11 research outputs found

    Fibrosis glútea: ¿esencial o secundaria?

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    Constatamos la rara frecuencia de esta afección presentando 5 observaciones de Fibrosis Glútea recogidas en tres casos clínicos estudiados. Dos son bilaterales y uno afecta a un solo glúteo. Habiéndose invocado, por los autores consultados, etiologías diversas, actualmente sigue siendo desconocida. Creemos de interés resaltar que los casos presentados se trataron en las etapas finales de crecimiento, mientras que los referidos en la literatura consultada todos han recibido tratamiento quirúrgico en edad temprana. El tratamiento es de resultado satisfactorio, independientemente de la edad y de la técnica quirúrgica empleada.Three patients affected with gluteal fibrosis are colected by the authors. Two cases had bilateral presentation and one patient was unilateral. According to the literature, the aetiology continue to be unknow. All patients were treated at the end of growthing period, while all cases collected in the literature were treated early. The results have been satisfactory without relation to age or the surgical procedure employed

    A qué sabe el norte?

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    Libro que compila saberes de las recetas ancestrales y sabores tradicionales de la gastronomía Nortesantandereana, recopila 3 rutas de turismo gastronómico que conjuga 30 municipios de norte de santander y más de 300 tipos de sopas, platos fuertes y postres.Book that compiles knowledge of ancestral recipes and traditional flavors of gastronomy Nortesantandereana, compiles 3 routes of gastronomic tourism that brings together 30 municipalities of northern Santander and more than 300 types of soups, main dishes and desserts.Ruta del durazno y el agua -- Ruta del oro negro -- Ruta del río y la gran convención -- Las mujeres de la independencia -- Honrando a nuestros portadores del saber -- A qué sabe el norte-recetarioPrimera ediciónna230 página

    Derecho ex cathedra. 1847-1936 Diccionario de catedráticos españoles

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    Edición revisada 2020.Publicación de las entradas biográficas del Diccionario de catedráticos españoles de Derecho, accesible en http://www.uc3m.es/diccionariodecatedraticos. Al dar forma de libro al material hemos prescindido de algunos elementos informativos, que se mantienen en la página electrónica indicada. Se recogen ahora solamente a los ingresados en el cuerpo con anterioridad a la guerra civil.Publication of the biographical entries of the Diccionario de catedráticos españoles de Derecho, accessible at http://www.uc3m.es/diccionariodecatedraticos. By giving those material book form, we have dispensed with some informative elements, however kept on the web page. Only professors apointed prior to the Civil War are now included.Esta publicación forma parte del proyecto “La memoria del jurista español: génesis y desarrollo de las disciplinas jurídicas” (ref. DER2014-55035-C2-1-P/DER2014-55035-C2-2-P), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España)

    La informática como herramienta didáctica

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    En este trabajo participan 11 profesores de EGB de distintos colegios de la isla de Lanzarote con un fin común: lograr una mayor introducción del uso de la informática como herramienta didáctica en la EGB. Se trata de facilitar al profesorado con o sin conocimientos ordenadores, su uso en la enseñanza y a la vez poder aplicar ellos mismos el material elaborado. Como objetivos más específicos están: -Estudiar programas informáticos. -Elaborar materiales propios para usar en el aula. -Realizar actividades de formación y asesoramiento al profesorado. -Difundir las actividades a través del CEP. El trabajo en el aula consistirá en llevar grupos de unos 15 alumnos, siempre que la actividad a realizar lo permita. La acción fundamental del grupo de profesores va a estar dirigida a elaborar materiales para que luego el resto del profesorado pueda usarlo con su grupo de alumnos. En cuanto a la consecución de los objetivos, no se consiguió el referido a la realización de actividades de formación a profesores, junto con el asesoramiento al profesorado. El trabajo desarrollado ha sido el siguiente: -Se elaboraron cuestionarios tipo test. -Estudio de programas educativos (valoración y confección de guías). -Acercamiento a los CD-ROM. En conjunto el trabajo se considera satisfactorio..Dirección General de Ordenación e Innovación EducativaCanariasES

    Severity Scores in COVID-19 Pneumonia: a Multicenter, Retrospective, Cohort Study.

