511 research outputs found

    Attouda (Hisar) antik kenti

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    Denizli ili, Sarayköy ilçesi, Hisar mahallesinde bulunan Attouda antik kenti, iki bölge arasındaki geçiş noktasına kurulmuştur. Kentin yapıları ile ilgili olarak cami bahçesi ve mahalle meydanları ile evlerin önlerinde pek çok mimari eleman bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, Arkeolojik kalıntılar ve yazılı kaynaklara göre, Attouda hakkında yapılan çalışmaların ve mimari elemanların genel bir değerlendirmesi yer almaktadır. Bulunduğu bölge içinde önemli bir konuma sahip olan bu kent, MÖ II. yüzyılda Pergamonlular zamanında, adı değiştirilerek ön plana çıkarılmıştır. Attoudalılar Hellenistik Dönem’de yakaladıkları bu şansı, antikçağ boyunca hep korumuş ve devamlı gelişme göstermiştir. Buraya yaygın olarak mermerin getirilip yapılar inşa edilmesi, buluntulara göre MS I. yüzyıldan itibaren başlamış ve özellikle MS II. yüzyılda artmıştır. Attouda’da tespit edilenler, bir dağ kenti için oldukça ileridir. Antikçağda Salbakos Dağı üzerinde bu çevrede bulunan küçük yerleşimlerin dini, ekonomik ve siyasi anlamda toplandığı yer burası olmalıdır. Bu nedenle böl-genin ticari merkezinin de burası olduğu açıktır. Böy-lelikle insanlar buradaki pazarlarda toplanmış ve hem getirdikleri ürünü satmışlar hem de buradan gerekli olan ihtiyaçlarını satın alarak gitmişlerdir. Bu hareketlilik, bu çevre için ulaşımı kolay Attouda’ya, ticaret merkezi ol-ma imkanı sağlamış ve ciddi anlamda ekonomik zengin-lik kazandırmıştır. Bulunduğu yer nedeniyle büyük ta-rım alanları olmadığından, burada hayvancılığa ağırlık verilmiştir. Bu bir anlamda dağ kentlerinin bir kaderi olmakla birlikte, çoğu yerleşim bunu Attouda örneğinde olduğu şekilde avantaja dönüştürememiştir. Bu ticari hareketliliğin burada son zamanlara kadar devam ettiği anlaşılmaktadır

    Generative artificial intelligence in EFL writing: A pedagogical stance of pre-service teachers and teacher trainers

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    This study examines pre-service English language teachers’ grounds and connections between the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in EFL writing skills and future prospects to integrate them into their teaching practices. Employing a qualitative research paradigm, a researcher-developed survey was used to elicit the perspectives of 28 pre-service English language teachers and 10 teacher trainers. The stages of qualitative data analysis were followed, emergent ideas embedded in the responses were labeled and the codes were clustered into broader themes to obtain a description of their reflections. This study documented reflections on the transformative impact of generative AI in EFL writing. Benefits were reported considering the use of AI tools to overcome writer’s block and get language support, and instantaneous and personalized feedback to the texts. Foregrounding concerns regarding academic misconduct, a need was highlighted for ethical guidelines and enhancement to AI literacy to ensure the validity of AI-generated content. Further, they suggested reformulating assessment and evaluation in EFL writing skills and moving away from result-oriented exams suggesting the adoption of performance-based and process-oriented assessments. Accordingly, ethical and pedagogical implications were offered to adopt a critical stance to improve AI literacy skills in EFL writing development

    Reading architectural utopia(nism)s: a proposal

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    The writings of urban theorists who have studied utopias that propose a counter-space as the basis for a counter-society go back to very early periods in history. However, works dwelling on the influence of such theoretical constructs on actual space, in forms of architectural outputs per se, are comparably new. Since the revival of the very first theoretical work on the relationship between utopia and architecture, barely a century has passed. During this period, such theory has developed and expanded rapidly. However, due to the lack of any structure to provide a comparable base, the theory has not indicated a consistently constructed developmental growth, yielding a great accumulation of unintegrated knowledge, impossible to be comprehended in totality

    Effects of harvesting time on some yield and quality traits of different maturing potato cultivars

