the level observed in pigs fed on diets containing raw peas. A second experiment was conducted to determine the apparent ileal digestibility of N and amino acids in cv. Wirrega field peas. This study revealed that N digestibility (0.44) and lysine digestibility (0.35) in peas heated to 165° were significantly lower than the cv. Dundale estimates (0.57 and 062 respectively) used in diet formulations. The depressed serum and urine variables in pigs fed on heated peas were attributed to overestimation of digestibility. The results exemplify the fact that it is not possible to draw general conclusions as to the effects of heat on any particular protein concentrate. Variability in N balance experiments and problems associated with urine analysis are suggested as likely reasons for the current study not reflecting poor utilization of ileal digestible lysine from heat-treated field peas. Despite considerable variation in the results, it is possible that a large proportion of non-utilizable amino acids in heated field peas may be excreted from the pig via the urine in the form of a protein

    Focal osteoporosis defects play a key role in hip fracture

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    BACKGROUND\textbf{BACKGROUND}: Hip fractures are mainly caused by accidental falls and trips, which magnify forces in well-defined areas of the proximal femur. Unfortunately, the same areas are at risk of rapid bone loss with ageing, since they are relatively stress-shielded during walking and sitting. Focal osteoporosis in those areas may contribute to fracture, and targeted 3D measurements might enhance hip fracture prediction. In the FEMCO case-control clinical study, Cortical Bone Mapping (CBM) was applied to clinical computed tomography (CT) scans to define 3D cortical and trabecular bone defects in patients with acute hip fracture compared to controls. Direct measurements of trabecular bone volume were then made in biopsies of target regions removed at operation. METHODS\textbf{METHODS}: The sample consisted of CT scans from 313 female and 40 male volunteers (158 with proximal femoral fracture, 145 age-matched controls and 50 fallers without hip fracture). Detailed Cortical Bone Maps (c.5580 measurement points on the unfractured hip) were created before registering each hip to an average femur shape to facilitate statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Areas where cortical and trabecular bone differed from controls were visualised in 3D for location, magnitude and statistical significance. Measures from the novel regions created by the SPM process were then tested for their ability to classify fracture versus control by comparison with traditional CT measures of areal Bone Mineral Density (aBMD). In women we used the surgical classification of fracture location ('femoral neck' or 'trochanteric') to discover whether focal osteoporosis was specific to fracture type. To explore whether the focal areas were osteoporotic by histological criteria, we used micro CT to measure trabecular bone parameters in targeted biopsies taken from the femoral heads of 14 cases. RESULTS\textbf{RESULTS}: Hip fracture patients had distinct patterns of focal osteoporosis that determined fracture type, and CBM measures classified fracture type better than aBMD parameters. CBM measures however improved only minimally on aBMD for predicting any hip fracture and depended on the inclusion of trabecular bone measures alongside cortical regions. Focal osteoporosis was confirmed on biopsy as reduced sub-cortical trabecular bone volume. CONCLUSION\textbf{CONCLUSION}: Using 3D imaging methods and targeted bone biopsy, we discovered focal osteoporosis affecting trabecular and cortical bone of the proximal femur, among men and women with hip fracture.Arthritis Research UK (grant no. ARC17822) and Cambridge National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre

    An open toolkit for tracking open science partnership implementation and impact.

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    Serious concerns about the way research is organized collectively are increasingly being raised. They include the escalating costs of research and lower research productivity, low public trust in researchers to report the truth, lack of diversity, poor community engagement, ethical concerns over research practices, and irreproducibility. Open science (OS) collaborations comprise of a set of practices including open access publication, open data sharing and the absence of restrictive intellectual property rights with which institutions, firms, governments and communities are experimenting in order to overcome these concerns. We gathered two groups of international representatives from a large variety of stakeholders to construct a toolkit to guide and facilitate data collection about OS and non-OS collaborations. Ultimately, the toolkit will be used to assess and study the impact of OS collaborations on research and innovation. The toolkit contains the following four elements: 1) an annual report form of quantitative data to be completed by OS partnership administrators; 2) a series of semi-structured interview guides of stakeholders; 3) a survey form of participants in OS collaborations; and 4) a set of other quantitative measures best collected by other organizations, such as research foundations and governmental or intergovernmental agencies. We opened our toolkit to community comment and input. We present the resulting toolkit for use by government and philanthropic grantors, institutions, researchers and community organizations with the aim of measuring the implementation and impact of OS partnership across these organizations. We invite these and other stakeholders to not only measure, but to share the resulting data so that social scientists and policy makers can analyse the data across projects

