162 research outputs found

    Study of the seroprevalence, associated risk factors and the haematological values of infected Chlamydia abortus small ruminants in Benin Republic

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    Chlamydia abortus is one of the causative agents. The aim of this study was to determine for the first time the serological prevalence and hematological parameters in small ruminants positive for Chlamydia abortus in Benin, mainly in the department of Ouémé. It covered five sites, namely Akpro-Missérété, Avrankou, Adjarra, Sèmè-Kpodji and Dangbo in the Ouémé department. A total of 385 sera (200 sheep and 185 goats) from subjects showing signs of reproductive loss were tested using the indirect Elisa method. Of the 385 sera tested, 30 (7,79%) were positive for Chlamydia abortus. Similarly, the blood of animals tested positive was analyzed for hematological parameters using Sysmex XN-Series automated blood analyzer. Different variations with significant differences in some hematological parameters of the red line and those of the white line, depending on the study sites, species, age and physiological stage of the animals (hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume for the red line at the sites, lymphocytes and basophils for the white line at the sites; hemoglobin for the red lineage and lymphocytes for the white lineage at species level; lymphocytes at age level; lymphocytes, monocytes and basophils for the white lineage at physiological stage level) were observed in animals suffering from C. abortus.En la República de Benín, el aborto es uno de los problemas reproductivos de las explotaciones de pequeños rumiantes, y Chlamydia abortus es uno de los agentes causales. El objetivo de este estudio era determinar por primera vez la prevalencia serológica y los parámetros hematológicos en pequeños rumiantes positivos a Chlamydia abortus en Benín, principalmente en el departamento de Ouémé. Abarcó cinco emplazamientos, a saber, Akpro-Missérété, Avrankou, Adjarra, Sèmè-Kpodji y Dangbo, en el departamento de Ouémé. Se analizaron 385 sueros (200 ovejas y 185 cabras) de sujetos que presentaban signos de pérdida reproductiva mediante el método Elisa indirecto. De los 385 sueros analizados, 30 (7,79%) resultaron positivos para Chlamydia abortus. Del mismo modo, se analizó la sangre de los animales con resultados positivos para determinar los parámetros hematológicos utilizando el analizador de sangre automatizado Sysmex XN-Series. Se observaron variaciones con diferencias significativas en algunos parámetros hematológicos de la línea roja y los de la línea blanca, en función de los lugares de estudio, la especie, la edad y el estadio fisiológico de los animales (hemoglobina, volumen corpuscular medio para la línea roja en los lugares, linfocitos y basófilos para la línea blanca en los lugares; hemoglobina para la línea roja y linfocitos para la línea blanca a nivel de especie; linfocitos a nivel de edad; linfocitos, monocitos y basófilos para la línea blanca a nivel de estadio fisiológico) se observaron en los animales afectados por C. abortus

    Optimisation des paramètres photovoltaïques du CIGS a l aide du simulateur AMPS-1D

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    [FR] Le Silicium Indium de Gallium et Cuivre (CIGS) dans sa structure chalcopyrite possède des propriétés électriques et électroniques intéressantes. Notre étude a porté sur la concentration de dopage des différentes couches constituant le CIGS et les effets des contacts avant et arrière sur les performances photovoltaïques de la cellule solaire. Nous avons fait la simulation de la variation de la concentration de dopage des différentes couches constituant le CIGS à l¿aide d¿AMPS-1D. Les effets du dopage des différentes couches constituant la cellule solaire à base de CIGS sur les paramètres photovoltaïques tel que le rendement (¿) la tension de circuit ouvert (Vco) et la densité de court-circuit(Jsc) ont été étudiés.L¿augmentation de la concentration de dopage des couches a un effet sur les performances des cellules solaires. Le plus grand rendement a été obtenu lorsqu¿on a augmenté la concentration dedopage de la couche absorbeur. L¿augmentation des conditions aux limites du contact avant diminue le rendement des cellules photovoltaïques tandis que l¿augmentation des conditions aux limites du contact arrière l¿augmente.[EN] Copper indium gallium (di) selenide (CIGS) in its chalcopyrite structure has electrical and electronic properties. Our study focused on the doping of the various layers constituting the CIGS and the effects of the front and back contacts on the photovoltaic performance of the solar cell. We simulated the variation of the doping concentration of the various layers constituting the CIGS using AMPS-1D. The effects of the doping of the various layers of the CIGS solar cell on the photovoltaic parameters such as the efficiency (¿) open circuit voltage (Vco) and the court circuit density (Jsc) have been analyzed. The increase in the doping of the layers has an effect on the performance of the solar cells. The greatest efficiency was obtained when the doping of the absorbed layer is height. The increase in the boundary conditions of the front contact decreases the efficiency of the photovoltaic cells while the increase in boundary conditions of the back contact increases.Oyedele, S.; Boko, A.; Marí, B. (2017). Optimisation des paramètres photovoltaïques du CIGS a l aide du simulateur AMPS-1D. Afrique Science. 13(2):274-283. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/101852S27428313