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    Identification of patients on admission to hospital with coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia who can develop poor outcomes has not yet been comprehensively assessed. To compare severity scores used for community-acquired pneumonia to identify high-risk patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. PSI, CURB-65, qSOFA, and MuLBSTA, a new score for viral pneumonia, were calculated on admission to hospital to identify high-risk patients for in-hospital mortality, admission to an intensive care unit (ICU), or use of mechanical ventilation. Area under receiver operating characteristics curve (AUROC), sensitivity, and specificity for each score were determined and AUROC was compared among them. Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia included in the SEMI-COVID-19 Network. We examined 10,238 patients with COVID-19. Mean age of patients was 66.6 years and 57.9% were males. The most common comorbidities were as follows: hypertension (49.2%), diabetes (18.8%), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (12.8%). Acute respiratory distress syndrome (34.7%) and acute kidney injury (13.9%) were the most common complications. In-hospital mortality was 20.9%. PSI and CURB-65 showed the highest AUROC (0.835 and 0.825, respectively). qSOFA and MuLBSTA had a lower AUROC (0.728 and 0.715, respectively). qSOFA was the most specific score (specificity 95.7%) albeit its sensitivity was only 26.2%. PSI had the highest sensitivity (84.1%) and a specificity of 72.2%. PSI and CURB-65, specific severity scores for pneumonia, were better than qSOFA and MuLBSTA at predicting mortality in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Additionally, qSOFA, the simplest score to perform, was the most specific albeit the least sensitive

    A multi-taxa assessment of aquatic non-indigenous species introduced into Iberian freshwater and transitional waters

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    Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the introduction of non-indigenous species (NIS), leading to multi-faceted ecological, economic and health impacts worldwide. The Iberian Peninsula comprises an exceptionally biodiverse Mediterranean region with a high number of threatened and endemic aquatic species, most of them strongly impacted by biological invasions. Following a structured approach that combines a systematic review of available information and expert opinion, we provide a comprehensive and updated multi-taxa inventory of aquatic NIS (fungi, macroalgae, vascular plants, invertebrates and vertebrates) in Iberian inland waters. Moreover, we assess overall patterns in the establishment status, introduction pathways, native range and temporal introduction trends of listed NIS. In addition, we discuss the legal coverage provided by both national (Spanish and Portuguese) and European NIS regulations. We inventoried 326 aquatic NIS in Iberian inland waters, including 215 established, 96 with uncertain establishment status and 15 cryptogenic taxa. Invertebrates (54.6%) and vertebrates (24.5%) were the groups with the highest number of NIS, with Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Chordata being the most represented phyla. Recorded NIS originated from diverse geographic regions, with North and South America being the most frequent. Vertebrates and vascular plants were mostly introduced through intentional pathways (i.e. release and escape), whereas invertebrates and macroalgae arrived mostly through unintentional ways (i.e. contaminant or stowaway). Most of the recorded NIS were introduced in Iberian inland waters over the second half of the 20th century, with a high number of NIS introductions being reported in the 2000s. While only 8% of the recorded NIS appear in the European Union list of Invasive Alien Species of Union concern, around 25% are listed in the Spanish and Portuguese NIS regulations. This study provides the most updated checklist of Iberian aquatic NIS, meeting the requirements set by the EU regulation and providing a baseline for the evaluation of its application. We point out the need for coordinated transnational strategies to properly tackle aquatic invasions across borders of the EU members

    Deep-sequencing reveals broad subtype-specific HCV resistance mutations associated with treatment failure.

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    A percentage of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients fail direct acting antiviral (DAA)-based treatment regimens, often because of drug resistance-associated substitutions (RAS). The aim of this study was to characterize the resistance profile of a large cohort of patients failing DAA-based treatments, and investigate the relationship between HCV subtype and failure, as an aid to optimizing management of these patients. A new, standardized HCV-RAS testing protocol based on deep sequencing was designed and applied to 220 previously subtyped samples from patients failing DAA treatment, collected in 39 Spanish hospitals. The majority had received DAA-based interferon (IFN) α-free regimens; 79% had failed sofosbuvir-containing therapy. Genomic regions encoding the nonstructural protein (NS) 3, NS5A, and NS5B (DAA target regions) were analyzed using subtype-specific primers. Viral subtype distribution was as follows: genotype (G) 1, 62.7%; G3a, 21.4%; G4d, 12.3%; G2, 1.8%; and mixed infections 1.8%. Overall, 88.6% of patients carried at least 1 RAS, and 19% carried RAS at frequencies below 20% in the mutant spectrum. There were no differences in RAS selection between treatments with and without ribavirin. Regardless of the treatment received, each HCV subtype showed specific types of RAS. Of note, no RAS were detected in the target proteins of 18.6% of patients failing treatment, and 30.4% of patients had RAS in proteins that were not targets of the inhibitors they received. HCV patients failing DAA therapy showed a high diversity of RAS. Ribavirin use did not influence the type or number of RAS at failure. The subtype-specific pattern of RAS emergence underscores the importance of accurate HCV subtyping. The frequency of "extra-target" RAS suggests the need for RAS screening in all three DAA target regions

    Espacios y destinos turísticos en tiempos de globalización y crisis

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    2 volúmenesXII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.Este libro ha sido editado con la colaboración económica del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ref. CS02010-10416-E)