160 research outputs found

    The integrin αvβ8 mediates epithelial homeostasis through MT1-MMP–dependent activation of TGF-β1

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    Întegrins, matrix metalloproteases (MMPs), and the cytokine TGF-β have each been implicated in homeostatic cell behaviors such as cell growth and matrix remodeling. TGF-β exists mainly in a latent state, and a major point of homeostatic control is the activation of TGF-β. Because the latent domain of TGF-β1 possesses an integrin binding motif (RGD), integrins have the potential to sequester latent TGF-β (SLC) to the cell surface where TGF-β activation could be locally controlled. Here, we show that SLC binds to αvβ8, an integrin expressed by normal epithelial and neuronal cells in vivo. This binding results in the membrane type 1 (MT1)-MMP–dependent release of active TGF-β, which leads to autocrine and paracrine effects on cell growth and matrix production. These data elucidate a novel mechanism of cellular homeostasis achieved through the coordination of the activities of members of three major gene families involved in cell–matrix interactions

    The importance of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (<i>Sousa chinesis</i>) population of Sanniang bay, Guangxi Province, PR China: recommendations for habitat protection. Scientific Committee Document SC/58/SM18, International Whaling Commission, May-June 2006, St.Kitts

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    During the period June 2004 - January 2006, a research team from the Qinzhou Bay Chinese White Dolphins Research Center of Peking University, the Peoples Republic of China, conducted systematic and opportunistic boat surveys of Sanniang Bay, Guangxi Province, in which Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis were regularly seen. Ninety eight dolphins were photographically identified. The dolphins appear to inhabit a small, shallow area of core habitat within the greater Sanniang Bay area. They do not appear to travel up the two rivers which are located to each side of the bay. Of the five populations known from the coastal area of China, the one that resides in Sanniang Bay is determined as having the least impact from anthropogenic activities. The area itself has been designated as a nature tourism location and considerable effort and money has been spent on developing appropriate tourist facilities. The dolphin watching industry in the area is strictly monitored and controlled by one local authority. The largest estuary adjacent to Sanniang Bay has been allocated for industrial development and a paper pulp mill will be established there. Considering the investment already made in the nature tourism industry, the natural beauty of the bay and the surrounding area and the likelihood that this is the only population of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins which remain in uncompromised and relatively pristine habitat in all of China, it is urged that all effort be made to maintain the natural integrity of the bay. It is recommended that all development and operational aspects of the paper pulp be thoroughly scrutinized and all efforts made to minimize impact upon the environment and that all current and future industries and activities in this area must not detrimentally impact the dolphin population or compromise the integrity of the bay ecosystem

    CFD Investigation on Fluid Flow Analysis in Fluid Separator

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    The analysis of fully developed flow in the two fluid separators is an important issue in the industry such as production, processing, and petrochemical. The role of the two fluid separator is to separate two different fluid by using an appropriate mechanism without changing the quality. In this study, we have reviewed different mechanisms of two fluid separations such as gravity sedimentation, centrifugation, and electro kinetics, etc. The current work focuses on the design aspect of a fluid separator with respect to geometry and thermal design. CFD has been used to simulate flow in a fluid separator and its results have been verified experimentally. Flow rates used in the simulation have different values in interval 0.1 LPM. The study shows the best performance of fluid separator with respect to shape and flow rates. The given work helps to co-relate various design of separator in the industry with laboratory separators

    Complete genome sequence of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus containing a heterogeneic staphylococcal cassette chromosome element

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a common human bacterium that sometimes becomes pathogenic, causing serious infections. A key feature of S. aureus is its ability to acquire resistance to antibiotics. The presence of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCC) element in serotypes of S. aureus has been confirmed using multiplex PCR assays. The SCC element is the only vector known to carry the mecA gene, which encodes methicillin resistance in S. aureus infections. Here, we report the genome sequence of a novel methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) strain: SCC-like MSSA463. This strain was originally erroneously serotyped as methicillin-resistant S. aureus in a clinical laboratory using multiplex PCR methods. We sequenced the genome of SCC-like MSSA463 using pyrosequencing techniques and compared it with known genome sequences of other S. aureus isolates. An open reading frame (CZ049; AB037671) was identified downstream of attL and attR inverted repeat sequences. Our results suggest that a lateral gene transfer occurred between S. aureus and other organisms, partially changing S. aureus infectivity. We propose that attL and attR inverted repeats in S. aureus serve as frequent insertion sites for exogenous genes.http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000316747000011&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=8e1609b174ce4e31116a60747a720701BiologySCI(E)PubMed0ARTICLE3268-2745

    Identification of a Phytase Gene in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Background: Endogenous phytase plays a crucial role in phytate degradation and is thus closely related to nutrient efficiency in barley products. The understanding of genetic information of phytase in barley can provide a useful tool for breeding new barley varieties with high phytase activity. Methodology/Principal Findings: Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for phytase activity was conducted using a doubled haploid population. Phytase protein was purified and identified by the LC-ESI MS/MS Shotgun method. Purple acid phosphatase (PAP) gene was sequenced and the position was compared with the QTL controlling phytase activity. A major QTL for phytase activity was mapped to chromosome 5 H in barley. The gene controlling phytase activity in the region was named as mqPhy. The gene HvPAP a was mapped to the same position as mqPhy, supporting the colinearity between HvPAP a and mqPhy. Conclusions/Significance: It is the first report on QTLs for phytase activity and the results showed that HvPAP a, which shares a same position with the QTL, is a major phytase gene in barley grains

    Genetic Variation of HvCBF Genes and Their Association with Salinity Tolerance in Tibetan Annual Wild Barley

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    The evaluation of both the genetic variation and the identification of salinity tolerant accessions of Tibetan annual wild barley (hereafter referred to as Tibetan barley) (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. Spontaneum and H. vulgare L. ssp. agriocrithum) are essential for discovering and exploiting novel alleles involved in salinity tolerance. In this study, we examined tissue dry biomass and the Na+ and K+ contents of 188 Tibetan barley accessions in response to salt stress. We investigated the genetic variation of transcription factors HvCBF1, HvCBF3 and HvCBF4 within these accessions, conducting association analysis between these three genes and the respective genotypic salt tolerance. Salt stress significantly reduced shoot and root dry weight by 27.6% to 73.1% in the Tibetan barley lines. HvCBF1, HvCBF3 and HvCBF4 showed diverse sequence variation in amplicon as evident by the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 3, 8 and 13 haplotypes, respectively. Furthermore, the decay of Linkage disequilibrium (LD) of chromosome 5 was 8.9 cM (r2<0.1). Marker bpb-4891 and haplotype 13 (Ps 610) of the HvCBF4 gene were significantly (P<0.05) and highly significantly (P<0.001) associated with salt tolerance. However, HvCBF1 and HvCBF3 genes were not associated with salinity tolerance. The accessions from haplotype 13 of the HvCBF4 gene showed high salinity tolerance, maintaining significantly lower Na+/K+ ratios and higher dry weight. It is thus proposed that these Tibetan barley accessions could be of value for enhancing salinity tolerance in cultivated barley

    Apnea of prematurity: from cause to treatment

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    Apnea of prematurity (AOP) is a common problem affecting premature infants, likely secondary to a “physiologic” immaturity of respiratory control that may be exacerbated by neonatal disease. These include altered ventilatory responses to hypoxia, hypercapnia, and altered sleep states, while the roles of gastroesophageal reflux and anemia remain controversial. Standard clinical management of the obstructive subtype of AOP includes prone positioning and continuous positive or nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation to prevent pharyngeal collapse and alveolar atelectasis, while methylxanthine therapy is a mainstay of treatment of central apnea by stimulating the central nervous system and respiratory muscle function. Other therapies, including kangaroo care, red blood cell transfusions, and CO2 inhalation, require further study. The physiology and pathophysiology behind AOP are discussed, including the laryngeal chemoreflex and sensitivity to inhibitory neurotransmitters, as are the mechanisms by which different therapies may work and the potential long-term neurodevelopmental consequences of AOP and its treatment

    Methyltransferase Dnmt3a upregulates HDAC9 to deacetylate the kinase TBK1 for activation of antiviral innate immunity

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    The DNA methyltransferase Dnmt3a has high expression in terminally differentiated macrophages; however, its role in innate immunity remains unknown. Here we report that deficiency in Dnmt3a selectively impaired the production of type I interferons triggered by pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs), but not that of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF and IL-6. Dnmt3a-deficient mice exhibited enhanced susceptibility to viral challenge. Dnmt3a did not directly regulate the transcription of genes encoding type I interferons; instead, it increased the production of type I interferons through an epigenetic mechanism by maintaining high expression of the histone deacetylase HDAC9. In turn, HDAC9 directly maintained the deacetylation status of the key PRR signaling molecule TBK1 and enhanced its kinase activity. Our data add mechanistic insight into the crosstalk between epigenetic modifications and post-translational modifications in the regulation of PRR signaling and activation of antiviral innate immune responses

    Hybridization as a threat in climate relict Nuphar pumila (Nymphaeaceae)

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    Field studies and conceptual work on hybridization-mediated extinction risk in climate relicts are extremely rare. Nuphar pumila (Nymphaeaceae) is one of the most emblematic climate relicts in Europe with few isolated populations in the Alpine arc. The extent of introgression with related lowland and generalist species Nupharlutea has never been studied using molecular methods. All biogeographical regions where N.pumila naturally occurs in the neighbourhood of the Alpine arc were sampled and studied using nuclear microsatellite markers. Furthermore, we used forward-in-time simulations and Approximate Bayesian Computation to check whether an introgression scenario fits with the observed admixture patterns and estimated the demographic parameters associated with this process. Our study confirms ongoing hybridization between N.pumila and N.lutea and validates it by the use of population models. More than 40 % of investigated N.pumila individuals were admixed and hybrids were found in over 60 % of studied populations. The introgression is bidirectional and is most likely a result of very recent gene flow. Our work provides strong evidence for rapid extinction risk and demographic swamping between specialized climatic relicts and closely related generalists. The remaining pure populations of N.pumila are rare in the Alpine arc and deserve high conservation priority