148 research outputs found

    Periodic Reporting for period 1 - RISEWISE (RISEWISE -RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement)

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    Women with disabilities have more difficulties to find an employment and to integrate in social day life activities than men with disabilities. This project focuses on the collective of women with disabilities from different perspectives, trying to identify needs and best practices in several EU countries, representing different cultural and socio-economic environments, for the integration and improvement of their quality of life in several respects. By applying a novel analysis method, based on the experience acquired by the exchange of researchers, innovation staff and practitioners in the European area among the participating institutions, the project will identify a set of multi-sectorial research lines, to enhance integration and involvement of this population in the society along several dimensions. The delimitation of the scope of the project to this sector of the population has several advantages. First, it is the first relevant study at a global scale that is performed in Europe on this collective. Second, it allows putting into practice and validating a novel social research method, with a strong multidisciplinary approach, with such a well delimited case study. novel potential research lines can be explored in different settings to assess their opportunity and feasibility. Fourth, it will show the impact that this collective may have on a sustainable growth in economy and society, from different respects, by empowering their capacities, so far undervalued. Fifth, it will establish a platform for cooperation among research groups and associations in EU that are aware of the situation of this collective, looking for their synergies. It is worth mentioning that advances on technologies and measures towards a stronger social engagement of disabled people have finally a positive impact also in the whole population as many examples show on how solutions have been transferred to the rest of society in fields such as computer interfaces, ergonomic solutions, etc.MSCA-RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015

    Comparing the antibacterial activity of gaseous ozone and chlorhexidine solution on a tooth cavity model

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    Objective: To evaluate the antibacterial activity of gaseous ozone and chlorhexidine solution on a tooth cavity model. Study Design: Twenty-one human molars were divided into 3 groups. Cavities were then cut into the teeth (4 per tooth, 28 cavities per group). After sterilization, the teeth were left in broth cultures of 10 6 colony-forming units (CFU) ml -1 of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) at 36°C for 48 h. The appropriate treatment followed (group A, control; group B, 2% chlorhexidine solution; and group C, 80s of treatment with ozone, and the cavities were then filled with composite resin. After 72h, the restorations were removed, dentin chips were collected with an excavator, and the total number of microorganisms was determined. Results: Both of the treatments significantly reduced the number of S. mutans present compared with the control group and there was a significant difference between the all groups in terms of the amount of the microorganisms grown (p < 0.05). Group B was beter than group C; and group C was better than group A. Moreover, it was found that the amount of the growth in the group of chlorhexidine was significantly less than that of the ozone group (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Chlorhexidine solution was the antibacterial treatment most efficacious on S. mutans ; however, ozone application could be an anlternative cavity disinfection method because of ozone's cavity disinfection activity

    Öğrencilerin Matematik Hakkındaki İnançları: Betimsel Bir Çalışma

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    This study was designed to investigate primary school students’ beliefs about mathematics. A sample of 563 students from two primary schols were administered the “Beliefs about Mathematics Survey (BMS)’’. The survey, which was developed by the researchers, included 20 items in three subscales: beliefs about the nature of mathematics, beliefs about the process of learning mathematics, and beliefs about the use of mathematics. The results indicated that there were significant differences between students’ beliefs with respect to grade level and mathematics achievement. However, no significant differences were observed on the three subscales of BMS with respect to sex.Bu çalışma ilköğretim okulu öğrencilerinin matematik hakkındaki inançlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada iki ilköğretim okulundan katılan 563 Öğrenciye Matematik Hakkındaki İnançlar Anketi (MİA)” uygulanmıştır. Araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilmiş olan anket, matematik hakkındaki inançlar, matematik öğrenme süreci hakkındaki inançlar ve matematiğin kullanımı hakkındaki inançlar boyutları altında 20 maddeden oluşmaktadır. Bulgular öğrencilerin matematik hakkındaki inançlarının sınıf düzeyi ve matematik başarısı açısından farklı olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak cinsiyete göre MİA’nın üç boyutunda anlamlı bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir

    How to maintain a marriage: Maintenance behaviors, equity, and appreciation in understanding marital satisfaction+

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    This study investigated the role of self-reported and perceived partners’ use of maintenance behaviors (openness, sharing tasks, and positivity) on marital satisfaction through the indirect roles of relational equity and appreciation (felt and expressed). We used a sample of 602 married individuals living in Turkey to test two hypothesized models using Structural Equation Modeling. Our results from the first model indicated that the indirect associations between self-reported use of maintenance behaviors and marital satisfaction were explained by the individual mediator role of felt appreciation and serial indirect role of felt appreciation and relational equity. On the other hand, the results of the second model indicated that the indirect associations between partners’ use of maintenance behaviors and marital satisfaction were explained by the individual mediator roles of relational equity and expressed appreciation as well as the serial indirect role of relational equity and expressed appreciation. We discussed the implications for theory, research and practice, and recommendations for further studies. © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    The Relation Between Dating Violence Victimization and Commitment Among Turkish College Women: Does the Investment Model Matter?

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    The present study explored the sexual, physical, psychological, and overall dating violence experiences, and related these experiences to Investment Model variables among Turkish college women. Three hundred and ninety dating women from four universities in Ankara, Turkey completed the Satisfaction, Investment, Alternatives, and Commitment subscales from the Investment Model Scale and the Sexual Coercion, Physical Assault, and Psychological Aggression subscales from the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale. 79.5 percent reported at least one incident of violence in a dating relationship within the previous year. Regression analyses indicated that satisfaction fully mediated the relations between physical, psychological, and overall dating violence victimization and commitment, but not for sexual victimization. The results suggest that future research should explore the possibility that the dissatisfaction women experience may be related to an increased likelihood of relation termination

    A retrospective study of the prevalence and characteristics of dens invaginatus in a sample of the Turkish population

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of dens invaginatus and to classify the types of dens invaginatus in a sample of the Turkish population.. Study Design: A retrospective study was performed using periapical and panoramic radiographs of 5355 patients who presented to the Department of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology at the Ondokuz May?s University Dentistry Faculty between January 2009 and December 2010. Maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth were evaluated for the presence and characteristics of dens invaginatus. Statistical evaluation of the presence of dens invaginatus related to gender was performed by the Pearson chi-squared test. Results: Dens invaginatus was observed in 116 of 4556 subjects, with a frequency of 2.5%. There was only one periapical lesion in teeth with type I dens invaginatus, but 8.1% of patients with type II and 87.5% of patients with type III dens invaginatus had apical periodontitis at the time of referral. There were 116 (72%) females and 32 (27%) males with dens invaginatus. Conclusion: This data represents the only study carried out in a large population in Turkey, and no dens invaginatus was found in mandibular teeth. The most commonly observed type of dens invaginatus was type I (69.8%)

    Okul Öncesi Çocuklar ve Şiddet: Tanık ve Kurban Olma Düzeyleri

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