425 research outputs found

    Role of carnoy?s solution in the treatment of keratocystic odontogenic tumor : a systematic review

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    The keratocystic odontogenic tumor is a benign but aggressive neoplasm. As enucleation alone obtains high recurrence rates, some adjuvant treatments such as Carnoy?s solution have been proposed. The aim of this study is to evaluate the reduction of recurrences with the use of Carnoy?s solution as adjuvant in the treatment of keratocystic odontogenic tumors. All the studies included were case series. The recurrence rate of enucleation ranged from 0% to 58.8%. With the only use of Carnoy?s solution as adjuvant treatment to the enucleation, recurrences varied from 0% to 100%. The use of ? 2 adjuvant treatments reduced the range between 0% and 7.9%. The use of Carnoy?s solution as adjuvant therapy for the treatment of keratocystic odontogenic tumor has a grade C recommendation

    Resistance to 2-Hydroxy-Flutamide in Prostate Cancer Cells Is Associated with the Downregulation of Phosphatidylcholine Biosynthesis and Epigenetic Modifications

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    18 p.In this study, we examined the metabolic adaptations of a chemoresistant prostate cancer cell line in comparison to a sensitive cell line. We utilized prostate cancer LNCaP cells and subjected them to a stepwise increase in the antiandrogen 2-hydroxy-flutamide (FLU) concentration to generate a FLU-resistant cell line (LN-FLU). These LN-FLU cells displayed characteristics of cancer stem cells, exhibited drug resistance, and showed a significantly reduced expression of Cyclin D1, along with the overexpression of p16, pointing to a proliferation arrest. In comparing the cancer stem-like LN-FLU cells to the LNCaP cells, we observed a decrease in the expression of CTP-choline cytidylyl transferase ? (CCT?), as well as a decline in choline kinase, suggesting altogether a downregulation of the phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic pathway. In addition, we found decreased levels of the protein methyl transferase PRMT2 and the upregulation of the histone deacetylase Sirtuin1 (Sirt1). Analysis of the human prostate cancer samples revealed similar results in a population with high expressions of the stem cell markers Oct4 and ABCB1A1. Our findings suggest that the adaptation of prostate cancer cells to antiandrogens could induce reprogramming into stem cells that survive in a low phosphocholine metabolism and cell cycle arrest and display drug resistance.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIFundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el BuenoComunidad de Madri

    Respuesta de la respiración del suelo a la temperatura y humedad del suelo en sistemas forestales mediterráneos

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    La respiración del suelo es uno de los mayores flujos en el ciclo global de carbono y supone unas 80-98 Pg C año-1, por lo que cambios en las condiciones de los suelos pueden tener grandes efectos en las emisiones globales de carbono a la atmósfera. Esto hace que sea importante conocer y entender los mecanismos que influyen en la respiración de los suelos. La temperatura del suelo se ha reconocido como uno de los factores principales que influyen en la respiración del suelo aunque la humedad del suelo no es menos importante, sobre todo en climas como el mediterráneo donde es uno de los factores ecológicos más importantes. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la relación que tienen la temperatura y la humedad del suelo con la respiración del mismo, y valorar si la gestión forestal influye en dicha relación

    Peatlands in the Toledo Mountains (central Spain): characterisation and conservation status.

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    We have limited knowledge about the biodiversity and vulnerability of peatlands in the lower-altitude mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, largely because peatlands have not been routinely differentiated from other habitat types in Spain. Understanding is now developing about the ecology of peatlands in central Spain, but they are already under severe threat of conversion and degradation. In this article we describe the results of a field survey and literature review study to characterise and describe the current condition of peatlands in the Toledo Mountains in terms of their typology, the representation of habitat types protected by European (EU) designations, threats, endangered plant species, and conservation status. Our results suggest that the principal threats are overgrazing by domestic animals and ungulates (red deer and wild boar), fire, expansion of cereal crops, drying-out and erosion. Disturbance is most severe in areas that are not protected by nature conservation designations, where peatlands are especially vulnerable to damage arising from human activities


