478 research outputs found

    The Myth of the Ages on Chilean Lands

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    Los poetas que cantaron la Guerra de Arauco en Chile, en el siglo XVI, recurrieron a la tradición clásica para representar este conflicto, evocando así diversos tópicos de la literatura antigua. Uno de ellos fue el mito de las edades, motivo que les sirvió para contrastar el mundo de la guerra en que vivían, y los ideales que sentían perdidos y que añoraban para su propia época. Los poemas La Araucana, Purén Indómito y Las Guerras de Chile, se sirvieron de este tópico para comprender el momento que vivían, otorgando a la tradición literaria un valor histórico, al cargar de sentido a sus testimonios y vivencias.The poets who wrote on Arauco's War in Chile, in the 16th century, resorted to the classic tradition to represent this conflict, evoking topics of the ancient literature as the myth of the ages. This motive served them to contrast the world of the war in which they were, and the ideal ones which were feeling lost and which were yearning for their own epoch. The poems La Araucana, Purén Indómito and Las Guerras de Chile, rescued this topic to understand their own moment, granting to the literary tradition a historical value, on granting sense to their testimonies and experiences

    Bulk-edge correspondence and long range hopping in the topological plasmonic chain

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    The existence of topologically protected edge modes is often cited as a highly desirable trait of topological insulators. However, these edge states are not always present. A realistic physical treatment of long-range hopping in a one-dimensional dipolar system can break the symmetry that protects the edge modes without affecting the bulk topological number, leading to a breakdown in bulk-edge correspondence (BEC). Hence, it is important to gain a better understanding of where and how this occurs, as well as how to measure it. Here we examine the behaviour of the bulk and edge modes in a dimerised chain of metallic nanoparticles and in a simpler non-Hermitian next-nearest-neighbour model to provide some insights into the phenomena of bulk-edge breakdown. We construct BEC phase diagrams for the simpler case and use these ideas to devise a measure of symmetry-breaking for the plasmonic system based on its bulk properties. This provides a parameter regime in which BEC is preserved in the topological plasmonic chain, as well as a framework for assessing this phenomenon in other systems

    On the uniqueness of sign changing bound state solutions of a semilinear equation

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    We establish the uniqueness of the higher radial bound state solutions of \Delta u +f(u)=0,\quad x\in \RR^n. \leqno(P) We assume that the nonlinearity fC(,)f\in C(-\infty,\infty) is an odd function satisfying some convexity and growth conditions, and either has one zero at b>0b>0, is non positive and not identically 0 in (0,b)(0,b), and is differentiable and positive [b,)[b,\infty), or is positive and differentiable in [0,)[0,\infty)

    Fresnel drag in space-time-modulated metamaterials

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    A moving medium drags light along with it as measured by Fizeau and explained by Einstein's theory of special relativity. Here we show that the same effect can be obtained in a situation where there is no physical motion of the medium. Modulations of both the permittivity and permeability, phased in space and time in the form of travelling waves, are the basis of our model. Space-time metamaterials are represented by effective bianisotropic parameters, which can in turn be mapped to a moving homogeneous medium. Hence these metamaterials mimic a relativistic effect without the need for any actual material motion. We discuss how both the permittivity and permeability need to be modulated in order to achieve these effects, and we present an equivalent transmission line model

    ¿Por qué necesitamos políticas educativas de largo plazo?

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    XII Encuentro Nacional de Regiones, Proyecto Educativo Nacional al 2036: “Las personas como centro de la política educativa”, Lima, 22-23 de noviembre de 2018América Latina ¿de dónde venimos? ¿qué desafío enfrentamos hoy?; El “tiempo” en educación : necesidad de manejar la aceleración; ¿A dónde vamos? Centralidad de la educación justa e inclusiv

    Accidental catheter removal in critically ill patients: a prospective and observational study

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    INTRODUCTION: The importance of accidental catheter removal (ACR) lies in the complications caused by the removal itself and by catheter reinsertion. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have analyzed accidental removal of various types of catheters in the intensive care unit (ICU). The objective of the present study was to analyze the incidence of ACR for all types of catheters in the ICU. METHODS: This was a prospective and observational study, conducted in a 24-bed medical/surgical ICU in a university hospital. We included all consecutive patients admitted to the ICU over 18 months (1 May 2000 to 31 October 2001). The incidences of ACR for all types of catheters (both per 100 catheters and per 100 catheter-days) were determined. RESULTS: A total of 988 patients were included. There were no significant differences in ACR incidence between the four central venous access sites (peripheral, jugular, subclavian and femoral) or between the four arterial access sites (radial, femoral, pedal and humeral). However, the incidence of ACR was higher for arterial than for central venous catheters (1.12/100 catheter-days versus 2.02/100 catheter-days; P < 0.001). The incidences of ACR/100 nonvascular catheter-days were as follows: endotracheal tube 0.79; nasogastric tube 4.48; urinary catheter 0.32; thoracic drain 0.56; abdominal drain 0.67; and intraventricular brain drain 0.66. CONCLUSION: We found ACR incidences for central venous catheter, arterial catheter, endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube and urinary catheter that are similar to those reported in previous studies. We could not find studies that analyzed the ACR for thoracic, abdominal, intraventricular brain and cardiac surgical drains, but we believe that our rates are acceptable. To minimize ACR, it is necessary to monitor its incidence carefully and to implement preventive measures. In our view, according to establish quality standards, findings should be reported as ACR incidence per 100 catheters and per 100 catheter-days, for all types of catheters

    Centro Comercial Providencia

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    Algunos parámetros físico-químicos de la grasa del polen apícola

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    Refractive index, acid, saponification, ester, and iodine numbers were determinated in lipids from bee-collected pollen commercially purchased samples. Mean values are 1,4799 (1,4777-1,4825), 62 (48- 83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) and 102 (108-134), respectively.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Se determinan los índices de refracción, acidez, saponificación, éster e iodo de la grasa en 35 muestras de polen apícola manufacturadas obteniéndose unos valores promedios de 1,4799 (1,4777-1.4825), 62 (48-83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) y 102 (108-134), respectivamente

    Algunos parámetros físico-químicos de la grasa del polen apícola

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    Refractive index, acid, saponification, ester, and iodine numbers were determinated in lipids from bee-collected pollen commercially purchased samples. Mean values are 1,4799 (1,4777-1,4825), 62 (48- 83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) and 102 (108-134), respectively.Se determinan los índices de refracción, acidez, saponificación, éster e iodo de la grasa en 35 muestras de polen apícola manufacturadas obteniéndose unos valores promedios de 1,4799 (1,4777-1.4825), 62 (48-83), 142 (102-156), 80 (48-102) y 102 (108-134), respectivamente

    Separación de las clases de lípidos neutros de polen apícola mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC)

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    A fast method for the separation of neutral lipid classes of bee-collected pollen by isocratic HPLC is described using ultraviolet detection at 206 nm and direct injection of the sample into a silica column. The mobile phase was n-hexane-2-propanolacetic acid (100:0.5:0.1). Three fractions of neutral lipids were isolated from 35 samples: Sterol esters and other nonpolar compounds such as carotenoids and waxes; triglycerides; and fatty acids.Se describe un método rápido mediante HPLC para la separación de las diferentes clases de lípidos neutros del polen apícola en condiciones isocráticas, con detección UV a 206 nm e inyección directa de la muestra en columna de sílica. Como fase móvil se usa n-hexano-2-propanol-ácido acético (100:0,5:0,1). Se aislaron 3 fracciones de lípidos neutros en las 35 muestras analizadas: Esteres de esteroles y otros componentes no polares tales como carotenoides y ceras; triglicéridos y ácidos grasos