15,347 research outputs found

    Gauge invariance, radiative interferences and properties of vector mesons

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    We state the implications on the properties of vector mesons due to gauge invariance. In particular, we find that polarized vector mesons exhibit a property in the radiation distribution of order ω1\omega^{-1} in the photon energy, namely it is null when the gyromagnetic ratio becomes g=2g=2. Therefore, the generalization of the Burnett-Kroll theorem for polarized vector-meson states is held only if g=2g=2. In addition, radiative interferences between the electric charge and any gauge invariant term is found to be parametrized by a common global factor which can be used to extract information of the involved states by a proper choice of the kinematical region, where they could be relevant.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the Proceedings of the IX Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields, Colima Mexico. Uses RevTex

    Beyond the soft photon approximation in radiative production and decay of charged vector mesons

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    We study the effects of model-dependent contributions and the electric quadrupole moment of vector mesons in the decays VPP0γV^- \to P^-P^0\gamma and τνVγ\tau^- \to \nu V^-\gamma. Their interference with the amplitude originating from the radiation due to electric charges vanishes for photons emitted collinearly to the charged particle in the final state. This brings further support to our claim in previous works, that measurements of the photon energy spectrum for nearly collinear photons in those decays are suitable for a first measurement of the magnetic dipole moment of charged vector mesons.Comment: 13 pages, 2 eps figures, Latex. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics(2001

    “Being-towards-death” and Authenticity: The appropriation of Heidegger’s work in the philosophical legitimation of the Movimiento Nacional during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

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    Martin Heidegger fue el filósofo extranjero de más impacto en el campo filosófico español de los años treinta, y el propio Ortega y Gasset se medía con las ideas que el alemán había expuesto en su obra fundamental, Ser y tiempo (1927). En ese contexto, empezó a ser importado por filósofos e intelectuales vinculados a la conspiración anti-republicana y una vez en marcha la Guerra Civil, buena parte de su jerga fue utilizada por jóvenes intelectuales de Falange en sus órganos de prensa, entre los que destacó Pedro Laín Entralgo. Pero también será usado por parte de la extrema derecha monárquica, y especialmente el filósofo José Pemartín se servirá de su concepción del tiempo para hacer de la vida cristiana, defendida por las armas, única forma auténtica de existencia. La presente investigación reconstruirá el contexto de lucha simbólica e intelectual por la dirección del Movimiento en el que la obra de Heidegger se recibió y se usó (básicamente, la lectura falangista y la lectura del nacionalismo reaccionario), así como las estrategias discursivas a las que el maestro alemán se vio expuestoMartin Heidegger was the most influential foreign philosopher on the Spanish philosophy in the 30s, and Ortega y Gasset himself dealt with the ideas exposed by the German in his major work, Being and Time (1927). In this context, Heidegger’s work was gradually imported by intellectuals and philosophers linked to the anti-Republican conspiracy. When the Civil War started, its jargon was adopted by Falange’s young intellectuals for their media outlets, Pedro Lain Entralgo, among them. However, it will be also used by a faction of extreme right-wing monarchists. One instance of it was the philosopher Jose Pemartín, who will make use of Heidegger’s concept of time to turn the Christian way of life, now in arms, into the only authentic form of existence. The present paper will restore the context of the symbolical and intellectual struggle for the leadership of the Movimiento that received and made use of Heidegger’s work, specially the Falangist and the reactionary nationalism interpretations, as well as the discursive strategies to which the German master’s ideas were expose

    Psicología y gente

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    Rafael Castro Sánchez (biografía): Nació en Santiago, República Dominicana. Se licenció en psicología en la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) e hizo una maestría en ciencias políticas en la Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU). Ha publicado tres libros de ensayo: "Las implicaciones ideológicas y políticas de la psicología", "Psicología, mujer y sociedad" e "Intuiciones Sociopsicológicas". Ejerció la docencia en esta Universidad APEC.En "Psicología y gente", el autor trata brevemente dos temas fundamentales en la crianza de los niños: la necesidad que tienen de disfrutar de su niñez y su tendencia a manipular a los padres. En el primer acápite, se advierte a lo padres que deben dejar tiempo para que sus vástagos no hagan nada, para que simplemente descansen. Atiborrarlos de actividades extracurriculares solo para que se encuentren ocupados en todo momento, para que no molesten o no se involucren en actividades malsanas equivale a impedir que se entreguen a la fantasía, a las ensoñaciones, a la aventura de ser niños, lo que a la larga coarta su capacidad de inventiva y su creatividad. En el segundo acápite, se recomienda a los padres no dejarse utilizar por sus hijos. No deben reforzar las acciones negativas (lloros y pataleos) con los que estos intentan obtener el cumplimiento de sus deseos, pues ello solamente conduce a que los pequeños, inmaduros como son, tomen el control de la relación paternofilial. Si esto sucede, graves problemas familiares se generan y la constitución de la personalidad de los infantes se ve perjudicada

    ¿Es útil diferenciar a los interlocks de acuerdo con el tipo de consejero (ejecutivo o no ejecutivo) que los posee? Su influencia sobre el rendimiento de la empresa

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    Taking the assumptions of the resource dependency theory as our starting point, the main objective of this investigation is to gain an understanding of how and in what way board members who serve on multiple boards (interlocks) can affect a firm’s profitability, and whether it is useful to consider the derivation of these interlocks according to the type of board member (executive or non-executive) who possesses them. Using dynamic panel data analysis (GMM) and a sample of 88 firms quoted on the Spanish Continuous Market for the period 2005–2008, our results confirm the existence of a curvilinear (inverted-U) relation between interlocks and firm performance. The results demonstrate that this relation is only significant if we include the total number of external ties rather than just the number of links generated by non-executive directors. We can also confirm that the degree of familiarity and shared knowledge between board members (measured by average board tenure) affects this relationship.Partiendo de los supuestos de la teoría de dependencia de recursos, el principal objetivo de esta investigación pasa por conocer cómo y de qué forma la pertenencia de los consejeros a múltiples consejos (interlocks) podría afectar a la rentabilidad de la empresa y si es importante considerar en esta relación la procedencia de los interlocks según la tipología del consejero que lo ostente (consejeros ejecutivos y no ejecutivos). Mediante un análisis de datos de panel dinámico (GMM), y a través de una muestra de 88 empresas cotizadas en el Mercado Continuo espa˜nol para el periodo 2005–2008, los resultados obtenidos confirman que existe una relación curvilínea (en forma de U invertida) entre los interlocks y el rendimiento de la empresa, y que esta relación es sólo significativa si tenemos en cuenta el número total de vínculos externos, y no sólo cuando tomamos en número de vínculos generados por los consejeros no-ejecutivos. Asimismo, podemos afirman que el grado de familiaridad y conocimiento mutuo entre los miembros del consejo (medido por la permanencia media del consejo) influye sobre esta relación

    Climate mal-adaptation and biotic interactions at species' range limits

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    Why species have restricted geographic distributions or why species do not occur everywhere is still an open question in ecology and evolutionary biology. It is assumed that the species range limits normally reflect the ecological conditions where the species stop occurring because of a lack of habitat suitability. Moreover, these populations at the margins are known to suffer from a history of small population size and the accumulation of genetic drift. Additionally, biotic interactions have been recently proposed to act negatively at the range edges. Among them, pollination services are particularly important as reproduction and population dynamics of the majority of the flowering plant species rely upon them. However, pollinator services are not constant, varying across different temporal and spatial scales. Here I tested whether a history of small population size, enhanced genetic drift, and the accumulation of deleterious mutations in range-edge populations was linked with reduced adaptation in the North American Arabidopsis lyrata. I performed a transplant experiment with sites across and beyond the species distribution with source plant populations from the centre and the periphery, these last ones with a history of range expansion or long-term isolation. Additionally, I monitored pollination interactions in natural populations over a transect spanning from the southern to the northern range limit and over different temporal and spatial scales using time-lapse cameras. The results from the transplant experiment shown that plant multiplicative performance declined toward the southern range limit and beyond, but not in the northern range. Furthermore, populations shown evidence of climate adaptation to two suggested niche variables, temperature in spring, and precipitation of the wettest quarter. However, the signature of adaptation was reduced in populations with a history of small population size, and additionally, the heterosis effect was increased in populations with heightened genomic estimates of load, longer expansion distance or long-term isolation, and a selfing mating system. Genetic drift and mutation accumulation due to past range expansion and long-term isolation of small populations at the range margins is therefore a strong determinant of population-mean performance. In the pollinators project, I found that the plant-pollinator network for A. lyrata is a generalist system, and southern populations had lower pollination services compared to center and northern populations. The diurnal activity of the pollinators was mostly explained by air temperature conditions, occurring the majority of the visits during the mid-day. The density of flowers in a patch explained partially the spatial variation, but the signature was specific for each taxonomic group. Even though no evidence of niche partitioning was found, the different taxonomic groups of pollinators differed in their activity window where some taxa were more tolerant under certain temperatures or intervals of the day

    Biochemical and cytological studies of genetic transfer from the Mv genome of Aegilops ventricosa into hexaploid wheat

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    A double interspecific oross {Triticum turgidum (AB) var. rubroatrum H-l-1 x Ae. ventvicosa (DM°) AP-l} x T.aestivum (ABD) cv. Almatense H-10-1S was carried out in 1950 by M. Alonso Peña (Cuenca, Spain) and 70 Unes were devived from it by vepeated selfing (Unes H-93-1 thvough 70). Pveliminavy biochemical evidence indicated genetic tvansfev fvom the M° genome of Ae.ventvicosa into some of these Unes. A more detailed biochemical and cytological characteriza tion of the H-93- Unes was undertaken. A progress report of these studies is presented here. Fourten biochemical systems, each representing a set of up to 4 homoeologous loci, weve investigated in the vavental material, in the H-93- Unes, and in Ae. squavrosa (DD), Ae. comosa (MM) and Ae. uniaristata (M^-M11). Biochemical markers controlled by the A or B genomes of one or both wheat parents weve distributed in the H-93- Unes as expected if the egcells fvom the self-stevile ABDM0 hybvid, rescued by the ABD polen, cavvied the complete A and B genomes from T. tuvgidum. The distvibution of biochemical mavkevs contvolled by the D genomes of one ov both D genome parents indicated that most of the eggcells from the ABDM0 hybrid carvied most of the D genome, i.e. 3 out of 8 markers of the former tupe were absent in a few Unes each, ind.icating incomplete homology between the two D genomes, non-homologous transfer or deletion. Biochemical characters present in Ae. ventricosa (DM°), Ae. comosa (M), Ae. uniaristata (M11) and absent in T. aestivum (ABD), Ae. squarrosa (D) and T. tuvgidum (AB) were selected as M° genome markers. Two of these markers were not transmited to the H-93- Unes, three were tvansmitted with low fvequency and one with a high fvequency. Resistance to Erisiphe graminis was determined by Dosba and Doussinault at Rennes and was found to be transmitted with low fvequency. Somatic chromosome numbers of the H-93- Unes were counted and all weve found to be hexaploid. Meiosis was studied in Unes cavvying M° genome mavkevs and in their hybrids with the T. aestivum parent, to determine the máximum numbev of alien chvornosornespvesent in each Une. The joint considevation of the biochemical and the cytological evidence se^me to indícate that the genetic tvansfev has taken place by chvomosome substitution and by vecombination

    Ser trabajadora social en México: el impacto de las ideologías de género en el surgimiento de las escuelas de trabajo social

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    En el presente artículo se utiliza la teoría de género para analizar el surgimiento del trabajo social y la construcción de la identidad profesional de la trabajadora social mexicana. A diferencia de otras investigaciones sobre la historia del trabajo social, el estudio muestra la importancia que tienen los discursos hegemónicos en torno a los géneros en la emergencia y el posterior desarrollo de la profesión. Estos discursos estigmatizantes acerca de las mujeres que surgieron durante el Siglo XIX en México y que influyeron en las características de las primeras escuelas de trabajo social del país, se siguen reproduciendo sin cambios sustanciales hasta la actualidad