192 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Chilean Minors with Brands and Influencers on Social Networks

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    This article presents the results of a study that sought to analyze the relationship between minors and brands on social media. The frequency with which minors search for or share information or subscribe to brand web pages was measured, as well as their following of influencers, who commonly refer to consumer goods. The main purpose of this article is to contribute to learning about the commercial environment that surrounds children in their routines on social media, particularly because of their growing influence in home purchasing decisions. The results, obtained from a survey applied in 501 homes in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile to minors between 10 and 14 years old, show that the respondents effectively interact with brands through social media. Although it is not a widespread practice among 10- to 12-year-olds, it is increasingly becoming present among 13- to 14-year-olds. Children seem most interested in sportswear, fashion, and technology brands, areas in which children have significant influence in family purchasing decision. Following influencers through social media is also a common activity among minors. In particular, the age groups here studied preferred to follow celebrities, particularly from the worlds of music, football, or YouTube, over specific brands

    Presentation : The never-ending challenge: Exploring the renewed impact of digital technologies on journalism

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    Presentation of the monograph.Presentació del monogràfic.Presentación del monográfico

    The Relationship of Chilean Minors with Brands and Influencers on Social Networks

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    This article presents the results of a study that sought to analyze the relationship between minors and brands on social media. The frequency with which minors search for or share information or subscribe to brand web pages was measured, as well as their following of influencers, who commonly refer to consumer goods. The main purpose of this article is to contribute to learning about the commercial environment that surrounds children in their routines on social media, particularly because of their growing influence in home purchasing decisions. The results, obtained from a survey applied in 501 homes in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile to minors between 10 and 14 years old, show that the respondents effectively interact with brands through social media. Although it is not a widespread practice among 10- to 12-year-olds, it is increasingly becoming present among 13- to 14-year-olds. Children seem most interested in sportswear, fashion, and technology brands, areas in which children have significant influence in family purchasing decision. Following influencers through social media is also a common activity among minors. In particular, the age groups here studied preferred to follow celebrities, particularly from the worlds of music, football, or YouTube, over specific brands

    Specificities Introduced by Mobile Phones in the Relationship Between Children and Commercial Content

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    This article explores the specificities of the relationship between children and the advertising to which they are exposed through their cell phones, and reports on a mixed methodology study conducted in the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile. The study aims to learn about children’s predisposition, interaction, and perceptions with regards to mobile advertising. Most significant is the finding that this young generation (10-14 years old) identify commercial messages with which they claim low levels of interaction. Regarding interaction, the ads which most likely attract minors’ attention are placed on social networks, are presented in formats which provide some value (in terms of information or entertainment) and are for on products of interest to the audience studied. Finally, for many minors advertising eminently belongs to the digital world and their perceptions may not be transferable to traditional media

