487 research outputs found

    Neuromuscular training improves lower extremity biomechanics associated with knee injury during landing in 11-13 year old female netball athletes: A randomized control study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a neuromuscular training (NMT) program on lower-extremity biomechanics in youth female netball athletes. The hypothesis was that significant improvements would be found in landing biomechanics of the lower-extremities, commonly associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, following NMT. Twenty-three athletes (age = 12.2 ± 0.9 years; height = 1.63 ± 0.08 m; mass = 51.8 ± 8.5 kg) completed two testing sessions separated by 7-weeks and were randomly assigned to either a experimental or control group. Thirteen athletes underwent 6-weeks of NMT, while the remaining 10 served as controls and continued their regular netball training. Three-dimensional lower-extremity kinematics and vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) were measured during two landing tasks, a drop vertical jump and a double leg broad jump with a single leg landing. The experimental group significantly increased bilateral knee marker distance during the bilateral landing task at maximum knee-flexion range of motion. Knee internal rotation angle during the unilateral landing task at maximum knee flexion-extension range of motion was significantly reduced (p ≤ 0.05, g \u3e 1.00). The experimental group showed large, significant decreases in peak vertical ground reaction force in both landing tasks (p ≤ 0.05, g \u3e −1.30). Control participants did not demonstrate any significant pre-to-post-test changes in response to the 6-week study period. Results of the study affirm the hypothesis that a 6-week NMT program can enhance landing biomechanics associated with ACL injury in 11–13 year old female netball athletes

    Mass fractionation of the lunar surface by solar wind sputtering

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    The sputtering of the lunar surface by the solar wind is examined as a possible mechanism of mass fractionation. Simple arguments based on current theories of sputtering and the ballistics of the sputtered atoms suggest that most ejected atoms will have sufficiently high energy to escape lunar gravity. However, the fraction of atoms which falls back to the surface is enriched in the heavier atomic components relative to the lighter ones. This material is incorporated into the heavily radiation-damaged outer surfaces of grains where it is subject to resputtering. Over the course of several hundred years an equilibrium surface layer, enriched in heavier atoms, is found to form. The dependence of the calculated results upon the sputtering rate and on the details of the energy spectrum of sputtered particles is investigated. It is concluded that mass fractionation by solar wind sputtering is likely to be an important phenomenon on the lunar surface

    Implementing concurrent-training and nutritional strategies in professional football: a complex challenge for coaches and practitioners

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    Purpose: To study concurrent-training (CT) and nutritional practices within a professional soccer team. Methods: Twenty-one professional football players competing in the English professional league participated in this study (mean ± standard deviations [M ± SD] 26 ± 4 years, stature 1.84 ± 0.1 m, body mass 83 ± 7 kg, VO2max; 58 ± 3 ml · kg−1 · min−1). A range of internal and external training metrics, the organisation of CT (training sequence, training rest period between bouts) and the nutritional intake around CT (timing, type and quantity) was collected for 10 weeks. Results: CT; n = 17 (endurance-training [ET] + resistance-training [RT]; n = 11; RT + ET; n = 6) rest period between bouts was not consistent and varied depending on the sequence of CT (RT + ET, 75 ± 48 min; ET + RT; 60 ± 5 min; P = 0.04). sRPE of football-specific ET was higher in RT + ET (RT + ET, 7 ± 1; ET + RT, 6 ± 1; P = 0.05). The timing of meals around training was influenced by the organisation of CT. Subsequently, CHO consumption before training session one was significantly less in RT + ET (CHO 0.10 ± 0.5 g · kg−1 vs. CHO 0.45 ± 0.2 g · kg−1). Conclusion: The present data demonstrate that the organisation of CT (i.e., exercise order and/or recovery time between bouts) and nutrition (i.e., timing of meal intake) can be unsystematic in the applied environment. The organisation of training and nutrition might influence the players’ ability to perform high-intensity actions in secondary training sessions and could potentially impact acute metabolic processes associated with muscle recovery and muscle adaptation

    Weightlifting: an applied method of technical analysis

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    Weightlifting is a highly technical sport which is governed by interactions of phases to optimise the load lifted. Given the technicality of the snatch and clean and jerk, understanding key stable components to identify errors and better prescribe relevant exercises are warranted. The aim of this article is to present an applied method of analysis for coaches that considers the biomechanical underpinnings of optimal technique through stable interactions of the kinetics and kinematics of the lifter and barbell at key phases of the lift. This paper will also look to discuss variable components which may differentiate between athletes and therefore provide a foundation in what to identify when coaching weightlifting to optimise load lifted whilst allowing for individual variances

