16 research outputs found

    Le Stretching du sportif

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    Sambandet mellan känslor och vidarebefordring : En studie inom viralmarknadsföring

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    Fler och fler företag börjar utnyttja Internet för att sprida marknadsföringsmeddelanden till poteniella kunder. Viralmarknadsföring bygger på att ett intressant meddelande skapas, ofta i form av videoklipp, som sedan skickas ut till några få personer som sedan sprider det vidare. Vi har undersökt hur vanlig denna vidarebefordring är och hur känslorsponsen från dessa meddelanden samvarierar med intentionen att sprida vidare. Även tendensskillnader mellan könen undersöktes. I vår studie använde vi oss av fem verkliga kampanjer, bestånde av filmlkipp, som haft stor framgång på Internet. Undersökningen genomfördes bland 60 ekonomistudenter i Uppsala. Resultatet visade att det inte var så vanligt att personer sprider vidare meddelanden som de tar emot. Studien visade även att de filmer med störst känslorspons inte nödvändigtvis hade störst tendens till vidarebefordring. Den enskilda känsla som hade starkast samvariation med intentionen att vidarebefordra var känslan av glädje och resultatet visade även att män vidarebefordrar viralmarknadsföringskampanjer i större utsträckning än kvinnor

    The uncertain opportunity to internationalize : - A study of Inward-Oriented Internationalization

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    The internationalization process is usually viewed from an outward- perspective ininternational business literature. In this thesis the focus is put on an outward-inwardinterrelationship perspective. An extensive literature review from literature in internationalbusiness literature, entrepreneurial literature as well as international marketing literature wasconducted in order to extract key variables that affect the process of internationalization of thefirm. The key variables that were examined were: Business Contacts, InternationalExperience, Perceived International Opportunity and Perceived International Uncertainty.A qualitative interview with semi-structured questions was conducted in order to construct amodel that should be used as the basis for a quantitative study of an inward-driveninternationalization process, in order to generalize. The results were in line with thepropositions based on the relationships between the variables. In other words, the constructedmodel and the developed questionnaire were of use when examining the relationship betweenthe variables and seem to be of value when applied to an inward oriented context. Thevariable International Experience received the highest score and seemed to reflect animportant contribution for the internationalization process. Nevertheless, further quantitativeresearch is asked for, in order to support the results and be able to generalize

    No effect of forearm band and extensor strengthening exercises for the treatment of tennis elbow: a prospective randomised study

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    The objective of this prospective randomised study was to analyse the effect of the forearm support band and of strengthening exercises for the treatment of tennis elbow. Twenty-nine patients with 30 tennis elbows were randomised into 3 groups of treatment: (I) forearm support band, (II) strengthening exercises and (III) both methods. The patients had a standardised examination at their first visit, and then after 6 weeks, 3 months and 1 year. At the latest follow-up, there was a significant improvement of the symptoms compared to before treatment (p<0.0001), considering all patients independently of the methods of treatment. However, no differences in the scores were found between the 3 groups of treatment (p=0.27), indicating that no beneficial influence was found either for the strengthening exercises or for the forearm support band. Improvement seems to occur with time, independent of the method of treatment used