222 research outputs found

    Competencia lectora de los estudiantes universitarios de primer curso. Relaciones con los hábitos de lectura y el rendimiento académico

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    En la nueva sociedad de la información, la competencia lectora es una capacidad clave para generar nuevo conocimiento cuando el alumnado accede a los estudios superiores. El interés y el compromiso con la lectura son fundamentales para interpretar las diferentes situaciones en las que el individuo se ve inmerso. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación, desde el paradigma cuantitativo, es evaluar la competencia lectora en una muestra de estudiantes de diferentes Titulaciones de la Universidad de Valladolid, así como analizar los hábitos de lectura que han adquirido a lo largo de su trayectoria académica y personal, en función de los factores psicosociales a los que han estado expuestos. Además, se comprueba las relaciones existentes entre estas variables junto con el rendimiento académico. Para ello, se aplicó el Test CLUni de competencia lectora (Felipe y Barrios, 2015), un cuestionario adaptado de hábitos lectores (Larrañaga, 2004), y se recogió la nota media del expediente académico del primer cuatrimestre. Los resultados indican puntajes medios en competencia lectora, y éstos varían en función del sexo y el grado que estén cursando. Los hábitos de lectura son ocasionales y se hallan diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, no así entre titulaciones. Existen relaciones significativas entre la competencia lectora, el índice lector y el rendimiento académico.Departamento de PedagogíaMáster en Investigación Aplicada a la Educació

    Protectores solares: problemas acaecidos por exceso o defecto de uso

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    La radiación solar es un tema de actualidad que ha enfrentado a diversos autores en los últimos años. La aplicación de fotoprotectores cutáneos como el método más utilizado para evitar los efectos dañinos de la radiación ultravioleta y los mensajes de las campañas de protección solar, están en el punto de mira a pesar de que existe una gran evidencia de que gracias a ellos, han disminuido las tasas de las diversas afecciones de piel por sobreexposición, puesto que se tiene la certeza de que la radiación ultravioleta es un carcinógeno cutáneo. Por otro lado, la insuficiencia de vitamina D sérica, obtenida partir de síntesis cutánea post-exposición solar, se asocia a diversos trastornos, con alta prevalencia a nivel regional y mundial. En la actualidad su deficiencia se considera un problema de salud pública. Por lo tanto, resulta conveniente valorar todas las evidencias y controversias sobre su uso excesivo y encontrar un punto de equilibrio que beneficie a toda la población

    Noninvasive assessment of an engineered bioactive graft in myocardial infarction: impact on cardiac function and scar healing

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    Cardiac tissue engineering, which combines cells and biomaterials, is promising for limiting the sequelae of myocardial infarction (MI). We assessed myocardial function and scar evolution after implanting an engineered bioactive impedance graft (EBIG) in a swine MI model. The EBIG comprises a scaffold of decellularized human pericardium, green fluorescent protein-labeled porcine adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells (pATPCs), and a customized-design electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) monitoring system. Cardiac function was evaluated noninvasively by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Scar healing was evaluated by using the EIS system within the implanted graft. Additionally, infarct size, fibrosis, and inflammation were explored by histopathology. Upon sacrifice 1 month after the intervention, MRI detected a significant improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction (7.5%64.9% vs. 1.4%63.7%; p = .038) and stroke volume (11.565.9 ml vs. 364.5 ml; p = .019) in EBIG-treated animals. Noninvasive EIS data analysis showed differences in both impedance magnitude ratio (20.02 6 0.04 per day vs. 20.48 6 0.07 per day; p = .002) and phase angle slope (20.18°60.24° per day vs.23.52°60.84° per day; p = .004) in EBIG compared with control animals. Moreover, in EBIG-treated animals, the infarct size was 48% smaller (3.4%60.6% vs. 6.5%61%; p = .015), less inflammation was found by means of CD25+ lymphocytes (0.65 6 0.12 vs. 1.26 6 0.2; p = .006), and a lower collagen I/III ratio was detected (0.4960.06 vs. 1.6660.5; p = .019). An EBIG composed of acellular pericardium refilled with pATPCs significantly reduced infarct size and improved cardiac function in a preclinical model of MI. Noninvasive EIS monitoring was useful for tracking differential scar healing in EBIG-treated animals, which was confirmed by less inflammation and altered collagen deposit.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Simulador gastrointestinal dinámico (simgi®): Una herramienta potencialmente útil en nutrición clínica

