168 research outputs found

    Prevalence of viruses infecting cowpea in Uganda and their molecular detection

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    The main areas for cowpea cultivation in Uganda were surveyed in June and October 2006 for viruses affecting the crop. Seed and leaf samples from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants were collected from farmers’ fields and analysed for infecting viruses using double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA). The viruses detected in the leaf and seed samples were: cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), cowpea mild mottle calarvirus (CPMMV), cowpea mottle carmovirus (CPMoV), Cowpea chlorotic mottle bromovirus (CCMV), Cowpea yellow mosaic comovirus (CYMV), cowpea severe mosaic comovirus (CPSMV), cowpea aphid-borne mosaic potyvirus (CABMV) and Southern bean mosaic sobemovirus (SBMV). CPMV was detected only in leaf samples. CMV and CABMV were later confirmed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Of the viruses detected in leaf samples, 53.26% occurred as single infections, 24.46% dual and 22.28% multiple infections. Similarly, analysis of seed samples revealed infection of 40.6, 34.6 and 24.8% for single, dual and multiple infections, respectively. Multiple virus infections were associated with more disease severity and higher yield losses. The seed transmission levels of 23.0, 20.3 and 16.4% were recorded for CMV, CPMMV and CABMV, respectively. This study identified six more viruses in addition to what was previously reported in the country, of which eight were seed-borne. This necessitates the need for the production and use of virus-free seeds, development of virus resistant genotypes and adoption of efficient seed certification systems.Keywords: Vigna unguiculata, disease incidence, seed-borne viruses, ELISA, (RT-PCR

    Measuring socioeconomic inequalities in relation to malaria risk: a comparison of metrics in rural Uganda

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    ocioeconomic position (SEP) is an important risk factor for malaria, but there is no consensus on how to measure SEP in malaria studies. We evaluated the relative strength of four indicators of SEP in predicting malaria risk in Nagongera, Uganda. 318 children resident in 100 households were followed for 36 months to measure parasite prevalence routinely every three months and malaria incidence by passive case detection. Household SEP was determined using: (1) two wealth indices, (2) income, (3) occupation and (4) education. Wealth Index I (reference) included only asset ownership variables. Wealth Index II additionally included food security and house construction variables, which may directly affect malaria. In multivariate analysis, only Wealth Index II and income were associated with the human biting rate, only Wealth Indices I and II were associated with parasite prevalence and only caregiver’s education was associated with malaria incidence. This is the first evaluation of metrics beyond wealth and consumption indices for measuring the association between SEP and malaria. The wealth index still predicted malaria risk after excluding variables directly associated with malaria, but the strength of association was lower. In this setting, wealth indices, income and education were stronger predictors of socioeconomic differences in malaria risk than occupation

    Why is malaria associated with poverty? Findings from a cohort study in rural Uganda

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    Background Malaria control and sustainable development are linked, but implementation of ‘multisectoral’ intervention is restricted by a limited understanding of the causal pathways between poverty and malaria. We investigated the relationships between socioeconomic position (SEP), potential determinants of SEP, and malaria in Nagongera, rural Uganda. Methods Socioeconomic information was collected for 318 children aged six months to 10 years living in 100 households, who were followed for up to 36 months. Mosquito density was recorded using monthly light trap collections. Parasite prevalence was measured routinely every three months and malaria incidence determined by passive case detection. First, we evaluated the association between success in smallholder agriculture (the primary livelihood source) and SEP. Second, we explored socioeconomic risk factors for human biting rate (HBR), parasite prevalence and incidence of clinical malaria, and spatial clustering of socioeconomic variables. Third, we investigated the role of selected factors in mediating the association between SEP and malaria. Results Relative agricultural success was associated with higher SEP. In turn, high SEP was associated with lower HBR (highest versus lowest wealth index tertile: Incidence Rate Ratio 0.71, 95 % confidence intervals (CI) 0.54–0.93, P = 0.01) and lower odds of malaria infection in children (highest versus lowest wealth index tertile: adjusted Odds Ratio 0.52, 95 % CI 0.35–0.78, P = 0.001), but SEP was not associated with clinical malaria incidence. Mediation analysis suggested that part of the total effect of SEP on malaria infection risk was explained by house type (24.9 %, 95 % CI 15.8–58.6 %) and food security (18.6 %, 95 % CI 11.6–48.3 %); however, the assumptions of the mediation analysis may not have been fully met. Conclusion Housing improvements and agricultural development interventions to reduce poverty merit further investigation as multisectoral interventions against malaria. Further interdisplinary research is needed to understand fully the complex pathways between poverty and malaria and to develop strategies for sustainable malaria control

    Expression of a rice chitinase gene in transgenic banana (''Gros Michel'', AAA genome group) confers resistance to black leaf streak disease

