11 research outputs found

    Reality and perspectives of a model for the population that obtains its income with the use of an animal-drawn vehicle in the city of Bogota

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    This paper analyzes the structure of the data collected in the population dependent or receives its revenues in the use of animal-drawn vehicle, to extract an economic model for the development of this activity (which is currently done with these vehicles and is unbusinesslike) introducing formal parameters, as well as replacement of the vehicle analyzes the development of this activity in this population

    El contaminante pm10 y el impacto en la salud en la localidad de tunjuelito

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    This article reflection, arises from the need to frame the concept quality of life with environmental improvements due to growth and economic boom, where the capital faces a high population density and the sharp increase in the vehicle fleet, thus increasing levels emission of air pollutants. analyzing the effects of urban pollution on human health obtaining real-time data, network monitoring air quality in Bogota (RMCAB) of the TUNAL station was performed and the relationship between pollution was established by particles PM10 road traffic and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, of the inhabitants of the town, comparing the data with records subaddress Public Health Surveillance ERA, the Hospital El Tunal, achieving arguments that air pollution of PM10 causes respiratory problems and cardiovascular diseases, which in effect constitutes a public health problem for BogotaEl presente artículo de reflexión, surge de la necesidad de enmarcar el concepto calidad de vida con mejoras ambientales debido al crecimiento y auge económico en donde la capital del país afronta una alta densidad poblacional y el aumento desmedido del parque automotor, acrecentando así los niveles de emisión de contaminantes atmosféricos. Se realizó el análisis a los efectos de la contaminación urbana sobre la salud humana obteniendo datos en tiempo real de la red de monitoreo de la calidad del aire para Bogotá – Colombia (RMCAB) de la estación TUNAL (Bogotá) y se estableció la relación entre contaminación por partículas de PM10 del tráfico rodado y las enfermedades respiratorias y cardiovasculares de los habitantes de la localidad, contrastando los datos obtenidos con registros de la subdirección de Vigilancia en Salud Pública “enfermedad respiratoria aguda’’ ERA del Hospital El Tunal, logrando argumentar que la contaminación del aire por material particulado PM10 genera problemas respiratorios y cardiovasculares, que en efecto, constituye un problema de salud pública para Bogotá.

    Poupança no sistema de saúde pela regulamentação direta de preços de venda de medicamentos biotecnológicos na Colômbia

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    Resumen Se desarrolló un análisis retrospectivo sobre las ventas de trece biotecnológicos regulados, entre junio del 2010 y junio del 2014, en dos escenarios: valores facturados después de la regulación de precios y valores supuestos, calculados a partir del precio de venta promedio de los seis meses anteriores a la regulación, más el índice de precios al consumidor en salud. La diferencia entre ambos escenarios supone un ahorro al sistema. Los biotecnológicos analizados generaron un ahorro de USD 95000000endichoperiodo;enelprimeran~oel10.295 000 000 en dicho periodo; en el primer año el 10.2%, el segundo año el 17.2% y en el tercero el 30.5%. El biotecnológico que más ahorro representó fue el rituximab (40,9%), equivalente a USD 38 510 787. La regulación directa de precios de medicamentos biotecnológicos le ha generado ahorros significativos al sistema de salud, visto desde las ventas registradas en Audifarma. Probablemente, el ahorro económico que ha generado esta política es superior a lo estimado inicialmente por el Gobierno.Abstract We developed a retrospective analysis on the sales of thirteen biotechnological regulated medicines between June, 2010, and June, 2014, in two scenarios: amounts billed after the price and assumed value regulation, calculated based on the average sale price during the six months prior to the regulation, plus the health consumer price index. The difference between both scenarios entails a saving for the system. The biotechnological medicines analyzed generated savings for US 95Millioninsaidperiod;10.295 Million in said period; 10.2% during the first year, 17.2% during the second, and 30.5% during the third. The biotechnological medicine that generated the most savings was rituximab (40.9%), equivalent to US 38,510,787. The direct regulation of biotechnological medicines has generated significant savings for the healthcare system, as seen from the sales registered by Audifarma. Probably, the economic savings generated by this policy are above the initial government estimates

    Reality and perspectives of a model for the population that obtains its income with the use of an animal-drawn vehicle in the city of Bogota.

