104 research outputs found

    Longitudinal changes in sports enjoyment among adolescents

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    Physical education students’ reflections about the learning outcomes of different teaching methods: a mixed methods study

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    IntroductionTeaching in higher education is still mainly executed as lectures, even though research about student-active instruction methods points to more motivated students, higher enjoyment, and more optimal learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to obtain better insight into how physical education (PE) students assessed their learning outcomes in relation to the use of different pedagogical approaches.MethodsA master’s course in PE was planned and implemented using the following eight different learning approaches: lectures; practical exercises about themes in lectures; discussions during lectures; discussions outside of lectures; planning and exercises for peer students; individual work preparing to write an academic text; individual work writing the academic text; and reading for an exam. The study constituted a mixed methods study, which used quantitative data from students’ evaluation of eight different learning approaches on a Likert-type scale, and in-depth qualitative data from follow-up interviews with some of the same students, with the aim of explaining the main findings. Quantitative data about the students’ reflections on the learning outcomes of the different learning approaches were collected among 59 different students at three different times (2021, 2022, and 2023), after finishing a course in the fifth semester in a master’s program in PE.ResultsThe findings showed that the students reported achieving the highest learning outcomes from practical exercises and attaining the lowest learning outcomes from lectures. In depth interviews among seven randomly selected students were also used to obtain reflections from the students about the different learning approaches. Quantitative analyses again revealed that practical exercises produced the highest learning outcomes, while lectures resulted in the lowest learning outcomes. Qualitative analyses of the in-depth interviews indicated that practical activities enabled students to relate theory to practice, make them active, and are associated with future work, while the quality of lectures depended on characteristics of the teacher and were often experienced as long and unstimulating.DiscussionAccording to the results, we recommend that student teachers in higher education acquire the ability to plan and execute practical lessons in relation to themes focused upon in lectures and involve students more in discussions during lectures

    Populasjonene av smĂ„gnagere (Rodentia) og spissmus (Soridae) i Lierne og Steinkjer kommuner 1988 – 2019, og en rekonstruksjon av smĂ„gnagerdynamikken i tidligere Nord-TrĂžndelag 1871-2020