    Traditional Adaptation Strategies to Hydrosystem Degradation for Sustainable Management of the Aheme Lake in Benin (West Africa)

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    The water system like the lake Aheme are abundant in halieutic species (fish, crabs, shrimps…) exploited by resident populations. Over exploitation and high degradation of ecosystems of the lake Aheme induce inexorably fish productivity reduction. Halieutic production reduction generates a subsequent fall of incomes of the households depending primarily on the fishery activities. The fall of halieutic production involves today significant migratory movements of the fishermen and socioeconomic problem. Thus, adaptation strategies are developed for sustainable management of the lake Aheme. These strategies consist in holding as sacred a part of the lake with the divinity Avlekete, fishing holes creation and mangrove restoration. Sacred lake park called ‘’Avlekete-tin’’ is the most important traditional strategy. These endogenous methods of ecological conservation constitute actually effective strategies of productivity and fishing development on the Aheme lake

    Synthesis of Perfectly Oriented MAPb0.93Cr0.07Br3 Perovskite Crystals for Thin-Film Photovoltaic Applications

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    [EN] Wide band gap methylammonium lead halide perovskites (CH3NH3PbX3, X=halogen; CH3NH3: MA) are interesting materials for photovoltaic applications. They have recently gained substantial attention because of their high efficiency, low cost, superior optical properties. The most attractive and representative perovskites are methylammonium lead halides (CH3NH3PbX3,) denoted as MAPbX3, X = Br, Cl, I. usually the optical and structural properties of CH3NH3PbBr3 can be adjusted by introducing other extrinsic ions such as chloride and bromide. In this work, instead of replacing the halogens I or Cl with bromine (Br) as usual, we preferred to act on the post-transition metal (Pb). To this end, we replaced lead with chromium (Cr) which is a transition metal and may have the same oxidation state (+2) as lead. MAPb0.93Cr0.07Br3 thin films were deposited on ITO substrate by the spin coating process. X-ray diffraction analyses indicated the formation of a cubic perovskite with space group Pm3 m. The structural analysis reveals films with (110) and (220) as main peaks. Deposited films showed a strong absorbance in the UV¿vis range. The band gap values were estimated from absorbance measurements. It was found between 1.60 and 1.80 eV. SEM analysis shows a morphology with good coverage and no apparent crystal orientation.Soro, D.; Sidibé, M.; Fassinou, W.; Marí, B.; Sall, T.; Fofana, B.; Boko, A.... (2017). Synthesis of Perfectly Oriented MAPb0.93Cr0.07Br3 Perovskite Crystals for Thin-Film Photovoltaic Applications. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. IJIRSET (Online). 6(6):10170-10176. doi:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0606007S10170101766

    Plasmodium falciparum: linkage disequilibrium between loci in chromosomes 7 and 5 and chloroquine selective pressure in Northern Nigeria.

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    In view of the recent discovery (Molecular Cell 6, 861-871) of a (Lys76Thr) codon change in gene pfcrt on chromosome 7 which determines in vitro chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum, we have re-examined samples taken before treatment in our study in Zaria, Northern Nigeria (Parasitology, 119, 343-348). Drug resistance was present in 5/5 cases where the pfcrt 76Thr codon change was seen (100% positive predictive value). Drug sensitivity was found in 26/28 cases where the change was absent (93% negative predictive value). Allele pfcrt 76Thr showed strong linkage disequilibrium with pfmdr1 Tyr86 on chromosome 5, more complete than that between pfcrt and cg2 alleles situated between recombination cross-over points on chromosome 7. Physical linkage of cg2 with pfcrt may account for linkage disequilibrium between their alleles but in the case of genes pfmdr1 and pfcrt, on different chromosomes, it is likely that this is maintained epistatically through the selective pressure of chloroquine

