8 research outputs found

    Data from: Molecular characterization and population structure of the macaw palm, Acrocomia aculeata (Arecaceae), ex situ germplasm collection using microsatellites markers

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    The Acrocomia aculeata is one of the most promising plants for sustainable production of renewable energy. In order to understand patterns of the distribution of the allelic diversity of A. aculeata ex situ germplasm collection, the present study investigated the hypothesis that the genetic variability of the accessions may match their geographical origin. A genotypic analysis of 77 A. aculeata accessions was conducted with 6 simple sequence repeat markers. A high degree of molecular diversity among the accessions was found, with an average of 9 alleles per locus and a polymorphic information content with a mean of 0.76. A total of 4 clusters was identified by the Bayesian analysis of population structure. The highest subpopulation diversity was identified in Pop1, mainly formed by accessions from State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The populations Pop2A, Pop2B, and Pop2C, all from the State of Minas Gerais, showed high genetic variability as determined by a higher F st, and a wide genetic variance, which were identified within and among the population by analysis of molecular variance. Based on our results and on Vavilov’s theory on crop origins, one possible diversity center for A. aculeata is proposed to be in a region in southeast Brazil

    Serum concentrations of retinol, β-carotene and zinc in women with breast cancer submitted to radiotherapy according to prior treatment modality and toxicity

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    Objective: To analyze serum concentrations of retinol, β-carotene and zinc in women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy, considering different modalities of previous treatment and toxic effects. Methods: longitudinal study in a cohort of women with breast cancer assessed in pre-treatment (T0), 7 (T2) and 120 (T3) days after radiation therapy. Patients were divided into 3 groups, according to treatment modality prior radiation: breast-conserving surgery (G1), chemotherapy (G2) and breast-conserving surgery and chemotherapy (G3). Serum concentrations of retinol, β-carotene and zinc was assessed. Presence and degree of toxicity were assessed according to the scale of the RTOG for and RTOG/EORTC for acute and late toxicity, respectively. Results: 230 patients were assessed, mean age of 63.6 (±9.3) years. There was significant reduction in the mean of all micronutrients studied when comparing T0 to T1. At T2, all nutrients increased when compared to T1. For acute toxicity, there was no difference in antioxidant levels according to the degree of toxicity for any of the groups, with the exception of G3, which presented lower serum zinc concentrations in women with a higher degree of acute toxicity. In late toxicity, G1 had lower serum concentrations of retinol and B-carotene, when compared to G2 and G3. Conclusion: The significant reduction of all micronutrients after radiotherapy, regardless of the type of the previous treatment, reinforces the oxidative impact of radiation and draws attention to the importance of maintaining an adequate nutritional status of antioxidants to improve the prognosis

    Data from: Mating system and genetic composition of the macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata): implications for breeding and genetic conservation programs

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    Acrocomia aculeata (Arecaceae), a palm endemic to South and Central America, is a potential oil crop. Knowledge of the mating system of this species is limited to its reproductive biology and to studies using molecular markers. The present study analyzed genetic diversity between its developmental stages and determined its prevailing mating system in order to support genetic conservation and breeding programs. We tested nine microsatellite markers in 27 mother trees (adult plants) and 157 offspring (juvenile plants) from the southeastern region of Brazil. Heterozygosity levels differed between the two studied life stages, as indicated by the fixation index of adult and juvenile trees, suggesting that selection against homozygotes occurs during the plant life cycle. The mating system parameters analyzed indicate that A. aculeata is predominantly outcrossing (allogamous). However, its low levels of selfing suggest that there is individual variation with regard to self-incompatibility, which can be a survival strategy in isolated or fragmented habitats. Deviations in variance effective size were detected because of high mating rates among relatives and correlated matings. These findings indicate that the main source of inbreeding results from biparental inbreeding in the population and that the progenies are predominantly composed of full-sibs. The information provided by this study on the ecology and reproduction dynamics of A. aculeata should be useful to both breeding and genetic conservation programs, allowing the development of more precise mathematical models and the estimation of the appropriate number of mother trees for seed collection

    Lanes et al 2014 Acrocomia aculeata genetic data

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    Excel file containing microsatellite genotypes of accessions A. aculeata. Genetic data of 6 microsatellite for 77 accessions A. aculeata obtained from the Macaw Palm Germoplasm Bank (Brazil). The locus names are listed in the first line. The accessions are identified by code of genebank listed in the first column of the file. The genotypes of each accessions are from columns 2 to 13. The allelic description of each accessions was determined by informative numerical codes. Missing genetic data are coded as "0"

    Lanes et al 2016 Macaw palm genetic data

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    Excel file containing microsatellite genotypes of A. aculeata adult plants and their offspring, collected from the southeastern region of Brazil. Genetic data of nine microsatellite for 27 mother trees (adult plants) and 157 offspring (juvenile plants). The locus names are listed in the first line. The offspring are identified by alphanumeric code of genebank listed in the first column of the sheet.The genotypes of each accession are from columns 3 to 20. The allelic description of each offspring was determined by informative numerical codes. Missing genetic data are coded as "0"