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    Siden 1988 har det blitt gjennomfĂžrt fangst av mus, lemen og spissmus i Rapp musefeller i hĂžyereliggende barskog i Lierne og siden 1996 i lavereliggende barskog i Steinkjer kommuner i tidligere Nord-TrĂžndelag – nĂ„ TrĂžndelag fylke. HovedformĂ„let har vĂŠrt Ă„ kartlegge populasjonssyklus har smĂ„gnagere i omrĂ„dene og gi grunnlagsdata for en mulig adaptiv forvaltning av smĂ„viltet. De respektive instanser har blitt lĂžpende orientert om fangstresultatene. Fangstinnsatsen gjennom Ă„rene har vĂŠrt 12774 fellenetter i Lierne og 10206 fellenetter i Steinkjer, (sum 22980 fellenetter). Det er fanget 1758 mus og 177 spissmus i Lierne og 1453 mus og 157 spissmus i Steinkjer, (sum 3201 mus og 334 spissmus). I Lierne har samme fellerekker med 50 feller blitt satt ut i eldre naturbarskog med blĂ„bĂŠrmark, og 50 feller i yngre barskog pĂ„ rikere og urte-/grasdominert vegetasjon. Fellene har stĂ„tt ute i 2 netter. Fellene er satt ut med 5 m. mellomrom og de samme fangstpunktene er brukt gjennom alle Ă„r. Potet er brukt som Ă„te. I Steinkjer er fangsten ogsĂ„ utfĂžrt i eldre, grandominert barskog pĂ„ blĂ„bĂŠrmark, og pĂ„ grasdominerte hogstfelt av nyere dato. Grunnet hogster og suksesjonsutviklingen har fangstfeltene variert noe. I Steinkjer er fangstene utfĂžrt som del av undervisningsopplegg og av studenter. Fangstmetoden har dels vĂŠrt fellerekke som i Lierne, dels som et fangstpunktopplegg med 5 feller satt ut med 25 m. mellomrom og med potet og matolje som Ă„te. I RĂžyrvik kommune/BĂžrgefjell har NINA i sitt program for naturovervĂ„king satt ut feller siden 1990 etter samme metode som i Steinkjer med 25 m. mellom fellepunktene. I rapporten presenterer vi en samlet oversikt over fangstdata med informasjon om fangstinnsats og fangstene fordelt pĂ„ de forskjellige gnagerartene og spissmus. Figur 8 viser en sammenstilling av fangstresultatene for alle 3 omrĂ„dene. Gnagersyklusen er sterkt sammenfallende (statistisk signifikant) for de tre omrĂ„dene, men Steinkjer kan enkelte Ă„r ligge noe foran de to andre omrĂ„dene. Gnagersyklus fĂžlger i stor grad en 3-4 Ă„rlig periode mellom toppene, men fangstfrekvensene og populasjonene kan variere mellom omrĂ„dene og Ă„r. I enkelte perioder har et «normalt» forlĂžp uteblitt, men da med en Ă„rlig oppbygging av gnagerbestanden pĂ„ hĂžstene. Klatremus er den dominerende arten i fangstene i alle omrĂ„dene og biotoper, men markmus har tydelig preferanse for den yngre, grasdominerte skogen. GrĂ„sidemus forekommer Ă„r om annet i betydelige mengder i de hĂžyereliggende skogenen i Lierne og RĂžyrvik, men mangler i fangstene i lavlandet i Steinkjer. Lemen fĂžlger i hovedsak den Ăžvrige smĂ„gnagersyklusen, men har betydelige toppĂ„r med lengre mellomrom enn de andre artene. Fangstene av spissmus fĂžlger til en viss grad syklus i gnagerbestandene, men spissmus kan ha topp og bunn i fangstfrekvens i andre Ă„r enn gnagerne, og det er en ikke statistisk signifikant korrelasjon mellom fangstfrekvensene. Krattspissmus er den dominerende spissmusarten, mens dvergspissmus og vannspissmus er pĂ„vist mer sporadisk. Klatremus og markmus er arter med forskjellig habitatpreferanser der klatremusa er karakterisert som en habitatgeneralist med en preferanser for šholde til i eldre, blĂ„bĂŠrdominert skog, mens markmusa er en art tilknyttet yngre suksesjonstrinn og gras- og urtedominert markvegetasjon. Fangstfrekvensene av disse artene i de to habitatene vi fanger fĂžlger dette mĂžnsteret. Men klatremusa dominerer uansett i begge habitattypene. Det var statistisk signifikant forskjell for klatremus i Lierne (eldre skog) og markmus i Steinkjer (yngre skog), men forskjellen var ikke signifikant for klatremus i Steinkjer og markmus i Lierne. Årsakene diskuteres og kan forklares med at den yngre skogen er meget bra habitat for markmus i Steinkjers fangst-omrĂ„der og klart dĂ„rligere i Lierne, mens generalisten klatremus ogsĂ„ kan ta i bruk og konkurrere med markmusa i dens primĂŠrhabitat. KONKLUSJON: SmĂ„gnagerbestandene i nordre del av TrĂžndelag fĂžlger i hovedsak det kjente 3-4-Ă„rige sykliske mĂžnsteret, men med variasjon i mengden av mus mĂ„lt som fangstfrekvenser og i sammensetning av de forskjellige, aktuelle gnagerartene. Klatremusa er dominerende i syklusene i alle habitattyper, mens markmusa er knyttet til de yngre skogs-suksesjonene og gras-/urtedominerte marker. GrĂ„sidemus kan enkelte Ă„r bli tallrike i hĂžyereliggende skogomrĂ„der, men opptrer litt mer sporadisk enn de to fĂžrstnevnte artene. Lemen fĂžlger ogsĂ„ i hovedsak en normal syklusperiode pĂ„ ca 4 Ă„r, mens markerte toppĂ„r med vandringer er mer sjeldne. Siden det store lemenĂ„ret i 2011 er lemen ikke fanget i Lierne, men de ble pĂ„vist i BĂžrgefjell. Skoglemen er pĂ„vist i 1989 og 2001og synes Ă„ vĂŠre svĂŠrt sjelden. Datagrunnlaget er ikke brukt til Ă„ diskutere faktorer som mĂ„tte styre gnagersyklusene, men kan danne et slikt grunnlag i seinere analyser

    Ontogeny-Specific Skeletal Deformities in Atlantic Haddock Caused by Larval Oil Exposure

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    Bone deformities are one of the main effects of crude oil exposure in marine fish larvae. Craniofacial and jaw deformities, if severe enough, may restrict feeding and ultimately kill the developing larvae. This study aimed to examine the impact of dispersed crude oil on bone development in Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) larvae, a fish species spawning in areas approached for oil and gas exploration in the North Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic haddock larvae were exposed to low (60 ÎŒg oil/L), high (600 ÎŒg oil/L), or pulsed (0–600, average 60 ÎŒg oil/L over time) dispersed crude oil from 0 to 18 days post hatch (dph). Endpoints included survival and growth, bone integrity, and transcriptional parameters, which were assessed during (0–18 dph) and after exposure until the fish reached 8 months of age (243 dph). The results showed that the larvae in the high treatment group had reduction in growth at 2–19, 44, 134, and 243 dph. Craniofacial abnormalities were most severe at 8 and 19 dph. These deformities were not present at 44 dph, possibly because the larvae with deformed jaws failed to feed properly and died. Higher prevalence of spinal deformities was observed in haddocks that survived for 243 dph. Three genes encoding proteins critical for osteoblast function, sp7, postn, and col10a1, were downregulated in the high treatment group larvae. We discuss possible mechanisms of action in the developing larvae after oil exposure. In conclusion, this study shows that larval exposure to oil can potentially have long-term effects on growth and bone integrity in Atlantic haddock.publishedVersio

    Protective mechanisms of a microbial oil against hypercholesterolemia: evidence from a zebrafish model

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    A Western diet elevates the circulating lipoprotein and triglyceride levels which are the major risk factors in cardiovascular disease (CVD) development. Consumption of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids can stall the disease progression. Although these fatty acids can significantly impact the intestine under a hypercholesterolemic condition, the associated changes have not been studied in detail. Therefore, we investigated the alterations in the intestinal transcriptome along with the deviations in the plasma lipids and liver histomorphology of zebrafish offered DHA- and EPA-rich oil. Fish were allocated to 4 dietary treatments: a control group, a high cholesterol group and microbial oil groups with low (3.3%) and high (6.6%) inclusion levels. We quantified the total cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglyceride levels in the plasma. In addition, we assessed the liver histology, intestinal transcriptome and plasma lipidomic profiles of the study groups. The results suggested that higher levels of dietary microbial oil could control the CVD risk factor indices in zebrafish plasma. Furthermore, microbial oil-fed fish had fewer liver vacuoles and higher mRNA levels of genes involved in ÎČ-oxidation and HDL maturation. Analyses of the intestine transcriptome revealed that microbial oil supplementation could influence the expression of genes altered by a hypercholesterolemic diet. The plasma lipidomic profiles revealed that the higher level of microbial oil tested could elevate the long-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acid content of triglyceride species and lower the concentration of several lysophosphatidylcholine and diacylglycerol molecules. Our study provides insights into the effectiveness of microbial oil against dyslipidemia in zebrafish

    Markers of extracellular matrix remodeling and systemic inflammation in patients with heritable thoracic aortic diseases

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    Background: In approximately 20% of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms or dissections a heritable thoracic aortic disease (HTAD) is suspected. Several monogenic connective tissue diseases imply high risk of aortic disease, including both non-syndromic and syndromic forms. There are some studies assessing inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling in patients with non-hereditary aortic disease, but such studies in patients with hereditary diseases are scarce. Aims: To quantify markers of extracellular matrix (ECM) and inflammation in patients with vascular connective tissue diseases versus healthy controls. Methods: Patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS, n = 12), Marfan syndrome (MFS, n = 11), and familial thoracic aortic aneurysm 6 (FTAA6, n = 9), i.e., actin alpha 2 (ACTA2) pathogenic variants, were recruited. Exome or genome sequencing was performed for genetic diagnosis. Several markers of inflammation and ECM remodeling were measured in plasma by enzyme immunoassays. Flow cytometry of T-cell subpopulations was performed on a subgroup of patients. For comparison, blood samples were drawn from 14 healthy controls. Results: (i) All groups of HTAD patients had increased levels matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) as compared with healthy controls, also in adjusted analyses, reflecting altered ECM remodeling. (ii) LDS patients had increased levels of pentraxin 3 (PTX3), reflecting systemic inflammation. (iii) LDS patients have increased levels of soluble CD25, a marker of T-cell activation. Conclusion: Our data suggest that upregulated MMP-9, a matrix degrading enzyme, is a common feature of several subgroups of HTAD. In addition, LDS patients have increased levels of PTX3 reflecting systemic and in particular vascular inflammation

    NLRP3 inflammasome expression and activation in human atherosclerosis

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    Background: The NLR family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is an interleukin (IL)‐1ÎČ and IL‐18 cytokine processing complex that is activated in inflammatory conditions. The role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction is not fully understood. Methods and Results: Atherosclerotic plaques were analyzed for transcripts of the NLRP3 inflammasome, and for IL‐1ÎČ release. The Swedish First‐ever myocardial Infarction study in Ac‐county (FIA) cohort consisting of DNA from 555 myocardial infarction patients and 1016 healthy individuals was used to determine the frequency of 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the downstream regulatory region of NLRP3. Expression of NLRP3, Apoptosis‐associated speck‐like protein containing a CARD (ASC), caspase‐1 (CASP1), IL1B, and IL18 mRNA was significantly increased in atherosclerotic plaques compared to normal arteries. The expression of NLRP3 mRNA was significantly higher in plaques of symptomatic patients when compared to asymptomatic ones. CD68‐positive macrophages were observed in the same areas of atherosclerotic lesions as NLRP3 and ASC expression. Occasionally, expression of NLRP3 and ASC was also present in smooth muscle cells. Cholesterol crystals and ATP induced IL‐1ÎČ release from lipopolysaccharide‐primed human atherosclerotic lesion plaques. The minor alleles of the variants rs4266924, rs6672995, and rs10733113 were associated with NLRP3 mRNA levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells but not with the risk of myocardial infarction. Conclusions: Our results indicate a possible role of the NLRP3 inflammasome and its genetic variants in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
