549 research outputs found


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    Entre los estilos arquitectónicos quc pueblan los ensanches que canalizaron el crecimiento urbano de la ciudad de Madrid durante el último cuarto del siglo XIX y el primero del siglo XX uno de los más caractcrísticos es cl neomudejar, fruto de la combinación de elementos procedentcs de las nuevas corrientes europeas y de la tradición arquitectónica española en su vertiente más artesanal. La formulación del estilo se debe, en su estampa más lograda, al arquitecto Emilio Rodríguez Ayuso; el camino recorrido hasta culminar ese rápido proceso, sin embargo, no ha sido suficientemente estudiado. En este estudio se presenta la cardinal contribución de Enrique Maria Repullés y Vargas al mismo en torno a los años que rodearon a la ejecución del proyecto para la iglesia de San Matías en Hortaleza, cuando desempeñaba el puesto de arquitecto diocesano en Toledo

    Contradicciones del pensiero debole. Hacia la superación del pensamiento postmoderno de Gianni Vattimo

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    Busca examinar la producción filosófica de Gianni Vattimo, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, con el fin de comprender tanto la relación con sus fuentes, así como la magnitud y el sentido de sus aportes al debate filosófico contemporáneo. De modo específico, estudio uno de sus aportes más reconocidos: el pensiero debole (pensamiento débil), de modo que se pueda entender cómo se relaciona dicho aporte con la tradición filosófica contemporánea, en sus debates y contradicciones, y cómo dicho aporte tuvo un correlato o conexión con la práctica ética y religiosa que él propugnó.Tesi

    Temperate and tropical shelf-carbonate sedimentation in the western Mediterranean during the Neogene: Climatic and palaeoceanographic implications

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    Publicado en: Martín, J.M.; Braga, J.C.; Sánchez-Almazo, I.M.; Aguirre, J. (2010). Temperate and tropical carbonate-sedimentation episodes in the Neogene Betic basins (southern Spain) linked to climatic oscillations and changes in Atlantic-Mediterranean connections: constraints from isotopic data. In: M. Mutti, W. Piller, C. Betzler (eds.). Carbonate systems during the Oligocene-Miocene climatic transition. Int. Assoc. Sedimentol. Spec. Publ., 42: 49-70.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781118398364.ch4]Temperate) and tropical shelf-carbonate deposits alternate in the Upper Miocene–Lower Pliocene record of the Betic, Mediterranean-linked basins. Temperate carbonates appear in the early Late-Tortonian, latest Tortonian–earliest Messinian, and in the Zanclean. Tropical carbonates occur in the earliest Tortonian, Late Tortonian, and in the Messinian. Temperate carbonates consist of bioclastic limestones with abundant bryozoan, coralline algal and bivalve remains. Hermatypic corals and calcareous green algae (Halimeda) are the main components in the tropical carbonates. Fossil assemblages and stable isotope analyses suggest that sea-surface water-temperature variations controlled the types of carbonates formed. During the Late Miocene, temperate carbonates accumulated on ramps in cold periods, during sea-level lowstands of third-order eustatic cycles, while tropical carbonates formed on shelves in warm periods, during rising and high sea levels. In the Early Pliocene, the closure of the Rifian Straits and the opening of the Gibraltar Straits induced the flowing of temperate surface waters into the Mediterranean Sea from a more northern, cooler Atlantic source area. This new situation caused the disappearance of coral reefs in the Mediterranean Pliocene, and favoured the development of temperate carbonates on shelves. This regional cooling is in contrast to the subtle global warming recorded in the open oceans during the Early Pliocene.En el registro estratigráfico del Mioceno superior-Plioceno inferior de las cuencas Béticas Mediterráneas aparecen alternando depósitos de carbonatos de plataforma templados y tropicales. Los episodios de carbonatos templados se localizan al inicio del Tortoniense superior, en el Tortoniense terminal-Messiniense inicial y en el Zanclean. Los tropicales al inicio del Tortoniense, en el Tortoniense superior y en el Messiniense. Los carbonatos templados corresponden a calizas bioclásticas con abundantes restos de briozoos, algas rojas y bivalvos. Corales hermatípicos y algas verdes calcáreas (Halimeda) son los componentes más abundantes y significativos de los carbonatos tropicales. Las asociaciones fosilíferas y los análisis de isótopos estables sugieren que las variaciones en la temperatura superficial del agua del mar controlaron el tipo de carbonato formado. En el Mioceno superior, los carbonatos templados se acumularon en rampas en momentos fríos, coetáneos con las fases de bajo nivel de mar de los ciclos de tercer orden, mientras que los tropicales se depositaron en las plataformas en períodos más cálidos, coincidiendo con las fases de ascenso y de alto nivel del mar de los ciclos de tercer orden. El cierre de los Estrechos Rifeños y la apertura del Estrecho de Gibraltar en el Plioceno Inferior favoreció el flujo de aguas más frías superficiales desde el Atlántico y trajo como consecuencia la desaparición de los arrecifes de coral en el Mediterráneo y el desarrollo de carbonatos templados en las plataformas. Este episodio de enfriamiento, de carácter regional y limitado al área Mediterránea, contrasta con el sutil calentamiento global que se registra en el resto de los océanos en el Plioceno Inferior

