24 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344, a cyanide‑degrading bacterium with by‑product (polyhydroxyalkanoates) formation capacity

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    Background: Cyanide is one of the most toxic chemicals produced by anthropogenic activities like mining and jewelry industries, which generate wastewater residues with high concentrations of this compound. Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 is a model microorganism to be used in detoxification of industrial wastewaters containing not only free cyanide (CN−) but also cyano-derivatives, such as cyanate, nitriles and metal-cyanide complexes. Previous in silico analyses suggested the existence of genes putatively involved in metabolism of short chain length (scl-) and medium chain length (mcl-) polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) located in three different clusters in the genome of this bacterium. PHAs are polyesters considered as an alternative of petroleum-based plastics. Strategies to optimize the bioremediation process in terms of reducing the cost of the production medium are required. Results: In this work, a biological treatment of the jewelry industry cyanide-rich wastewater coupled to PHAs production as by-product has been considered. The functionality of the pha genes from P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 has been demonstrated. Mutant strains defective in each proposed PHA synthases coding genes (Mpha−, deleted in putative mcl-PHA synthases; Spha−, deleted in the putative scl-PHA synthase) were generated. The accumulation and monomer composition of scl- or mcl-PHAs in wild type and mutant strains were confirmed by gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GC–MS). The production of PHAs as by-product while degrading cyanide from the jewelry industry wastewater was analyzed in batch reactor in each strain. The wild type and the mutant strains grew at similar rates when using octanoate as the carbon source and cyanide as the sole nitrogen source. When cyanide was depleted from the medium, both scl-PHAs and mcl-PHAs were detected in the wild-type strain, whereas scl-PHAs or mcl-PHAs were accumulated in Mpha− and Spha−, respectively. The scl-PHAs were identified as homopolymers of 3-hydroxybutyrate and the mcl-PHAs were composed of 3-hydroxyoctanoate and 3-hydroxyhexanoate monomers. Conclusions: These results demonstrated, as proof of concept, that talented strains such as P. pseudoalcaligenes might be applied in bioremediation of industrial residues containing cyanide, while concomitantly generate by-products like polyhydroxyalkanoates. A customized optimization of the target bioremediation process is required to gain benefits of this type of approaches

    Efficient In Vitro and In Vivo Anti‐Inflammatory Activity of a Diamine‐PEGylated Oleanolic Acid Derivative

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    Recent evidence has shown that inflammation can contribute to all tumorigenic states. We have investigated the anti‐inflammatory effects of a diamine‐PEGylated derivative of oleanolic acid (OADP), in vitro and in vivo with inflammation models. In addition, we have determined the sub‐cytotoxic concentrations for anti‐inflammatory assays of OADP in RAW 264.7 cells. The in‐ flammatory process began with incubation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Nitric oxide production levels were also determined, exceeding 75% inhibition of NO for a concentration of 1 μg/mL of OADP. Cell‐cycle analysis showed a reversal of the arrest in the G0/G1 phase in LPS‐stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Furthermore, through Western blot analysis, we have determined the probable molecular mechanism activated by OADP; the inhibition of the expression of cytokines such as TNF‐α, IL‐1β, iNOS, and COX‐2; and the blocking of p‐IκBα production in LPS‐stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Finally, we have analyzed the anti‐inflammatory action of OADP in a mouse acute ear edema, in male BL/6J mice treated with OADP and tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA). Treatment with OADP induced greater suppression of edema and decreased the ear thickness 14% more than diclofenac. The development of new derivatives such as OADP with powerful anti‐inflammatory effects could represent an effective therapeutic strategy against inflammation and tumorigenic processes

    Technology watch in the metal industrial SMEs: knowledge, application and assessment

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    RESUMEN. La complejidad del entorno económico y tecnológico obliga a las empresas a mejorar su competitividad mediante la innovación. En este contexto la vigilancia tecnológica (VT) como proceso sistemático que apoya a la innovación se convierte en una herramienta fundamental. En la bibliografía el interés por la VT ha evolucionado de la definición del concepto, implicaciones y medios, a su desarrollo práctico centrado en casos de estudio en grandes organizaciones. Sin embargo hay un déficit de trabajos que estudien el uso de la VT en las pymes y presenten los resultados de su utilización. Este trabajo analiza el grado de conocimiento y aplicación de la VT, cómo se desarrollan los procesos, qué frena su utilización y algunos de sus beneficios en 83 pymes industriales del sector del metal.ABSTRACT. The complexity of the economic and technological environment requires companies to improve their competitiveness through innovation. In this context technology watch (TW), a systematic process that supports innovation, becomes an essential tool. In the literature, interest in TW has evolved from the definition of the concept, implications and resources to its practical development, focused on case studies in large organizations. However, there is a lack of works that analyze its use and results in SMEs. Thus, we examine the degree of knowledge and application of TW, how processes are developed and what are its benefits in 83 metal industry SMEs