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    The human gastrointestinal tract harbours the most complex and abundant community of the human body, the colon being where the highest microbial concentration is found (10 12 cell/g). The intestinal microbiota exerts metabolic, trophic and protective functions which are important in the maintenance of the host health. Over recent decades, numerous studies have attempted to provide scientific evidence about the environmental factors that can impact on human health through the modulation of the intestinal microbiota composition. However, this approach is changing, and a new focus on assessing changes at functional level is being developed. If we apply this dual approach to the role played by the diet, it is obvious the need of dynamic gastrointestinal simulation models such as simgi®, that allow to evaluate the transformations undergone by food and/or food ingredients during their transit through the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to determine potential changes in the composition and functionality of the intestinal microbiota after food ingestion. So far the studies using the simgi® have confirmed its potential applications in the area of food as a prior step to its application in clinical nutrition to prevent and/or treat diseases associated with intestinal dysbiosis and metabolic disorders. Likewise, this review includes feasible perspectives of the use of simgi® in clinical research concerning to diseases related to the intestinal microbiota.Dentro de la microbiota humana, el tracto gastrointestinal alberga el ecosistema más complejo y abundante del cuerpo humano, siendo el colon donde se encuentra la concentración más alta de microorganismos (1012 cel/g). La microbiota intestinal desempeñaa funciones metabólicas, tróficas y de protección que son de gran importancia para el hospedador. Durante las últimas décadas, son numerosos los estudios que han tratado de aportar evidencias científicas acerca de los factores que, a través de cambios en la composición de la microbiota intestinal, influyen en la salud humana. Sin embargo, esta aproximación está cambiando, y son cada vez más los expertos que apuestan por evaluar cambios a nivel de funcionalidad de la microbiota. Si aplicamos este enfoque dual al papel desempeñado por la dieta, resulta obvia la necesidad de disponer de modelos dinámicos de simulación gastrointestinal, como es el simgiR, que permitan evaluar las transformaciones que sufren los alimentos y/o ingredientes alimentarios durante el tránsito por el tracto gastrointestinal, así como para determinar los posibles cambios en la composición y funcionalidad de la microbiota intestinal derivados de la ingesta de alimentos. Los estudios llevados a cabo hasta el momento con el simgiR constatan sus potenciales aplicaciones en el área de los alimentos como paso previo a su aplicación en nutrición clínica, para prevenir y/o tratar enfermedades asociadas a disbiosis intestinal, así como trastornos metabólicos. Asimismo, esta revisión recoge posibles perspectivas de utilización del simgiR en la investigación clínica relativa a enfermedades vinculadas con disfunciones de la microbiota intestinalEste trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a la financiación del MINECO (proyecto AGL2015- 64522-C2-R) y la Comunidad de Madrid (Programa ALIBIRD-CM S2013/ABI-2728-CM). Alba Tamargo es beneficiaria de un contrato en el Programa de Garantía Juvenil-CSIC financiado gracias al Fondo Social Europeo. Irene Gil Sánchez es beneficiaria de una beca FPU del MECD (FPU14/0576

    Stereodivergent addition of 4-Silyloxy-1,2-Allenes to aldehydes by hydroboration

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    We have established a new stereodivergent approach to 2-vinyl-1,3-diols based on a hydroboration of allene/addition of aldehyde tandem process. The stereocenter present next to the allenyl moiety (C1) in the starting allene effectively determines the configuration of the new formed carbinol (C3) whereas the relative configuration of C2 and C3 is determined by the configuration (E/Z) of the transient 2- alkenylborane intermediate. It should be noted that the order of mixing of the reagents and the kind of aldehyde used allowed us to obtain three out of the four possible diastereomers of the 1,3- diol

    Extracción de antioxidantes de los arándanos (Vaccinium corymbosum): efecto de solventes verdes sobre polifenoles totales, capacidad antioxidante y comportamiento electroquímico

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    In this study the effect of green solvents such as ethanol/water (EtOH/H2O), acetic acid/water (CH3COOH/H2O), and ethanol/acetic acid/water (EtOH/CH3COOH/H2O) was evaluated on polyphenols extraction, specifically anthocyanins that come from Vaccinium corymbosum specie, to determine its antioxidant capacity using electrochemical behavior. Total anthocyanin content (CAT) and total polyphenols content (CPT) were determined in the extracts employing spectrophotometric techniques and antioxidant capacity (CA) through electrochemical behavior using cyclic voltammetry. When EtOH/H2O is used as a solvent system, a higher polyphenols extraction is achieved, (696.46 ± 26.55) mg equivalent of gallic acid /100 g in fresh basis sample (bh), with EtOH/CH3COOH/H2O solvent mixture, more content of anthocyanins was extracted, (82.09 ± 2.59) mg equivalent of cyaniding-3-glucoside/ 100 gbh of sample, which agrees with the antioxidant capacity by cyclic voltammetry, where the highest value was obtained for the EtOH/CH3COOH/H2O mixture (270.96 ± 10.74) µmol equivalent of gallic acid /100 gbh of sample), i.e., higher concentration of monomeric anthocyanins within the total polyphenol content were oxidized at the working electrode. There are significant differences between the effect of solvent evaluation in the extraction method on each average value achieved in evaluating aspects (CPT, CAT, and CA) with a confidence level of 95 %. Additionally, there is a “strong” positive correlation between CAT and antioxidant capacity (r = 0.95).El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de solventes verdes como el etanol/agua (EtOH/H2O), ácido acético/agua (CH3COOH/H2O) y la mezcla etanol/ácido acético/agua (EtOH/CH3COOH/H2O) en la extracción de polifenoles, específicamente antocianinas, provenientes de la especie Vaccinium corymbosum, con el fin de determinar su capacidad antioxidante mediante el comportamiento electroquímico. Para los extractos obtenidos se determinó el contenido de antocianinas totales (CAT) y contenido de polifenoles totales (CPT) por medio de técnicas espectrofotométricas y la capacidad antioxidante (CA) mediante el comportamiento electroquímico determinado a través de voltamperometría cíclica. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, si bien cuando se tiene EtOH/H2O como solvente se alcanza una mayor extracción de polifenoles, (696.46 ± 26.55) mg equivalente de ácido Gálico/100 g de muestra de base húmeda (bh), con la mezcla de solventes EtOH/CH3COOH/H2O se logra una mayor extracción de antocianinas (82.09 ± 2.59) mg equivalentes de cianidina-3-glucósido/100 g bh de muestra, lo cual concuerda con la capacidad antioxidante por voltamperometría cíclica, donde el mayor valor se obtuvo para la mezcla EtOH/CH3COOH/H2O (270.96 ± 10.74) µmol equivalente de ácido gálico/g bh de muestra), es decir que mayor concentración de antocianinas monoméricas dentro del contenido de polifenoles totales fueron oxidadas en el electrodo de trabajo. En este orden de ideas, se puede concluir que existen diferencias significativas entre el efecto que tuvo la evaluación de los solventes en el método de extracción sobre cada uno de los valores promedios alcanzados para los aspectos evaluados (CPT, CAT y CA), con una confianza del 95 %. Además, hay una “fuerte” correlación positiva entre el CAT y la capacidad antioxidante (r = 0.95)

    Cost-Effectiveness of Upper Extremity Dry Needling in Chronic Stroke

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    [EN] Introduction: Dry needling is a non-pharmacological approach that has proven to be effective in different neurological conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a single dry needling session in patients with chronic stroke. Methods: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed based on a randomized controlled clinical trial. The results obtained from the values of the EuroQol-5D questionnaire and the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale were processed in order to obtain the percentage of treatment responders and the quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) for each alternative. The cost analysis was that of the hospital, clinic, or health center, including the equipment and physiotherapist. The cost per respondent and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of each alternative were assessed. Results: Twenty-three patients with stroke were selected. The cost of DN treatment was EUR 14.96, and the data analysis showed a favorable cost-effectiveness ratio of both EUR/QALY and EUR/responder for IG, although the sensitivity analysis using limit values did not confirm the dominance (higher effectiveness with less cost) of the dry needling over the sham dry needling. Conclusions: Dry needling is an affordable alternative with good results in the cost-effectiveness analysis—both immediately, and after two weeks of treatment—compared to sham dry needling in persons with chronic stroke.S

    Cost-Effectiveness of Upper Extremity Dry Needling in Chronic Stroke

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    Introduction: Dry needling is a non-pharmacological approach that has proven to be effective in different neurological conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a single dry needling session in patients with chronic stroke. Methods: A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed based on a randomized controlled clinical trial. The results obtained from the values of the EuroQol-5D questionnaire and the Modified Modified Ashworth Scale were processed in order to obtain the percentage of treatment responders and the quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) for each alternative. The cost analysis was that of the hospital, clinic, or health center, including the equipment and physiotherapist. The cost per respondent and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of each alternative were assessed. Results: Twenty-three patients with stroke were selected. The cost of DN treatment was EUR 14.96, and the data analysis showed a favorable cost-effectiveness ratio of both EUR/QALY and EUR/responder for IG, although the sensitivity analysis using limit values did not confirm the dominance (higher effectiveness with less cost) of the dry needling over the sham dry needling. Conclusions: Dry needling is an affordable alternative with good results in the cost-effectiveness analysis—both immediately, and after two weeks of treatment—compared to sham dry needling in persons with chronic stroke

    Low-gluten, nontransgenic wheat engineered with CRISPR/Cas9

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    Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered in genetically predisposed individuals by the ingestion of gluten proteins from wheat, barley and rye. The a-gliadin gene family of wheat contains four highly stimulatory peptides, of which the 33-mer is the main immunodominant peptide in patients with coeliac. We designed two sgRNAs to target a conserved region adjacent to the coding sequence for the 33-mer in the a-gliadin genes. Twenty-one mutant lines were generated, all showing strong reduction in a-gliadins. Up to 35 different genes were mutated in one of the lines of the 45 different genes identified in the wild type, while immunoreactivity was reduced by 85%. Transgene-free lines were identified, and no off-target mutations have been detected in any of the potential targets. The low-gluten, transgene-free wheat lines described here could be used to produce low-gluten foodstuff and serve as source material to introgress this trait into elite wheat varieties.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R ; AGL2016-80566-