82 research outputs found
Momento Económico (12)
En este número Temas de hoy, 2/ 1985: Las fuentes de ingresos del gobierno mexicano,
Marcela Astudillo Moya. 3/ El cierre de URAMEX: Un paso mas en la
dependencia de México, Arturo Bonilla, 6/ Mercado internacional del petróleo: ¿Nueva sacudida en la producción y precios?, Sergio Sudrez Guevara, 7/ La sinuosa marcha de la cooperación "sur-sur"; crónica de
meses recientes, Alvaro Briones, 10/ La idea del mercado común de América del Norte en el contexto de la
crisis financiera y la reaganomia (1982-1984), Arturo Ortiz Wadgymar, 13
Anticuerpos anti-Ro y anti-La. Caracterización molecular, correlación clínica e inmunogenética
The anti-Ro and Anti-La antibodies have been studied since 25 years ago, but theirs molecular structure, clinical association and genetics relation have aquiered special relevance only in the last past seven years. These antibodies have special interest in the physiopathology of SLE, and in the Sjogren syndrome. In the so called neonatal lupus these antibodies seems to playa direct role in its physiopathology, while in others situations such as vasculitis and nephiritis the tissue damage could be due to the inmune complexes deposition in the vascular structures.Los anticuerpos anti-Ro y anti-La se vienen estudiando desde hace 25 años, pero su estructura molecular, asociación clínica y relación genética adquieren relevancia en los últimos siete (7) años. Estos anticuerpos tienen especial lugar en la nosología del LES y del síndrome Sjögren. En el lupus neonatal los anticuerpos tienen un papel patológico directo, mientras que en otras condiciones (vasculitis, nefritis ), el daño tisular puede resultar por depósito de complejos inmunes en las estructuras vasculares
Environmental awareness of university students in Colombia
The objective of this article was to evaluate the level of environmental awareness of university students in a peripheral region of southern Colombia. Environmental awareness was approached as a multidimensional variable consisting of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. The study was quantitative, approached from the deductive method and descriptive type. The study population corresponded to young university students, and a non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used. For the environmental awareness variable, an instrument was developed with a Likert-type scale based on multiple research studies. The sample consisted of 527 university students. The reliability of the study was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability, while validity was analyzed with mean variance explained and confirmatory factor analysis, being in all cases satisfactory. As a result, modest levels of environmental awareness were evidenced in all dimensions, which is particularly worrying as most of the young people surveyed were between 18 and 25 years old, indicating low interest, knowledge, and availability for environmental issues among future professionals of the South Colombian region. The results were in line with certain results found in similar research reported in the literature. Nevertheless, the situation is worrisome because young students are the new generation of citizens.
Acknowledgment This article was written within the framework of the Special Cooperation Agreement No. 230 of 2023 signed between the Universidad Surcolombiana and the Corporación Autónoma Regional del Alto Magdalena CAM in the project “Implementation of the SENDICAM Science Center as a strategy for the recognition, conservation and social appropriation of the natural heritage in the central and southern area of the department of Huila” BPIN 2021000100425
Heavy metal concentrations in different compartments of Andean lakes of Northern Patagonia
Los elementos traza, que incluyen a los metales pesados, llegan a los ecosistemas acuáticos desde fuentes naturales y antrópicas. Los metales pesados se encuentran entre los contaminantes ambientales más importantes debido a su toxicidad, permanencia y tendencia a acumularse en los organismos acuáticos, por lo que su estudio es necesario por el riesgo ambiental que representan. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados más relevantes en relación a los niveles de metales pesados existentes en diferentes compartimentos de lagos del noroeste de Patagonia. Los estudios realizados determinaron concentraciones de elementos traza en testigos sedimentarios, sedimentos suspendidos, agua, plancton, macroinvertebrados y músculo e hígado de peces. En términos generales, los niveles de metales pesados en los distintos compartimentos fueron similares a los valores medidos en otros ambientes de agua dulce. La excepción la constituyen el mercurio y la plata, que presentan enriquecimientos superiores a los niveles de línea de base de la zona en las últimas décadas. En el caso de la plata fueron observadas mayores concentraciones en sitios cercanos a los asentamientos humanos, y en algunos casos alcanzaron