    Granular clustering in a hydrodynamic simulation

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    We present a numerical simulation of a granular material using hydrodynamic equations. We show that, in the absence of external forces, such a system phase-separates into high density and low density regions. We show that this separation is dependent on the inelasticity of collisions, and comment on the mechanism for this clustering behavior. Our results are compatible with the granular clustering seen in experiments and molecular dynamic simulations of inelastic hard disks.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Temperature in nonequilibrium systems with conserved energy

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    We study a class of nonequilibrium lattice models which describe local redistributions of a globally conserved energy. A particular subclass can be solved analytically, allowing to define a temperature T_{th} along the same lines as in the equilibrium microcanonical ensemble. The fluctuation-dissipation relation is explicitely found to be linear, but its slope differs from the inverse temperature T_{th}^{-1}. A numerical renormalization group procedure suggests that, at a coarse-grained level, all models behave similarly, leading to a two-parameter description of their macroscopic properties.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, final versio

    Inelastic Collapse of Three Particles

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    A system of three particles undergoing inelastic collisions in arbitrary spatial dimensions is studied with the aim of establishing the domain of ``inelastic collapse''---an infinite number of collisions which take place in a finite time. Analytic and simulation results show that for a sufficiently small restitution coefficient, 0r<7430.0720\leq r<7-4\sqrt{3}\approx 0.072, collapse can occur. In one dimension, such a collapse is stable against small perturbations within this entire range. In higher dimensions, the collapse can be stable against small variations of initial conditions, within a smaller rr range, 0r<9450.0560\leq r<9-4\sqrt{5}\approx 0.056.Comment: 6 pages, figures on request, accepted by PR

    The current state of subjective training load monitoring—A practical perspective and call to action

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    © The Author(s). 2018 International License. This commentary delivers a practical perspective on the current state of subjective training load (TL) monitoring, and in particular sessional ratings of perceived exertion, for performance enhancement and injury prevention. Subjective measures may be able to reflect mental fatigue, effort, stress, and motivation. These factors appear to be important moderators of the relationship TL has with performance and injury, and they also seem to differ between open and closed skill sports. As such, mental factors may affect the interaction between TL, performance, and injury in different sports. Further, modeling these interactions may be limited due to the assumption that an independent signal can adequately account for the performance or injury outcomes. An independent signal model does not accurately reflect training environments where multiple stressors (e.g., mechanical, emotional, nutritional) impact adaptations. Common issues with using subjective TL monitoring, including a lack of differentiation between biomechanical, physiological, and cognitive load, may be overcome by considering psychometric measurement best practices, finer graded scales, and differential ratings of perceived exertion. Methods of calculating TL, including different acute and chronic time periods, may also need to be individualized to different sports and potentially different individuals within the same sport. As TL monitoring is predominately a “chronic” decisionmaking tool, “acute” decision-making tools, e.g., subjective wellness and autonomic nervous system measures, should be combined in a bespoke multivariate model to aid sports coaches. A call to action is presented for future research on key issues associated with TL monitoring that will have relevance for practitioners in an applied setting

    Standardization and methodological considerations for the isometric mid-thigh pull

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    The isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) is commonly used to assess an athlete’s force generation ability. This test is highly reliable and is simple and relatively quick to perform. The data that can be determined from the force-time curves generated by the test have been shown to be closely related to performance capacities in a variety of dynamic athletic tasks. However, within the scientific literature there are inconsistencies in the data collection procedures and methods used for data analysis that may impact the resultant output and the ability to compare and generalize results. Therefore, the primary aim of this review is to identify the differences in IMTP testing procedures and data analysis techniques, while identifying the potential impact this may have on the data collected. The secondary aim is to provide recommendations for the standardization of testing procedures to ensure that future IMTP data is of maximal benefit to practitioners and researchers

    Hydrodynamic singularities and clustering in a freely cooling inelastic gas

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    We employ hydrodynamic equations to follow the clustering instability of a freely cooling dilute gas of inelastically colliding spheres into a well-developed nonlinear regime. We simplify the problem by dealing with a one-dimensional coarse-grained flow. We observe that at a late stage of the instability the shear stress becomes negligibly small, and the gas flows solely by inertia. As a result the flow formally develops a finite time singularity, as the velocity gradient and the gas density diverge at some location. We argue that flow by inertia represents a generic intermediate asymptotic of unstable free cooling of dilute inelastic gases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure