1,457 research outputs found

    Confirmation of symmetrical distributions of clinical attachment loss and tooth loss in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population

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    Background/purpose To ascertain whether or not clinical attachment loss and tooth loss are present with similar severity and prevalence across the two sides of the mouth in a homogeneous sample of urban male adults. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was carried out on 161 policemen (a largely homogeneous group in terms of ethnic background, socioeconomic status, sex, occupation, and medical/dental insurance) in Campeche, Mexico. Periodontal examinations were undertaken using the Florida Probe System in a dental chair by one trained and standardized examiner (kappa ≥ 0.60) to determine clinical attachment loss and tooth loss. We examined six sites in all teeth present in the mouth (a maximum of 168 sites, no third molars). Because of correlated data between observations, McNemar (for tooth loss) and Wilcoxon (for attachment loss) signed-rank tests were used to compare right and left sites within the same patient. Results The mean age was 38.4 ± 11.0 years. The mean number of teeth present was 24.4 ± 4.6; the mean number of periodontal sites/person was 146.7 ± 27.8. All P values were ≥ 0.05 (except for attachment loss in the upper first premolars), suggesting that there were no statistically significant differences between the right and left sides for the frequency of presentation of these two conditions. Conclusion Tooth loss and attachment loss measurements largely resemble each other on both sides of the mouth

    Evolución de diversas actividades enzimáticas durante la maduración del chirimoyo en atmosfera controlada

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    El fruto del chirimoyo tiene un proceso de maduración muy corto, lo cual afecta a su vida comercial. En este proceso están implicadas una serie de enzimas, como son polifenoloxidasa, peroxidasa, catalasa y fosfatasa ácida. Se han estudiado la evolución de las actividades de estas enzimas, almacenando los frutos en atmósfera de C02 y en presencia de sulfito. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existe una disminución en la concentración de proteínas totales, tanto en el epicarpio como en el mesocarpio de los frutos, durante la maduración en presencia de C02. Igualmente se produce una disminución de las actividades enzimáticas con este tratamiento. Esta baja actividad se mantiene, al menos durante tres semanas de almacenamiento. La presencia de sulfito en atmósfera de C02, no condiciona variaciones ni en la concentración de proteínas del fruto ni en las actividades enzimáticas.Cherimoya fruits after harvesting have a short shelf life thus conditioning their marketing. Polyphenoloxidase, peroxidase, catalase and acid phosphatase are enzymes implicated in the ripening process of cherimoya. We have studied the variations of activity for these enzymes during cherimoya ripening in an C02 atmosphere and in the same atmosphere in presence sulphite. There was a marked decrease in the protein contents of both epicarp and mesocarp, during fruit ripening in C02 atmosphere. Enzymic activities also decreased at the beginning of the ripening. These low activities were maintained while fruits were in presence of C02 or C02 and sulphite

    Dynamic equivalence between atomic and colloidal liquids

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    We show that the kinetic-theoretical self-diffusion coefficient of an atomic fluid plays the same role as the short-time self-diffusion coefficient D_S in a colloidal liquid, in the sense that the dynamic properties of the former, at times much longer than the mean free time, and properly scaled with D_S, will indistinguishable from those of a colloidal liquid with the same interaction potential. One important consequence of such dynamic equivalence is that the ratio D_L/ D_S of the long-time to the short-time self-diffusion coefficients must then be the same for both, an atomic and a colloidal system characterized by the same inter-particle interactions. This naturally extends to atomic fluids a well-known dynamic criterion for freezing of colloidal liquids[Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1557 (1993)]. We corroborate these predictions by comparing molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations on (soft- and hard-sphere) model systems, representative of what we may refer to as the "hard-sphere" dynamic universality class

    Evolución de diversas actividades enzimáticas durante la maduración del chirimoyo n atmosfera controlada

