4,392 research outputs found

    Raman Spectroscopy on Plasmonic Materials: Recent Advances and Applications in Molecular detection

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    Plasmonic Enhancement of the electric field is the basis of the Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering technique (SERS). This technique is based on the localization of light in the nanoscale occurring in plasmonic materials and provides the best conditions for molecular detection, even single-molecule detection. This can only be achieved by the use of spectroscopy in the nanoscale. The building of functional nanostructured devices to obtain sensitive and selective platforms, with specific applications in molecular detection, biodiagnosis and Cultural Heritage is presented. Plasmonic effects are highly activated in nanostructures substrates containing tips or in interparticle gaps. The nanofabrication of metal nanoparticles with special morphology, such as nanostars is presented here for the specific case of silver. The functionalization with bifunctional molecules gives rise to highly active gaps that can be employed in the molecular detection of pollutants. Another important application of these nanostructured platforms is the functionalization with biological molecules for bioanalytical applications and the detection of colorants with interest for the Cultural Heritage.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Investigation of pigments in artworks by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)

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    Opening lecture of the SCORE Master degree course, Ravenna, October the 7th, 2015Peer Reviewe

    El Paleolítico Superior Final en el sur de la Península Ibérica: los yacimientos de la provincia de Málaga

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    La provincia de Málaga reúne el mayor número de yacimientos del Sur de la Península Ibérica con registros arqueológicos del último Pleniglaciar. Este trabajo expone el estado de la investigación de los yacimientos Magdalenienses malagueños, del cual se deriva que, desde el punto de vista cronoestratigráfico y de la cultura material, todos los yacimientos Magdalenienses de Málaga son catalogables dentro del Magdaleniense Superior Mediterráneo. Por último, exponemos una síntesis de la secuencia cultural y de las nuevas perspectivas de la investigación de la cultura material, y los modelos subsistenciales y de poblamiento del Magdaleniense en el Sur de la Península Ibérica.In South of Iberian Peninsule the known of the Last Pleniglacial sites are almost all located in Málaga province. This paper puts forward the knowledge of the research of the Magdalenien sites of the Málaga province. From the chrono-stratigraphic and the material culture point of view, all magdalenien sites of Málaga show characteristic own of Upper Mediterranean Magdalenien. Finally we put forward a synthesis of the cultural sequence and the news perspectives of investigation of the material culture, the settlement and subsistence models of the Magdalenien in the south of Iberia Peninsule

    Necrológica: Francisco Javier Fortea (Arnedo 1946, Oviedo 2009)

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    Variabilidad tecnológica en el Paleolítico Medio meridional ibérico : un punto de partida

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    El Paleolítico Medio meridional ibérico aparece plenamente formado desde momentos avanzados- finales del Pleistoceno Medio. En este trabajo se discute la hipotética perduración en áreas fluviales de un Achelense terminal en fases avanzadas del OIS 5 y se aborda la incidencia del tipo de materia prima sobre los modelos de producción lítica. Los estudios tecnológicos sobre conjuntos del Paleolítico Medio en el sur de la península Ibérica son escasos. En este trabajo analizamos la variabilidad tecnológica identificada en cueva Bajondillo, que incluye algunos ejemplos de ramificación y de miniaturización de los esquemas operativos. Reflexionamos asimismo sobre la aplicabilidad de estos conceptos en colecciones del Paleolítico Medio ibérico.El paleolític mitjà meridional ibèric apareix plenament format des de moments avançats-finals del pleistocè mitjà. En aquest treball es discuteix la hipotètica duració en àrees fluvials d'un Axeulià terminal en fases avançades de l'OIS 5 i es tracta la incidència del tipus de matèria primera sobre els models de producció lítica. Els estudis tecnològics sobre conjunts del paleolític mitjà al sud de la península Ibèrica són escassos. En aquest treball analitzem la variabilitat tecnològica identificada en la cova Bajondillo, que inclou alguns exemples de ramificació i de miniaturització dels esquemes operatius. Així mateix, reflexionem sobre l'aplicabilitat d'aquests conceptes a col·leccions del paleolític mitjà ibèric.Le Paléolithique moyen méridional ibérique apparait pleinement formé depuis les moments avancés- finaux du Pléistocène moyen. Dans ce travail on discute l'hypothétique perdurance en aires fluviales d'un Achelensien terminal en phases avancées de l'OIS 5 et on aborde l'incidence du type de matière première sur les modèles de production lithique. Les études technologiques sur les ensembles du Paléolithique moyen dans le sud de la péninsule ibérique son minces. Dans ce travail nous analysons la variabilité technologique identifiée dans la grotte Bajodillo qui inclut quelques exemples de ramification et miniaturisation des schémas opératoires. On réfléchi aussi à l'applicabilité de ces concepts dans les collections de Paléolithique moyen ibérique.The Middle Palaeolithic is well established in Southern Iberia since the late Middle Pleistocene. In this paper the possible endurance of the late Acheulean in fluvial areas during the last phases of the OIS5 is discussed, as well as the constraints imposed by raw material types on the lithic production systems. Technical studies of Middle Palaeolithic assemblages in Southern Iberia are still rare. This work discusses the technological variability from Cueva Bajondillo, which includes some examples of ramification and miniaturization of the technical schemes. The applicability of these concepts to other Iberian Middle Palaeolithic assemblages is also discussed

    El Pirulejo: discovery and archaeological works

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    El Pirulejo fue descubierto de forma accidental en 1983. Los trabajos arqueológicos mayores se han desarrollado en dos campañas (1988 y 1991). En los últimos años los trabajos de cerramiento y adecuación del entorno del yacimiento han permitido hacer una serie de muestreos (polínicos, isotópicos, radiocarbónicos) que dan un contexto paleoambiental a la cultura material recuperada en el enclave.El Pirulejo has discovery in 1983 by accidental form. The most important archaeological works has developed in two campaigns (1988 y 1991). Last years the closing and adapt works of the area of the site was permit make a sampling serial (pollen and isotopic record, AMS/14C datations, etc.). They given a palaeoenvironmental context to the material culture recovered in the site

    Technological variability in the Southern Iberian Middle Palaeolithic

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    El Paleolítico Medio meridional ibérico aparece plenamente formado desde momentos avanzados-finales del Pleistoceno Medio. En este trabajo se discute la hipotética perduración en áreas fluviales de un Achelense terminal en fases avanzadas del OIS 5 y se aborda la incidencia del tipo de materia prima sobre los modelos de producción lítica. Los estudios tecnológicos sobre conjuntos del Paleolítico Medio en el sur de la península Ibérica son escasos. En este trabajo analizamos la variabilidad tecnológica identificada en cueva Bajondillo, que incluye algunos ejemplos de ramificación y de miniaturización de los esquemas operativos. Reflexionamos asimismo sobre la aplicabilidad de estos conceptos en colecciones del Paleolítico Medio ibérico.An starting point The Middle Palaeolithic is well established in Southern Iberia since the late Middle Pleistocene. In this paper the possible endurance of the late Acheulean in fluvial areas during the last phases of the OIS5 is discussed, as well as the constraints imposed by raw material types on the lithic production systems. Technical studies of Middle Palaeolithic assemblages in Southern Iberia are still rare. This work discusses the technological variability from Cueva Bajondillo, which includes some examples of ramification and miniaturization of the technical schemes. The applicability of these concepts to other Iberian Middle Palaeolithic assemblages is also discussed