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    This paper analyzes the structure of the data collected in the population dependent or receives its revenues in the use of animal-drawn vehicle, to extract an economic model for the development of this activity (which is currently done with these vehicles and is unbusinesslike) introducing formal parameters, as well as replacement of the vehicle analyzes the development of this activity in this population

    Reality and perspectives of a model for the population that obtains its income with the use of an animal-drawn vehicle in the city of Bogota

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    This paper analyzes the structure of the data collected in the population dependent or receives its revenues in the use of animal-drawn vehicle, to extract an economic model for the development of this activity (which is currently done with these vehicles and is unbusinesslike) introducing formal parameters, as well as replacement of the vehicle analyzes the development of this activity in this population

    The PM10 pollutant and impact on health in the locality of Tunjuelito

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    This article reflection, arises from the need to frame the concept quality of life with environmental improvements due to growth and economic boom, where the capital faces a high population density and the sharp increase in the vehicle fleet, thus increasing levels emission of air pollutants. analyzing the effects of urban pollution on human health obtaining real-time data, network monitoring air quality in Bogota (RMCAB) of the TUNAL station was performed and the relationship between pollution was established by particles PM10 road traffic and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, of the inhabitants of the town, comparing the data with records subaddress Public Health Surveillance ERA, the Hospital El Tunal, achieving arguments that air pollution of PM10 causes respiratory problems and cardiovascular diseases, which in effect constitutes a public health problem for Bogota.El presente artículo de reflexión, surge de la necesidad de enmarcar el concepto calidad de vida con mejoras ambientales debido al crecimiento y auge económico en donde la capital del país afronta una alta densidad poblacional y el aumento desmedido del parque automotor, acrecentando así los niveles de emisión de contaminantes atmosféricos. Se realizó el análisis a los efectos de la contaminación urbana sobre la salud humana obteniendo datos en tiempo real de la red de monitoreo de la calidad del aire para Bogotá – Colombia (RMCAB) de la estación TUNAL (Bogotá) y se estableció la relación entre contaminación por partículas de PM10 del tráfico rodado y las enfermedades respiratorias y cardiovasculares de los habitantes de la localidad, contrastando los datos obtenidos con registros de la subdirección de Vigilancia en Salud Pública “enfermedad respiratoria aguda’’ ERA del Hospital El Tunal, logrando argumentar que la contaminación del aire por material particulado PM10 genera problemas respiratorios y cardiovasculares, que en efecto, constituye un problema de salud pública para Bogotá

    El contaminante pm10 y el impacto en la salud en la localidad de tunjuelito

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    This article reflection, arises from the need to frame the concept quality of life with environmental improvements due to growth and economic boom, where the capital faces a high population density and the sharp increase in the vehicle fleet, thus increasing levels emission of air pollutants. analyzing the effects of urban pollution on human health obtaining real-time data, network monitoring air quality in Bogota (RMCAB) of the TUNAL station was performed and the relationship between pollution was established by particles PM10 road traffic and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, of the inhabitants of the town, comparing the data with records subaddress Public Health Surveillance ERA, the Hospital El Tunal, achieving arguments that air pollution of PM10 causes respiratory problems and cardiovascular diseases, which in effect constitutes a public health problem for BogotaEl presente artículo de reflexión, surge de la necesidad de enmarcar el concepto calidad de vida con mejoras ambientales debido al crecimiento y auge económico en donde la capital del país afronta una alta densidad poblacional y el aumento desmedido del parque automotor, acrecentando así los niveles de emisión de contaminantes atmosféricos. Se realizó el análisis a los efectos de la contaminación urbana sobre la salud humana obteniendo datos en tiempo real de la red de monitoreo de la calidad del aire para Bogotá – Colombia (RMCAB) de la estación TUNAL (Bogotá) y se estableció la relación entre contaminación por partículas de PM10 del tráfico rodado y las enfermedades respiratorias y cardiovasculares de los habitantes de la localidad, contrastando los datos obtenidos con registros de la subdirección de Vigilancia en Salud Pública “enfermedad respiratoria aguda’’ ERA del Hospital El Tunal, logrando argumentar que la contaminación del aire por material particulado PM10 genera problemas respiratorios y cardiovasculares, que en efecto, constituye un problema de salud pública para Bogotá.

    Lithium Niobate Single Crystals and Powders Reviewed—Part I

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    A review of lithium niobate single crystals and polycrystals in the form of powders has been prepared. Both the classical and recent literature on this topic are revisited. It is composed of two parts with sections. The current part discusses the earliest developments in this field. It treats in detail the basic concepts, the crystal structure, some of the established indirect methods to determine the chemical composition, and the main mechanisms that lead to the manifestation of ferroelectricity. Emphasis has been put on the powdered version of this material: methods of synthesis, the accurate determination of its chemical composition, and its role in new and potential applications are discussed. Historical remarks can be found scattered throughout this contribution. Particularly, an old conception of the crystal structure thought as a derivative structure from one of higher symmetry by generalized distortion is here revived

    Poupança no sistema de saúde pela regulamentação direta de preços de venda de medicamentos biotecnológicos na Colômbia

