87 research outputs found

    Contribution of nucleus raphe magnus to thermoregulation

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    Thermoregulation is the maintenance of the core body temperature. The regulation of body temperature is one of the most important functions of the nervous system. Nucleus raphe magnus, as a central circuit coordinates the homeostatic response and maintains body temperature during environmental temperature challenges and adjusts body temperature during the inflammatory response and behavioral states and in response to decreasing energy homeostasis. Our aim in this review is the understanding of thermoregulation by raphe magnus in mammals. This review summarizes the basic concepts of thermoregulation and subsequently assesses the physiological responses to cold stress, including skin blood flow control, sweating, sympathetic-derived cutaneous vasoconstriction and peripheral thermoregulatory control in brown adipose tissue. © 2020, Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology. All rights reserved

    A Network Theory View on the Thalamo-Cortical Loop

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    We used a network theory approach, based on the dynamic core hypothesis (DCH), to study the thalamo-cortical loop (TCL) and its subsets regarding their role in consciousness. We used the Collation of Connectivity Data on the Macaque Brain (CoCoMac) and calculated the degree distributions, transmission coefficients, connection density, clustering coefficients, path lengths, and modularity. Our results showed that the TCL and cortex exhibit exponential degree distributions, and the ratio of efferent/afferent connections in the thalamus is smaller than 1.0 This may support the notion that the connections received by the thalamus from the cortex play a key role in improving information processing in the conscious states. The average values of transmission coefficients for the cortex and TCL were found to be equal to 1.49 and 1.28, respectively. This indicates that: (i) the cortex is a system that mainly transmits information outward rather than receives it; (ii) the TCL is a cooperative system that performs this in a give-and-take manner; (iii) connections of the cortex are denser than those in the TCL, showing that the cortex might be advantageous for processing of complicated information during consciousness; (iv) both the TCL and cortex are small-world systems; (v) the scaled value of the characteristic path length in the TCL is smaller than that in the cortex, which implies a higher speed potential for information processing in the TCL than in the cortex; (vi) the scaled value of the clustering coefficient is nearly the same in the cortex and TCL, and (vii) the number of modules is 5 in the cortex and 6 in the TCL.Ми проаналізували організацію таламо-кортикальної петлі (ТКП) і її компонентів, враховуючи її роль у забезпеченні свідомості, з використанням підходу, заснованого на теорії мереж і гіпотезі динамічного ядра. Ми використали базу даних про зв’язки в мозку макака (CoCoMac), розрахували розподіли рівнів і значення коефіцієнтів передачі, щільності зв’язків, коефіцієнтів кластеризації, довжини зв’язків і модальності. Отримані результати показали, що розподіли рівнів для ТКП і кори є експоненціальними, а відношення кількостей еферентних та аферентних зв’язків у таламусі є меншим одиниці. Це підтверджує положення про те, що зв’язки, одержані корою від таламуса, відіграють ключову роль в оптимізації обробки інформації в станах наявності свідомості. Середні значення коефіцієнтів передачі для кори і ТКП дорівнювали 1.49 і 1.28 відповідно. Згідно з цим, по-перше, кора є системою, котра в більшій мірі передає інформацію, ніж отримує її; по-друге, ТКП є кооперативною системою, яка виконує це в модусі „дай-та-бери”; по-третє, зв’язки в корі є щільнішими, ніж у ТКП, що свідчить про провідну роль кори в обробці складної інформації в стані свідомості; по-четверте, і ТКП, і кора є small-worldсистемами; по-п’яте, скалярне значення довжини зв’язків у ТКП є меншим, ніж у корі, що вказує на потенційно більш високу швидкість обробки інформації в ТКП, ніж у корі; пошосте, скалярні значення коефіцієнта кластеризації в ТКП і корі є приблизно однаковими, і, по-сьоме, кількості модулів у корі і ТКП відповідають п’яти і шести

    Influence of Charge Transport Layers on Open Circuit Voltage and Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Perovskite materials have experienced an impressive improvement in photovoltaic performance due to their unique combination of optoelectronic properties. Their remarkable progression, facilitated by the use of different device architectures, compositional engineering, and processing methodologies, contrasts with the lack of understanding of the materials properties and interface phenomena. Here we directly target the interplay between the charge-transporting layers (CTLs) and open-circuit potential (VOC) in the operation mechanism of the state-of-the-art CH3NH3PbI3 solar cells. Our results suggest that the VOC is controlled by the splitting of quasi-Fermi levels and recombination inside the perovskite, rather than being governed by any internal electric field established by the difference in the CTL work functions. In addition, we provide novel insights into the hysteretic origin in perovskite solar cells, identifying the nature of the contacts as a critical factor in defining the charge accumulation at its interface, leading to either ionic, electronic, or mixed ionic-electronic accumulation

