817 research outputs found

    Sondeo en el extremo oriental de la cuenca carbonífera de Guardo (Palencia)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Separata de: Boletín del Instituto Geológico de España, t. 33 (1912

    Cobertura de áreas por medio de la interacción de una flota de vehículos autónomos

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo de grado fue crear las condiciones que garanticen la interacción de dos robots terrestres móviles que comparten una misma región destino, sin colisionar entre ellos. Para ello se implementó la técnica de control por Modos Deslizantes o Sliding Mode Control (SMC). La implementación del Control SMC se efectuó sobre dos plataformas móviles Starter kit 2.0 (DaNI) de National Instrument, adecuados con instrumentación adicional para la adquisición de posición (GPS) y orientación (compas electrónico). Se planteó como etapa inicial conformar una red de datos que permitiera el envío y recepción de información entre un computador y las plataformas móviles, por lo cual se instalaron y configuraron equipos necesarios para lograr este fin. Posterior a ello se implementó el Control de modo deslizante empleando un solo robot, con el objetivo de garantizar el desplazamiento del agente móvil de un punto a otro en un área libre de obstáculos fijos y/o móviles. Después se adicionó al control un módulo de fuerzas repulsivas, que considera la posición actual de un agente vecino (otro robot) para evitar colisiones y cumplir con su objetivo al dirigirse a su región destino. Se diseñaron e implementaron pruebas que tenían como fin verificar la respuesta del Control por Modos Deslizantes en tres aspectos: Desplazamiento de un robot desde un punto inicial a un punto destino; ingreso y permanencia del robot en una región destino; y la navegación libre de colisiones entre robots en sus trayectorias hacia un punto destino en común. Los resultados obtenidos en la ejecución del Control por Modos Deslizantes demuestran la llegada de los robots a su destino de forma segura. Al ser comparado con otra técnica de control para el desplazamiento de un robot de un punto a otro, conocida como el control proporcional, muestran que el control SMC tiene un mejor desempeño, representado principalmente por la robustez frente a la variabilidad del sistema de sensado GPS. Adicional a esto, la inclusión de fuerzas repulsivas garantiza una navegación libre de colisiones entre dos o más robots en regiones compartidas.The main objective of this thesis was to create conditions that ensure the interaction of two mobile ground robots that share a regional destination without colliding with each other. For this control technique it is implemented Sliding Mode Control (SMC). The implementation of SCM Control was conducted on two mobile platforms Starter Kit 2.0 (Dani) of National Instrument, with additional instrumentation suitable for the acquisition of position (GPS) and direction (electronic compass). He was raised as an initial form a data network to enable sending and receiving information between a computer and mobile platforms, which were installed and configured equipment necessary to achieve this end stage. Following this, the sliding mode control is implemented using a single robot, in order to ensure the displacement of the mobile agent from one point to another in an area free of obstacles fixed and / or mobile. Then he added to the control module repulsive forces, which considers the current position of a neighboring agent (another robot) to avoid collisions and meet its goal to contact your target region. They were designed and implemented tests were designed to verify the response of sliding mode control in three aspects: Moving a robot from a starting point to a destination point; entry and stay of the robot in a target region; and free shipping collisions between robots in their paths towards a common destination point. The results obtained in implementing the Control Modes Slide show the arrival of the robots to their destination safely. When compared with another control technique for moving a robot from one point to another, known as proportional control, show that the SMC control has better performance, represented mainly by the robustness against variability sensing GPS system. In addition to this, the inclusion of repulsive forces ensuring free navigation of collisions between two or more robots in shared region

    Environmental change rate and dispersion pattern modulate the dynamics of evolutionary rescue of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa

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    The rate of biodiversity loss is so high that some scientists affirm that we are being witnesses of the sixth mass extinction. In this situation, it is necessary to ask the following question: can the organisms be able to resist the environmental changes that are taking place? Recent studies have shown the possibility of a population recovering from a stress situation through evolutionary rescue (ER) events. These events depend on the size of the population, its previous history and the rate of the environmental change. The aim of this work is to add more knowledge about the ER dynamics creating stress situations with selective agents (sulphur and salinity) and using the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa as a model organism. The experiments are based on exposing populations to severe stress and analyze the effect of previous dispersal events and deterioration rates on the occurrence of ER events among populations. The model consists in three different rates of environmental change (constant, slow and fast; under salinity stress we only used the first two treatments) and three dispersal models (isolated, local or global). In total, 324 and 720 populations were exposed to stressful conditions caused by sulphur and salinity, respectively. The results showed that the dispersal modes and the environmental deterioration rates modulated the occurrence of ER events. It has been observed that dispersal favours ER events for both selective agents. Regarding the rate of environmental change, we observed an increase of ER events under constant changes in the populations exposed to sulphur stress. However, ER events were higher when there was previous deterioration (i.e., slow environmental change rate) under saline stress. As a conclusion, ER events in M. aeruginosa depend on selective agent, being the probability higher for salinity than for sulphur. Thus, it could be hypothesized that general conclusions in ER studies must take into account the selective agent.This work has been financially supported by the projects CGL2014- 53682-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and CGL2017-87314-P (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad), and the Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Metallic Copper (Cu[0]) Obtained from Cu2+-Rich Acidic Mine Waters by Two Different Reduction Methods: Crystallographic and Geochemical Aspects