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    Transgenic banana (Musa acuminata 'Gros Michel') integrating either of two rice chitinase genes was generated and its resistance to Black Leaf Streak disease caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis was tested using a leaf disk bioassay. PCR screening indicated the presence of the hpt selectable marker gene in more than 90 % of the lines tested, whereas more than three quarters of the lines contained the linked rice chitinase gene resulting in a co-transformation frequency of at least 71.4 %. Further, a unique stable integration of the transgenes in each line revealed some false negative PCR results and the expected co-transformation frequency of 100 %

    Selection of cooking banana genotypes for yield and black Sigatoka resistance in different locations in Uganda

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    It is imperative to systematically evaluate new banana genotypes in different locations before national release. This enables selection and recommendation of superior genotypes as new varieties for a wider range of environments. The objective of the present study was to select banana genotypes with stable and high performance for bunch yield and leaf black Sigatoka resistance. Eleven cooking banana genotypes developed by the Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization in collaboration with Bioversity International, and two check varieties were evaluated in multi-location preliminary yield trials in Uganda. Data collected were analyzed using Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model, AMMI Stability Value, and Genotype Selection Index (GSI). Genotype × location interaction was significant for all the traits assessed. Most of the new genotypes had low interaction effects with locations for bunch yield (69.2%) and black Sigatoka (92.3%). The most stable genotypes for bunch yield were NABIO815, NABIO1117, NABIO216 and NABIO306 whereas for black Sigatoka resistance, were NABIO1011, NABIO815, NABIO1009 and NABIO216. Using the GSI that defines the most desirable genotypes as those that combine high agronomic performance and stability across environments, four genotypes (NABIO306, NABIO1011, NABIO808 and NABIO1009) were selected. These genotypes, in addition to their high performance for agronomic traits and stability, had soft and yellow fruit pulp on cooking, and will be advanced on farm for further evaluatio

    Measuring Socioeconomic Inequalities in Relation to Malaria Risk: A Comparison of Metrics in Rural Uganda.

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    Socioeconomic position (SEP) is an important risk factor for malaria, but there is no consensus on how to measure SEP in malaria studies. We evaluated the relative strength of four indicators of SEP in predicting malaria risk in Nagongera, Uganda. A total of 318 children resident in 100 households were followed for 36 months to measure parasite prevalence routinely every 3 months and malaria incidence by passive case detection. Household SEP was determined using: 1) two wealth indices, 2) income, 3) occupation, and 4) education. Wealth Index I (reference) included only asset ownership variables. Wealth Index II additionally included food security and house construction variables, which may directly affect malaria. In multivariate analysis, only Wealth Index II and income were associated with the human biting rate, only Wealth Indices I and II were associated with parasite prevalence, and only caregiver's education was associated with malaria incidence. This is the first evaluation of metrics beyond wealth and consumption indices for measuring the association between SEP and malaria. The wealth index still predicted malaria risk after excluding variables directly associated with malaria, but the strength of association was lower. In this setting, wealth indices, income, and education were stronger predictors of socioeconomic differences in malaria risk than occupation

    Molecular characteristics of Tomato mosaic virus infecting tomato in Uganda

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    Viral diseases are part of the limiting factors to tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivation worldwide, reducing both the quality and quantity of yield. Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) is one of the damaging viruses of tomato. This paper describes molecular characteristics of the full length genome of ToMV isolated from tomato in Uganda (ToMV-Ug). The genomic, ribonucleic acid (RNA), of this isolate is 6383 nucleotides (nts) in length, encoding four open reading frames (ORFs). Based on the homology with other ToMV strains, the 5\u2019 proximal 130 kilo dalton (kDa) ORF and its read-through product (180 kDa) are expected to encode two proteins required for viral genome replication; while the 30 kDa middle ORF and the 17.5 kDa 3\u2019 proximal ORF are expected to encode the movement protein (MP) and coat protein (CP), respectively. The 5\u2019- and 3\u2019- untranslated regions (UTRs) are 71 and 201 nts, respectively. Comparison with previously published ToMV sequences showed that ToMV-Ug is 99% identical to ToMV strains from Africa (Egypt and Zimbabwe), as well as diverse locations such as China, Australia, Germany and Japan; suggesting high levels of sequence conservation within this virus. This is the first report detailing molecular analysis of a ToMV isolate from Uganda and the Eastern and Central Africa regions.Les maladies virales font partie des facteurs limitant la production mondiale de la tomate ( Solanum lycopersicum L.), r\ue9duisant \ue0 la fois la quantit\ue9 et la qualit\ue9 du rendement. Le virus de la mosa\uefque de la tomate (ToMV) est l\u2019un des virus endommageant la tomate. Ce papier d\ue9crit les caract\ue9ristiques mol\ue9culaires de la longueur du g\ue9nome de l\u2019isolat ToMV de la tomate en Ouganda (ToMV-Ug). L\u2019acide g\ue9nomique, ribonucl\ue9ique (ARN), de l\u2019isolat a une longueur de 6383 nucl\ue9otides (nts), codant quatre cadres de lecture ouverts (ORFs). Sur la base de l\u2019homologie avec les autres souches de ToMV, le proximal 5\u2019 de 130 kilo dalton (kDa) de l\u2019ORF et sa lecture \ue0 travers le produit (180 kDa) sont esp\ue9r\ue9s coder pour deux prot\ue9ines n\ue9cessaires \ue0 la r\ue9plication du g\ue9nome viral\ua0; alors que les 30 kDa du ORF moyen et les 17,5 kDa du proximal 3\u2019 du ORF sont esp\ue9r\ue9s coder pour le mouvement de la prot\ue9ine (MP) et la prot\ue9ine de l\u2019enveloppe (CP), respectivement. Les r\ue9gions non traduites du 5\u2019 et 3\u2019 (UTRs) sont de 71 et 201 nts, respectivement. La comparaison avec les s\ue9quences (ToMV) pr\ue9c\ue9demment publi\ue9es a montr\ue9 que ToMV-Ug est \ue0 99% identique aux souches ToM de l\u2019Afrique (Egypte et Zimbabw\ue9), ainsi que diverses localit\ue9s telles que la Chine, l\u2019Australie, la Germanie et le Japon\ua0; sugg\ue9rant de hauts niveaux de s\ue9quence de conservation dans ce virus. Ceci est le premier rapport d\ue9taillant l\u2019analyse mol\ue9culaire d\u2019un isolat ToMV d\u2019Ouganda et les r\ue9gions Est et Centre de l\u2019Afrique

