507 research outputs found

    La función moral de las emociones entre las mujeres intelectuales del siglo XIX en México

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    En el último tercio del siglo XIX en México, la llamada prensa femenina se había convertido en un espacio de expresión de las mujeres y en el lugar contestatario para un pequeño grupos de mujeres intelectuales, representado por las primeras profesionistas en el México liberal. Este grupo de mujeres se empeñaron en justificar la importancia filosófica y social de armonizar la vida material con la vida afectiva-sentimental, con la intención de negociar con el mundo masculino su participación social en la esfera pública. A través de interesantes discusiones filosóficas sobre la relación razón y la emoción en el contexto del desarrollo económico de la nación mexicana. Un problema filosófico milenario, les permitió a estas mujeres poner en primer plano la importancia del amor y los sentimientos en un mundo material, que para el siglo XIX ya se visualizaba como descarnado. Lejos de competir con las denominadas facultades masculinas, estas mujeres asumieron como suyo un capital emocional y a través de él dieron la batalla en pos de la liberación de las mujeres de su tiempo. Este escenario discursivo de la prensa femenina nos ha permitido acercarnos al análisis de la función social y moral de las emociones y ello nos ha posibilitado des victimizar el discurso femenino aun cuando asumieron una “naturaleza emocional” como parte de su identidad femenina.In the last third part of the Nineteenth Century in Mexico, the called female press had become an expression space for women and rebellious place for a small group of intellectual women, represented by the first professionals in the liberal Mexico. This women group endeavored to justify the philosophic and social importance of harmonizing material life with the affective-emotional with the intention to negotiate with the masculine world its social participation in the public sphere, through interesting philosophical discussions on the relationship reason and emotion in the context of economic development of the Mexican nation. An ancient philosophical problem, allowed these women bring to the forefront the importance of love and feelings in a material world which for the Nineteenth Century was viewed as a stark. Far from competing with the called masculine powers, these women took as her emotional capital and through him got the battle for the liberation of women of her time. This discursive scenario of female reporters allowed us to approach the analysis of the social and moral function of the emotions and this has enabled us to not victimize the female discourse, even when they assumed an emotional nature as a part of its female identity

    The effect of household consumption patterns on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions: comparison between Spain and Sweden

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    The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the effect of increasing income on energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by analyzing Spanish household consumption patterns and afterwards, comparing them with Swedish household consumption patterns (Nässén et al, 2009). In order to carry out this goal, the relationship between household expenditure and both energy use and CO2-eq emissions are calculated with the help of input-output methodology. Furthermore, a regression analysis is used to evaluate how energy use and CO2-eq emissions change when there is an increase in household expenditure on a certain commodity. Additionally, this study also provides an empirical contribution to the literature focused on understanding consumer behavior and options to change towards more sustainable consumer practices. In this research, three analyses have been performed. In the first one, the Spanish case is analyzed and it shows that energy use and CO2-eq emission are strongly linked to household expenditure. Subsequently, the Spanish consumption patterns are investigated with respect to the Swedish intensity factors (i.e. energy and GHG emissions). As an outcome, energy use linked to these consumption patterns is similar to the first study whereas GHG emissions would decrease by more than half if Spain had the Swedish production system. Finally, the Spanish and the Swedish cases are compared. Both countries have similar consumption patterns on average and on the margin; the former are dominated by housing and food products while the latter are dominated by mobility, luxury goods and leisure services. These patterns shift implies an increase by almost 0.9% in energy use and 0.85% in GHG emissions when income is increased by 1% for both countries. However, there are some small differences in the composition of consumption patterns in both countries that influence the total energy use: Swedish households use 27% more energy than Spanish households implying 15% more GHG emissions

    Efficient Transformation of Aspergillus nidulans by Electroporation of Germinated Conidia

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    We report the transformation of swollen A. nidulans conidia by electroporation. With this method, transformation frequencies were similar to those obtained by using protoplast fusion. The methodology employed is simple, requiring no enzymes nor osmotic stabilizers. The effects of conidial age, DNA topology/concentration and electric field strength are presente

    Propuesta de visitas guiadas para complementar el curso de verano en Casa de Cultura de Teotihuacan.

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    El concepto de sustentable o sostenibilidad fue introducido por la Comisión Mundial sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, en el informe de Brundtland en 1987 Dirigido a salvagu ardar los recursos naturales y culturales, cubriendo necesidades de los turistas en regiones receptoras, fomentando y protegiendo las actividades turísticas para el futuro. En el año 1991 fue la primera vez que se aplicó el término de Turismo Sostenible en la celebración del 41 Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Expertos Científicos del Turismo (AIEST). Blasco (2005:2) refiere que la OMT define al turismo sustentable o sostenible como: “Atiende a las necesidades de los turistas actuales y de las regiones receptoras y al mismo tiempo protege y fomenta las oportunidades para el futuro. Se concibe como una vía hacia la gestión de todos los recursos de forma que puedan satisfacerse las necesidades económicas, sociales, estéticas, respetando al mismo tiempo la integridad cultural, los procesos ecológicos esenciales, la diversidad biológica y los sistemas que sostienen la vida”