    Diversité de la microflore initiale de la viande et sécurité sanitaire des consommateurs

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    La microflore initiale de la viande regroupe les germes survenus de l’animal vivant jusqu’à l’obtention de la carcasse c’est-à dire jusqu’à l’habillage mais avant lavage. Cet article décrit la diversité de cette microflore, les facteurs favorisant leur multiplication et leurs conséquences sur la santé des consommateurs. Les microorganismes de surface retrouvés immédiatement après abattage sur les carcasses ont été d’abord récapitulés. Les principaux indicateurs du respect des bonnes pratiques d’hygiène dans la filière viande ont été ensuite décrits, notamment, la Flore Aérobie Mésophile, Pseudomonas, les Enterobacteriaceae et E. coli. L’implication de l’activité de l’eau, de la température, du potentiel d’oxydoréduction et du pH dans le développement de la microflore initiale de la viande a été présentée. L’altération des viandes, les toxiinfections alimentaires et les conséquences technologiques issues du développement de cette microflore ont été décrites. Enfin, les caractéristiques des principaux germes pathogènes de la viande ont été décrites et les normes microbiologiques de la viande appliquées dans quelques pays ont été inventoriées.Mots clés: viande, microorganisme, altération, toxi-infection, normes

    Scenarii Bioclimatiques A L’horizon 2050 Dans Le Departement De L’oueme Au Benin (Afrique De L’ouest)

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    This study aims to determine the future bioclimatic atmospheres by 2050 according to the scenarios A1B and B1, in order to determine if the human health of the populations in the department Ouémé in Benin would be subjected to more or less harsh environments. To do this, this study was conducted using descriptive statistics methods, and bioclimatic index calculation (UTCI). The data used are the meteorological data (temperature, relative humidity, insolation and wind) on a monthly scale over the period 1971-2014 and the data from 2020 to 2025 from the ReMO database. The results of this study make it possible to remember that the A1B scenario presents a distinct singularity, because it describes more bioclimatic atmospheres than the B1 scenario. Whatever the variations, the December- March period will be dominated by a hot atmosphere, while April-October by a more comfortable atmosphere. Differences between bioclimatic atmospheres by 2050 and the current one will reach +9.2 in February for the A1B scenario and +8.4 for the B1 scenario. This variation of future bioclimatic atmospheres simulated by means of the REMO data and UTCI will not be without effects on the health of children from 0 to 5 years old in the Department of Ouémé and therefore in the face of this future configuration. adaptations are proposed to the different actors in the study area

    Haematological evaluation of Wistar rats exposed to chronic doses of cadmium, mercury and combined cadmium and mercury

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    Cadmium and mercury present in the environment, cause blood disorders. This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of cadmium, mercury and their combination on hematological parameters of Wistar rats. For this purpose, two different doses of each metal and their combination were administered orally for 28 days to six groups of five rats each. Two groups (A and B) were respectively exposed to CdCl2 (0.25 and 2.5 mg/kg), two other groups (C and D) respectively received HgCl2 (0.12 and 1.2 mg/kg) and the last two groups (E and F) were respectively treated with the combination of these two metals: (0.25 mg/kg Cd + 0.12 mg/kg Hg) and (2.5 mg/kg Cd + 1.2 mg/kg Hg). The control group (G) received the same volume of distilled water. At the end of exposure, bodies of rats were weighed and the whole blood was collected by retro-orbital sinus method for analysis of hematological parameters. The results of this study show a significant decrease (p<0.05) in white blood cells (WBC) in the lot treated with the combination (0.25 mg/kg Cd + 012 mg/kg Hg) and also indicate a significant decrease (p<0.05) in WBC, red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (HGB) and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) with high levels of mercury (2.5 mg/kg) and the combination (2.5 mg/kg Cd + 1.2 mg/kg Hg). An increase in the number of platelet count (PLT) in all intoxicated lots was observed.Keywords: Cadmium, mercury, hematology, blood parameters, ratsAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyVol. 12(23), pp. 3731-373
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