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    Cherimoya fruits after harvesting have a short shelf life thus conditioning their marketing. Polyphenoloxidase, peroxidase, catalase and acid phosphatase are enzymes implicated in the ripening process of cherimoya. We have studied the variations of activity for these enzymes during cherimoya ripening in an C02 atmosphere and in the same atmosphere in presence sulphite. There was a marked decrease in the protein contents of both epicarp and mesocarp, during fruit ripening in C02 atmosphere. Enzymic activities also decreased at the beginning of the ripening. These low activities were maintained while fruits were in presence of C02 or C02 and sulphite.El fruto del chirimoyo tiene un proceso de maduración muy corto, lo cual afecta a su vida comercial. En este proceso están implicadas una serie de enzimas, como son polifenoloxidasa, peroxidasa, catalasa y fosfatasa ácida. Se han estudiado la evolución de las actividades de estas enzimas, almacenando los frutos en atmósfera de C02 y en presencia de sulfito. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existe una disminución en la concentración de proteínas totales, tanto en el epicarpio como en el mesocarpio de los frutos, durante la maduración en presencia de C02. Igualmente se produce una disminución de las actividades enzimáticas con este tratamiento. Esta baja actividad se mantiene, al menos durante tres semanas de almacenamiento. La presencia de sulfito en atmósfera de C02, no condiciona variaciones ni en la concentración de proteínas del fruto ni en las actividades enzimáticas

    SEOM clinical guideline thyroid cancer (2019)

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    Thyroid carcinoma is the most frequent endocrine malignancy and accounts for around 3% of global cancer incidence. Different histologies and clinical scenarios make necessary a multidisciplinary approach that includes new diagnostic methods and surgical, radiopharmaceutical and systemic therapies. This guideline updates several aspects of management of thyroid cancer

    Frequency of Tooth Brushing and Associated Factors in Mexican Schoolchildren Six to Nine Years of Age

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of daily tooth brushing and evaluate some variables associated. Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 320 schoolchildren six to nine years old in Campeche, Mexico. Information on sociodemographic and socio-economic variables, oral hygiene practices and attitudes were collected through a questionnaire. The frequency of tooth brushing was categorized as “0” = fewer than seven times/week, “1” = at least once a day. In the analysis, nonparametric tests were used. Results: Mean age was 6.99 ± 1.00 years, 52.5% were boys. The prevalence of daily tooth brushing was 81.6%. In bivariate analysis, the prevalence of tooth brushing was higher (p < 0.05) among the children of mothers with higher schooling (9.80 years vs 8.47 years, p < 0.05), and in younger children (84.6% in 6−7-year olds vs 71.2% in 8−9-year olds, p < 0.05). A slight, non-significant association (p < 0.10) was noted between the current frequency of tooth brushing and an earlier age when the child first started brushing with toothpaste. There were no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) in the frequency of tooth brushing by gender or by the mother’s attitude toward the oral health of her child. Conclusions: The prevalence of daily tooth brushing was high compared to other studies. Mother’s maximum level of schooling (as an indicator of socio-economic position) was associated with higher frequency of tooth brushing. Maternal characteristics are associated with the oral health behaviour of their children

    Maximum in the Middle: Nonlinear Response of Microbial Plankton to Ultraviolet Radiation and Phosphorus

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    The responses of heterotrophic microbial food webs (HMFW) to the joint action of abiotic stressors related to global change have been studied in an oligotrophic high-mountain lake. A 2×5 factorial design field experiment performed with large mesocosms for >2 months was used to quantify the dynamics of the entire HMFW (bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates, and viruses) after an experimental P-enrichment gradient which approximated or surpassed current atmospheric P pulses in the presence vs. absence of ultraviolet radiation. HMFW underwent a mid-term (<20 days) acute development following a noticeable unimodal response to P enrichment, which peaked at intermediate P-enrichment levels and, unexpectedly, was more accentuated under ultraviolet radiation. However, after depletion of dissolved inorganic P, the HMFW collapsed and was outcompeted by a low-diversity autotrophic compartment, which constrained the development of HMFW and caused a significant loss of functional biodiversity. The dynamics and relationships among variables, and the response patterns found, suggest the importance of biotic interactions (predation/parasitism and competition) in restricting HMFW development, in contrast to the role of abiotic factors as main drivers of autotrophic compartment. The response of HMFW may contribute to ecosystem resilience by favoring the maintenance of the peculiar paths of energy and nutrient-mobilization in these pristine ecosystems, which are vulnerable to threats by the joint action of abiotic stressors related to global change.This research was supported by Junta de Andalucía (Excelencia P07-CVI-02598 to PC, and P09-RNM-5376 to JMMS), the Spanish Ministries of Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino (PN2009/067 to PC) and Ciencia e Innovación (GLC2008-01127/BOS and CGL2011-23681 to PC), the ERC Advanced Grant project number 250254 “MINOS” (to GB), and two Spanish government grants (to JADM and FJB)

    La caverna iluminada: una singular lámpara gravetiense arroja luz sobre el arte parietal de la cueva de La Pileta (Benaoján, Málaga)

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    This paper presents an archaeological, paleontological, taphonomical, chronological and geochemical study of a fossil oyster valve retrieved at the cave of La Pileta. The specimen was taken from Neogene fossiliferous deposits located more than 10 km away from the site. The shell was worked so as to become a portable lamp. 14C/AMS dating of the carbonate crust overlying the shell indicates a Gravettian chronology. Different lines of evidence indicate that during its use life, the valve was used to harbor or process pigments. The data presented throw light on the spread of symbolism in the southwestern corner of Europe during the Early Upper Palaeolithic, and add elements to the debate on the existence of a pre-Solutrean stage in the rock art of La Pileta and, by extension, of the southern Iberian Peninsula.<br><br>En este trabajo presentamos el estudio arqueológico, paleontológico, tafonómico, cronológico y geoquímico de una valva de ostra hallada en la cueva de La Pileta. El ejemplar procede de depósitos fosilíferos neógenos distantes más de 10 km del yacimiento. Una vez adaptada, la concha fue empleada como lámpara portátil. La cronología 14C/AMS de la costra carbonatada que sellaba la cubeta nos remite al periodo Gravetiense. Según diversos indicios en la lámpara, durante su vida útil se procesaron o almacenaron pigmentos. Los datos aportados informan sobre la dispersión del simbolismo del Paleolítico Superior Inicial hasta el extremo sudoccidental europeo, así mismo, suma nuevos elementos al debate sobre la existencia de una fase presolutrense en el arte parietal de La Pileta y, por ende, de todo el sur de la Península Ibérica

    First-line treatment in lymphomatoid papulosis: a retrospective multicentre study

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    Background: Data regarding response to treatment in lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) are scarce. Aim: To assess the daily clinical practice approach to LyP and the response to first-line treatments. Methods: This was a retrospective study enrolling 252 patients with LyP. Results: Topical steroids, methotrexate and phototherapy were the most common first-line treatments, prescribed for 35%, 20% and 14% of the patients, respectively. Complete response (CR) was achieved in 48% of treated patients. Eczematous lesions significantly increased relative risk (RR) of not achieving CR (RR = 1.76; 95% CI 1.16-2.11). Overall median time to CR was 10 months (95% CI 6-13 months), and 78% of complete responders showed cutaneous relapse; both results were similar for all treatment groups (P > 0.05). Overall estimated median disease-free survival (DFS) was 11 months (95% CI 9-13 months) but DFS for patients treated with phototherapy was 23 months (95% CI 10-36 months; P < 0.03). Having the Type A LyP variant (RR = 2.04; 95% CI 0.96-4.30) and receiving a first-line treatment other than phototherapy (RR = 5.33; 95% CI 0.84-33.89) were significantly associated with cutaneous early relapse. Of the 252 patients, 31 (13%) had associated mycosis fungoides unrelated to therapeutic approach, type of LyP or T-cell receptor clonality. Conclusions: Current epidemiological, clinical and pathological data support previous results. Topical steroids, phototherapy and methotrexate are the most frequently prescribed first-line treatments. Although CR and cutaneous relapse rates do not differ between them, phototherapy achieves a longer DFS. Presence of Type A LyP and use of topical steroid or methotrexate were associated with an increased risk of early relapse