    Design and Validation of t-MOOC for the Development of the Digital Competence of Non-University Teachers

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    MOOCs are configured as one of the technologies that have been gaining ground in the educational field as a new approach in virtual education. In the past few years, its presence in educational institutions has increased. In addition, the level of research and publications that revolve around these technological developments is increasing. In this sense, this research focuses on the design and validation of the structure, content and tasks of a t-MOOC for the development of the Digital Competence of non-university teachers based on the DigCompEdu Framework of the European Union. For this, a Delphi-type validation design is established using an expert coefficient that has the participation of 191 people. The results demonstrate the validity of the training proposal, as well as the uniformity of criteria of the experts. In this sense, the application and benefits of t-MOOCs as tools for competence development are discussed

    Characterization of Leptoglossus occidentalis eggs and egg glue

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    Producción CientíficaSimple Summary: This study explored the chemical components of the egg glue used by the Western Conifer Seed Bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910) to agglutinate eggs and adhere to pine needles. Results showed that the adhesive secretion includes plasticizers and thermoplastic elastomer resins with semiochemical properties in an oily matrix containing proteins. This knowledge of the egg glue composition can be used to develop new control strategies for L. occidentalis, potentially limiting the economic impact caused by this pest insect that reduces the production of pine nuts by up to 25%.The western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910, Heteroptera: Coreidae) has a significant economic impact due to the reduction in the quality and viability of conifer seed crops; it can feed on up to 40 different species of conifers, showing a clear predilection for Pinus pinea L. in Europe. Its incidence is especially relevant for the pine nut-producing industry, given that the action of this pest insect can reduce the production of pine nuts by up to 25%. As part of ongoing efforts aimed at the design of control strategies for this insect, this work focuses on the characterization (by scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy, GC–MS) of the compounds released by these insects during oviposition, with emphasis on the adhesive secretion that holds L. occidentalis eggs together. Elemental analysis pointed to the presence of significant amounts of compounds with high nitrogen content. Functional groups identified by infrared spectroscopy were compatible with the presence of chitin, scleroproteins, LNSP-like and gelatin proteins, shellac wax analogs, and policosanol. Regarding the chemical species identified by GC–MS, eggs and glue hydromethanolic extracts shared constituents such as butyl citrate, dibutyl itaconate, tributyl aconitate, oleic acid, oleamide, erucamide, and palmitic acid, while eggs also showed stearic and linoleic acid-related compounds. Knowledge of this composition may allow advances in new strategies to address the problem caused by L. occidentalis.Unión Europea, LIFE MycoRestore - (project LIFE18 CCA/ES/001110

    The contribution of histone crotonylation to tissue health and disease: focus on kidney health

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are the most severe consequences of kidney injury. They are interconnected syndromes as CKD predisposes to AKI and AKI may accelerate CKD progression. Despite their growing impact on the global burden of disease, there is no satisfactory treatment for AKI and current therapeutic approaches to CKD remain suboptimal. Recent research has focused on the therapeutic target potential of epigenetic regulation of gene expression, including non-coding RNAs and the covalent modifications of histones and DNA. Indeed, several drugs targeting histone modifications are in clinical use or undergoing clinical trials. Acyllysine histone modifications (e.g. methylation, acetylation, and crotonylation) have modulated experimental kidney injury. Most recently, increased histone lysine crotonylation (Kcr) was observed during experimental AKI and could be reproduced in cultured tubular cells exposed to inflammatory stress triggered by the cytokine TWEAK. The degree of kidney histone crotonylation was modulated by crotonate availability and crotonate supplementation protected from nephrotoxic AKI. We now review the functional relevance of histone crotonylation in kidney disease and other pathophysiological contexts, as well as the implications for the development of novel therapeutic approaches. These studies provide insights into the overall role of histone crotonylation in health and diseaseSources of support: FIS/FEDER funds (PI15/00298, CP14/00133, PI16/02057, PI16/01900, PI18/01386, PI19/00588, PI19/00815, DTS18/00032, ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071), ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD016/0009), Sociedad Española de Nefrología, FRIAT, Comunidad de Madrid en Biomedicina B2017/BMD- 3686 CIFRA2-CM. Salary support: ISCIII Miguel Servet and to AS and MS-N, ISCIII Sara Borrell to JM-M and Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM) to MF-B and DM-S

