4,184 research outputs found

    Public Service Interpreting and Cultural Mediation in the Region of Valencia: Strengths, Weaknesses and Recommendations for Improvement in the Healthcare Setting

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    Abstract: This article aims at approaching the state of the art of Cultural Mediation (CM) and Public Service Interpreting (PSI) in healthcare settings in the Valencian Region by analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the current issues regulating PSI and CM focusing on its legislation, accreditation criteria and implementation of services and suggesting measures that have proven effective in other territories with a larger tradition of PSI and CM services in order to advance towards a health system that ensures equal access and medical care to everyone regardless of the patient’s culture of origin or language.Resumen: Este artículo ofrece una panorámica del estado de la cuestión de la Mediación Intercultural (MI) y la Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos (ISP) en el ámbito sanitario de la Comunitat Valenciana analizando sus fortalezas y debilidades, y centrándose en la legislación, criterios de acreditación e implementación de servicios linguisticos y culturales. Asímismo ofrece una serie de recomendaciones de mejora para contribuir a avanzar hacia un sistema sanitario que garantice un acceso y una atención sanitaria igualitarios independientemente del origen cultural del paciente y su lengua

    Atención a la e-accesibilidad y usabilidad universal en el diseño formativo

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    Nuevas políticas avalan la importancia de la accesibilidad Web, y fomentan que los entornos, productos y servicios puedan ser practicables y la posibilidad de ser utilizados para lo que han sido concebidos. La cuestión es qué se debe hacer para empezar de forma diferente a alcanzar la accesibilidad educativa. A nivel tecnológico, tanto software como hardware especializados en ayudas técnicas, se están llevando a cabo numerosas propuestas por parte de las Administraciones Públicas y otras organizaciones privadas. Sin embargo, no se puede olvidar la oportunidad de la educación a distancia a través del e-learning. La Accesibilidad Universal debe llegar a este nivel de integración del usuario en el campo de la formación a distancia a través de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. La finalidad de este artículo es desarrollar una base de datos común a nivel internacional, que cubra la carencia de investigación educativa en el campo de la e-accesibilidad y que proporcione a los docentes una fuente de recursos para la creación de materiales didácticos flexibles para entornos de educación en red (e-learning) que promuevan la integración de las personas discapacitadas, específicamente en el ámbito académico.New policies support the importance of Web accessibility, and promote the environment, products and services can be practical and can be used for what they are designed. The question is what to do to start in a different way to achieve the accessibility of education. A level of technology, both software and hardware technical support specialist, is being carried out numerous proposals from government and other private organizations. However, we can not forget the opportunity for distance education through elearning. Universal Accessibility to reach this level of integration of the user in the field of distance learning through the New Information Technologies and Communication. The purpose of this paper is to develop a common database at the international level, covering the lack of educational research in the field of e-accessibility and to provide an educational resource for the creation of learning materials for flexible environments education network (e-learning) to promote the integration of disabled people, specifically in the academic field

    Conceptions underlying the construction of knowledge: A model from history teaching

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    En este artículo, y atendiendo a la escasez de estudios en el ámbito educativo, delimitamos como objetivo configurar un modelo de concep­ciones subyacentes a la dimensión metodológica de la construcción del conocimiento histórico. Para ello, en primer lugar, delimitamos las ope­raciones del método histórico, que constituyen las variables empíricas, considerando, en segun­do lugar, las aportaciones desde la didáctica, para definir los constructos. El modelo inicial está constituido por dos dimensiones: operaciones estructurantes, definidas como operaciones im­prescindibles para proceder acorde con el méto­do histórico, lo que implica un pensamiento me­tódico; y operaciones alternativas, que aportan divergencia y multiplicidad, acorde con una his­toria vanguardista. Para la confirmación del mo­delo, diseñamos un instrumento objetivo, de 44 ítems, realizando un estudio con 222 sujetos, de entre 13 y 18 años. La información fue analizada mediante diferentes procedimientos (correlacio­nes de Pearson, CFA, estadística descriptiva…), utilizando los programas estadísticos SPSS y MPlus. Entre otros resultados interesantes, la confirmación del modelo propuesto implica la ve­rificación de una estructura establecida según la naturaleza de las operaciones, confirmando las dimensiones propuestas. Esta configuración del modelo presenta implicaciones para el ámbito investigador, pero también consecuencias direc­tas para el trabajo en el aula.The aim of this article is, given the scarcity of studies in the field of education, to establish a model of the concepts underlying the methodological dimension of the construction of historical knowledge. To do so, we start by defining the operations of the historical method, which make up the empirical variables. We then consider the contributions from didactics to define the constructs. The initial model comprises two dimensions: structuring operations, which are defined as the operations essential for proceeding in accordance with the historical method, which entails methodical thought; and alternative operations, which provide divergence and multiplicity, in accordance with an avant-garde history. To verify the model, we designed an objective instrument with 44 items and carried out a study with 222 subjects, aged between 13 and 18. The data were analysed using a variety of procedures (Pearson correlations, CFA, descriptive statistics, etc.), using SPSS and MPlus statistical software. Among other interesting results, verifying the proposed model involves verifying a structure established in accordance with the nature of the operations, confirming the proposed dimensions. This configuration of the model has implications for the field of research as well as direct consequences for classroom practice.Este trabajo se realizó en el marco del contrato predoctoral (19811/FPI/15) de la Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, del que disfrutó la primera autora, y del proyecto «La evaluación de las competencias y el desarrollo de capacidades cognitivas sobre historia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria» (EDU2015-65621-C3-2-R)

    El voto femenino en El Puerto en La Segunda República

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    El voto femenino en El Puerto en La Segunda Repúblic

    Experimental Equipment to Develop Teaching of the Concept Viscosity

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    [EN] Some of the subjects have complex concepts, which are currently taught using deductive methods in the first years of University Degree. However, the experience shows the results obtained from students¿ learning goals were quite low. Therefore, the use of inductive method is a crucial factor to improve students¿ learning results and re-thinking the way to teach in basic subject of Engineering Bachelor Degree. One example is the subject called Fluid Mechanics, which is present in many Bachelor Degrees. This matter has abstract concepts, which are normally taught by traditional methods. This type of teaching makes difficult to be understood by the student. This research proposes an inductive methodology to work the viscosity concept using an activity. In this test, the student has to carry out some measurements with different fluids using a simple measurement device while they participated actively in the learning.Pérez-Sánchez, M.; Galstyan-Sargsyan, R.; Pérez-Sánchez, MI.; López Jiménez, PA. (2018). Experimental Equipment to Develop Teaching of the Concept Viscosity. Education Sciences. 8(4). doi:10.3390/educsci8040179S8

    Electro-optical Simulation of a-Si Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Pixels

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    An analysis of an amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) pixel is presented. The electro-optical model combines the electrical properties of the switching element and the optical performance of a twisted nematic (TN) liquid-crystal cell.Publicad

    A Methodological Approximation of the Measurement of Instrumental Social Exclusion from the Capability Approach: The Case of Vulnerable Areas in the City of Murcia, Spain

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    The indirect effects of social exclusion in different fields of the lives of individuals have been scarcely studied. The literature that addresses social exclusion from the capability approach is sparse, and a methodology for measuring the instrumental effects of social exclusion on capability deprivation has not yet been implemented. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to propose a methodological framework to quantify these effects, based on two techniques: Structural equation modelling and principal component analysis. Likewise, this study presents a practical application in the vulnerable areas of the city of Murcia, Spain. In order to obtain the data, fieldwork was carried out using 464 questionnaires. The theorised model was statistically contrasted, confirming that it is not false. The study revealed that instrumental social exclusion had a moderate impact on the deprivations experienced by the study population

    Evaluation of Electro-Optic Behaviour of Chiral Smetic Liquid Crystals Dispalys with V-shaped response

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    In the last years, chiral smectic liquid crystals with V-shaped electro-optic response have been reported as one of the most promising technologies for display applications. In this work,some experiments have been made in order to check electrooptical performance of this kind of materials. Particularly, frequency dependence of optical response and memory effect in transmission have been analyzed. Microscopic observations of intermediate transmission levels and measurements of apparent tilt angle and response time have been also carried out