    Trazodone regulates neurotrophic/growth factors, mitogen-activated protein kinases and lactate release in human primary astrocytes

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    Background: In the central nervous system, glial cells provide metabolic and trophic support to neurons and respond to protracted stress and insults by up-regulating inflammatory processes. Reactive astrocytes and microglia are associated with the pathophysiology of neuronal injury, neurodegenerative diseases and major depression, in both animal models and human brains. Several studies have reported clear anti-inflammatory effects of anti-depressant treatment on astrocytes, especially in models of neurological disorders. Trazodone (TDZ) is a triazolopyridine derivative that is structurally unrelated to other major classes of antidepressants. Although the molecular mechanisms of TDZ in neurons have been investigated, it is unclear whether astrocytes are also a TDZ target. Methods: The effects of TDZ on human astrocytes were investigated in physiological conditions and following inflammatory insult with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and tumour necrosis factor-aα (TNF-aα). Astrocytes were assessed for their responses to pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines, and the receptors and signalling pathways involved in TDZ-mediated effects were evaluated. Results: TDZ had no effect on cell proliferation, but it decreased pro-inflammatory mediator release and modulated trophic and transcription factor mRNA expression. Following TDZ treatment, the AKT pathway was activated, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase were inhibited. Most importantly, a 72-h TDZ pre-treatment before inflammatory insult completely reversed the anti-proliferative effects induced by LPS-TNF-aα. The expression or the activity of inflammatory mediators, including interleukin-6, c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase and nuclear factor ΚB, were also reduced. Furthermore, TDZ affected astrocyte metabolic support to neurons by counteracting the inflammation-mediated lactate decrease. Finally, TDZ protected neuronal-like cells against neurotoxicity mediated by activated astrocytes. These effects mainly involved an activation of 5-HT1A and an antagonism at 5-HT2A/C serotonin receptors. Fluoxetine, used in parallel, showed similar final effects nevertheless it activates different receptors/intracellular pathways. Conclusions: Altogether, our results demonstrated that TDZ directly acts on astrocytes by regulating intracellular signalling pathways and increasing specific astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor expression and lactate release. TDZ may contribute to neuronal support by normalizing trophic and metabolic support during neuroinflammation, which is associated with neurological diseases, including major depression

    Demographic, clinical and antibody characteristics of patients with digital ulcers in systemic sclerosis: data from the DUO Registry

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    OBJECTIVES: The Digital Ulcers Outcome (DUO) Registry was designed to describe the clinical and antibody characteristics, disease course and outcomes of patients with digital ulcers associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc). METHODS: The DUO Registry is a European, prospective, multicentre, observational, registry of SSc patients with ongoing digital ulcer disease, irrespective of treatment regimen. Data collected included demographics, SSc duration, SSc subset, internal organ manifestations, autoantibodies, previous and ongoing interventions and complications related to digital ulcers. RESULTS: Up to 19 November 2010 a total of 2439 patients had enrolled into the registry. Most were classified as either limited cutaneous SSc (lcSSc; 52.2%) or diffuse cutaneous SSc (dcSSc; 36.9%). Digital ulcers developed earlier in patients with dcSSc compared with lcSSc. Almost all patients (95.7%) tested positive for antinuclear antibodies, 45.2% for anti-scleroderma-70 and 43.6% for anticentromere antibodies (ACA). The first digital ulcer in the anti-scleroderma-70-positive patient cohort occurred approximately 5 years earlier than the ACA-positive patient group. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides data from a large cohort of SSc patients with a history of digital ulcers. The early occurrence and high frequency of digital ulcer complications are especially seen in patients with dcSSc and/or anti-scleroderma-70 antibodies