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    The recovery of valuable metals from different types of wastes has become of prime strategic interest given the scarcity of primary critical raw materials at international scale. Implementation of new methods or refinement of classical techniques with modern technological advances is, therefore, an active research field. Mine wastes are of special interest because their high metal concentrations make them environmentally harmful and economically profitable at the same time. In this study, we evaluated two different methods of Cu recovery from extremely acidic mine waters seeping from wastes and abandoned mines in SW Spain. Through a series of different batch experiments, we compared the method efficiency and crystallographic properties of elemental copper (Cu[0]) obtained by reduction of Cu2+ ions by (1) chemical reduction using ascorbic acid at different environmental conditions of pH (1.50–3.95), temperature (25–80 °C) and ascorbic acid concentration (10 mM to 0.1 M), and (2) classical cementation method with scrap iron at pH 1.50 and 25 °C. Our study demonstrates that the precipitation of Cu[0] can take place at pH 3.95 and low AA concentrations (0.1 M), resulting in large (µm-scale), perfectly developed crystals of copper with pseudoprismatic to acicular habit after 24 h of aging, likely through formation of a transient compound consisting in Cu2+-ascorbate and/or cuprite (Cu2O) nanocolloids. Reduction experiments at higher AA concentrations (0.1 M) showed faster precipitation kinetics and resulted in high-purity (>98%) copper suspensions formed by subrounded nanoparticles. The AA method, however, yielded very low recovery rates (15–25%) because of the low pH values considered. The cementation method, which produced tree-like aggregates formed by sub-micron crystals arranged in different directions, proved to be much more efficient (>98% recovery) and cost-effective.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grant number CGL2016-74984-R

    Propuesta de implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad con base en la norma ISO 9001: 2015 en la compañía Colaminados y Troquelados Express R C.

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    Investigación AplicadaPropuesta para la implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad con base en la norma ISO 9001: 2015 para la compañía Colaminados y Troquelado Express R. C. con el fin de definir una estructura organizativa dentro de la compañía, mediante procesos, asignación de responsabilidades, procedimientos y métodos necesarios para cumplir los requerimientos del cliente, producir productos regulados, orientando a la compañía siempre hacia los mejores resultados, logrando que su gestión sea eficaz, eficiente y duradera.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. PLANEACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE CALIDAD DE LA COMPAÑÍA COLAMINADOS Y TROQUELADOS EXPRESS 3. DIAGNÓSTICO DEL ESTADO ACTUAL DE LA COMPAÑÍA COLAMINADOS Y TROQUELADOS EXPRESS. 4. PROPUESTA PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE GESTIÓN DE LA CALIDAD CON BASE EN LA NORMA 9001:20155. CONSLUSIONES 6. RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Industria

    Crecimiento gonadal y reproducción del erizo de mar Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck, 1816) (Echinodermata, Echinoidea) en el sureste de España

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    The gonadal index and reproductive state of the sea urchin Sphaerechinus granularis were studied for a year in three populations from southeast Spain. The development of the gonad during the period of study was assessed using histological methods and four maturity stages were considered for female specimens and two for male specimens. The study of gonad development showed a clearly defined annual cycle of gametogenesis with a single spawning period in summer-autumn. It begins in June at Torremuelle and Palmeral and a month later at La Herradura. The three populations exhibited similar reproductive patterns, having mature gonads in almost all the months. Though the environmental conditions were similar, the population from La Herradura had the highest Gonadosomatic Index value (GSI) and that from Torremuelle the lowest one.Se ha estudiado el índice gonadosomático y los estados reproductivos del erizo de mar Sphaerechinus granularis durante un año en tres poblaciones del sureste de España. El desarrollo de la gónada se estudió usando métodos histológicos; además, el estado de los individuos se determinó utilizando cuatro categorías de desarrollo gonadal para las hembras y dos para los machos. Existe un único periodo de puesta a lo largo del año, entre verano y otoño. En las estaciones de Torremuelle y Palmeral la puesta comienza en junio mientras que en La Herradura tiene un retraso de un mes. Las tres poblaciones muestran patrones reproductivos semejantes y se caracterizan por tener gónadas maduras casi todos los meses, aunque en proporciones distintas. Los valores del índice gonadosomático son mayores en La Herradura y menores en Torremuelle a pesar de que las condiciones ambientales son similares

    Wild Ungulates Constitute the Basis of the Diet of the Iberian Wolf in a Recently Recolonized Area: Wild Boar and Roe Deer as Key Species for Its Conservation