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    The effect of harvesting time was investigated on yield and quality traits for spring season production in different maturing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars under agro-climatic conditions of southern of Turkey in 2006 and 2007. The experimental layout was a randomized split plot with three replications, including six potato cultivars as main plots and four harvesting times as subplots. The cultivars tested were adora (early), carrera (early), felsina (mid-early), marfona (mid-early), mondial (mid-late) and vangogh (mid-late). Samples of tubers were harvested at 75, 90, 105 and 120 days after planting (DAP) in spring crop. Early cultivars carrera and felsina gave more than 2 t ha-1 tuber yield at 120 DAP. However, vangogh and mondial (mid-late cultivars) proved to be superior cultivars in relation to dry matter, specific gravity or starch content at 105 DAP.Key words: Potato, harvesting time, cultivar, yield, quality

    An examination of some physiological and anthropometric characteristics of 10-12 year-old soccer players

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    Research aim: This study aimed to examine some physiological and anthropometric characteristics of 10-12 years old soccer players. Method: 20 subjects aged 11.05±0.94, who have been actively participating in Konya Besiktas Football Schools for 3 years, voluntarily participated in the study. These subjects’ body weight, height, body fat percentage, arm span, leg length, bust length, back strength, leg strength, hand grip strength, anaerobic power, maximum oxygen consumption and 30 m sprint test measurements were made. Averages and standard deviations of the measured and calculated values were analysed using the “IBM SPSS Statistics Version v.21” statistical program. Results:  As a result of the tests and measurements made, the subjects average body weight was 37.31±7.71 kg, height 147.66±9.25 cm, body fat percentage 17.99±3.92%, arm span 145.4±10,1 cm, leg length 69.62±6.57 cm, bust length 76.51±3.4 cm, back strength 51.95±12.86 kg, leg strength 52.77±14.36 kg, hand grip strength 17.67±5.34 kg, anaerobic power value 46.07±12.22 kgm/sec, maximum oxygen consumption (maxVO2) 44.61±3.23 ml/kg/min, and 30 m sprint test score 5.74±0.32 sec. Discussion and Conclusion: As a result of the literature review, it was determined that children in the same age group have similar physiological and anthropometric characteristics

    Spatial habits in residential kitchens and the searches for flexibility in kitchen design

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    While rising urban populations, as a result of industrialization, narrowed the buildable areas in cities, at the same time the World Wars I and II increased the demand for housing. In addition, the change of social dynamics and production models and the development of technology have also been influential in the search for flexibility. Flexibility, which can be considered in many ways, is examined in this article with the space organization, equipment/outfit and time in kitchen design. At this point, the research aims to measure user-specific expectations about flexibility in kitchens design. A survey was proposed in the study, considering that the determination of spatial habits in the kitchen is determinative in terms of which parameters should be taken into account in flexibility. The aforementioned survey was applied to people between the ages of 25 and 40 who live in apartments in Istanbul and work overtime. The survey has revealed that spatial habits in the kitchen vary with the square-meter of houses and their organization scheme according to it. For example, in 1+1 and studio apartments, the connection of the kitchen with daily life is stronger, however there are difficulties in use in terms of equipment and spatial organization. On the other hand, in relatively larger residences, it was seen that not preferring to spend time in the kitchen is due to the fact that the psycho-social requirements of the functional and flexibility of the kitchens were ignored during the building production process. In the study, it is argued that while it is possible to develop more creative and multifunctional kitchen solutions in changing square-meters, it is due to the imitation of the same plan templates of build-and-sell managerships in the apartment building process in big cities

    Associations between anthropometric indicators of adiposity and body fat percentage in normal weight young adults

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    The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the associations between various anthropometric adiposity screening indices and body fat percentage estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). A total of 186 (95 male and 91 female) normal weight (body mass index [BMI] = 18.5- 24.9 kg/m2) young adults (mean age= 20.96 ± 2.03 years) were measured on body fat percentage, body height, body mass, waist and hip circumferences. Abdominal volume index, body adiposity index, BMI, body roundness index, conicity index, reciprocal ponderal index, waist to height ratio, waist to height 0.5 ratio, and waist to hip ratio were calculated accordingly. Results revealed significant gender effects in all main anthropometric measurements. Except for waist to hip ratio, results indicated significant associations between anthropometric indices and BIA in both male and female participants. BIA results were found to be largely associated with BMI and abdominal volume index in both genders. BlandAltman analysis showed good agreements between these indices and BIA. Considerable associations and agreements highlight the potential importance and the use of several anthropometric proxies to estimate body adiposity among male and female non-overweight/obese young adults. Despite continuing discussion regarding its accuracy, BMI seems to be useful for monitoring body adiposity within this cohort

    Ağ Toplumunda Sosyal Medya ve Parasosyal İlişki: Twitter Yorumlarında Survivor Örneği

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    İnternetin gündelik hayatımıza soktuğu, dijital iletişim teknolojilerinin etkileşim bütünlüğü “ağ toplumu” kavramıdır. Bu bütünlükçü kavramın, teknolojik kolaylığı dışında politik, sosyolojik ve ekonomik alanlara yönelikte ciddi sonuçları bulunmaktadır. Ağ toplumunun oluşmasını sağlayan temel zemin internettir. Geniş toplumsal yığınlar internette gerçekte gidemeyecekleri mekanlara ve statülere erişirler. Sosyal medya uygulamalar vasıtasıyla toplumun geniş ama sessiz veya sesi duyulmayan yığınlarına fırsatlar sunmaktadır. Birey bu alanlarda kendi kimliklerini açığa çıkarmadan ikame kimliklerle fikirlerini beyan edebilmektedir. Bu iletişim biçimi ağ toplumunu parasosyal etkileşim noktasında önemli bir merkez yapmaktadır. Parasosyal etkileşimde, toplumun geniş kitlelerinin medya içeriklerinde veya mecralarında gördüğü gerçek veya kurgulanmış karakterlerle olan ilişkisi üzerine dayanmaktadır. Sosyal medya uygulamaları bireylere duygu, düşünce ve isteklerini ifade edebilecekleri alanlar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ağ toplumunun parasosyal etkileşim içerisinde karşılığı bağlamında, fikirsel düzlemin ağırlık kazandığı bir sosyal medya uygulaması olan “Twitter kullanıcı yorumları” örneklem olarak belirlemiştir. Parasosyal etkileşim ve ağ toplumu ekseninde, @Survivor 2022 All Star hastagi altında program karakterleri hakkındaki kullanıcı yorumları duygusal bağlamda kategorize edilerek incelenmiştir. Çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Twitter yorumlarından elde edilen veriler Maxqda nitel analiz programında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, kullanıcıların gördükleri karakterlerle parasosyal etkileşim içinde oldukları ve yorumların daha çok nefret söylemi ve olumsuz duygular üzerine şekillendiği görülmüştür

    Sporda Biyo-Gruplama

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    Children born in the same calendar year may vary in their growth and maturational status. These possible discrepancies can cause disadvantages especially for the young athletes who physically mature late and lead many talented ones to withdraw from sport at an early age. Scientists dealing with these issues, in collaboration with practitioners, introduce a new approach. This approach is called “bio-banding”. Bio-banding is the process of grouping young athletes according to their attributes related with growth and biological maturation rather than their chronological age. The purpose of this study is to improve the awareness of Turkish scientists, coaches, administrators, and other stakeholders about bio-banding in sport by forming a conceptual framework regarding its methods, applications, and potential benefits.Aynı takvim yılı içerisinde doğan çocukların büyüme ve olgunlaşma düzeyleri önemli ölçüde değişkenlik gösterebilmektedir. Olası bu farklılıklar özellikle olgunlaşma düzeyi düşük olan genç sporcular için bir dezavantaj oluşturmakta ve birçok yetenekli sporcunun erken yaşlarda spordan kopmasına sebep olmaktadır. Konuya iişkin araştırmalar yürüten bilim insanları, uygulamacılar ile iş birliğine girerek, karşılaşılan durumun önüne geçilmesi amacı ile yeni bir yaklaşım geliştirmişlerdir. Bu yeni yaklaşım “Biyo-gruplama” olarak tanımlanmıştır. Biyo-gruplama, genç sporcularda kronolojik yaş yerine büyüme ve biyolojik olgunlaşma özellikleri temel alınarak yapılan sınıflama yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada, sporda biyo-gruplama yönteminde kullanılan temel yöntemler ve uygulamalar ile birlikte potansiyel faydalarına ilişkin bir çerçeve çizilerek ülkemiz bilim insanları, antrenörleri, spor yöneticileri ve diğer paydaşların konu hakkındaki farkındalıklarının geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır

    A Case of Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis associated with Familial Mediterranean Fever

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    An eight year old male who was detected to have homozygous M694V mutation in the examinations for recurrent abdominal pain and familial history of Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) and who was then diagnosed with Juvenile Ankylosing Spondilitis (JAS) upon examination for hip joint pain was presented. This case was presented to emphasize the importance of high suspicion for JAS in FMF cases with atypical joint findings