    The effect of household consumption patterns on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions: comparison between Spain and Sweden

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    The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the effect of increasing income on energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by analyzing Spanish household consumption patterns and afterwards, comparing them with Swedish household consumption patterns (Nässén et al, 2009). In order to carry out this goal, the relationship between household expenditure and both energy use and CO2-eq emissions are calculated with the help of input-output methodology. Furthermore, a regression analysis is used to evaluate how energy use and CO2-eq emissions change when there is an increase in household expenditure on a certain commodity. Additionally, this study also provides an empirical contribution to the literature focused on understanding consumer behavior and options to change towards more sustainable consumer practices. In this research, three analyses have been performed. In the first one, the Spanish case is analyzed and it shows that energy use and CO2-eq emission are strongly linked to household expenditure. Subsequently, the Spanish consumption patterns are investigated with respect to the Swedish intensity factors (i.e. energy and GHG emissions). As an outcome, energy use linked to these consumption patterns is similar to the first study whereas GHG emissions would decrease by more than half if Spain had the Swedish production system. Finally, the Spanish and the Swedish cases are compared. Both countries have similar consumption patterns on average and on the margin; the former are dominated by housing and food products while the latter are dominated by mobility, luxury goods and leisure services. These patterns shift implies an increase by almost 0.9% in energy use and 0.85% in GHG emissions when income is increased by 1% for both countries. However, there are some small differences in the composition of consumption patterns in both countries that influence the total energy use: Swedish households use 27% more energy than Spanish households implying 15% more GHG emissions

    Generador de currículos en diferentes estilos: aplicación web

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    Este proyecto recoge la creación de una aplicación web destinada a realizar el Currículum Vitae en diferentes formatos de forma personalizada. Dicha aplicación servirá de soporte a distintos usuarios, que podrán gestionar sus datos profesionales de forma automatizada. Se les permitirá generar distintos formatos y estilos del mismo sin necesidad de rellenar sus datos de forma repetitiva y ajustándose a la normativa necesaria para el mismo. Proporciona una herramienta colaborativa en la cual los diferentes usuarios podrán crear y compartir estilos y secciones del documento, manteniendo siempre la privacidad en sus datos. Para esta aplicación se ha incluido a modo de ejemplo el formato Europeo requerido en los currículos del personal docente de la universidad UCM (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). [ABSTRACT] This project includes the creation of a web application designed to make your CV in different formats in a personalized way. This application will support different users, they can automatically manage their business data. They will generate different formats and styles of the same without filling your data on repetitive times and according to the regulations necessary for it. It provides a collaborative tool in which different users can create and share styles and sections of the document, while maintaining privacy in their data. For this application has been included as an example the European format required in the curricula of the faculty of the UCM University (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

    Extensión de navegador para la eliminación de metadatos

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática, Facultad de Informática UCM, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Curso 2019/2020.The metadata, which is data about the documents we generate digitally, tell more about ourselves that what we could think, potentially being a threat to our privacy and even to the security of our systems. Our project has been the development of a web application which works as a browser extension which is easy to handle by the user and which requires very little interaction with it, offering the possibility to eliminate the metadata present in the documents, specifically in images, that are going to be uploaded to Google Drive. For the achievement of this goal, we decided to organize the project following an architecture based on microservices, offering an easy way to introduce new formats to the system for the processing of the metadata. For the development of these Microservices and the extension, we used technologies widely used today, such as JavaScript, Spring Boot.Los metadatos, datos sobre los archivos que generamos digitalmente, dicen más sobre nosotros de lo que creemos, pudiendo llegar a ocasionar un grave riesgo para nuestra privacidad e incluso para la seguridad de nuestros equipos. Nuestro proyecto ha consistido en la elaboración de una aplicación web en forma de extensión de navegador fácilmente manejable por el usuario y que requiere muy poca interacción con ella, ofreciendo la posibilidad de limpiar los metadatos presentes en los archivos, concretamente en imágenes, que se van a subir a la plataforma Google Drive. Para la consecución de esta meta, hemos organizado el proyecto siguiendo una arquitectura basada en microservicios ofreciendo un fácil acoplamiento a nuevos formatos cuyos metadatos se quieran tratar. Para el desarrollo de estos microservicios y de la extensión, hemos usado tecnologías ampliamente usadas hoy en día como pueden ser JavaScript, Spring Boot.Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Coarse graining the phase space of N qubits

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    We develop a systematic coarse-graining procedure for systems of N qubits. We exploit the underlying geometrical structures of the associated discrete phase space to produce a coarse-grained version with reduced effective size. Our coarse-grained spaces inherit key properties of the original ones. In particular, our procedure naturally yields a subset of the original measurement operators, which can be used to construct a coarse discrete Wigner function. These operators also constitute a systematic choice of incomplete measurements for the tomographer wishing to probe an intractably large system