    Characterization of Leptoglossus occidentalis Eggs and Egg Glue

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    [EN] The western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910, Heteroptera: Coreidae) has a significant economic impact due to the reduction in the quality and viability of conifer seed crops; it can feed on up to 40 different species of conifers, showing a clear predilection for Pinus pinea L. in Europe. Its incidence is especially relevant for the pine nut-producing industry, given that the action of this pest insect can reduce the production of pine nuts by up to 25%. As part of ongoing efforts aimed at the design of control strategies for this insect, this work focuses on the characterization (by scanning electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy, GC–MS) of the compounds released by these insects during oviposition, with emphasis on the adhesive secretion that holds L. occidentalis eggs together. Elemental analysis pointed to the presence of significant amounts of compounds with high nitrogen content. Functional groups identified by infrared spectroscopy were compatible with the presence of chitin, scleroproteins, LNSP-like and gelatin proteins, shellac wax analogs, and policosanol. Regarding the chemical species identified by GC–MS, eggs and glue hydromethanolic extracts shared constituents such as butyl citrate, dibutyl itaconate, tributyl aconitate, oleic acid, oleamide, erucamide, and palmitic acid, while eggs also showed stearic and linoleic acid-related compounds. Knowledge of this composition may allow advances in new strategies to address the problem caused by L. occidentalis.SIThis research was funded by LIFE project MYCORESTORE, “Innovative use of mycological resources for resilient and productive Mediterranean forests threatened by climate change”, LIFE18 CCA/ES/001110

    Development of a nanostructured electrochemical immunosensor applied to the early detection of invasive aspergillosis

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    The use of a biological marker as an adjunct for screening for invasive aspergillosis (IA) in high-risk patients is attractive, because it is noninvasive and may detect evidence of IA prior to the appearance of clinical signs and symptoms. Galactomannan (GMN) is a polysaccharide cell-wall component that is released by Aspergillus species. In the present work, an electrochemical microfluidic immunosensor for GMN detection was developed. Moreover, copper nanoparticles covered with polyvinylpyrrolidone (CuNPs-PVP) were synthesized, characterized and used in a microfluidic immunosensor based on the use of anti-GMN antibodies as a trapping agent. The concentration of trapped GMN is then electrochemically quantified by HRP-conjugated anti-GMN-antibody. HRP reacted with its enzymatic substrate in a redox process which resulted in the appearance of a current whose magnitude is directly proportional to the concentration of GMN. The immunosensor was validated by analyzing patient samples, and a good correlation with a commercial ELISA was obtained. This microfluidic immunosensor can be applied to the early diagnosis of IA.Fil: Piguillem Palacios, Sofía Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Ortega Sánchez, Francisco Gabriel. Weizmann Institute of Science; IsraelFil: Raba, Julio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Messina, Germán Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Baldo, Martín Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; Argentin

    Biodeterioration patterns found in dammar resin used as art material

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    Since the middle of the XIX century, when dammar became popular in Occident, this natural resin is one of the most used in art painting techniques as final protective coating (varnish) as well as a component of pictorial media. The present work is the first approach to the study of the microbiological biodeterioration of this artistic material, which can seriously affect the appearance and integrity of works of art when bad conservation conditions -especially high humidity levels- take place. 12 microorganisms, fungi and bacteria, came from collection and from oil paintings affected by biodeterioration patterns, were inoculated on test specimens prepared with varnish dammar. These were incubated and analyzed by GC-MS to determine both the microbiological capacity of growth and chemical alteration on the resin. Some of the studied microorganisms have shown patterns of deterioration similar to those found in works dedicated to natural or accelerated photochemical ageing of triterpenoid varnishes.This study was supported by the National Spanish Project “I+D+I MCYT” CTQ2005-09339-C03-03

    Pedogenic information from fine-sand. A study in Mediterranean soils

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    The fine sand fraction (50–250μm) of Mediterranean soils from southern Spainprovides valuable information on soil genesis and the origin of their parentmaterials. This study considers the whole fine sand and heavy fine sand(ρ> 2.82 g cm−3) of Luvisols, Calcisols and Fluvisols, which form achronosequence (ages from 600 to 0.3 ka) of the River Guadalquivir terrace sys-tem. Advanced techniques (X-ray diffraction, inductively coupled plasma massspectrometry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, vari-able pressure scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive X-rayspectroscopy system and Raman analysis) were employed. Inheritance is theprincipal pedogenic process. The whole fine sand consisted of carbonates (cal-cite and dolomite), tectosilicates (quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclases),phyllosilicates (illite/moscovite, biotite, Na-mica, chlorite, kaolinite, inter-stratified vermiculite-chlorite, vermiculite-illite and smectite-illite) and ironoxides (goethite and haematite). The minor minerals (rutile, anatase, ilmenite,zircon, staurolite, monazite, barite, apatite, andalusite, garnet and titanite) areconcentrated, also through inheritance, in the heavy fine sand. However, thereis also substantiated evidence for neoformation of rutile in these soils, neverreported previously. In addition, we report that (a) the geochemical indices cal-culated in fine sand (SiO2/CaO, Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW),Weathering Index of Parker (WIP), Weathering Index (WI), Base DepletionIndex (BDI), Weathering Ratio (WR) and Sr/Zr) are closely related to soil age,allowing chronofunctions to be established, and (b) geochemical indices pro-vide information on the origin of soils and permit the establishment of a“criti-cal point”corresponding to“time zero;”that is, the start of pedogenicalteration of the parent materia