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    Se demuestra la utilidad de la tomografía de coherencia óptica de segmento anterior y de la biomicroscopía como métodos de detección, diagnóstico y seguimiento de las diferentes distrofias corneales, relacionando los hallazgos encontrados en cada uno de los equipos y diferenciando los patrones característicos de cada una de las distrofias corneales.<br /

    Diabetic individuals with COVID-19 exhibit reduced efficacy of gliptins in inhibiting dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4). A suggested explanation for increased COVID-19 susceptibility in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

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    Aims: Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) has been proposed as a coreceptor for SARS-CoV-2 cellular entry. Considering that type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been identified as the most important risk factor for SARS-CoV-2, and that gliptins (DPP4 inhibitors) are a prescribed diabetic treatment, this study aims to unravel the impact of DPP4 in the intersection of T2DM/COVID-19. Materials and methods: We analyzed 189 serum human samples, divided into six clinical groups (controls, T2DM, T2DM + gliptins, COVID-19, COVID-19 + T2DM, and COVID-19 + T2DM + gliptins), measuring DPP4 protein concentration and activity by Western blot, ELISA, and commercial activity kits. The obtained results were verified in Huh-7 cellular models. Key findings: Both DPP4 concentration and activity were decreased in COVID-19 patients, and as in T2DM patients, compared to controls. Despite these lower levels, the ratio of DPP4 activity/concentration in COVID-19 sera was the highest (0.782 ± 0.289 ?U/ng vs. 0.547 ± 0.050 ?U/ng in controls, p < 0.0001), suggesting a compensating mechanism in these patients. Supernatants of Huh-7 cells incubated with COVID-19 serum showed a consistent and significantly lower DPP4 concentration and activity. Furthermore, COVID-19 + T2DM + gliptins patients showed a higher serum DPP4 concentration and activity than T2DM + gliptin subjects (p < 0.05), indicating that sera from COVID-19 convalescents interfere with gliptins. Significance: Either SARS-CoV-2 or some metabolites present in the sera of COVID-19-convalescent patients interact with soluble DPP4 or even gliptins themselves since the inhibitory effect of gliptins on DPP4 activity is being prevented. The interactions between DPP4, gliptins, and SARS-CoV-2 should be further elucidated to reveal the mechanism of action for these interesting observations.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIComunidad de MadridUniversidad de AlcaláFundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Buen

    Vegetation history in the Toledo Mountains (Central-Iberia): human impact during the last 1300 years

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    ABSTRACT: Mid-mountain ecosystems provide a broad diversity of resources, heterogeneous relief, and a mild climate, which are all very useful for human necessities. These features enable different strategies such as the terracing of the slopes as well as wide crop diversification. Their relations lead to a parallel co-evolution between the environment and human societies, where fire and grazing become the most effective landscape management tools. This paper presents the results obtained from a multi-proxy study of the Bermú paleoenvironmental record, which is a minerotrophic mire located in the Quintos de Mora National Hunting Reserve (Toledo Mountains, central Spain). The bottom of this core has been dated in the Islamic period (ca. 711-1100 cal AD), and the study shows how the landscape that was built over time in the Toledo Mountains up to the present day is narrowly linked to human development. This study shows the increasing human pressure on the landscape, as well as the subsequent strategies followed by the plant and human communities as they faced diverse environmental changes. Thus, it is possible to attest the main role played by the humans in the Toledo Mountains, not only as a simple user, but also as a builder of their own reflexion in the environment.Funding: This research was funded the project REDISCO-HAR2017-88035-P (Plan Nacional I+D+I, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness). Reyes Luelmo is funded by a FPU grant (Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports)

    Communication 2.0: A New Way for Education in Positive Discipline through Mobile Devices