    Translucent perovskite photovoltaics for building integration

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    Transparent photovoltaics provide diverse levels of average visible transmittance (AVT) along with concurrent light harvesting, making glass façades and windows accessible for photovoltaics. However, improvements in power conversion efficiency (PCE) and aesthetics are required to enhance commercial viability and public acceptance. This work presents the scalable fabrication of efficient micro-patterned translucent perovskite photovoltaics at optical qualities suited for building integration. Optimized laser-scribed transparent areas (25 μm) mitigate detrimental effects on electrical performance, featuring perovskite solar cells with 44% AVT and demonstrating industrial glass quality through neutral color rendering (CRI 97) and only 3% haze. Highlighting scalability, submodules yield PCEs of 9.0% at 32% AVT (4 cm2 aperture area). The transfer to two-terminal perovskite–perovskite tandem solar cells exhibiting PCEs of 17.7% at 12% AVT and 11.1% at 31% AVT demonstrates the first translucent perovskite tandem photovoltaics. Lastly, the novel concept of transmittance gradients with 7% cm−1 absolute change in AVT and 12.0% PCE for submodules is presented, providing a foundation for architectural individualizations

    Protocol for a multicentre, prospective cohort study of clinical, proteomic and genomic patterns associated with osteoporosis to develop a multidimensional fracture assessment tool: the PoCOsteo Study

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    INTRODUCTION: The HORIZON 2020 project PoCOsteo aims (1) to develop a multidimensional fracture risk assessment tool which would take into account all factors known to be related to an individual's fracture risk. The fracture risk model is intended to be developed in two different populations, namely a European and a Middle Eastern one; (2) to develop a medical device, which would measure and/or quantify proteomic as well as genomic factors as present in whole blood samples collected through finger prick; (3) to test the clinical applicability and the validity of prototypes of the to be developed point of care device at both clinical centres. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This article presents the protocol of this prospective cohort that will be carried out independently at two different centres (Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology at the Medical University of Graz (MUG) as a clinic-based cohort, and Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute (EMRI) at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) as a population-based cohort). The final aim is to develop a fracture risk assessment model, which would include clinical risk factors, biochemical markers of bone turnover, as well as specific genomic factors. The derivation cohorts will consist of individuals aged 50 years and above. The period of observation for each patient will be 12 months; an extension phase, which would last for another 2 years, is also planned. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: These studies are conducted in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. The Iranian part was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of EMRI, TUMS. The Austrian part was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Medical University of Graz. Based on the gathered information, a multidimensional fracture assessment tool will be designed which will later be added to the PoCOsteo device

    The influence of temperature alterations on eccentric contraction-induced isometric force and desmin loss in ratmedial gastrocnemius muscle

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    In this study isolated perfused rat muscle was used to examine the direct effect of temperature changes on the eccentric contraction-induced force and desmin loss. The left medial gastrocnemius muscle was separated and the entire lower limb was transferred into a prewarmed (35°C) organ bath. Temperature was adjusted to 31 or 39°C before and during eccentric contractions. Maximal isometric force and desmin loss were measured after 15 isometric or eccentric contractions. According to our data, organ bath temperature changes before or during eccentric contractions had no significant effect on force loss. However, a strong correlation between desmin loss and temperature changes before (r = 0.93, p<0.05) and during (r = 0.87, p<0.05) eccentric contractions was observed. Present results suggest that cooling before or during eccentric contractions may decrease desmin loss

    Comparison of anthro-metabolic indicators for predicting the risk of metabolic syndrome in the elderly population: Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program

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    Background Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster metabolic disorder that includes central obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, and is highly associated with an increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This study aimed to compare the reliability of anthro-metabolic indices [visceral adiposity index (VAI), body roundness index (BRI), and a body shape index (BSI), body adiposity index (BAI), lipid accumulation product (LAP), waist to hip ratio, and waist to height ratio] in predicting MetS in Iranian older people. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted based on the data of 2426 adults aged ≥60 years that participated in the second stage of the Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program, a population-based prospective cohort study being conducted in Bushehr, Iran. MetS was defined based on the revised National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATP III) criteria. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to assess predictive performance of anthro-metabolic indices and determine optimal cutoff values. Logistic regression analysis was applied to determine the associations between MetS and indices. Results 2426 subjects (48.1% men) with mean ± SD age of 69.34 ± 6.40 years were included in the study. According to ATP III criteria, 34.8% of men and 65.2% of women had MetS (P < 0.001). Of the seven examined indices, the AUCs of VAI and LAP in both genders were higher than AUCs of other anthro-metabolic indices. Also, in general population, VAI and LAP had the greatest predictive power for MetS with AUC 0.87(0.86–0.89) and 0.87(0.85–0.88), respectively. The lowest AUC in total population belonged to BSI with the area under the curve of 0.60(0.58–0.62). After adjusting for potential confounders (e.g. age, sex, education, physical activity, current smoking) in the logistic regression model, the highest OR in the total population was observed for VAI and LAP, which was 16.63 (13.31–20.79) and 12.56 (10.23–15.43) respectively. The lowest OR for MetS was 1.93(1.61–2.30) for BSI. Conclusion This study indicated that both VAI and LAP are the most valuable indices among the anthro-metabolic indices to identify MetS among the elderly in both genders. So, they could be used as proper assessment tools for MetS in clinical practice. However, the cost-benefit of these indices compared to the ATP III criteria need further studies