valores correspondientes a situaciones de contaminación moderada. En ningún caso, la acumulación de metales en músculo de peces superó los límites considerados para el consumo humano. Esta revisión permite identificar niveles de referencia y evaluar la tendencia del impacto antrópico, aportando información de base para futuros monitoreos de los ambientes lacustres de la región.Trace elements, including heavy metals, can reach the aquatic ecosystems from natural or anthropogenic sources. Heavy metals are amongst the most important environmental contaminants due to its toxicity, permanency and its tendency to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. Because of those factors it is important to study these elements to assess the environmental risk they represent to the aquatic ecosystems of the region.The objective of this work is to present the most relevant results concerning the levels of heavy metals in different compartments of lakes in Northwestern Patagonia. These results allow the analysis of trace element concentrations in sediment cores, suspended sediments, water, plankton, macroinvertebrates and fish muscle and liver. In general, heavy metal concentrations in the different compartments are similar to those found in other freshwater ecosystems. The exceptions are mercury and silver, which show enrichment in the last decades in the upper sections of the sediment cores and higher Ag concentration in sites near human settlements. In some cases, mercury concentrations in sediment and Ag and selenium in biota are similar to ecosystems affected by moderate levels of contamination.Although bioaccumulation of trace elements was observed in fish muscle, in any case the concentrations are above the limits allowed for human consumption by SENASA. This review will help to identify reference values for trace element concentrations and to discern patterns of anthropogenic impacts through time which will help future monitoring of the lacustrine environments of the region
Efecto de los filtros morfológicos en los procesos de detección de objetos en movimiento
En los procesos de sustracción de fondo aplicado a la detección de objetos en movimiento, una de las etapas de mayor relevancia es la del filtrado por morfología, en donde se simplifica la imagen y se conservan la mayor parte de las características de forma de los objetos. Por ello, se realiza una comparativa entre las operaciones de dilatación, erosión, apertura, cierre y gradiente en imágenes de video con fondo estático, donde circulan personas en ambientes no controlados, con el objetivo de determinar su comportamiento en la detección y conteo de personas. El procesamiento de imagen se realiza en lenguaje Python y se utiliza el paquete especializado para visión por computadora OpenCV. Además, mediante Tkinter se desarrolló una interfaz gráfica de usuario con la que se ingresan los valores del tamaño y la forma del elemento estructural para el procesamiento. Al aplicar el filtrado morfológico por dilatación se obtuvo un acierto en las detecciones de 82.28 %, con la erosión el acierto fue de 81.86 %, mientras que, con las operaciones de apertura, cierre y gradiente el acierto fue de 83.69 %, 93.07 % y 87.69 % respectivamente
Identification of Putative Ortholog Gene Blocks Involved in Gestant and Lactating Mammary Gland Development: A Rodent Cross-Species Microarray Transcriptomics Approach
The mammary gland (MG) undergoes functional and metabolic changes during the transition from pregnancy to lactation, possibly by regulation of conserved genes. The objective was to elucidate orthologous genes, chromosome clusters and putative conserved transcriptional modules during MG development. We analyzed expression of 22,000 transcripts using murine microarrays and RNA samples of MG from virgin, pregnant, and lactating rats by cross-species hybridization. We identified 521 transcripts differentially expressed; upregulated in early (78%) and midpregnancy (89%) and early lactation (64%), but downregulated in mid-lactation (61%). Putative orthologous genes were identified. We mapped the altered genes to orthologous chromosomal locations in human and mouse. Eighteen sets of conserved genes associated with key cellular functions were revealed and conserved transcription factor binding site search entailed possible coregulation among all eight block sets of genes. This study demonstrates that the use of heterologous array hybridization for screening of orthologous gene expression from rat revealed sets of conserved genes arranged in chromosomal order implicated in signaling pathways and functional ontology. Results demonstrate the utilization power of comparative genomics and prove the feasibility of using rodent microarrays to identification of putative coexpressed orthologous genes involved in the control of human mammary gland development
Momento Económico (46)
En este número
Momento político: La ofensiva conservadora y la
nueva Ley Federal del trabajo, Víctor M. Bemal Sahagún 2.