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    The Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) is recolonizing historical distribution areas after decades of absence. As in other human-dominated landscapes, finding a balance to protect this species by favoring recolonization and mitigating human–wildlife conflicts is a challenge. Since wolves are often generalist opportunistic predators, we studied their diet composition in central Spain to evaluate the consumption of domestic ungulates and provide reliable data that could help local authorities to deal with the current wolf–cattle ranchers conflict and coexistence. Diet composition (% prey occurrence, % prey ingested biomass) was analyzed through the identification of prey hairs present in 671 scats collected between 2017 and 2021. The wolves fed more on wild ungulates (82% occurrence) than domestic ones (18%). Wild boar (Sus scrofa, 44% occurrence) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus, 35%) were the most consumed prey. The wolves positively selected these two species. The wolves’ diets varied between seasons, years, and forest regions, but a diet based on wild ungulates predominated over domestic ones. Food niche breadth showed variations depending on seasons and years. Preserving the availability and diversity of wild ungulates may favor reducing livestock attacks and would be an achievable goal that would help to conserve this species and reduce conservation conflictsFinancial support was provided by Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Administración Local y Ordenación del Territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid and Sierra de Guadarrama National Park (projects: 10/329633.9/18, 10/122964.9/19, 10/180884.9/19; contracts: 2020/0112, 2020/0169, 2020/0379, 2020/0528, 2021/0138

    Proyecto de investigación “investigación psicosocial consecuencias de la ausencia de los padres en la formación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes del Caquetá- Colombia”

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    La poca presencia de los padres en la familia y el acompañamiento hacia sus hijos, es una problemática que se vive en muchas familias de nuestro entorno local, regional y nacional, afectando la dinámica y funcionamiento familiar. Por ende, se presenta el informe del proceso de investigación que tenía como fin identificar las consecuencias que se derivan de la ausencia de los padres en la formación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes del Caquetá- Colombia, con el objetivo de lograr una comprensión integral de la problemática, y emprender acciones de mejora al respecto. Para ello, se realizaron encuetas relacionadas al ámbito familiar a comunidades de cuatro localidades o sitios del departamento del Caquetá. Con los resultados obtenidos de este trabajo se pudo concluir de manera general que las familias viven una situación económica, la cual ha hecho que los padres de familia tengan poco tiempo para compartir con sus hijos, razón por la cual tienen que buscar otros lugares para buscar el bienestar económico para que los ingresos aumenten y sirvan de sustento a sus hijos, siendo este, uno de los fenómenos más comunes que viven muchas familias del departamento.The little presence of parents in the family and the accompaniment towards their children, is a problem that is experienced in many families in our local, regional and national environment, affecting the dynamics and family functioning. Therefore, the report of the investigation process is presented, whose purpose was to identify the consequences that derive from the absence of parents in the formation of children and adolescents of Caquetá-Colombia, with the objective of achieving a comprehensive understanding. of the problem, and undertake improvement actions in this regard. For this, surveys related to the family environment were carried out in communities of four localities or sites in the department of Caquetá. With the results obtained from this work, it was possible to conclude in a general way that families live in an economic situation, which has meant that parents have little time to share with their children, which is why they have to look for other places to find economic well-being so that income increases and supports their children, this being one of the most common phenomena experienced by many families in the department

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    La iniciativa es un proyecto educativo para el área de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales ligado a la tradición del cine forum español, en el que éste se utiliza como medio de enseñanza. La propuesta, que se lleva a cabo desde 2008 en la Filmoteca de Andalucía, no ha supuesto ningún coste para las arcas de la Universidad de Córdoba –para su desarrollo se ha contado con ayudas de la propia institución académica– y se ha convertido en un aula abierta para el debate de diversas áreas a través del análisis de películas de cine como apoyo al aprendizaje de competencias

    How can seasonality modulate thermal sensitivity in early stages of fucoids?: The colder, the better

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    In the face of ocean global change, determining critical thermal thresholds for marine organisms is a key aspect to predict the survival and persistence of populations, particularly those from rear-edge areas. Seasonal variability implies acclimation of adult individuals, which might result in shifting thermal sensitivities of their recruits. In this work, we aimed to investigate the influence of natural seasonal parental acclimation on the warming response of single- and few-celled stages of Fucus guiryi, a monoecious fucoid from the east Atlantic coast and Strait of Gibraltar, whose populations are iteroparous. To address this, we obtained embryos from fertile thalli collected in early summer, late summer, and winter. In the three replicate experiments under laboratory-controlled conditions, we followed growth, development, survival, and photosynthetic responses of embryos exposed to control (15ºC) and warming conditions (25ºC) for 3 weeks, and initial elemental composition was characterized. Our findings revealed that breeding from winter parents possessed broader thermal sensitivity and thrived better under warming conditions than those from summer specimens, where only 50% survived and experience 75% reductions in photosynthetic rates. Nevertheless, there was a significant gain in thermal resilience from early to late summer regarding survival at 25º C. This research highlighted that warmer winters would not potentially harm new recruits, while extreme temperature events in early summer might compromise the survival of the most sensitive early summer recruits, considering the RCP8.5 predictions for 2050. The influence of parental and provisioning effects and how this might be applied to ecological restoration is discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech