2,614 research outputs found

    Cefalea tensional :tratamiento desde el punto de vista de la fisioterapia

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    La cefalea tensional es la cefalea primaria más habitual. Presenta una alta prevalencia y tiene un fuerte impacto en la sociedad a nivel de costes económicos y sanitarios. Objetivos: Por una lado conocer la evidencia científica a cerca del tratamiento desde el punto de vista de la fisioterapia, en el caso de la cefalea tensional. Por otro lado, de forma más específica, dos objetivos: conocer la evidencia científica actual sobre las técnicas de fisioterapia utilizadas en la cefalea tensional y conocer la evidencia científica acerca de la literatura sobre la cefalea tensional actualment

    Low Computational Cost Machine Learning: Random Projections and Polynomial Kernels

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    [EN] According to recent reports, over the course of 2018, the volume of data generated, captured and replicated globally was 33 Zettabytes (ZB), and it is expected to reach 175 ZB by the year 2025. Managing this impressive increase in the volume and variety of data represents a great challenge, but also provides organizations with a precious opportunity to support their decision-making processes with insights and knowledge extracted from massive collections of data and to automate tasks leading to important savings. In this context, the field of machine learning has attracted a notable level of attention, and recent breakthroughs in the area have enabled the creation of predictive models of unprecedented accuracy. However, with the emergence of new computational paradigms, the field is now faced with the challenge of creating more efficient models, capable of running on low computational power environments while maintaining a high level of accuracy. This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of new algorithms for the generation of useful data representations, with special attention to the scalability and efficiency of the proposed solutions. In particular, the proposed methods make an intensive use of randomization in order to map data samples to the feature spaces of polynomial kernels and then condensate the useful information present in those feature spaces into a more compact representation. The resulting algorithmic designs are easy to implement and require little computational power to run. As a consequence, they are perfectly suited for applications in environments where computational resources are scarce and data needs to be analyzed with little delay. The two major contributions of this thesis are: (1) we present and evaluate efficient and data-independent algorithms that perform Random Projections from the feature spaces of polynomial kernels of different degrees and (2) we demonstrate how these techniques can be used to accelerate machine learning tasks where polynomial interaction features are used, focusing particularly on bilinear models in deep learning

    Inversor trifásico con capacidad de inyección de potencia reactiva a la red eléctrica durante fallos

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    Se presenta el funcionamiento de un inversor trifásico fotovoltaico con capacidad de inyección de potencia reactiva a la red eléctrica cuando esta se encuentra en fallo. Las redes de distribución eléctrica presentan unos códigos y normas que describen el comportamiento de la fuente de energía ante los fallos de red, con referencia a la inyección de potencia reactiva para permanecer conectado a la misma. Se propone un novedoso algoritmo de control que pueda tratar distintos tipos de fallos en la red, aportando a esta un apoyo de voltaje flexible. De esta forma el algoritmo se encarga de detectar, caracterizar y solventar los huecos de tensión que se dan en la red, empleando diferentes estrategias de inyección de potencia reactiva dependiendo de las características del fallo. Una vez expuestas detalladamente las distintas estrategias se realiza una comparación de sus funcionalidades mediante los resultados obtenidos de diferentes pruebas realizas en el entorno de programación Matlab Simulink

    Moduli Spaces of Semistable Sheaves on Singular Genus One Curves

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    We find some equivalences of the derived category of coherent sheaves on a Gorenstein genus one curve that preserve the (semi)-stability of pure dimensional sheaves. Using them we establish new identifications between certain Simpson moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on the curve. For rank zero, the moduli spaces are symmetric powers of the curve whilst for a fixed positive rank there are only a finite number of non-isomorphic spaces. We prove similar results for the relative semistable moduli spaces on an arbitrary genus one fibration with no conditions either on the base or on the total space. For a cycle ENE_N of projective lines, we show that the unique degree 0 stable sheaves are the line bundles having degree 0 on every irreducible component and the sheaves O(1)\mathcal{O}(-1) supported on one irreducible component. We also prove that the connected component of the moduli space that contains vector bundles of rank rr is isomorphic to the rr-th symmetric product of the rational curve with one node.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures. Added the structure of the biggest component of the moduli space of sheaves of degree 0 on a cycle of projective lines. Final version; to appear en IMRS (International Mathematics Research Notices 2009

    Efectos de la implementación de medidas de bioseguridad en la porcícola “El Pomo” en Belén de Umbría

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    De acuerdo al aumento de la demanda nacional e internacional del producto de cerdo, cada granja debe estar certificada y además cumplir con las normas de bioseguridad para tener un producto inocuo. De esta manera se estableció un manual de acuerdo a sus necesidades para mejorar y corregir las falencias que se presentan dentro de la granja, determinando los beneficios al implementar una adecuada sanidad y bioseguridad, se evalúan las condiciones actuales de la granja y se revisan las normas de bioseguridad que se han implementado, observando desorden e incumplimiento de normas. De esta forma en la porcícola “El Pomo” se implementó un manual de bioseguridad, con el cual se busco mejorar y corregir las fallas encontradas durante las visitas que se realizaron. Se sugirió cambios como, disminuir el ingreso del personal no autorizado, mejorar el sistema de ventilación y pediluvios, creación de registros de todos los procedimientos que se llevan dentro de la granja, control de plagas para evitar vectores que puedan generar enfermedades, mejorar el manejo del transporte, realizar análisis del agua, para poder conocer los beneficios que trae implementar el manual específico de bioseguridad

    Improvements in CO2 Booster Architectures with Different Economizer Arrangements.

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    CO2 transcritical booster architectures are widely analyzed to be applied in centralized commercial refrigeration plants in consonance with the irrevocable phase-out of HFCs. Most of these analyses show the limitations of CO2 cycles in terms of energy e ciency, especially in warm countries. From the literature, several improvements have been proposed to raise the booster e ciency in high ambient temperatures. The use of economizers is an interesting technique to reduce the temperature after the gas cooler and to improve the energy e ciency of transcritical CO2 cycles. The economizer cools down the high pressure’s line of CO2 by evaporating the same refrigerant extracted from another point of the facility. Depending on the extraction point, some configurations are possible. In this work, di erent booster architectures with economizers have been analyzed and compared. From the results, the combination of the economizer with the additional compressor allows obtaining energy savings of up to 8.5% in warm countries and up to 4% in cold countries with regard to the flash-by-pass arrangement and reduce the volumetric displacement required of the MT compressors by up to 37%

    Experimental determination of the optimum working conditions of a transcritical CO2 refrigeration plant with integrated mechanical subcooling

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    Subcooling methods for transcritical CO2 plants are being studied in order to improve their behavior. Among them, the Integrated Mechanical Subcooling system is one of the most promising owing that performs with high efficiency and it is a total-CO2 system. This work presents the experimental determination of the optimum working conditions of a transcritical CO2 plant working with an integrated mechanical subcooling system. The plant was tested at different pressure and subcooling conditions in order to optimize the COP of the plant and determine the optimal conditions for three ambient temperatures 25.0 °C, 30.4 °C and 35.1 °C and evaporation levels between −15.6 °C and −4.1 °C. Optimum operating conditions were determined and two correlations are proposed to determine the optimal pressure and subcooling as function the gas-cooler outlet temperature and the evaporation level

    Monografía introductoria en los sistemas IoT con énfasis en los sectores de la salud, la educación y la agro-industria

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    La presente monografía reúne información sumamente importante ya que nos da a conocer el nuevo auge de la tecnología, como lo es la más llamada cuarta revolución industrial y el Internet de las Cosas. El internet de las cosas es consecuencia de este avance tecnológico superando la barrera entre los objetos en el mundo físico y su representación en los sistemas de información. Esté recibirá y procesara una extensa información de todos siendo el nuevo oro mundial, la mina de los datos, lo cual implica una pérdida de la privacidad, poniendo en serios problemas gran parte de nuestra información personal es por eso por lo que aun el IoT no es bien visto en estos tiempos, pero es inevitable que el internet de las cosas pertenecerá a nuestro futuro ya que aporta muchas aplicaciones a nuestro diario vivir y mejora nuestra calidad de vida

    Etiopathogenesis of ovarian cancer. An inflamm-aging entity?

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    Ovarian cancer is one of the most common gynecologic cancers and has the highest mortality rate. The risk/protective factors of ovarian cancer suggest that its etiology is multifactorial. Several factors are involved in age-related increases in carcinogenesis, including the accumulation of senescent cells, inflammaging (a chronic inflammatory state that persists in the elderly), and immunosenescence (aging of the immune system) changes associated with poor immune surveillance. At sites of inflammation, exposure to high levels of inflammatory mediators, such as reactive oxygen species, cytokines, prostaglandins, and growth factors, contributes to increased cell division and genetic and epigenetic changes. These exposure-induced changes promote excessive cell proliferation, increased survival, malignant transformation, and cancer development. Furthermore, the proinflammatory tumor microenvironment contributes to ovarian cancer metastasis and chemoresistance. This narrative review of the literature was carried out to delineate the possible role of inflammaging in the etiopathogenesis of ovarian cancer development. We discuss the current carcinogenic hypotheses, sites of origin, and etiological factors of ovarian cancer. Treatment of inflammation may represent an attractive strategy for both the prevention and therapy of ovarian cancer. © 2022 The Author(s