¿De cuál desarrollo y de cuáles regiones se trata en el Plan
Nacional?, Angel Bassols Batalla 3. El Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 1989-1 994, Luis Fuentes Aguilar 10. Fernando Carmona de la Peña: Maestro emérito, Benito Rey Romay 12.
José Luis Ceceiía Camez, Maestro emérito, Alma Chapoy Bonifaz y Salvador Martínez Della Roca 13. La deuda externa del llamado Tercer Mundo y la paz, Ramón Matínez Escamilla 14. Cananea: entre la quiebra y la privatización otro golpe a los trabajadores, José Casca Zamora 17.
Paraestatales: Telmex y Pemex, Arturo Bonilla y Sergio Suárez Guevara 20.
Los verdaderos alcances de la renegociación de la deuda
externa de México, José Lorenzo Santos Valle 22.
Indicadores económicos: México balance económico de
los sectores primer semestre de 1989, Clara Eugenia Aranda 25. Temas de hoy José Antonio Moreno 32
High variability of perezone content in rhizomes of Acourtia cordata wild plants, environmental factors related, and proteomic analysis
With the aim of exploring the source of the high variability observed in the production of perezone, in Acourtia cordata wild plants, we analyze the influence of soil parameters and phenotypic characteristics on its perezone content. Perezone is a sesquiterpene quinone responsible for several pharmacological effects and the A. cordata plants are the natural source of this metabolite. The chemistry of perezone has been widely studied, however, no studies exist related to its production under natural conditions, nor to its biosynthesis and the environmental factors that affect the yield of this compound in wild plants. We also used a proteomic approach to detect differentially expressed proteins in wild plant rhizomes and compare the profiles of high vs. low perezone-producing plants. Our results show that in perezone-producing rhizomes, the presence of high concentrations of this compound could result from a positive response to the effects of some edaphic factors, such as total phosphorus (Pt), total nitrogen (Nt), ammonium (NH4), and organic matter (O. M.), but could also be due to a negative response to the soil pH value. Additionally, we identified 616 differentially expressed proteins between high and low perezone producers. According to the functional annotation of this comparison, the upregulated proteins were grouped in valine biosynthesis, breakdown of leucine and isoleucine, and secondary metabolism such as terpenoid biosynthesis. Downregulated proteins were grouped in basal metabolism processes, such as pyruvate and purine metabolism and glycolysis/gluconeogenesis. Our results suggest that soil parameters can impact the content of perezone in wild plants. Furthermore, we used proteomic resources to obtain data on the pathways expressed when A. cordata plants produce high and low concentrations of perezone. These data may be useful to further explore the possible relationship between perezone production and abiotic or biotic factors and the molecular mechanisms related to high and low perezone production.This work was supported by the Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado PROMEP/103.5/13/6626 and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología CONACyT-Mexico for Ph.D. scholarship 392123/254165. The University of Alicante lab is a member of Proteored, PRB3 and is supported by grant PT17/0019, of the PE I+D+I 2013-2016, funded by ISCIII and ERDF. Roque Bru-Martínez received financial support from the University of Alicante (VIGROB-105)
Perspectivas de la empresa y la economía mexicana frente a la reestructuración productiva
1 archivo PDF (404 páginas)Este texto se presenta una reflexión de investigadores de la UAM, así como de otras Instituciones de Educación Superior respecto al marco en el que se han desenvuelto las empresas mexicanas en los últimos años, así como del desarrollo en algunos de sus sistemas organizacionales. PALABRAS CLAVE: Mexico Economic policy 1970-1994
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