    Characteristics of human encounters and social mixing patterns relevant to infectious diseases spread by close contact: a survey in Southwest Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Quantification of human interactions relevant to infectious disease transmission through social contact is central to predict disease dynamics, yet data from low-resource settings remain scarce. METHODS: We undertook a social contact survey in rural Uganda, whereby participants were asked to recall details about the frequency, type, and socio-demographic characteristics of any conversational encounter that lasted for ≥5 min (henceforth defined as 'contacts') during the previous day. An estimate of the number of 'casual contacts' (i.e. < 5 min) was also obtained. RESULTS: In total, 566 individuals were included in the study. On average participants reported having routine contact with 7.2 individuals (range 1-25). Children aged 5-14 years had the highest frequency of contacts and the elderly (≥65 years) the fewest (P < 0.001). A strong age-assortative pattern was seen, particularly outside the household and increasingly so for contacts occurring further away from home. Adults aged 25-64 years tended to travel more often and further than others, and males travelled more frequently than females. CONCLUSION: Our study provides detailed information on contact patterns and their spatial characteristics in an African setting. It therefore fills an important knowledge gap that will help more accurately predict transmission dynamics and the impact of control strategies in such areas

    Addressing the data gaps on child and adolescent tuberculosis

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    The burden of tuberculosis (TB) among children and young adolescents (<15 years old) is estimated at 1.1 million; however, only 400,000 are treated for TB, indicating a large gap between the number who are cared for and the number estimated to have TB. Accurate data on the burden of pediatric TB is essential to guide action. Despite several improvements in estimating the burden of pediatric TB in the last decade, as well as enhanced data collection efforts, several data gaps remain, both at the global level, but also at the national level where surveillance systems and collaborative research are critical. In this article, we describe recent advances in data collection and burden estimates for TB among children and adolescents, and the remaining gaps. While data collection continues to improve, burden estimates must evolve in parallel, both in terms of their frequency and the methods used. Currently, at the global level, there is a focus on age-disaggregation of TB notifications, the collection of data on TB-HIV, multi-drug resistant (MDR)-TB and treatment outcomes, as well as estimates of the disease burden. Additional data from national surveillance systems or research projects on TB meningitis, as well as other forms of extra-pulmonary TB, would be useful. We must capitalize on the current momentum in child and adolescent TB to close the remaining data gaps for these age groups to better understand the epidemic and further reduce morbidity and mortality due to TB

    Aquatic Global Passive Sampling (AQUA-GAPS) Revisited – First Steps towards a Network of Networks for Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment

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    Organic contaminants, in particular persistent organic pollutants (POPs), adversely affect water quality and aquatic food webs across the globe. As of now, there is no globally consistent information available on concentrations of dissolved POPs in water bodies. The advance of passive sampling techniques has made it possible to establish a global monitoring program for these compounds in the waters of the world, which we call the Aquatic Global Passive Sampling (AQUA-GAPS) network. A recent expert meeting discussed the background, motivations, and strategic approaches of AQUA-GAPS, and its implementation as a network of networks for monitoring organic contaminants (e.g., POPs and others contaminants of concern). Initially, AQUA-GAPS will demonstrate its operating principle via two proof-of-concept studies focused on the detection of legacy and emerging POPs in freshwater and coastal marine sites using both polyethylene and silicone passive samplers. AQUA-GAPS is set-up as a decentralized network, which is open to other participants from around the world to participate in deployments and to initiate new studies. In particular, participants are sought to initiate deployments and studies investigating the presence of legacy and emerging POPs in Africa, Central and South America
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