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    A pós modernidade encerra a interrogação crítica do homem sobre o homem: a linguagem ameaça o que é significante, o que é corpo. O sujeito é falado, e assim constituído depois da linguagem (Althusser, 1976). O jovem Arthur Rimbaud sintetiza-o, aos dezassete anos, numa carta ao seu professor de retórica Georges Izambard, datada de 13 de maio 1871: «C’est faux de dire: je pense: on devrait dire on me pense. Pardon du jeu de mots. Je est un autre». (Rimbaud, 1999: 237) A identidade resiste à linguagem dos homens. A linguagem é transmitida entre as gerações e com ela transporta os sujeitos, ou, o que é dizer o mesmo, a possível interrogação: quem me fala? É esta também a perplexidade que motivou o tema desta revista Estúdio. Reuniram-se, nesta edição, 22 artigos, provenientes de diferentes autores da Argentina, Brasil, Portugal e Espanha, que se debruçam sobre artistas cuja identidade se mostra e merece ser interrogada: são espaços ‘ex-cêntricos,’ para se descobrir.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Guía Castillos de Madrid

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    Sigue al tít. : Castle of Madrid GuideContiene algunos textos en inglésLa historia de la región de Madrid no puede entenderse sin volver la mirada a la Edad Media y a las fortificaciones y castillos que un día organizaron y defendieron su territorio. Esta guía acompaña al turista en el tránsito del siglo XXI hasta la Edad Media, e invita a conocer la región y ciudad de Madrid como protagonista de ese viaje. Organizada en tres partes bien diferenciadas, refleja los tres momentos históricos de la construcción de castillos y fortificaciones en la región: las primeras fortificaciones de época Andalusi (siglos VIII a XI), las fortificaciones cristianas de los siglos XII a XIV, y las últimas fortificaciones y castillos de época señorial, ya en el tránsito de la Edad Media a la Edad Moderna (siglos XV a XVI). En cada capítulo presenta una versión reducida y adaptada en inglés.ES

    The anchorage of the Platja de la Vila (Vila Joiosa, Alicante): the classical period

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    El fondeadero de la Platja de la Vila presenta una utilización continuada al menos entre los siglos II a.C. y V d.C., y a partir del s. XIV hasta los años veinte del presente. Estudiamos aquí los materiales de época clásica, obtenidos durante los trabajos de prospección subacuática desarrollados por nuestro equipo, a los que se añade las piezas extraídas por el club de buceo local. Se presta una especial atención a la interrelación con el contexto arqueológico de tierra.Le mouillage de la Platja de la Vila présente une utilisation continue, tout au moins, entre le IIème s. av. J-C et le Vème 5 ap. J-C, et a partir du XIVème s. jusqu'aux années 20 du présent. On étudie dans cet article-ci les matériaux d'époque classique qui ont été obtenus pendant les travaux de prospection dévéloppés par notre équipe, mais aussi les pieces tirées de la mer par le club local de plongée. On a fait une attention spéciale à la relation avec le contexte archélogique de terre

    ¡Ah del castillo! Fortificaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid : guía breve de las fortificaciones medievales de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    Guía editada con motivo de la exposición del mismo título celebrada en el castillo de Manzanares el Real sobre construcciones defensivas edificadas durante la Edad Media en el territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid. A través de ellas se puede reconstruir cómo se ocupaba el territorio o cómo se delimitaba un asentamiento, qué capacidad tenía una sociedad para emprender grandes obras colectivas y cómo se organizaba. También se puede averiguar cuáles eran las amenazas existentes y cuáles los conflictos que separaban a los grupos humanos, cómo se expresaba simbólicamente el poder de un grupo sobre otro y muchos otros aspectos relevantes de la evolución social de nuestros antepasados.ES