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    Resumen Se desarrolló un análisis retrospectivo sobre las ventas de trece biotecnológicos regulados, entre junio del 2010 y junio del 2014, en dos escenarios: valores facturados después de la regulación de precios y valores supuestos, calculados a partir del precio de venta promedio de los seis meses anteriores a la regulación, más el índice de precios al consumidor en salud. La diferencia entre ambos escenarios supone un ahorro al sistema. Los biotecnológicos analizados generaron un ahorro de USD 95000000endichoperiodo;enelprimeran~oel10.295 000 000 en dicho periodo; en el primer año el 10.2%, el segundo año el 17.2% y en el tercero el 30.5%. El biotecnológico que más ahorro representó fue el rituximab (40,9%), equivalente a USD 38 510 787. La regulación directa de precios de medicamentos biotecnológicos le ha generado ahorros significativos al sistema de salud, visto desde las ventas registradas en Audifarma. Probablemente, el ahorro económico que ha generado esta política es superior a lo estimado inicialmente por el Gobierno.Abstract We developed a retrospective analysis on the sales of thirteen biotechnological regulated medicines between June, 2010, and June, 2014, in two scenarios: amounts billed after the price and assumed value regulation, calculated based on the average sale price during the six months prior to the regulation, plus the health consumer price index. The difference between both scenarios entails a saving for the system. The biotechnological medicines analyzed generated savings for US 95Millioninsaidperiod;10.295 Million in said period; 10.2% during the first year, 17.2% during the second, and 30.5% during the third. The biotechnological medicine that generated the most savings was rituximab (40.9%), equivalent to US 38,510,787. The direct regulation of biotechnological medicines has generated significant savings for the healthcare system, as seen from the sales registered by Audifarma. Probably, the economic savings generated by this policy are above the initial government estimates

    Poupança no sistema de saúde pela regulamentação direta de preços de venda de medicamentos biotecnológicos na Colômbia

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    We developed a retrospective analysis on the sales of thirteen biotechnological regulated medi­cines between June, 2010, and June, 2014, in two scenarios: amounts billed after the price and assumed value regulation, calculated based on the average sale price during the six months prior to the regulation, plus the health consumer price index. The difference between both scenarios entails a saving for the system. The biotechnological medicines analyzed generated savings for US 95Millioninsaidperiod;10.295 Million in said period; 10.2% during the first year, 17.2% during the second, and 30.5% during the third. The biotechnological medicine that generated the most savings was rituximab (40.9%), equivalent to US 38,510,787. The direct regulation of biotechnological medicines has generated significant savings for the healthcare system, as seen from the sales registered by Audifarma. Probably, the economic savings generated by this policy are above the initial government estimates.Se desarrolló un análisis retrospectivo sobre las ventas de trece biotecnológicos regulados, entre junio del 2010 y junio del 2014, en dos escenarios: valores facturados después de la regulación de precios y valores supuestos, calculados a partir del precio de venta promedio de los seis meses anteriores a la regulación, más el índice de precios al consumidor en salud. La diferencia entre ambos escenarios supone un ahorro al sistema. Los biotecnológicos analizados generaron un ahorro de USD 95000000endichoperiodo;enelprimeran~oel10.295 000 000 en dicho periodo; en el primer año el 10.2 %, el segundo año el 17.2 % y en el tercero el 30.5 %. El biotecnológico que más ahorro representó fue el rituximab (40,9 %), equivalente a USD 38 510 787. La regulación directa de precios de medicamentos biotecnológicos le ha generado ahorros significativos al sistema de salud, visto desde las ventas registradas en Audifarma. Probablemente, el ahorro económico que ha generado esta política es superior a lo estimado inicialmente por el Gobierno..Análise retrospectiva sobre as vendas de treze biotecnológicos regulados entre junho de 2010 e junho de 2014 desenvolvida em dois cenários: valores faturados após regulamentação de preços e valores supostos, calculados a partir do preço de venda médio dos seis meses prévios à regulamentação, mais o índice de preços ao consumidor em saúde. A diferença entre ambos cenários supõe poupança para o sistema. Os biotecnológicos analisados geraram poupança de USD 95000000nesseperıˊodo;noprimeiroanoo10.295 000 000 nesse período; no primeiro ano o 10.2 %, o segundo ano o 17.2 % e no terceiro o 30.5 %. O biotecnológico que mais poupança gerou foi o rituximab (40,9 %), equivalente a USD 38 510 787. A regulamentação direta de preços de medicamentos biotecnológicos gerou poupança significativa ao sistema de saúde, visto desde as vendas registradas em Audifarma. Provavelmente, a poupança económica gerada por esta política é superior do estimado inicial­mente pelo Governo