49 research outputs found

    Interés de la elaboración de vídeos didácticos como material de prácticas en la asignatura de "Seguridad Química"

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar el proceso seguido en la elaboración de una serie videográfica constituida por tres videos didácticos, que abordan los aspectos fundamentales de los riesgos derivados de la exposición a sustancias químicas y agentes biológicos en un labo - ratorio universitario. dicho material didáctico innovador, se utilizará en los seminarios teóricos de la asignatura seguridad Química, impartida por los profesores del área de toxicología de la universidad de sevilla. los objetivos fundamentales de dichos videos han sido despertar el mayor interés posible y favorecer la asimilación de conceptos básicos en el alumnado de dicha asignatura, haciendo especial hincapié en la correcta y segura manipulación, el adecuado almacenamiento y la correcta eliminación de las sustancias, contribuyendo en definitiva a la prevención de los riesgos derivados de su exposición.The present work aims to illustrate the process followed to elaborate a set of three didactic illustrate the process followed to elaborate a set of three didactic videos, which shows the main aspects of derived risks from the exposure to the chemical substances and biological agents present in a university laboratory. this innovator didactic material will be used in the subject “chemical security” seminaries lectured by the professors from toxicology area in the university of seville. the most important aims of these videos have been to implicate the students in their learning, making easier for them to assimilate the basic concepts of the subject, such as the correct and secure way of manipulate the chemical substances, its appropriate storage and its suitable elimination, contributing to the prevention of the risks derived from their exposure

    Cianobacterias y cianotoxinas: necesidad de su control en el agua de consumo humano

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    Cyanobacterial waterblooms are becoming an important water quality problem in many countries in the world, as a result of its hepatotoxic and neurotoxic cyanotoxins production, which make these toxins a health risk. Microcystins (MC) are the most frequent cyanotoxins detected on superficial freshwaters. In the present work, toxic risks derived from exposure to MC have been revised, mainly due to the consumption of contaminated waters. This fact makes necessary to perform control and monitoring programs.Las floraciones de cianobacterias se están convirtiendo en un importante problema en la calidad del agua en muchos países del mundo, debido a la producción de cianotoxinas, con actividad hepatotóxica y neurotóxica, que las convierten en un riesgo para la salud. Entre ellas, las microcistinas (MC) son las toxinas más frecuentemente detectadas en aguas superficiales. En este trabajo revisamos de forma sucinta los posibles riesgos tóxicos derivados de la exposición a MC, fundamentalmente por consumo de aguas contaminadas, lo que justifica en definitiva la necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de monitorización y control de las mismas

    Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins: need for their control in water for human consumption

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    Las floraciones de cianobacterias se están convirtiendo en un importante problema en la calidad del agua en muchos países del mundo, debido a la producción de cianotoxinas, con actividad hepatotóxica y neurotóxica, que las convierten en un riesgo para la salud. Entre ellas, las microcistinas (MC) son las toxinas más frecuentemente detectadas en aguas superficiales. En este trabajo revisamos de forma sucinta los posibles riesgos tóxicos derivados de la exposición a MC, fundamentalmente por consumo de aguas contaminadas, lo que justifica en definitiva la necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de monitorización y control de las mismas.Cyanobacterial waterblooms are becoming an important water quality problem in many countries in the world, as a result of its hepatotoxic and neurotoxic cyanotoxins production, which make these toxins a health risk. Microcystins (MC) are the most frequent cyanotoxins detected on superficial freshwaters. In the present work, toxic risks derived from exposure to MC have been revised, mainly due to the consumption of contaminated waters. This fact makes necessary to perform control and monitoring programs.CICYT AGL-2002-0262

    West Nile virus: characterization and diagnostic applications of monoclonal antibodies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Diagnosis of West Nile virus (WNV) infections is often difficult due to the extensive antigenic cross-reactivity among flaviviruses, especially in geographic regions where two or more of these viruses are present causing sequential infections. The purpose of this study was to characterize a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) produced against WNV to verify their applicability in WNV diagnosis and in mapping epitope targets of neutralizing MAbs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six MAbs were produced and characterized by isotyping, virus-neutralization, western blotting and MAb-epitope competition. The MAb reactivity against various WNVs belonging to lineage 1 and 2 and other related flaviviruses was also evaluated. The molecular basis of epitopes recognized by neutralizing MAbs was defined through the selection and sequencing of MAb escape mutants. Competitive binding assays between MAbs and experimental equine and chicken sera were designed to identify specific MAb reaction to epitopes with high immunogenicity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All MAbs showed stronger reactivity with all WNVs tested and good competition for antigen binding in ELISA tests with WNV-positive equine and chicken sera. Four MAbs (3B2, 3D6, 4D3, 1C3) resulted specific for WNV, while two MAbs (2A8, 4G9) showed cross-reaction with Usutu virus. Three MAbs (3B2, 3D6, 4D3) showed neutralizing activity. Sequence analysis of 3B2 and 3D6 escape mutants showed an amino acid change at E307 (Lys → Glu) in the E protein gene, whereas 4D3 variants identified mutations encoding amino acid changed at E276 (Ser → Ile) or E278 (Thr → Ile). 3B2 and 3D6 mapped to a region on the lateral surface of domain III of E protein, which is known to be a specific and strong neutralizing epitope for WNV, while MAb 4D3 recognized a novel specific neutralizing epitope on domain II of E protein that has not previously been described with WNV MAbs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>MAbs generated in this study can be applied to various analytical methods for virological and serological WNV diagnosis. A novel WNV-specific and neutralizing MAb (4D3) directed against the unknown epitope on domain II of E protein can be useful to better understand the role of E protein epitopes involved in the mechanism of WNV neutralization.</p

    Evaluation of extra-virgin olive oils shelf life using an electronic tongue-chemometric approach

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    Physicochemical quality parameters, olfactory and gustatoryretronasal positive sensations of extra-virgin olive oils vary during storage leading to a decrease in the overall quality. Olive oil quality decline may prevent the compliance of olive oil quality with labeling and significantly reduce shelf life, resulting in important economic losses and negatively condition the consumer confidence. The feasibility of applying an electronic tongue to assess olive oils usual commercial light storage conditions and storage time was evaluated and compared with the discrimination potential of physicochemical or positive olfactory/gustatory sensorial parameters. Linear discriminant models, based on subsets of 58 electronic tongue sensor signals, selected by the meta-heuristic simulated annealing variable selection algorithm, allowed the correct classification of olive oils according to the light exposition conditions and/or storage time (sensitivities and specificities for leave-one-out cross-validation: 8296 %). The predictive performance of the E-tongue approach was further evaluated using an external independent dataset selected using the KennardStone algorithm and, in general, better classification rates (sensitivities and specificities for external dataset: 67100 %) were obtained compared to those achieved using physicochemical or sensorial data. So, the work carried out is a proof-of-principle that the proposed electrochemical device could be a practical and versatile tool for, in a single and fast electrochemical assay, successfully discriminate olive oils with different storage times and/or exposed to different light conditions.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, from Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984—Associate Laboratory LSRELCM funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI)—and by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and under the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit. Nuno Rodrigues thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for the Ph.D. Grant (SFRH/BD/104038/2014).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Transcranial direct current stimulation as a motor neurorehabilitation tool: an empirical review

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    Abstract The present review collects the most relevant empirical evidence available in the literature until date regarding the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on the human motor function. tDCS in a non-invasive neurostimulation technique that delivers a weak current through the brain scalp altering the cortical excitability on the target brain area. The electrical current modulates the resting membrane potential of a variety of neuronal population (as pyramidal and gabaergic neurons); raising or dropping the firing rate up or down, depending on the nature of the electrode and the applied intensity. These local changes additionally have shown long-lasting effects, evidenced by its promotion of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Due to its easy and safe application and its neuromodulatory effects, tDCS has attracted a big attention in the motor neurorehabilitation field among the last years. Therefore, the present manuscript updates the knowledge available about the main concept of tDCS, its practical use, safety considerations, and its underlying mechanisms of action. Moreover, we will focus on the empirical data obtained by studies regarding the application of tDCS on the motor function of healthy and clinical population, comprising motor deficiencies of a variety of pathologies as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy, among others. Finally, we will discuss the main current issues and future directions of tDCS as a motor neurorehabilitation tool

    scrSEIM: Skin Conductance Response and Social Expectation while Instant Messaging

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    scrSEIM: Skin Conductance Response and Social Expectation during Instant Messaging. Paper published here: https://doi.org/10.7334/psicothema2022.36