    Juventud, digitalización y activismo. Algunas reflexiones

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    Although a certain attitude of opposition to the adult and established world has traditionally been presumed by the youngest, it is true that some current social conditions, in addition to digital technology itself, make it more present now. Activism in  and through social networks has become a frequent channel for this age group to present their demands and discontent, and it is worth reflecting on the characteristics that surround this generation and also the particularities of the use they make of technology itself. Among the former, the lengthening of dependence on the adult world stands out, which implies a potential delay in the processes of maturity. This brings with it a vital discontent that finds in the networks a perfect setting to be manifested and to fight against the establishment. Regarding technology, it is clear that it satisfies the needs of young people at many levels, which makes it almost essential for their daily lives, at least in the developed societies. These reflections raise questions to be addressed within the framework of the study of young people and digital activism and that have to do with the degree of development of their digital competence, with their ability to fight against disinformation and its devastating effects on democracies, and also with the most human roots that raises the multidimensional use they make of technology. Young people occupy and live in digital spaces, and this implies radically confronting this reality, also from research.Aunque se ha presumido tradicionalmente una actitud de oposición al mundo adulto y establecido por parte de los y las más jóvenes, algunas condiciones sociales actuales, además de la propia tecnología digital, lo hacen ahora más presente. El activismo en redes sociales se ha convertido en un cauce frecuente para que este grupo de edad presente sus demandas y descontento, y merece la pena reflexionar sobre las características que rodean a esta generación y también las particularidades del uso que hacen de la propia tecnología. Entre las primeras destaca el alargamiento de la dependencia del mundo adulto, que implica un potencial retraso en los procesos de madurez. Esto lleva consigo un descontento vital que encuentra en las redes un escenario perfecto para ser manifestado y para pelear contra lo establecido. Respecto a la tecnología, es evidente que esta satisface necesidades de la juventud a muchos niveles, lo que la convierte en casi esencial para su día a día en las sociedades más desarrolladas. Estas reflexiones plantean preguntas para ser afrontadas en el marco del estudio de la juventud y el activismo digital y que tienen que ver con el grado de desarrollo de su competencia digital, con su capacidad de luchar contra la desinformación que asola a las democracias, y también con el fondo más humano que plantea el uso multidimensional que hacen de la tecnología. Los y las jóvenes ocupan y viven en los espacios digitales, y esto implica afrontar de manera radical esta realidad, también desde la investigación.Embora uma certa atitude de oposição ao mundo adulto e estabelecido tenha sido tradicionalmente presumida pelos mais jovens, é verdade que algumas condições sociais atuais, além da própria tecnologia digital, a tornam mais presente agora. O ativismo nas redes sociais tornou-se um canal frequente para essa faixa etária apresentar suas demandas e descontentos, cabendo refletir sobre as características que cercam essa geração e também as particularidades do uso que fazem da própria tecnologia. Entre os primeiros, destaca-se o prolongamento da dependência do mundo adulto, o que implica um potencial atraso nos processos de amadurecimento. Isso traz consigo uma insatisfação vital que encontra nas redes um cenário perfeito para se manifestar e lutar contra o estabelecido. No que diz respeito à tecnologia, é evidente que ela atende às necessidades dos jovens em vários níveis, o que a torna quase essencial para seu cotidiano nas sociedades mais desenvolvidas. Estas reflexões levantam questões a serem abordadas no âmbito do estudo dos jovens e do ativismo digital e que têm a ver com o grau de desenvolvimento da sua competência digital, com a sua capacidade de lutar contra a desinformação que assola as democracias,  e também com a componente mais humana que supõe o uso multidimensional que fazem da tecnologia. Os jovens ocupam e vivem em espaços digitais, e isso implica enfrentar radicalmente essa realidade, também a partir da pesquisa

    Attracting minors with entertainment: novel forms of brand communication on mobile phone

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    Entretenerse es una de las prioridades que los menores buscan satisfacer en internet, también a través de sus teléfonos móviles. A esta necesidad que tradicionalmente han cubierto otros medios, responde el entorno digital con nuevas fórmulas que combinan entretenimiento con otros intereses, como los comerciales. Esta publicidad híbrida parece encontrar un buen acomodo entre los juegos online y los contenidos generados por influencers, destinos preferidos por los menores hoy en sus pautas de navegación. A través de una metodología cualitativa, con entrevistas a 20 menores del Área Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, se busca comprobar en qué medida las preguntas planteadas por la investigación previa sobre este tema se validan. Entre los resultados destaca que, efectivamente, las comunicaciones de marca están presentes de manera clara en las experiencias de entretenimiento online de los más pequeños, que se muestran particularmente receptivos cuando aportan un valor añadido y sienten que las controlan. La familiaridad generada por los influencers con su audiencia también hace que los menores vean las comunicaciones comerciales de manera relajada. Esto plantea preguntas relevantes sobre si la alfabetización publicitaria de este grupo de edad está a la altura de los retos que plantea este escenario.Being entertained is a major aim among minors online, whether via their smartphone or otherwise. The digital environment responds to this by offering new formulas that combine entertainment with other interests, such as commercial ones, compared with what was traditionally delivered by the media. This hybrid advertising appears to find a good fit between online games and influencer-generated content, both of which are in big demand from minors online. Using a qualitative methodology, with interviews to twenty minors in the metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile, this study attempts to determine to what extent the questions posed by previous research on this topic can be validated. Among the results, it should be noted that advertising is, indeed, clearly present in the online entertainment experiences of children, who are particularly receptive to ads when they provide added value and children feel they can control their presence. The high level of familiarity achieved by influencers via personalisation amplifies the effect of minors feeling this kind of advertising as part of their daily life. This raises the question of whether the advertising literacy of this age group is up to the challenges posed by this scenario.Este trabajo se circunscribe al proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación n. 11170336 financiado por la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Conicyt) del Gobierno de Chile (2017-2019). Investigación también financiada por el Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), bienio 2020-2022