    The Dipoli Project. Responses to landscape through form and materiality

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    [EN] Understanding and highlighting the materiality and form of buildings as a key aspect in the way they relate to the landscape is the aim of the article presented here. To this end, we will examine the Dipoli project at the Helsinki Polytechnic University by Reima and Raili Pietilä, built between 1961-1966. The research carried out is based on the interpretation of plans, photographs, and technical reports, as well as a visit to the building itself, to demonstrate the relationships established between the building and the landscape. This reading of the landscape, which the pair of architects encountered in the area of action, became the driving force behind the project, confi guring a building which in itself is landscape. Within the complexity of the elements that make it up, this article focuses on the roof, a hollow shell of cast-in-place concrete. This element acquires protagonism in the project as it has the capacity both to organise the programme and to create a sequence of continuous and fl uid spaces underneath it of great spatial quality in connection with the surrounding landscape.[ES] El entendimiento y puesta en valor de la materialidad y la forma de los edificios como punto clave en la manera en la que estos se relacionan con el paisaje, es el objetivo del artículo que aquí se presenta. Para ello, recuperamos el proyecto de Dipoli de la Universidad Politécnica de Helsinki de Reima y Raili Pietilä desarrollado entre 1961-1966.La lectura del paisaje, propiamente fines con el cual se encuentran la pareja de arquitectos en el área de actuación, se convierte en el motor proyectual, configurándose así un edificio que en sí mismo es paisaje. Dentro de la complejidad de los elementos que lo conforman, en este artículo se presta especial atención al elemento de la cubierta, un caparazón hueco de hormigón in situ. Elemento que adquiere un gran protagonismo en el proyecto al tener una capacidad tanto organizativa del programa como de crear una secuencia de espacios continuos y fluidos bajo ella de gran calidad espacial en vinculación con el paisaje que los rodea.Cortés Sánchez, L. (2022). El proyecto de Dipoli. Respuestas al paisaje desde la forma y la materialidad. En CIAB 10. X Congreso internacional arquitectura blanca. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 198-207. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIAB10.2022.14000OCS19820

    Recent Advances in Plasmonic-Enhanced Raman Scattering: Applications in Molecular Detection and Cultural Heritage

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    Università, Ca' Foscari, Venezia, 28 Mar 2019. -- Seminari

    Mission statements of universities worldwide: text mining and visualization

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    Purpose: To conduct a transnational study of universities’ mission statements (MS) through content analysis to identify characteristics related to language (e.g. number of words, the most and least frequently used words) and if those characteristics are related to universities’ location, size, focus, research output, age band and status (i.e. private or public). Design/methodology/approach: Content analysis by using Voyant Tools. Findings: The main results showed: (1) a necessity for self-awareness; (2) an overall emphasis on society and students, as stakeholders; (3) there were no discernible similarities in terms between firms and universities; (4) MS tend to be longer in universities from Asia and shorter from Europe; (5) the absence of quantitative elements; (6) small universities prioritized knowledge over research; (7) the youngest universities tend to use more of the least frequently used terms; (8) public universities emphasized students and private universities emphasized education; and (9) the private sector has a noticeable interest in the society and the public sector on community. Research limitations/implications: Sub-samples of certain regions should more inclusive in further studies. Considering that the mean sample of MS studies was 89.6, this study used a sample more than two times larger. Although, the African (4) and Latin-American (5) samples were not significant compared with European (94) or North American (79) subsamples. Thus, further studies should consider a more-inclusive ranking in research databases than the QS world university ranking. Practical implications: University planning offices can use these results and the digital database to construct a global outlook on MS trends or uncommonly used terms to define the purpose of their university and future course of action, embrace an overall isomorphism, or seek a distinctive strategy to differentiate their institution from others. In addition, this research can be used by strategic planning scholars to conduct regionally or nationally focused studies. Social Implications: Universities’ MS serve as public pronouncements of their purpose, ambition, and values. In this study, we presented and analyzed the contents of those purposes, in which mission-oriented universities, some of them as global influencers, seek to perform in multiple levels of importance for every country (i.e. education, research, and services with both private and public sectors and the community). Originality/value: Most of the previous studies are restricted to national contexts and based on reduced samples with no open access digital data. In this study we considered a wide sample of universities from Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania, Latin America and Africa; and delivered a digital open access database of MS from those universitiesPeer Reviewe