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    In the area of the family, the slap are still socially accepted practices as educational strategies despite the fact that their use has been shown to have a negative impact on the physical, psychological and moral integrity of children with direct impact on their human dignity and free development of personality. According to European guidelines regarding the prohibition of corporal punishment it is necessary to raise awareness on this issue to parents and all those who exercise the role of educators, while being trained in alternative educational strategies, such as positive discipline. In the current context, education can be enhanced through the incorporation of the technologies of relationships, information and communication and, consequently, through the exercise of educommunication 2.0. In the area that concerns us, the spaces generated by these form virtual communities around the education of children where parents, as users, obtain information and advice from experts, as well as from other fathers and mothers, sharing their experiences. Among the tools of educommunication 2.0 we find mobile applications. Under the web 2.0 model, mobile devices, smartphones and tablets offer new forms of relationship between individuals that define a new context in which knowledge is acquired and produced in a decontextualized way. Hence, it is necessary to analyze its usefulness in any project for educational purposes. Established the benefits of educomunicativo 2.0 approach and mobile applications, the objective of this work is to lay the foundations from which configure a mobile application that serves the eradication of child physical punishment. Based on the main objective, the following specific objectives are addressed, describing their configuration and execution process. The mobile application created forms a virtual community, initiated by experts, which offers online guidance to parents in their educational work based on the positive discipline model. It concludes on the effectiveness of mobile applications as learning tools for the change of attitudes and behaviors. In addition to training, the application pursues informative and awareness-raising objectives. Through its use appeals to the social conscience about the harmful effects of physical punishment awakening interest in alternative educational practices on which users can deepen by accessing other digital resources and / or seeking advice.European project "Hands up - Promoting The Effective Elimination of Corporal Punishment Against Children" (JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/CORP

    Relationship between physical activity level, use of video games and academic performance in university students

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    Una de las causas atribuibles a la reducción de los niveles de práctica de actividad física en jóvenes es el aumento del uso de los videojuegos. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el nivel de práctica de actividad física y su relación con el uso de videojuegos y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios. Ochenta y siete estudiantes (edad = 20 ± 6 años, 42 hombres y 45 mujeres) pertenecientes al Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte y al Grado de Educación Primaria participaron en el estudio. La recogida de datos serealizó medianteloscuestionariosPhysician-based Assessment and Counseling for Exercise yel Cuestionariode Experiencia Relacionada conlos Videojuegos. El rendimiento académico se analizó mediante la nota media de los estudiantes. Los resultados mostraron una relación positiva entre el nivel de actividad física y el rendimiento académico (a mayor actividad física, mayor nota media), al igual que entre el nivel de actividad física y el uso de videojuegos (a mayor nivel de actividad física, mayor uso de videojuegos)

    Pollen study of an endorheic lagoon in Almenara de Adaja (Valladolid, Northern Meseta): environmental changes and human activity during the last 2800 years

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    El análisis de microfósiles polínicos y no polínicos de una secuencia obtenida en una laguna endorreica en Almenara de Adaja (Valladolid, Meseta Norte) muestra este registro como sensible tanto a cambios de naturaleza climática como antrópica durante los últimos 2800 años. Se han detectado los momentos de variabilidad climática que se han descrito para esta cronología como el período frío del final de la Edad del Hierro (850-75 cal BC), el Período Cálido Romano (ca. 75 cal BC-300 cal AD), el Período Frío Altomedieval (ca. 300-800 cal AD), el Período Cálido Bajomedieval (ca. 800-1450 cal AD) y la Pequeña Edad del Hielo (ca. 1450-1800 cal AD). Además, se han observado distintos grados de antropización en el paisaje en relación con las pautas de asentamiento en la zona. Aunque es desde la época romana cuando se establecieron las transformaciones del paisaje que han conformado el paisaje actual, que está caracterizado por ser un espacio muy agrícola y ganadero.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Programa Consolider TCP-CSD2007-00058 (Programa de investigación en tecnologías para la valoración y conservación del Patrimonio Cultural)Peer Reviewe