    Overcoming the Age Barrier: Improving Older Adults’ Detection of Political Disinformation With Media Literacy

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    This experimental study analyzes the effect of media literacy on the ability of Spanish seniors over 50 years of age to identify fake news. The experiment measures the improvement achieved by older adults in the detection of political disinformation thanks to a digital competence course offered through WhatsApp. The study comprises a total sample of 1,029 individuals, subdivided into a control group (n = 531) and an experimental group (n = 498), from which a qualified experimental subsample (n = 87) was extracted. Results reveal that participants’ political beliefs, ranging from left to right positions, influence their ability to detect misinformation. A progressive political position is associated with higher accuracy in identifying right-biased news headlines and lower accuracy for left-biased headlines. A conservative position is associated with higher accuracy when the news headline has a progressive bias, but lower accuracy when the headline is right-wing. Users are more critical when the headline has a bias against theirs, while they are more likely to believe news that confirms their own beliefs. The study adds evidence on the relevance of cognitive biases in disinformation and supports the convenience of designing specific media literacy actions aimed at older adults

    On My Own: Acquiring Technical Digital Skills for Mobile Phone Use in Chile. Parents-children Perceptions

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    Despite its relevance, the difficulty in reaching consensus on the definition of digital competence slows down its implementation. The need of prior development of specific skills to advance in digital development has been recently reported. The acquisition of skills involves making the most of the opportunities offered by the digital environment. This article shows the results from a research conducted on 501 parent-child dyads in Chile in which minors aged 10 to 14 reported their self-perceptions on who (parents, siblings and peers) taught them certain technical and operational digital skills on mobile devices. Parents were also surveyed to know their perception about this children’s social mediation. Socio-demographic variables are also analysed. Chilean minors have a clear perception of autonomy in the acquisition of digital competence, parents underestimate their ability to influence, and other socialization agents such as siblings play a significant role. Age, gender and socioeconomic level to a lesser extent mark differences in the acquisition of these skills. In addition to providing a comparison on the perception parents and children have on the extent to which minors are accompanied while on their mobile phone, the article goes beyond parental mediation strategies and collects parental reflections on types of mediation

    Cómo los medios pueden colaborar al aprendizaje de la participación entre la juventud. El caso de Referéndum Plus

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    Nuestra propuesta en este artículo es mostrar la virtualidad educativa que los medios tienen para el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas y participativas de las que estamos especialmente necesitados y son parte esencial de toda educación cívica. Tras una primera aproximación a la actual situación española respecto a esa ausencia de participación y sus posibles causas, nos referirmos en la primera parte, a la promoción que desde la política educativa se está haciendo en los últimos 15 años de una educación cívica, en la escuela, que ayude a superar esa situación. En un segundo lugar, abordaremos la relación que se da entre medios de comunicación y participación ciudadana, y analizaremos la situación de la juventud española y su relación con los medios para intentar averiguar si gracias a esa relación es posible ayudar a general actitudes participativas. Un análisis de un caso práctico y reciente donde esto se ha conseguido será la última parte de este segundo apartado, previo a la conclusión

    Juventud y medios de comunicación frente a frente

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    Más que dos realidades frente a frente, juventud y medios de comunicación no sólo se armonizan bien sino que se reclaman mutuamente. Junto a ellos, la sociedad, padres y educadores se preguntan en qué medida esta relación, a veces tan intensa, puede favorecer o perjudicar a la formación de los jóvenes, en pleno desarrollo de la personalidad. Los medios, muchas veces excesivos en sus formas y contenidos, presentan una realidad no siempre ajustada en sus términos. El objetivo de este artículo inicial es establecer un marco que ayude a comprender el conjunto. Por ese motivo se trata en primer lugar de la juventud, lo permanente y lo actual en ella, para pasar después a considerar algunos aspectos de los medios de comunicación en su relación con aquélla